
1173 lines
44 KiB

# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Copyright 2012 NEC Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import logging
import warnings
import netaddr
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from neutronclient.common import exceptions as neutron_exc
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutron_client
from horizon import messages
from horizon.utils.memoized import memoized # noqa
from openstack_dashboard.api import base
from openstack_dashboard.api import network_base
from openstack_dashboard.api import nova
from openstack_dashboard import policy
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
IP_VERSION_DICT = {4: 'IPv4', 6: 'IPv6'}
class NeutronAPIDictWrapper(base.APIDictWrapper):
def set_id_as_name_if_empty(self, length=8):
if not self._apidict['name']:
id = self._apidict['id']
if length:
id = id[:length]
self._apidict['name'] = '(%s)' % id
except KeyError:
def items(self):
return self._apidict.items()
def name_or_id(self):
return (self._apidict.get('name') or
'(%s)' % self._apidict['id'][:13])
class Agent(NeutronAPIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for neutron agents."""
def __init__(self, apiresource):
apiresource['admin_state'] = \
'UP' if apiresource['admin_state_up'] else 'DOWN'
super(Agent, self).__init__(apiresource)
class Network(NeutronAPIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for neutron Networks."""
def __init__(self, apiresource):
apiresource['admin_state'] = \
'UP' if apiresource['admin_state_up'] else 'DOWN'
# Django cannot handle a key name with ':', so use '__'
for key in apiresource.keys():
if ':' in key:
apiresource['__'.join(key.split(':'))] = apiresource[key]
super(Network, self).__init__(apiresource)
def to_dict(self):
d = dict(super(NeutronAPIDictWrapper, self).to_dict())
d['subnets'] = [s.to_dict() for s in d['subnets']]
return d
class Subnet(NeutronAPIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for neutron subnets."""
def __init__(self, apiresource):
apiresource['ipver_str'] = get_ipver_str(apiresource['ip_version'])
super(Subnet, self).__init__(apiresource)
class Port(NeutronAPIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for neutron ports."""
def __init__(self, apiresource):
# Django cannot handle a key name with ':', so use '__'
for key in apiresource.keys():
if ':' in key:
apiresource['__'.join(key.split(':'))] = apiresource[key]
apiresource['admin_state'] = \
'UP' if apiresource['admin_state_up'] else 'DOWN'
if 'mac_learning_enabled' in apiresource:
apiresource['mac_state'] = \
ON_STATE if apiresource['mac_learning_enabled'] else OFF_STATE
super(Port, self).__init__(apiresource)
class Profile(NeutronAPIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for neutron profiles."""
_attrs = ['profile_id', 'name', 'segment_type', 'segment_range',
'sub_type', 'multicast_ip_index', 'multicast_ip_range']
def __init__(self, apiresource):
super(Profile, self).__init__(apiresource)
class Router(NeutronAPIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for neutron routers."""
def __init__(self, apiresource):
apiresource['admin_state'] = \
'UP' if apiresource['admin_state_up'] else 'DOWN'
super(Router, self).__init__(apiresource)
class SecurityGroup(NeutronAPIDictWrapper):
# Required attributes: id, name, description, tenant_id, rules
def __init__(self, sg, sg_dict=None):
if sg_dict is None:
sg_dict = {sg['id']: sg['name']}
sg['rules'] = [SecurityGroupRule(rule, sg_dict)
for rule in sg['security_group_rules']]
super(SecurityGroup, self).__init__(sg)
def to_dict(self):
return {k: self._apidict[k] for k in self._apidict if k != 'rules'}
class SecurityGroupRule(NeutronAPIDictWrapper):
# Required attributes:
# id, parent_group_id
# ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, ip_range, group
# ethertype, direction (Neutron specific)
def _get_secgroup_name(self, sg_id, sg_dict):
if sg_id:
if sg_dict is None:
sg_dict = {}
# If sg name not found in sg_dict,
# first two parts of UUID is used as sg name.
return sg_dict.get(sg_id, sg_id[:13])
return u''
def __init__(self, sgr, sg_dict=None):
