Akihiro MOTOKI 9fa87dad19 Fix a issue on retrieving default quota in Create Project
quota names for security group are different between nova and neutron,
so the same appoach can be used for floating IP. This commit reverts
the change in get_default_quota_data in commit c44552fe66 and changes
get_disabled_quotas to determine security group and rules quotas come
from nova or neutron.

Change-Id: I9e39ac99f1e8c7ccdce64b2e2ab79615cac50892
Closes-Bug: #1235053
2013-10-07 05:49:50 +09:00

244 lines
8.7 KiB

from collections import defaultdict # noqa
import itertools
import logging
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ # noqa
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon.utils.memoized import memoized # noqa
from openstack_dashboard.api import base
from openstack_dashboard.api import cinder
from openstack_dashboard.api import network
from openstack_dashboard.api import neutron
from openstack_dashboard.api import nova
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NOVA_QUOTA_FIELDS = ("metadata_items",
MISSING_QUOTA_FIELDS = ("key_pairs",
class QuotaUsage(dict):
""" Tracks quota limit, used, and available for a given set of quotas."""
def __init__(self):
self.usages = defaultdict(dict)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.usages[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
raise NotImplemented("Directly setting QuotaUsage values is not "
"supported. Please use the add_quota and "
"tally methods.")
def __repr__(self):
return repr(dict(self.usages))
def add_quota(self, quota):
""" Adds an internal tracking reference for the given quota. """
if quota.limit is None or quota.limit == -1:
# Handle "unlimited" quotas.
self.usages[quota.name]['quota'] = float("inf")
self.usages[quota.name]['available'] = float("inf")
self.usages[quota.name]['quota'] = int(quota.limit)
def tally(self, name, value):
""" Adds to the "used" metric for the given quota. """
value = value or 0 # Protection against None.
# Start at 0 if this is the first value.
if 'used' not in self.usages[name]:
self.usages[name]['used'] = 0
# Increment our usage and update the "available" metric.
self.usages[name]['used'] += int(value) # Fail if can't coerce to int.
def update_available(self, name):
""" Updates the "available" metric for the given quota. """
available = self.usages[name]['quota'] - self.usages[name]['used']
if available < 0:
available = 0
self.usages[name]['available'] = available
def _get_quota_data(request, method_name, disabled_quotas=None,
quotasets = []
if not tenant_id:
tenant_id = request.user.tenant_id
quotasets.append(getattr(nova, method_name)(request, tenant_id))
qs = base.QuotaSet()
if disabled_quotas is None:
disabled_quotas = get_disabled_quotas(request)
if 'volumes' not in disabled_quotas:
quotasets.append(getattr(cinder, method_name)(request, tenant_id))
for quota in itertools.chain(*quotasets):
if quota.name not in disabled_quotas:
qs[quota.name] = quota.limit
return qs
def get_default_quota_data(request, disabled_quotas=None, tenant_id=None):
return _get_quota_data(request,
def get_tenant_quota_data(request, disabled_quotas=None, tenant_id=None):
qs = _get_quota_data(request,
# TODO(jpichon): There is no API to get the default system quotas
# in Neutron (cf. LP#1204956), so for now handle tenant quotas here.
# This should be handled in _get_quota_data() eventually.
if disabled_quotas and 'floating_ips' in disabled_quotas:
# Neutron with quota extension disabled
if 'floatingip' in disabled_quotas:
qs.add(base.QuotaSet({'floating_ips': -1}))
# Neutron with quota extension enabled
tenant_id = tenant_id or request.user.tenant_id
neutron_quotas = neutron.tenant_quota_get(request, tenant_id)
# Rename floatingip to floating_ips since that's how it's
# expected in some places (e.g. Security & Access' Floating IPs)
fips_quota = neutron_quotas.get('floatingip').limit
qs.add(base.QuotaSet({'floating_ips': fips_quota}))
return qs
def get_disabled_quotas(request):
disabled_quotas = []
# Cinder
if not base.is_service_enabled(request, 'volume'):
# Neutron
if not base.is_service_enabled(request, 'network'):
# Remove the nova network quotas
disabled_quotas.extend(['floating_ips', 'fixed_ips'])
if neutron.is_security_group_extension_supported(request):
# If Neutron security group is supported, disable Nova quotas
disabled_quotas.extend(['security_groups', 'security_group_rules'])
# If Nova security group is used, disable Neutron quotas
disabled_quotas.extend(['security_group', 'security_group_rule'])
if not neutron.is_quotas_extension_supported(request):
except Exception:
LOG.exception("There was an error checking if the Neutron "
"quotas extension is enabled.")
return disabled_quotas
def tenant_quota_usages(request):
# Get our quotas and construct our usage object.
disabled_quotas = get_disabled_quotas(request)
usages = QuotaUsage()
for quota in get_tenant_quota_data(request,
# Get our usages.
floating_ips = network.tenant_floating_ip_list(request)
flavors = dict([(f.id, f) for f in nova.flavor_list(request)])
instances, has_more = nova.server_list(request)
# Fetch deleted flavors if necessary.
missing_flavors = [instance.flavor['id'] for instance in instances
if instance.flavor['id'] not in flavors]
for missing in missing_flavors:
if missing not in flavors:
flavors[missing] = nova.flavor_get(request, missing)
except Exception:
flavors[missing] = {}
exceptions.handle(request, ignore=True)
usages.tally('instances', len(instances))
usages.tally('floating_ips', len(floating_ips))
if 'volumes' not in disabled_quotas:
volumes = cinder.volume_list(request)
snapshots = cinder.volume_snapshot_list(request)
usages.tally('gigabytes', sum([int(v.size) for v in volumes]))
usages.tally('volumes', len(volumes))
usages.tally('snapshots', len(snapshots))
# Sum our usage based on the flavors of the instances.
for flavor in [flavors[instance.flavor['id']] for instance in instances]:
usages.tally('cores', getattr(flavor, 'vcpus', None))
usages.tally('ram', getattr(flavor, 'ram', None))
# Initialise the tally if no instances have been launched yet
if len(instances) == 0:
usages.tally('cores', 0)
usages.tally('ram', 0)
return usages
def tenant_limit_usages(request):
limits = {}
except Exception:
msg = _("Unable to retrieve compute limit information.")
exceptions.handle(request, msg)
if base.is_service_enabled(request, 'volume'):
volumes = cinder.volume_list(request)
total_size = sum([getattr(volume, 'size', 0) for volume
in volumes])
limits['gigabytesUsed'] = total_size
limits['volumesUsed'] = len(volumes)
except Exception:
msg = _("Unable to retrieve volume limit information.")
exceptions.handle(request, msg)
return limits