Julie Gravel 24c8cfb31d Change Network form names from Update to Edit
Change Networks, Routers, Ports update form names from 'Update xxx'
to 'Edit xxx' to be consistent with the corresponding row actions.

Change-Id: I7d42830e640c75bf2bafd10bcf3ec96de592dc3d
Closes-Bug: #1688645
2017-05-10 12:27:12 -07:00

221 lines
8.8 KiB

# Copyright 2012, Nachi Ueno, NTT MCL, Inc.
# Copyright 2013, Big Switch Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Views for managing Neutron Routers.
from collections import OrderedDict
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy
from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import forms
from horizon import messages
from horizon import tables
from horizon import tabs
from horizon.utils import memoized
from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.utils import filters
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.routers\
import forms as project_forms
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.routers import tables as rtables
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.routers import tabs as rdtabs
class IndexView(tables.DataTableView):
table_class = rtables.RoutersTable
page_title = _("Routers")
FILTERS_MAPPING = {'admin_state_up': {_("up"): True, _("down"): False}}
def _get_routers(self, search_opts=None):
search_opts = self.get_filters(
filters=search_opts, filters_map=self.FILTERS_MAPPING)
tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id
routers = api.neutron.router_list(self.request,
except Exception:
routers = []
_('Unable to retrieve router list.'))
ext_net_dict = self._list_external_networks()
for r in routers:
r.name = r.name_or_id
self._set_external_network(r, ext_net_dict)
return routers
def get_data(self):
routers = self._get_routers()
return routers
def _list_external_networks(self):
search_opts = {'router:external': True}
ext_nets = api.neutron.network_list(self.request,
ext_net_dict = OrderedDict((n['id'], n.name_or_id)
for n in ext_nets)
except Exception as e:
msg = _('Unable to retrieve a list of external networks "%s".') % e
exceptions.handle(self.request, msg)
ext_net_dict = {}
return ext_net_dict
def _set_external_network(self, router, ext_net_dict):
gateway_info = router.external_gateway_info
if gateway_info:
ext_net_id = gateway_info['network_id']
if ext_net_id in ext_net_dict:
gateway_info['network'] = ext_net_dict[ext_net_id]
msg_params = {'ext_net_id': ext_net_id, 'router_id': router.id}
msg = _('External network "%(ext_net_id)s" expected but not '
'found for router "%(router_id)s".') % msg_params
messages.error(self.request, msg)
# gateway_info['network'] is just the network name, so putting
# in a smallish error message in the table is reasonable.
# Translators: The usage is "<UUID of ext_net> (Not Found)"
gateway_info['network'] = pgettext_lazy(
'External network not found',
u'%s (Not Found)') % ext_net_id
class DetailView(tabs.TabbedTableView):
tab_group_class = rdtabs.RouterDetailTabs
template_name = 'horizon/common/_detail.html'
failure_url = reverse_lazy('horizon:project:routers:index')
network_url = 'horizon:project:networks:detail'
page_title = "{{ router.name|default:router.id }}"
def _get_data(self):
router_id = self.kwargs['router_id']
router = api.neutron.router_get(self.request, router_id)
except Exception:
msg = _('Unable to retrieve details for router "%s".') \
% router_id
exceptions.handle(self.request, msg, redirect=self.failure_url)
if router.external_gateway_info:
ext_net_id = router.external_gateway_info['network_id']
router.external_gateway_info['network_url'] = reverse(
self.network_url, args=[ext_net_id])
ext_net = api.neutron.network_get(self.request, ext_net_id,
router.external_gateway_info['network'] = ext_net.name
except Exception:
msg = _('Unable to retrieve an external network "%s".') \
% ext_net_id
exceptions.handle(self.request, msg)
router.external_gateway_info['network'] = ext_net_id
return router
def _get_ports(self):
ports = api.neutron.port_list(self.request,
except Exception:
ports = []
msg = _('Unable to retrieve port details.')
exceptions.handle(self.request, msg)
return ports
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(DetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
router = self._get_data()
table = rtables.RoutersTable(self.request)
context["router"] = router
context["url"] = self.failure_url
context["actions"] = table.render_row_actions(router)
context['dvr_supported'] = api.neutron.get_feature_permission(
self.request, "dvr", "get")
context['ha_supported'] = api.neutron.get_feature_permission(
self.request, "l3-ha", "get")
choices = rtables.STATUS_DISPLAY_CHOICES
router.status_label = filters.get_display_label(choices, router.status)
router.admin_state_label = (
filters.get_display_label(choices, router.admin_state))
return context
def get_tabs(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
router = self._get_data()
ports = self._get_ports()
return self.tab_group_class(request, router=router,
ports=ports, **kwargs)
class CreateView(forms.ModalFormView):
form_class = project_forms.CreateForm
form_id = "create_router_form"
template_name = 'project/routers/create.html'
success_url = reverse_lazy("horizon:project:routers:index")
page_title = _("Create Router")
submit_label = _("Create Router")
submit_url = reverse_lazy("horizon:project:routers:create")
class UpdateView(forms.ModalFormView):
form_class = project_forms.UpdateForm
form_id = "update_router_form"
template_name = 'project/routers/update.html'
success_url = reverse_lazy("horizon:project:routers:index")
page_title = _("Edit Router")
submit_label = _("Save Changes")
submit_url = "horizon:project:routers:update"
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(UpdateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
args = (self.kwargs['router_id'],)
context["router_id"] = self.kwargs['router_id']
context['submit_url'] = reverse(self.submit_url, args=args)
return context
def _get_object(self, *args, **kwargs):
router_id = self.kwargs['router_id']
return api.neutron.router_get(self.request, router_id)
except Exception:
redirect = self.success_url
msg = _('Unable to retrieve router details.')
exceptions.handle(self.request, msg, redirect=redirect)
def get_initial(self):
router = self._get_object()
initial = {'router_id': router['id'],
'tenant_id': router['tenant_id'],
'name': router['name'],
'admin_state': router['admin_state_up']}
if hasattr(router, 'distributed'):
initial['mode'] = ('distributed' if router.distributed
else 'centralized')
if hasattr(router, 'ha'):
initial['ha'] = router.ha
return initial