
92 lines
2.1 KiB

@import "/dashboard/scss/mixins";
// This file does a 1-1 mapping of each font-awesome icon in use to
// a corresponding Material Design Icon.
// https://materialdesignicons.com
$mdi-font-path: $static_url + "/horizon/lib/mdi/fonts";
@import "/horizon/lib/mdi/scss/materialdesignicons.scss";
.fa {
@extend .mdi;
$icon-swap: (
asterisk: 'star',
angle-right: 'arrow-right',
angle-left: 'arrow-left',
arrow-down: 'arrow-down',
arrow-up: 'arrow-up',
ban: 'block-helper',
bars: 'menu',
bug: 'bug',
calendar: 'calendar',
caret-up: 'menu-up',
caret-down: 'menu-down',
caret-up: 'menu-up',
check: 'check',
chevron-down: 'chevron-down',
chevron-left: 'chevron-left',
chevron-right: 'chevron-right',
chevron-up: 'chevron-up',
circle-o: 'radiobox-blank',
close: 'close',
cloud-download: 'cloud-download',
cloud-upload: 'cloud-upload',
code: 'code-tags',
cog: 'settings',
desktop: 'desktop-mac',
dot-circle-o: 'radiobox-marked',
download: 'download',
edit: 'pencil',
exchange: 'swap-horizontal',
exclamation: 'exclamation',
exclamation-circle: 'alert-circle',
exclamation-triangle: 'alert',
eye: 'eye',
eye-slash: 'eye-off',
filter: 'filter-outline',
folder: 'folder',
folder-o: 'folder-outline',
group: 'account-multiple',
home: 'home',
info-circle: 'information-outline',
link: 'link-variant',
list-alt: 'view-list',
minus: 'minus',
pause: 'pause',
pencil: 'pencil',
play: 'play',
plus: 'plus',
question-circle: 'help-circle',
random: 'shuffle',
refresh: 'refresh',
remove: 'close',
save: 'floppy',
search: 'magnify',
server: 'server',
share-square-o: 'share',
sign-out: 'logout',
sort: 'sort',
square: 'checkbox-blank',
square-o: 'checkbox-blank-outline',
spin: 'reload',
star-o: 'star-outline',
times: 'close',
times-circle: 'close',
trash: 'delete',
trash-o: 'delete',
th: 'view-module',
th-large: 'view-module',
upload: 'upload',
unlink: 'link-variant-off',
user: 'account',
warning: 'alert',
@each $fa-icon, $mdi-icon in $icon-swap {
.fa-#{$fa-icon} {
@extend .mdi-#{$mdi-icon};