# In Neutron, if both remote_ip_prefix and remote_group_id are None,
# it means all remote IP range is allowed, i.e., or ::/0.
if not sgr['remote_ip_prefix'] and not sgr['remote_group_id']:
if sgr['ethertype'] == 'IPv6':
sgr['remote_ip_prefix'] = '::/0'
sgr['remote_ip_prefix'] = ''
rule = {
'id': sgr['id'],
'parent_group_id': sgr['security_group_id'],
'direction': sgr['direction'],
'ethertype': sgr['ethertype'],
'ip_protocol': sgr['protocol'],
'from_port': sgr['port_range_min'],
'to_port': sgr['port_range_max'],
cidr = sgr['remote_ip_prefix']
rule['ip_range'] = {'cidr': cidr} if cidr else {}
group = self._get_secgroup_name(sgr['remote_group_id'], sg_dict)
rule['group'] = {'name': group} if group else {}
super(SecurityGroupRule, self).__init__(rule)
def __unicode__(self):
if 'name' in self.group:
remote = self.group['name']
elif 'cidr' in self.ip_range:
remote = self.ip_range['cidr']
remote = 'ANY'
direction = 'to' if self.direction == 'egress' else 'from'
if self.from_port:
if self.from_port == self.to_port:
proto_port = ("%s/%s" %
(self.from_port, self.ip_protocol.lower()))
proto_port = ("%s-%s/%s" %
(self.from_port, self.to_port,
elif self.ip_protocol:
ip_proto = int(self.ip_protocol)
proto_port = "ip_proto=%d" % ip_proto
except Exception:
# well-defined IP protocol name like TCP, UDP, ICMP.
proto_port = self.ip_protocol
proto_port = ''
return (_('ALLOW %(ethertype)s %(proto_port)s '
'%(direction)s %(remote)s') %
{'ethertype': self.ethertype,
'proto_port': proto_port,
'remote': remote,
'direction': direction})
class SecurityGroupManager(network_base.SecurityGroupManager):
backend = 'neutron'
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
self.client = neutronclient(request)
def _list(self, **filters):
secgroups = self.client.list_security_groups(**filters)
return [SecurityGroup(sg) for sg in secgroups.get('security_groups')]
def list(self):
tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id
return self._list(tenant_id=tenant_id)
def _sg_name_dict(self, sg_id, rules):
"""Create a mapping dict from secgroup id to its name."""
related_ids = set([sg_id])
related_ids |= set(filter(None, [r['remote_group_id'] for r in rules]))
related_sgs = self.client.list_security_groups(id=related_ids,
fields=['id', 'name'])
related_sgs = related_sgs.get('security_groups')
return dict((sg['id'], sg['name']) for sg in related_sgs)
def get(self, sg_id):
secgroup = self.client.show_security_group(sg_id).get('security_group')
sg_dict = self._sg_name_dict(sg_id, secgroup['security_group_rules'])
return SecurityGroup(secgroup, sg_dict)
def create(self, name, desc):
body = {'security_group': {'name': name,
'description': desc,
'tenant_id': self.request.user.project_id}}
secgroup = self.client.create_security_group(body)
return SecurityGroup(secgroup.get('security_group'))
def update(self, sg_id, name, desc):
body = {'security_group': {'name': name,
'description': desc}}
secgroup = self.client.update_security_group(sg_id, body)
return SecurityGroup(secgroup.get('security_group'))
def delete(self, sg_id):
def rule_create(self, parent_group_id,
direction=None, ethertype=None,
ip_protocol=None, from_port=None, to_port=None,
cidr=None, group_id=None):
if not cidr:
cidr = None
if from_port < 0:
from_port = None
if to_port < 0:
to_port = None
if isinstance(ip_protocol, int) and ip_protocol < 0:
ip_protocol = None
body = {'security_group_rule':
{'security_group_id': parent_group_id,
'direction': direction,
'ethertype': ethertype,
'protocol': ip_protocol,
'port_range_min': from_port,
'port_range_max': to_port,
'remote_ip_prefix': cidr,
'remote_group_id': group_id}}
rule = self.client.create_security_group_rule(body)
rule = rule.get('security_group_rule')
sg_dict = self._sg_name_dict(parent_group_id, [rule])
return SecurityGroupRule(rule, sg_dict)
def rule_delete(self, sgr_id):
def list_by_instance(self, instance_id):
"""Gets security groups of an instance."""
