Tyr Johanson fca46ab60f Pre-populate the Angular template cache and allow template overrides
This patch populates the Angular template cache from Django.
This eliminates the need for Angular to do an http get for every HTML

In addition, now that we are filling the template cache, this patch
introduces the logic needed to override any Angular template HTML from
the current theme.

How it works:
A new template tag is created called "template_cache_preloads". This
tag is used in _scripts.html to generate a list of text/javascript
script tags, each one containing an Angular "run" method that loads
a template contents into the Angular template cache. The first time
any Horizon page is loaded after server start, the template cache
preloads are computed for the current theme.

The output of this tag is cached for 30 days in Django using the
"cache" tag. Further, that cached result is wrapped in a "compress js"
tag to collapse the individual <script> tags into 1 block of
javascript, and compress like all other javascript Horizon serves to
the client.

Finally, when using offline compression, the compressor evaluates the
nodelist (HTML content) of _scripts.html, notices the compress tag
and builds the template cache preloads for each possible theme. Later,
at runtime, when the preloads are generated for the current theme, the
compressor gets the result from the Django cache, and hashes the
contents to determine which manifest file to serve to the client.
Since the preloads generated at run-time are identical to those
generated off-line, the compressor hash matches an existing manifest
which is served to the client.

Notice that even though the template cache pre-loads are generated
off-line...the template_cache_preloads tag will be executed once
every 30 days anyway. However, since the result matches the off-line
compression, the existing manifest continues to be served to the client.

Finally, this patch ALSO watches for 'post_compress' signals. If it
detects that the angular template preloads have been re-compressed, it
clears the old version from the Django cache.

To test the template caching:
- Run horizon
- View page source
- Notice the new <script type="text/javascript"> tags contained in
  the body (only visible if COMPRESS_ENABLED=False
- Open the javascript inspector
- Load launch instance
- Notice there are no longer http calls to load each HTML fragment
  used by the Angular launch instance

To test the override:
- Set the DEFAULT_THEME='material'
- Create /horizon/openstack_dashboard/themes/material/\
- Set the content to <h1>TEST</h1>
- Run Horizon and open launch instance.
- The help content should contain "TEST"

To test the new template tag:
- set a breakpoint or print in angular.py:template_cache_preloads
  and observe when it is called during off-line or run-time use

Co-Authored-By: Diana Whitten <hurgleburgler@gmail.com>

Implements: blueprint angular-template-overrides
Change-Id: I0e4e2623be58abbc68c6e02b2e9c5d7cdaba8e4d
2016-07-13 15:38:07 -07:00

121 lines
4.5 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from compressor.signals import post_compress
from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
from django.core.cache import caches
from django.core.cache.utils import make_template_fragment_key
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def update_angular_template_hash(sender, **kwargs):
"""Listen for compress events. If the angular templates
have been re-compressed, also clear them from the Django
cache backend. This is important to allow deployers to
change a template file, re-compress, and not accidentally
serve the old Django cached version of that content to
context = kwargs['context'] # context the compressor is working with
theme = context['THEME'] # current theme being compressed
compressed = context['compressed'] # the compressed content
compressed_name = compressed['name'] # name of the compressed content
if compressed_name == 'angular_template_cache_preloads':
# The compressor has modified the angular template cache preloads
# which are cached in the 'default' Django cache. Fetch that cache.
cache = caches['default']
# generate the same key as used in _scripts.html when caching the
# preloads
key = make_template_fragment_key(
['template_cache_preloads', theme]
# if template preloads have been cached, clear them
if cache.get(key):
def angular_escapes(value):
"""Djangos 'escapejs' is too aggressive and inserts unicode. Provide
a basic filter to allow angular template content to be used within
javascript strings.
value: a string
string with escaped values
return value \
.replace('"', '\\"') \
.replace("'", "\\'") \
.replace("\n", "\\n") \
.replace("\r", "\\r")
@register.inclusion_tag('angular/angular_templates.html', takes_context=True)
def angular_templates(context):
"""For all static HTML templates, generate a dictionary of template
contents. If the template has been overridden by a theme, load the
override contents instead of the original HTML file. One use for
this is to pre-populate the angular template cache.
context: the context of the current Django template
Returns: an object containing
angular_templates: dictionary of angular template contents
- key is the template's static path,
- value is a string of HTML template contents
template_paths = context['HORIZON_CONFIG']['external_templates']
all_theme_static_files = context['HORIZON_CONFIG']['theme_static_files']
this_theme_static_files = all_theme_static_files[context['THEME']]
template_overrides = this_theme_static_files['template_overrides']
angular_templates = {}
for relative_path in template_paths:
template_static_path = context['STATIC_URL'] + relative_path
# If the current theme overrides this template, use the theme
# content instead of the original file content
if relative_path in template_overrides:
relative_path = template_overrides[relative_path]
result = []
for finder in finders.get_finders():
result.extend(finder.find(relative_path, True))
path = result[-1]
with open(path) as template_file:
angular_templates[template_static_path] = template_file.read()
except (OSError, IOError):
# Failed to read template, leave the template dictionary blank
# If the caller is using this dictionary to pre-populate a cache
# there will simply be no pre-loaded version for this template.
return {
'angular_templates': angular_templates