/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* global JSEncrypt */ horizon.instances = { user_volume_size: false, workflow_init: function () { // Initialise the drag and drop network list horizon.lists.generate_html("network"); } }; horizon.addInitFunction(horizon.instances.init = function () { var $document = $(document); $document.on('submit', '#tail_length', function (evt) { horizon.lists.get_console_log(true, true); evt.preventDefault(); }); /* Launch instance workflow */ // Handle field toggles for the Launch Instance source type field function update_launch_source_displayed_fields (field) { var $this = $(field); var base_type = $this.val(); var elements_list; $this.closest(".form-group").nextAll().hide(); /* As part of fixing bug #1482507, Changing the image to default image for other than "Boot from image" source type, so that disableFlavorsForImages() is called on Image name change to reset flavors. */ if (base_type != "image_id") { $("#id_image_id").val(''); $('#id_image_id').change(); } switch(base_type) { case "image_id": elements_list = "#id_image_id"; break; case "instance_snapshot_id": elements_list = "#id_instance_snapshot_id"; break; case "volume_id": elements_list = "#id_volume_id, #id_device_name, #id_vol_delete_on_instance_delete"; break; case "volume_image_id": elements_list = "#id_image_id, #id_volume_size, #id_device_name, #id_vol_delete_on_instance_delete"; break; case "volume_snapshot_id": elements_list = "#id_volume_snapshot_id, #id_device_name, #id_vol_delete_on_instance_delete"; break; } var elements_list_group = $(elements_list).closest(".form-group"); elements_list_group.addClass("required"); // marking all the fields in 'elements_list' as mandatory except '#id_device_name' $("#id_device_name").closest(".form-group").removeClass("required"); // showing all the fields in 'elements_list' elements_list_group.show(); } $document.on('change', '.workflow #id_source_type', function () { update_launch_source_displayed_fields(this); }); $('.workflow #id_source_type').change(); horizon.modals.addModalInitFunction(function (modal) { $(modal).find("#id_source_type").change(); }); /* Update the device size value to reflect minimum allowed for selected image and flavor */ function update_device_size(source_type) { var volume_size = horizon.Quota.getSelectedFlavor().disk; var size_field = $("#id_volume_size"); if (source_type === 'image') { var image = horizon.Quota.getSelectedImageOrSnapshot(source_type); if (image !== undefined && image.min_disk > volume_size) { volume_size = image.min_disk; } if (image !== undefined && image.size > volume_size) { volume_size = image.size; } } // If the user has manually changed the volume size, do not override // unless user-defined value is too small. if (horizon.instances.user_volume_size) { var user_value = size_field.val(); if (user_value > volume_size) { volume_size = user_value; } } // Make sure the new value is >= the minimum allowed (1GB) if (volume_size < 1) { volume_size = 1; } size_field.val(volume_size); } $document.on('change', '.workflow #id_flavor', function () { update_device_size(); }); $document.on('change', '.workflow #id_image_id', function () { update_device_size('image'); }); $document.on('input', '.workflow #id_volume_size', function () { horizon.instances.user_volume_size = true; // We only need to listen for the first user input to this field, // so remove the listener after the first time it gets called. $document.off('input', '.workflow #id_volume_size'); }); horizon.instances.decrypt_password = function (encrypted_password, private_key) { var crypt = new JSEncrypt(); crypt.setKey(private_key); return crypt.decrypt(encrypted_password); }; $document.on('change', '#id_private_key_file', function (evt) { var file = evt.target.files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); if (file) { reader.onloadend = function (event) { $("#id_private_key").val(event.target.result); }; reader.onerror = function () { horizon.clearErrorMessages(); horizon.toast.add('error', gettext('Could not read the file')); }; reader.readAsText(file); } else { horizon.clearErrorMessages(); horizon.toast.add('error', gettext('Could not decrypt the password')); } }); /* The font-family is changed because with the default policy the major I and minor the l cannot be distinguished. */ $document.on('show.bs.modal', '#password_instance_modal', function () { $("#id_decrypted_password").css({ "font-family": "monospace", "cursor": "text" }); $("#id_encrypted_password").css("cursor","text"); $("#id_keypair_name").css("cursor","text"); }); $document.on('click', '#decryptpassword_button', function (evt) { var encrypted_password = $("#id_encrypted_password").val(); var private_key = $('#id_private_key').val(); if (!private_key) { evt.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('.modal').modal('hide'); } else { if (private_key.length > 0) { evt.preventDefault(); var decrypted_password = horizon.instances.decrypt_password(encrypted_password, private_key); if (decrypted_password === false || decrypted_password === null) { horizon.clearErrorMessages(); horizon.toast.add('error', gettext('Could not decrypt the password')); } else { $("#id_decrypted_password").val(decrypted_password); $("#decryptpassword_button").hide(); } } } }); });