ports = port_list(self.request, device_id=instance_id)
sg_ids = []
for p in ports:
sg_ids += p.security_groups
return self._list(id=set(sg_ids)) if sg_ids else []
def update_instance_security_group(self, instance_id,
ports = port_list(self.request, device_id=instance_id)
for p in ports:
params = {'security_groups': new_security_group_ids}
port_update(self.request, p.id, **params)
class FloatingIp(base.APIDictWrapper):
_attrs = ['id', 'ip', 'fixed_ip', 'port_id', 'instance_id',
'instance_type', 'pool']
def __init__(self, fip):
fip['ip'] = fip['floating_ip_address']
fip['fixed_ip'] = fip['fixed_ip_address']
fip['pool'] = fip['floating_network_id']
super(FloatingIp, self).__init__(fip)
class FloatingIpPool(base.APIDictWrapper):
class FloatingIpTarget(base.APIDictWrapper):
class FloatingIpManager(network_base.FloatingIpManager):
device_owner_map = {
'compute:': 'compute',
'neutron:LOADBALANCER': 'loadbalancer',
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
self.client = neutronclient(request)
def list_pools(self):
search_opts = {'router:external': True}
return [FloatingIpPool(pool) for pool
in self.client.list_networks(**search_opts).get('networks')]
def _get_instance_type_from_device_owner(self, device_owner):
for key, value in self.device_owner_map.items():
if device_owner.startswith(key):
return value
return device_owner
def _set_instance_info(self, fip, port=None):
if fip['port_id']:
if not port:
port = port_get(self.request, fip['port_id'])
fip['instance_id'] = port.device_id
fip['instance_type'] = self._get_instance_type_from_device_owner(
fip['instance_id'] = None
fip['instance_type'] = None
def list(self, all_tenants=False, **search_opts):
if not all_tenants:
tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id
# In Neutron, list_floatingips returns Floating IPs from
# all tenants when the API is called with admin role, so
# we need to filter them with tenant_id.
search_opts['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
port_search_opts = {'tenant_id': tenant_id}
port_search_opts = {}
fips = self.client.list_floatingips(**search_opts)
fips = fips.get('floatingips')
# Get port list to add instance_id to floating IP list
# instance_id is stored in device_id attribute
ports = port_list(self.request, **port_search_opts)
port_dict = SortedDict([(p['id'], p) for p in ports])
for fip in fips:
self._set_instance_info(fip, port_dict.get(fip['port_id']))
return [FloatingIp(fip) for fip in fips]
def get(self, floating_ip_id):
fip = self.client.show_floatingip(floating_ip_id).get('floatingip')
return FloatingIp(fip)
def allocate(self, pool):
body = {'floatingip': {'floating_network_id': pool,
'tenant_id': self.request.user.project_id}}
fip = self.client.create_floatingip(body).get('floatingip')
return FloatingIp(fip)
def release(self, floating_ip_id):
def associate(self, floating_ip_id, port_id):
