/* Dropdown Actions */ /* Unfortunately, we want to style a button in a dropdown the same way that we style an anchor. This isn't possible in the current Bootstrap: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/10248 */ /* Specificity required */ .dropdown-menu > li > .btn { border: none; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0; margin: 0; // prevent the form-inline styles from messing with margin padding: $dropdown-item-padding-vertical $dropdown-item-padding-horizontal; white-space: nowrap; // prevent links from breaking onto new lines min-width: 100%; text-align: left; background: transparent; display: block; clear: both; font-weight: normal; line-height: $line-height-base; &:hover, &:focus { text-decoration: none; } &.disabled, &[disabled] { cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: none; // Future-proof disabling of clicks @include opacity(.65); @include box-shadow(none); } &.btn-primary { color: $brand-primary; } &.btn-danger { color: $brand-danger; } &.btn-warning { color: $brand-warning; } &.btn-info { color: $brand-info; } @include dropdown-button('default', $dropdown-link-color, $dropdown-link-hover-bg); @include dropdown-button('primary', $btn-primary-bg, $btn-primary-bg, $btn-primary-color); @include dropdown-button('info', $btn-info-bg, $btn-info-bg, $btn-info-color); @include dropdown-button('warning', $btn-warning-bg, $btn-warning-bg, $btn-warning-color); @include dropdown-button('danger', $btn-danger-bg, $btn-danger-bg, $btn-danger-color); } .table_search .themable-select, .table_actions_menu { display: inline-block; position: relative; } .table_actions { float: right; @extend .form-inline; } .table_search, .table_filter { display: inline-block; } // Push the table filter padding over to compensate for that little magnifying glass icon .table_search { input[type="text"] { padding-right: $input-height-base; } } td.actions_column { width: 1px; // Slight hack to make sure the column shrinks to the button width }