=================== Manual installation =================== This page covers the basic installation of horizon in a production environment. If you are looking for a developer environment, see :ref:`quickstart`. .. _system-requirements-label: System Requirements =================== * Python 2.7 * Django 1.8 * An accessible `keystone `_ endpoint * All other services are optional. Horizon supports the following services as of the Pike release. If the keystone endpoint for a service is configured, horizon detects it and enables its support automatically. * `cinder `_: Block Storage * `glance `_: Image Management * `neutron `_: Networking * `nova `_: Compute * `swift `_: Object Storage * Horizon also supports many other OpenStack services via plugins. For more information, see the :ref:`install-plugin-registry`. Installation ============ .. note:: In the commands below, substitute "" for your version of choice, such as "ocata" or "pike". #. Clone Horizon .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/horizon -b stable/ --depth=1 $ cd horizon #. Install the horizon python module into your system .. code-block:: console $ sudo pip install -c http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/requirements/plain/upper-constraints.txt?h=stable/ . Configuration ============= This section contains a small summary of the critical settings required to run horizon. For more details, please refer to :ref:`install-settings`. Settings -------- Create ``openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py``. It is usually a good idea to copy ``openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py.example`` and edit it. As a minimum, the follow settings will need to be modified: ``DEBUG`` Set to ``False`` ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` Set to your domain name(s) ``OPENSTACK_HOST`` Set to the IP of your Keystone endpoint. You may also need to alter ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL`` .. note:: The following steps in the "Configuration" section are optional, but highly recommended in production. Translations ------------ Compile translation message catalogs for internationalization. This step is not required if you do not need to support languages other than US English. GNU ``gettext`` tool is required to compile message catalogs. .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install gettext $ ./manage.py compilemessages Static Assets ------------- Compress your static files by adding ``COMPRESS_OFFLINE = True`` to your ``local_settings.py``, then run the following commands .. code-block:: console $ ./manage.py collectstatic $ ./manage.py compress Logging ------- Horizons uses Django's logging configuration mechanism, which can be customized by altering the ``LOGGING`` dictionary in ``local_settings.py``. By default, Horizon's logging example sets the log level to ``INFO``. Horizon also uses a number of 3rd-party clients which log separately. The log level for these can still be controlled through Horizon's ``LOGGING`` config, however behaviors may vary beyond Horizon's control. For more information regarding configuring logging in Horizon, please read the `Django logging directive`_ and the `Python logging directive`_ documentation. Horizon is built on Python and Django. .. _Django logging directive: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/logging .. _Python logging directive: http://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html Session Storage --------------- Horizon uses `Django's sessions framework`_ for handling session data. There are numerous session backends available, which are selected through the ``SESSION_ENGINE`` setting in your ``local_settings.py`` file. .. _Django's sessions framework: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/sessions/ Memcached ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache' CACHES = { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache' 'LOCATION': 'my_memcached_host:11211', } External caching using an application such as memcached offers persistence and shared storage, and can be very useful for small-scale deployment and/or development. However, for distributed and high-availability scenarios memcached has inherent problems which are beyond the scope of this documentation. Requirements: * Memcached service running and accessible * Python memcached module installed Database ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.core.cache.backends.db.DatabaseCache' DATABASES = { 'default': { # Database configuration here } } Database-backed sessions are scalable (using an appropriate database strategy), persistent, and can be made high-concurrency and highly-available. The downside to this approach is that database-backed sessions are one of the slower session storages, and incur a high overhead under heavy usage. Proper configuration of your database deployment can also be a substantial undertaking and is far beyond the scope of this documentation. Cached Database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To mitigate the performance issues of database queries, you can also consider using Django's ``cached_db`` session backend which utilizes both your database and caching infrastructure to perform write-through caching and efficient retrieval. You can enable this hybrid setting by configuring both your database and cache as discussed above and then using .. code-block:: python SESSION_ENGINE = "django.contrib.sessions.backends.cached_db" Deployment ========== #. Set up a web server with WSGI support. For example, install Apache web server on Ubuntu .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi You can either use the provided ``openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi`` or generate a ``openstack_dashboard/wsgi/horizon.wsgi`` file with the following command (which detects if you use a virtual environment or not to automatically build an adapted WSGI file) .. code-block:: console $ ./manage.py make_web_conf --wsgi Then configure the web server to host OpenStack dashboard via WSGI. For apache2 web server, you may need to create ``/etc/apache2/sites-available/horizon.conf``. The template in DevStack is a good example of the file. http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/devstack/tree/files/apache-horizon.template Or, if you previously generated an ``openstack_dashboard/wsgi/horizon.wsgi`` you can automatically generate an apache configuration file .. code-block:: console $ ./manage.py make_web_conf --apache > /etc/apache2/sites-available/horizon.conf Same as above but if you want SSL support .. code-block:: console $ ./manage.py make_web_conf --apache --ssl --sslkey=/path/to/ssl/key --sslcert=/path/to/ssl/cert > /etc/apache2/sites-available/horizon.conf By default the apache configuration will launch a number of apache processes equal to the number of CPUs + 1 of the machine on which you launch the ``make_web_conf`` command. If the target machine is not the same or if you want to specify the number of processes, add the ``--processes`` option .. code-block:: console $ ./manage.py make_web_conf --apache --processes 10 > /etc/apache2/sites-available/horizon.conf #. Enable the above configuration and restart the web server .. code-block:: console $ sudo a2ensite horizon $ sudo service apache2 restart Next Steps ========== * :ref:`install-settings` lists the available settings for horizon. * :ref:`install-customizing` describes how to customize horizon.