# NOTE: In Neutron Horizon floating IP support, port_id is
# "<port_id>_<ip_address>" format to identify multiple ports.
pid, ip_address = port_id.split('_', 1)
update_dict = {'port_id': pid,
'fixed_ip_address': ip_address}
{'floatingip': update_dict})
def disassociate(self, floating_ip_id):
update_dict = {'port_id': None}
{'floatingip': update_dict})
def _get_reachable_subnets(self, ports):
# Retrieve subnet list reachable from external network
ext_net_ids = [ext_net.id for ext_net in self.list_pools()]
gw_routers = [r.id for r in router_list(self.request)
if (r.external_gateway_info and
in ext_net_ids)]
reachable_subnets = set([p.fixed_ips[0]['subnet_id'] for p in ports
if ((p.device_owner in
and (p.device_id in gw_routers))])
# we have to include any shared subnets as well because we may not
# have permission to see the router interface to infer connectivity
shared = set([s.id for n in network_list(self.request, shared=True)
for s in n.subnets])
return reachable_subnets | shared
def list_targets(self):
tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id
ports = port_list(self.request, tenant_id=tenant_id)
servers, has_more = nova.server_list(self.request)
server_dict = SortedDict([(s.id, s.name) for s in servers])
reachable_subnets = self._get_reachable_subnets(ports)
if is_service_enabled(self.request,
# Also get the loadbalancer VIPs
vip_dict = {v['port_id']: v['name']
for v in self.client.list_vips().get('vips', [])}
vip_dict = {}
targets = []
for p in ports:
# Remove network ports from Floating IP targets
if p.device_owner.startswith('network:'):
port_id = p.id
server_name = server_dict.get(p.device_id) or vip_dict.get(port_id)
for ip in p.fixed_ips:
if ip['subnet_id'] not in reachable_subnets:
target = {'name': '%s: %s' % (server_name, ip['ip_address']),
'id': '%s_%s' % (port_id, ip['ip_address']),
'instance_id': p.device_id}
return targets
def _target_ports_by_instance(self, instance_id):
if not instance_id:
return None
search_opts = {'device_id': instance_id}
return port_list(self.request, **search_opts)
def get_target_id_by_instance(self, instance_id, target_list=None):
if target_list is not None:
targets = [target for target in target_list
if target['instance_id'] == instance_id]
if not targets:
return None
return targets[0]['id']
# In Neutron one port can have multiple ip addresses, so this
# method picks up the first one and generate target id.
ports = self._target_ports_by_instance(instance_id)
if not ports:
return None
return '{0}_{1}'.format(ports[0].id,
def list_target_id_by_instance(self, instance_id, target_list=None):
if target_list is not None:
return [target['id'] for target in target_list
if target['instance_id'] == instance_id]
ports = self._target_ports_by_instance(instance_id)
return ['{0}_{1}'.format(p.id, p.fixed_ips[0]['ip_address'])
for p in ports]
def is_simple_associate_supported(self):
# NOTE: There are two reason that simple association support
# needs more considerations. (1) Neutron does not support the
# default floating IP pool at the moment. It can be avoided
# in case where only one floating IP pool exists.
# (2) Neutron floating IP is associated with each VIF and
# we need to check whether such VIF is only one for an instance
# to enable simple association support.
return False
def is_supported(self):
network_config = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK', {})
return network_config.get('enable_router', True)
def get_ipver_str(ip_version):
"""Convert an ip version number to a human-friendly string."""
return IP_VERSION_DICT.get(ip_version, '')
def neutronclient(request):
insecure = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY', False)
cacert = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_CACERT', None)
c = neutron_client.Client(token=request.user.token.id,
auth_url=base.url_for(request, 'identity'),
endpoint_url=base.url_for(request, 'network'),
insecure=insecure, ca_cert=cacert)
return c
def list_resources_with_long_filters(list_method,
filter_attr, filter_values, **params):
"""List neutron resources with handling RequestURITooLong exception.
If filter parameters are long, list resources API request leads to
414 error (URL is too long). For such case, this method split
list parameters specified by a list_field argument into chunks
and call the specified list_method repeatedly.
:param list_method: Method used to retrieve resource list.
:param filter_attr: attribute name to be filtered. The value corresponding
to this attribute is specified by "filter_values".
If you want to specify more attributes for a filter condition,
pass them as keyword arguments like "attr2=values2".
:param filter_values: values of "filter_attr" to be filtered.
If filter_values are too long and the total URI length exceed the
maximum length supported by the neutron server, filter_values will
be split into sub lists if filter_values is a list.
:param params: parameters to pass a specified listing API call
without any changes. You can specify more filter conditions
in addition to a pair of filter_attr and filter_values.
params[filter_attr] = filter_values
return list_method(**params)
except neutron_exc.RequestURITooLong as uri_len_exc:
