# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2012 X.commerce, a business unit of eBay Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import logging from django.conf import settings from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from cinderclient.v1.contrib import list_extensions as cinder_list_extensions from horizon import exceptions from horizon.utils.memoized import memoized # noqa from openstack_dashboard.api import base from openstack_dashboard.api import nova LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # API static values VOLUME_STATE_AVAILABLE = "available" DEFAULT_QUOTA_NAME = 'default' # Available consumer choices associated with QOS Specs CONSUMER_CHOICES = ( ('back-end', _('back-end')), ('front-end', _('front-end')), ('both', pgettext_lazy('Both of front-end and back-end', u'both')), ) VERSIONS = base.APIVersionManager("volume", preferred_version=1) try: from cinderclient.v1 import client as cinder_client_v1 VERSIONS.load_supported_version(1, {"client": cinder_client_v1, "version": 1}) except ImportError: pass try: from cinderclient.v2 import client as cinder_client_v2 VERSIONS.load_supported_version(2, {"client": cinder_client_v2, "version": 2}) except ImportError: pass class BaseCinderAPIResourceWrapper(base.APIResourceWrapper): @property def name(self): # If a volume doesn't have a name, use its id. return (getattr(self._apiresource, 'name', None) or getattr(self._apiresource, 'display_name', None) or getattr(self._apiresource, 'id', None)) @property def description(self): return (getattr(self._apiresource, 'description', None) or getattr(self._apiresource, 'display_description', None)) class Volume(BaseCinderAPIResourceWrapper): _attrs = ['id', 'name', 'description', 'size', 'status', 'created_at', 'volume_type', 'availability_zone', 'imageRef', 'bootable', 'snapshot_id', 'source_volid', 'attachments', 'tenant_name', 'os-vol-host-attr:host', 'os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id', 'metadata', 'volume_image_metadata', 'encrypted'] @property def is_bootable(self): return self.bootable == 'true' class VolumeSnapshot(BaseCinderAPIResourceWrapper): _attrs = ['id', 'name', 'description', 'size', 'status', 'created_at', 'volume_id', 'os-extended-snapshot-attributes:project_id'] class VolumeType(BaseCinderAPIResourceWrapper): _attrs = ['id', 'name', 'extra_specs', 'created_at', 'os-extended-snapshot-attributes:project_id'] class VolumeBackup(BaseCinderAPIResourceWrapper): _attrs = ['id', 'name', 'description', 'container', 'size', 'status', 'created_at', 'volume_id', 'availability_zone'] _volume = None @property def volume(self): return self._volume @volume.setter def volume(self, value): self._volume = value class VolTypeExtraSpec(object): def __init__(self, type_id, key, val): self.type_id = type_id self.id = key self.key = key self.value = val class QosSpec(object): def __init__(self, id, key, val): self.id = id self.key = key self.value = val @memoized def cinderclient(request): api_version = VERSIONS.get_active_version() insecure = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY', False) cacert = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_CACERT', None) cinder_url = "" try: # The cinder client assumes that the v2 endpoint type will be # 'volumev2'. However it also allows 'volume' type as a # fallback if the requested version is 2 and there is no # 'volumev2' endpoint. if api_version['version'] == 2: try: cinder_url = base.url_for(request, 'volumev2') except exceptions.ServiceCatalogException: LOG.warning("Cinder v2 requested but no 'volumev2' service " "type available in Keystone catalog. Falling back " "to 'volume'.") if cinder_url == "": cinder_url = base.url_for(request, 'volume') except exceptions.ServiceCatalogException: LOG.debug('no volume service configured.') raise LOG.debug('cinderclient connection created using token "%s" and url "%s"' % (request.user.token.id, cinder_url)) c = api_version['client'].Client(request.user.username, request.user.token.id, project_id=request.user.tenant_id, auth_url=cinder_url, insecure=insecure, cacert=cacert, http_log_debug=settings.DEBUG) c.client.auth_token = request.user.token.id c.client.management_url = cinder_url return c def _replace_v2_parameters(data): if VERSIONS.active < 2: data['display_name'] = data['name'] data['display_description'] = data['description'] del data['name'] del data['description'] return data def version_get(): api_version = VERSIONS.get_active_version() return api_version['version'] def volume_list(request, search_opts=None): """To see all volumes in the cloud as an admin you