
163 lines
5.7 KiB

(function() {
'use strict';
// Horizon custom decorator for angular schema form
config.$inject = [
function config(
) {
var base = $windowProvider.$get().STATIC_URL + 'framework/widgets/form/fields/';
var simpleTransclusion = sfBuilderProvider.builders.simpleTransclusion;
var ngModelOptions = sfBuilderProvider.builders.ngModelOptions;
var ngModel = sfBuilderProvider.builders.ngModel;
var sfField = sfBuilderProvider.builders.sfField;
var condition = sfBuilderProvider.builders.condition;
var array = sfBuilderProvider.builders.array;
var tabs = hzBuilderProvider.$get().tabsBuilder;
var defaults = [sfField, ngModel, ngModelOptions, condition];
// Define all our templates
decoratorsProvider.defineDecorator('bootstrapDecorator', {
textarea: {
template: base + 'textarea.html',
builder: defaults
fieldset: {
template: base + 'fieldset.html',
builder: [sfField, simpleTransclusion, condition]
array: {
template: base + 'array.html',
builder: [sfField, ngModelOptions, ngModel, array, condition]
tabarray: {
template: base + 'tabarray.html',
builder: [sfField, ngModelOptions, ngModel, array, condition]
tabs: {
template: base + 'tabs.html',
builder: [sfField, ngModelOptions, tabs, condition]
section: {
template: base + 'section.html',
builder: [sfField, simpleTransclusion, condition]
conditional: {
template: base + 'section.html',
builder: [sfField, simpleTransclusion, condition]
select: {
template: base + 'select.html',
builder: defaults
checkbox: {
template: base + 'checkbox.html',
builder: defaults
checkboxes: {
template: base + 'checkboxes.html',
builder: [sfField, ngModelOptions, ngModel, array, condition]
number: {
template: base + 'default.html',
builder: defaults
password: {
template: base + 'default.html',
builder: defaults
submit: {
template: base + 'submit.html',
builder: defaults
button: {
template: base + 'submit.html',
builder: defaults
radios: {
template: base + 'radios.html',
builder: defaults
'radios-inline': {
template: base + 'radios-inline.html',
builder: defaults
radiobuttons: {
template: base + 'radio-buttons.html',
builder: defaults
help: {
template: base + 'help.html',
builder: defaults
'default': {
template: base + 'default.html',
builder: defaults
}, []);
// Define and register our validation messages
// These are the error codes provided by the tv4 validator:
// https://github.com/geraintluff/tv4/blob/master/source/api.js
var defaultMessages = {
"default": gettext("The data in this field is invalid"),
0: gettext("Invalid type, expected {$schema.type$}"),
1: gettext("No enum match for: {$viewValue$}"),
10: gettext("Data does not match any schemas from 'anyOf'"),
11: gettext("Data does not match any schemas from 'oneOf'"),
12: gettext("Data is valid against more than one schema from 'oneOf'"),
13: gettext("Data matches schema from 'not'"),
// Numeric errors
100: gettext("{$viewValue$} is not a multiple of {$schema.multipleOf$}"),
101: gettext("{$viewValue$} is less than the allowed minimum of {$schema.minimum$}"),
102: gettext("{$viewValue$} is equal to the exclusive minimum {$schema.minimum$}"),
103: gettext("{$viewValue$} is greater than the allowed maximum of {$schema.maximum$}"),
104: gettext("{$viewValue$} is equal to the exclusive maximum {$schema.maximum$}"),
105: gettext("{$viewValue$} is not a valid number"),
// String errors
/* eslint-disable max-len */
200: gettext("{$schema.title$} is too short ({$viewValue.length$} characters), minimum {$schema.minLength$}"),
201: gettext("{$schema.title$} is too long ({$viewValue.length$} characters), maximum {$schema.maxLength$}"),
/* eslint-enable max-len */
202: gettext("{$schema.title$} is formatted incorrectly"),
// Object errors
300: gettext("Too few properties defined, minimum {$schema.minProperties$}"),
301: gettext("Too many properties defined, maximum {$schema.maxProperties$}"),
302: gettext("{$schema.title$} is a required field"),
303: gettext("Additional properties not allowed"),
304: gettext("Dependency failed - key must exist"),
// Array errors
400: gettext("Array is too short ({$value.length$} items), minimum {$schema.minItems$}"),
401: gettext("Array is too long ({$value.length$} items), maximum {$schema.maxItems$}"),
402: gettext("Array items must be unique"),
403: gettext("Additional items not allowed"),
// Format errors
500: gettext("Format validation failed"),
501: gettext("Keyword failed: '{$title$}'"),
// Schema structure
600: gettext("Circular $refs"),
// Non-standard validation options
1000: gettext("Unknown property (not in schema)")