# The URI is too long because of too many filter values.
# Use the excess attribute of the exception to know how many
# filter values can be inserted into a single request.
# We consider only the filter condition from (filter_attr,
# filter_values) and do not consider other filter conditions
# which may be specified in **params.
if type(filter_values) != list:
filter_values = [filter_values]
# Length of each query filter is:
# <key>=<value>& (e.g., id=<uuid>)
# The length will be key_len + value_maxlen + 2
all_filter_len = sum(len(filter_attr) + len(val) + 2
for val in filter_values)
allowed_filter_len = all_filter_len - uri_len_exc.excess
val_maxlen = max(len(val) for val in filter_values)
filter_maxlen = len(filter_attr) + val_maxlen + 2
chunk_size = allowed_filter_len / filter_maxlen
resources = []
for i in range(0, len(filter_values), chunk_size):
params[filter_attr] = filter_values[i:i + chunk_size]
return resources
def network_list(request, **params):
LOG.debug("network_list(): params=%s", params)
networks = neutronclient(request).list_networks(**params).get('networks')
# Get subnet list to expand subnet info in network list.
subnets = subnet_list(request)
subnet_dict = dict([(s['id'], s) for s in subnets])
# Expand subnet list from subnet_id to values.
for n in networks:
# Due to potential timing issues, we can't assume the subnet_dict data
# is in sync with the network data.
n['subnets'] = [subnet_dict[s] for s in n.get('subnets', []) if
s in subnet_dict]
return [Network(n) for n in networks]
def network_list_for_tenant(request, tenant_id, **params):
"""Return a network list available for the tenant.
The list contains networks owned by the tenant and public networks.
If requested_networks specified, it searches requested_networks only.
LOG.debug("network_list_for_tenant(): tenant_id=%s, params=%s"
% (tenant_id, params))
# If a user has admin role, network list returned by Neutron API
# contains networks that do not belong to that tenant.
# So we need to specify tenant_id when calling network_list().
networks = network_list(request, tenant_id=tenant_id,
shared=False, **params)
# In the current Neutron API, there is no way to retrieve
# both owner networks and public networks in a single API call.
networks += network_list(request, shared=True, **params)
return networks
def network_get(request, network_id, expand_subnet=True, **params):
LOG.debug("network_get(): netid=%s, params=%s" % (network_id, params))
network = neutronclient(request).show_network(network_id,
# Since the number of subnets per network must be small,
# call subnet_get() for each subnet instead of calling
# subnet_list() once.
if expand_subnet:
network['subnets'] = [subnet_get(request, sid)
for sid in network['subnets']]
return Network(network)
def network_create(request, **kwargs):
"""Create a subnet on a specified network.
:param request: request context
:param tenant_id: (optional) tenant id of the network created
:param name: (optional) name of the network created
:returns: Subnet object
LOG.debug("network_create(): kwargs = %s" % kwargs)
# In the case network profiles are being used, profile id is needed.
if 'net_profile_id' in kwargs:
kwargs['n1kv:profile_id'] = kwargs.pop('net_profile_id')
if 'tenant_id' not in kwargs:
kwargs['tenant_id'] = request.user.project_id
body = {'network': kwargs}
network = neutronclient(request).create_network(body=body).get('network')
return Network(network)
def network_update(request, network_id, **kwargs):
LOG.debug("network_update(): netid=%s, params=%s" % (network_id, kwargs))
body = {'network': kwargs}
network = neutronclient(request).update_network(network_id,
return Network(network)
def network_delete(request, network_id):
LOG.debug("network_delete(): netid=%s" % network_id)
def subnet_list(request, **params):
LOG.debug("subnet_list(): params=%s" % (params))
subnets = neutronclient(request).list_subnets(**params).get('subnets')
return [Subnet(s) for s in subnets]
def subnet_get(request, subnet_id, **params):
LOG.debug("subnet_get(): subnetid=%s, params=%s" % (subnet_id, params))
subnet = neutronclient(request).show_subnet(subnet_id,
return Subnet(subnet)
def subnet_create(request, network_id, cidr, ip_version, **kwargs):
"""Create a subnet on a specified network.