can pass in a special search option: {'all_tenants': 1} """ c_client = cinderclient(request) if c_client is None: return [] return [Volume(v) for v in c_client.volumes.list(search_opts=search_opts)] def volume_get(request, volume_id): volume_data = cinderclient(request).volumes.get(volume_id) for attachment in volume_data.attachments: if "server_id" in attachment: instance = nova.server_get(request, attachment['server_id']) attachment['instance_name'] = instance.name else: # Nova volume can occasionally send back error'd attachments # the lack a server_id property; to work around that we'll # give the attached instance a generic name. attachment['instance_name'] = _("Unknown instance") return Volume(volume_data) def volume_create(request, size, name, description, volume_type, snapshot_id=None, metadata=None, image_id=None, availability_zone=None, source_volid=None): data = {'name': name, 'description': description, 'volume_type': volume_type, 'snapshot_id': snapshot_id, 'metadata': metadata, 'imageRef': image_id, 'availability_zone': availability_zone, 'source_volid': source_volid} data = _replace_v2_parameters(data) volume = cinderclient(request).volumes.create(size, **data) return Volume(volume) def volume_extend(request, volume_id, new_size): return cinderclient(request).volumes.extend(volume_id, new_size) def volume_delete(request, volume_id): return cinderclient(request).volumes.delete(volume_id) def volume_retype(request, volume_id, new_type, migration_policy): if not retype_supported(): raise exceptions.NotAvailable return cinderclient(request).volumes.retype(volume_id, new_type, migration_policy) def volume_update(request, volume_id, name, description): vol_data = {'name': name, 'description': description} vol_data = _replace_v2_parameters(vol_data) return cinderclient(request).volumes.update(volume_id, **vol_data) def volume_reset_state(request, volume_id, state): return cinderclient(request).volumes.reset_state(volume_id, state) def volume_upload_to_image(request, volume_id, force, image_name, container_format, disk_format): return cinderclient(request).volumes.upload_to_image(volume_id, force, image_name, container_format, disk_format) def volume_snapshot_get(request, snapshot_id): snapshot = cinderclient(request).volume_snapshots.get(snapshot_id) return VolumeSnapshot(snapshot) def volume_snapshot_list(request, search_opts=None): c_client = cinderclient(request) if c_client is None: return [] return [VolumeSnapshot(s) for s in c_client.volume_snapshots.list( search_opts=search_opts)] def volume_snapshot_create(request, volume_id, name, description=None, force=False): data = {'name': name, 'description': description, 'force': force} data = _replace_v2_parameters(data) return VolumeSnapshot(cinderclient(request).volume_snapshots.create( volume_id, **data)) def volume_snapshot_delete(request, snapshot_id): return cinderclient(request).volume_snapshots.delete(snapshot_id) def volume_snapshot_update(request, snapshot_id, name, description): snapshot_data = {'name': name, 'description': description} snapshot_data = _replace_v2_parameters(snapshot_data) return cinderclient(request).volume_snapshots.update(snapshot_id, **snapshot_data) def volume_snapshot_reset_state(request, snapshot_id, state): return cinderclient(request).volume_snapshots.reset_state( snapshot_id, state) @memoized def volume_backup_supported(request): """This method will determine if cinder supports backup. """ # TODO(lcheng) Cinder does not expose the information if cinder # backup is configured yet. This is a workaround until that # capability is available. # https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1334856 cinder_config = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_CINDER_FEATURES', {}) return cinder_config.get('enable_backup', False) def volume_backup_get(request, backup_id): backup = cinderclient(request).backups.get(backup_id) return VolumeBackup(backup) def volume_backup_list(request): c_client = cinderclient(request) if c_client is None: return [] return [VolumeBackup(b) for b in c_client.backups.list()] def volume_backup_create(request, volume_id, container_name, name, description): backup = cinderclient(request).backups.create( volume_id, container=container_name, name=name, description=description) return VolumeBackup(backup) def volume_backup_delete(request, backup_id): return cinderclient(request).backups.delete(backup_id) def volume_backup_restore(request, backup_id, volume_id): return cinderclient(request).restores.restore(backup_id=backup_id, volume_id=volume_id) def tenant_quota_get(request, tenant_id): c_client = cinderclient(request) if c_client is None: return base.QuotaSet() return base.QuotaSet(c_client.quotas.get(tenant_id)) def tenant_quota_update(request, tenant_id, **kwargs): return cinderclient(request).quotas.update(tenant_id, **kwargs) def default_quota_get(request, tenant_id): return base.QuotaSet(cinderclient(request).quotas.defaults(tenant_id)) def volume_type_list_with_qos_associations(request): vol_types = volume_type_list(request) vol_types_dict = {} # initialize and build a dictionary for lookup access below for vol_type in vol_types: vol_type.associated_qos_spec = "" vol_types_dict[vol_type.id] = vol_type # get all currently defined qos specs qos_specs = qos_spec_list(request) for qos_spec in qos_specs: # get all volume types this qos spec is associated with assoc_vol_types = qos_spec_get_associations(request, qos_spec.id) for assoc_vol_type in assoc_vol_types: # update volume type to hold this association info vol_type = vol_types_dict[assoc_vol_type.id] vol_type.associated_qos_spec = qos_spec.name return vol_types def default_quota_update(request, **kwargs): cinderclient(request).quota_classes.update(DEFAULT_QUOTA_NAME, **kwargs) def volume_type_list(request): return cinderclient(request).volume_types.list() def volume_type_create(request, name): return cinderclient(request).volume_types.create(name) def volume_type_delete(request, volume_type_id): return cinderclient(request).volume_types.delete(volume_type_id) def volume_type_get(request, volume_type_id): return cinderclient(request).volume_types.get(volume_type_id) def volume_type_extra_get(request, type_id, raw=False): vol_type = volume_type_get(request, type_id) extras = vol_type.get_keys() if raw: return extras return [VolTypeExtraSpec(type_id, key, value) for key, value in extras.items()] def volume_type_extra_set(request, type_id, metadata): vol_type = volume_type_get(request, type_id) if not metadata: return None return vol_type.set_keys(metadata) def volume_type_extra_delete(request, type_id, keys): vol_type = volume_type_get(request, type_id) return vol_type.unset_keys([keys]) def qos_spec_list(request): return cinderclient(request).qos_specs.list() def qos_spec_get(request, qos_spec_id): return cinderclient(request).qos_specs.get(qos_spec_id) def qos_spec_delete(request, qos_spec_id): return cinderclient(request).qos_specs.delete(qos_spec_id, force=True) def qos_spec_create(request, name, specs): return cinderclient(request).qos_specs.create(name, specs) def qos_spec_get_keys(request, qos_spec_id, raw=False): spec = qos_spec_get(request, qos_spec_id) qos_specs = spec.specs if raw: return spec return [QosSpec(qos_spec_id, key, value) for key, value in qos_specs.items()] def qos_spec_set_keys(request, qos_spec_id, specs): return cinderclient(request).qos_specs.set_keys(qos_spec_id, specs) def qos_spec_unset_keys(request, qos_spec_id, specs): return cinderclient(request).qos_specs.unset_keys(qos_spec_id, specs) def qos_spec_associate(request, qos_specs, vol_type_id): return cinderclient(request).qos_specs.associate(qos_specs, vol_type_id) def qos_spec_disassociate(request, qos_specs, vol_type_id): return cinderclient(request).qos_specs.disassociate(qos_specs, vol_type_id) def qos_spec_get_associations(request, qos_spec_id): return cinderclient(request).qos_specs.get_associations(qos_spec_id) @memoized def tenant_absolute_limits(request): limits = cinderclient(request).limits.get().absolute limits_dict = {} for limit in limits: if limit.value < 0: # In some cases, the absolute limits data in Cinder can get # out of sync causing the total.*Used limits to return # negative values instead of 0. For such cases, replace # negative values with 0. if limit.name.startswith('total') and limit.name.endswith('Used'): limits_dict[limit.name] = 0 else: # -1 is used to represent unlimited quotas limits_dict[limit.name] = float("inf") else: limits_dict[limit.name] = limit.value return limits_dict def service_list(request): return cinderclient(request).services.list() def availability_zone_list(request, detailed=False): return cinderclient(request).availability_zones.list(detailed=detailed) @memoized def list_extensions(request): return cinder_list_extensions.ListExtManager(cinderclient(request))\ .show_all() @memoized def extension_supported(request, extension_name): """This method will determine if Cinder supports a given extension name. """ extensions = list_extensions(request) for extension in extensions: if extension.name == extension_name: return True return False @memoized def retype_supported(): """retype is only supported after cinder v2. """ return version_get() >= 2