// General Pie Chart Styles // The idea behind this mixin in to allow a variety of // colors to be configured, from 1 - $num, that will // toggle between an incrementing percentage ($increment) // from the theme's primary brand color. This should // adapt nicely to most themes. // Distribution Chart Mixins @mixin make_pie_chart_distribution($color: $brand-primary, $num: 8, $increment: 8) { // Set the arc stroke .arc { stroke: $color; } @for $ii from 1 through $num { $color_increment: $increment * ($ii/2); // Set the arc color .arc:nth-child(#{$ii}n) { @if $ii % 2 == 0 { fill: lighten($color, $color_increment * 1%); } @else { fill: darken($color, $color_increment * 1%); } } // Set the corresponding legend symbol .legend-group:nth-child(#{$ii}n) .legend-symbol { @if $ii % 2 == 0 { color: lighten($color, $color_increment * 1%); } @else { color: darken($color, $color_increment * 1%); } } } } @mixin make_pie_chart_type($type: '', $color: $brand-primary) { @if $type == '' { @include make_pie_chart_distribution($color); } @else { &.chart-#{$type} { @include make_pie_chart_distribution($color); } } } // This is who sets the size of the pie chart .legacy-pie-chart { // The container arc's color and stroke .arc { fill: $table-border-color; stroke-width: 1px; } } // Chart Usage Specifics .pie-chart-usage { .arc { stroke: $table-border-color; } // The inner arc .arc.inner { fill: $brand-primary; stroke: none; // Specialness if its full &.FULL { fill: $brand-danger; } // Specialness if its almost full &.NEARLY_FULL { fill: $brand-warning; } } } // Chart Distribution Specifics // The container arc's color and stroke .pie-chart-distribution { @include make_pie_chart_type(); @include make_pie_chart_type('danger', $brand-danger); @include make_pie_chart_type('success', $brand-success); @include make_pie_chart_type('info', $brand-info); @include make_pie_chart_type('warning', $brand-warning); .legend { padding: $padding-base-horizontal $padding-base-vertical; text-align: left; } .legend-group { padding: $padding-xs-horizontal $padding-small-vertical; } .legend-symbol { @extend .fa; @extend .fa-square; font-size: $font-size-h3; padding-right: $padding-small-vertical; } .legend-symbol, .legend-key, .legend-value { display: inline-block; line-height: $line-height-computed; vertical-align: middle; } .legend-key { padding-right: $padding-small-vertical; } } .chart-numbers { fill: $gray-dark; font-size: $font-size-h3; }