:param request: request context
:param network_id: network id a subnet is created on
:param cidr: subnet IP address range
:param ip_version: IP version (4 or 6)
:param gateway_ip: (optional) IP address of gateway
:param tenant_id: (optional) tenant id of the subnet created
:param name: (optional) name of the subnet created
:returns: Subnet object
LOG.debug("subnet_create(): netid=%s, cidr=%s, ipver=%d, kwargs=%s"
% (network_id, cidr, ip_version, kwargs))
body = {'subnet':
{'network_id': network_id,
'ip_version': ip_version,
'cidr': cidr}}
if 'tenant_id' not in kwargs:
kwargs['tenant_id'] = request.user.project_id
subnet = neutronclient(request).create_subnet(body=body).get('subnet')
return Subnet(subnet)
def subnet_update(request, subnet_id, **kwargs):
LOG.debug("subnet_update(): subnetid=%s, kwargs=%s" % (subnet_id, kwargs))
body = {'subnet': kwargs}
subnet = neutronclient(request).update_subnet(subnet_id,
return Subnet(subnet)
def subnet_delete(request, subnet_id):
LOG.debug("subnet_delete(): subnetid=%s" % subnet_id)
def port_list(request, **params):
LOG.debug("port_list(): params=%s" % (params))
ports = neutronclient(request).list_ports(**params).get('ports')
return [Port(p) for p in ports]
def port_get(request, port_id, **params):
LOG.debug("port_get(): portid=%s, params=%s" % (port_id, params))
port = neutronclient(request).show_port(port_id, **params).get('port')
return Port(port)
def unescape_port_kwargs(**kwargs):
for key in kwargs:
if '__' in key:
kwargs[':'.join(key.split('__'))] = kwargs.pop(key)
return kwargs
def port_create(request, network_id, **kwargs):
"""Create a port on a specified network.
:param request: request context
:param network_id: network id a subnet is created on
:param device_id: (optional) device id attached to the port
:param tenant_id: (optional) tenant id of the port created
:param name: (optional) name of the port created
:returns: Port object
LOG.debug("port_create(): netid=%s, kwargs=%s" % (network_id, kwargs))
# In the case policy profiles are being used, profile id is needed.
if 'policy_profile_id' in kwargs:
kwargs['n1kv:profile_id'] = kwargs.pop('policy_profile_id')
kwargs = unescape_port_kwargs(**kwargs)
body = {'port': {'network_id': network_id}}
if 'tenant_id' not in kwargs:
kwargs['tenant_id'] = request.user.project_id
port = neutronclient(request).create_port(body=body).get('port')
return Port(port)
def port_delete(request, port_id):
LOG.debug("port_delete(): portid=%s" % port_id)
def port_update(request, port_id, **kwargs):
LOG.debug("port_update(): portid=%s, kwargs=%s" % (port_id, kwargs))
kwargs = unescape_port_kwargs(**kwargs)
body = {'port': kwargs}
port = neutronclient(request).update_port(port_id, body=body).get('port')
return Port(port)
def profile_list(request, type_p, **params):
LOG.debug("profile_list(): "
"profile_type=%(profile_type)s, params=%(params)s",
{'profile_type': type_p, 'params': params})
if type_p == 'network':
profiles = neutronclient(request).list_network_profiles(
elif type_p == 'policy':
profiles = neutronclient(request).list_policy_profiles(
return [Profile(n) for n in profiles]
def profile_get(request, profile_id, **params):
LOG.debug("profile_get(): "
"profileid=%(profileid)s, params=%(params)s",
{'profileid': profile_id, 'params': params})
profile = neutronclient(request).show_network_profile(
profile_id, **params).get('network_profile')
return Profile(profile)
def profile_create(request, **kwargs):
LOG.debug("profile_create(): kwargs=%s", kwargs)
body = {'network_profile': {}}
profile = neutronclient(request).create_network_profile(
return Profile(profile)
def profile_delete(request, profile_id):
LOG.debug("profile_delete(): profile_id=%s", profile_id)
def profile_update(request, profile_id, **kwargs):
LOG.debug("profile_update(): "
"profileid=%(profileid)s, kwargs=%(kwargs)s",
{'profileid': profile_id, 'kwargs': kwargs})
body = {'network_profile': kwargs}
profile = neutronclient(request).update_network_profile(
profile_id, body=body).get('network_profile')
return Profile(profile)
def profile_bindings_list(request, type_p, **params):
LOG.debug("profile_bindings_list(): "
"profile_type=%(profile_type)s params=%(params)s",
{'profile_type': type_p, 'params': params})
if type_p == 'network':
bindings = neutronclient(request).list_network_profile_bindings(
elif type_p == 'policy':
bindings = neutronclient(request).list_policy_profile_bindings(
return [Profile(n) for n in bindings]
def router_create(request, **kwargs):
LOG.debug("router_create():, kwargs=%s" % kwargs)
body = {'router': {}}
if 'tenant_id' not in kwargs:
kwargs['tenant_id'] = request.user.project_id
router = neutronclient(request).create_router(body=body).get('router')
return Router(router)
def router_update(request, r_id, **kwargs):
LOG.debug("router_update(): router_id=%s, kwargs=%s" % (r_id, kwargs))
body = {'router': {}}
router = neutronclient(request).update_router(r_id, body=body)
return Router(router['router'])
def router_get(request, router_id, **params):
router = neutronclient(request).show_router(router_id,
return Router(router)
def router_list(request, **params):
routers = neutronclient(request).list_routers(**params).get('routers')
return [Router(r) for r in routers]
def router_delete(request, router_id):
def router_add_interface(request, router_id, subnet_id=None, port_id=None):
body = {}
if subnet_id:
body['subnet_id'] = subnet_id
if port_id:
body['port_id'] = port_id
client = neutronclient(request)
return client.add_interface_router(router_id, body)
def router_remove_interface(request, router_id, subnet_id=None, port_id=None):
body = {}
if subnet_id:
body['subnet_id'] = subnet_id
if port_id:
body['port_id'] = port_id
neutronclient(request).remove_interface_router(router_id, body)
def router_add_gateway(request, router_id, network_id):
body = {'network_id': network_id}
neutronclient(request).add_gateway_router(router_id, body)
def router_remove_gateway(request, router_id):
def tenant_quota_get(request, tenant_id):
return base.QuotaSet(neutronclient(request).show_quota(tenant_id)['quota'])
def tenant_quota_update(request, tenant_id, **kwargs):
quotas = {'quota': kwargs}
return neutronclient(request).update_quota(tenant_id, quotas)
def agent_list(request, **params):
agents = neutronclient(request).list_agents(**params)
return [Agent(a) for a in agents['agents']]
def list_dhcp_agent_hosting_networks(request, network, **params):
agents = neutronclient(request).list_dhcp_agent_hosting_networks(network,
return [Agent(a) for a in agents['agents']]
def add_network_to_dhcp_agent(request, dhcp_agent, network_id):
body = {'network_id': network_id}
return neutronclient(request).add_network_to_dhcp_agent(dhcp_agent, body)
def remove_network_from_dhcp_agent(request, dhcp_agent, network_id):
return neutronclient(request).remove_network_from_dhcp_agent(dhcp_agent,
def provider_list(request):
providers = neutronclient(request).list_service_providers()
return providers['service_providers']
def servers_update_addresses(request, servers, all_tenants=False):
"""Retrieve servers networking information from Neutron if enabled.
Should be used when up to date networking information is required,
and Nova's networking info caching mechanism is not fast enough.
# Get all (filtered for relevant servers) information from Neutron
ports = list_resources_with_long_filters(
port_list, 'device_id', [instance.id for instance in servers],
fips = FloatingIpManager(request)
if fips.is_supported():
floating_ips = list_resources_with_long_filters(
fips.list, 'port_id', [port.id for port in ports],
floating_ips = []
networks = list_resources_with_long_filters(
network_list, 'id', set([port.network_id for port in ports]),
except Exception:
error_message = _('Unable to connect to Neutron.')
messages.error(request, error_message)
# Map instance to its ports
instances_ports = collections.defaultdict(list)
for port in ports:
# Map port to its floating ips
ports_floating_ips = collections.defaultdict(list)
for fip in floating_ips:
# Map network id to its name
network_names = dict(((network.id, network.name) for network in networks))
for server in servers:
addresses = _server_get_addresses(
except Exception as e:
server.addresses = addresses
def _server_get_addresses(request, server, ports, floating_ips, network_names):
def _format_address(mac, ip, type):
version = netaddr.IPAddress(ip).version
except Exception as e:
error_message = _('Unable to parse IP address %s.') % ip
messages.error(request, error_message)
raise e
return {u'OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr': mac,
u'version': version,
u'addr': ip,
u'OS-EXT-IPS:type': type}
addresses = collections.defaultdict(list)
instance_ports = ports.get(server.id, [])
for port in instance_ports:
network_name = network_names.get(port.network_id)
if network_name is not None:
for fixed_ip in port.fixed_ips:
port_fips = floating_ips.get(port.id, [])
for fip in port_fips:
return dict(addresses)
def list_extensions(request):
extensions_list = neutronclient(request).list_extensions()
if 'extensions' in extensions_list:
return extensions_list['extensions']
return {}
def is_extension_supported(request, extension_alias):
extensions = list_extensions(request)
for extension in extensions:
if extension['alias'] == extension_alias:
return True
return False
def is_enabled_by_config(name, default=True):
if hasattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_QUANTUM_NETWORK'):
'OPENSTACK_QUANTUM_NETWORK setting is deprecated and will be '
'removed in the near future. '
'Please use OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK instead.',
network_config = (getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK', {}) or
getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_QUANTUM_NETWORK', {}))
return network_config.get(name, default)
def is_service_enabled(request, config_name, ext_name):
return (is_enabled_by_config(config_name) and
is_extension_supported(request, ext_name))
def is_quotas_extension_supported(request):
if (is_enabled_by_config('enable_quotas', False) and
is_extension_supported(request, 'quotas')):
return True
return False
# Using this mechanism till a better plugin/sub-plugin detection
# mechanism is available.
# When using specific plugins the profile_support can be
# turned on if needed to configure and/or use profiles.
# Since this is a temporary mechanism used to detect profile_support
# @memorize is not being used.
# TODO(absubram): Change this config variable check with
# subplugin/plugin detection API when it becomes available.
def is_port_profiles_supported():
network_config = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK', {})
# Can be used to check for vendor specific plugin
profile_support = network_config.get('profile_support', None)
if str(profile_support).lower() == 'cisco':
return True
# FEATURE_MAP is used to define:
# - related neutron extension name (key: "extension")
# - corresponding dashboard config (key: "config")
# - RBAC policies (key: "poclies")
# If a key is not contained, the corresponding permission check is skipped.
'dvr': {
'extension': 'dvr',
'config': {
'name': 'enable_distributed_router',
'default': False,
'policies': {
'get': 'get_router:distributed',
'create': 'create_router:distributed',
'update': 'update_router:distributed',
'l3-ha': {
'extension': 'l3-ha',
'config': {'name': 'enable_ha_router',
'default': False},
'policies': {
'get': 'get_router:ha',
'create': 'create_router:ha',
'update': 'update_router:ha',
def get_feature_permission(request, feature, operation=None):
"""Check if a feature-specific field can be displayed.
This method check a permission for a feature-specific field.
Such field is usually provided through Neutron extension.
:param request: Request Object
:param feature: feature name defined in FEATURE_MAP
:param operation (optional): Operation type. The valid value should be
defined in FEATURE_MAP[feature]['policies']
It must be specified if FEATURE_MAP[feature] has 'policies'.
network_config = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK', {})
feature_info = FEATURE_MAP.get(feature)
if not feature_info:
# Translators: Only used inside Horizon code and invisible to users
raise ValueError(_("The requested feature '%(feature)s' is unknown. "
"Please make sure to specify a feature defined "
# Check dashboard settings
feature_config = feature_info.get('config')
if feature_config:
if not network_config.get(feature_config['name'],
return False
# Check policy
feature_policies = feature_info.get('policies')
policy_check = getattr(settings, "POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION", None)
if feature_policies and policy_check:
policy_name = feature_policies.get(operation)
if not policy_name:
# Translators: Only used inside Horizon code and invisible to users
raise ValueError(_("The 'operation' parameter for "
"get_feature_permission '%(feature)s' "
"is invalid. It should be one of %(allowed)s")
% {'feature': feature,
'allowed': ' '.join(feature_policies.keys())})
role = (('network', policy_name),)
if not policy.check(role, request):
return False
# Check if a required extension is enabled
feature_extension = feature_info.get('extension')
if feature_extension:
return is_extension_supported(request, feature_extension)
except Exception:
msg = (_("Failed to check Neutron '%s' extension is not supported")
% feature_extension)
return False
# If all checks are passed, now a given feature is allowed.
return True