The docstring of getExtensions service in cinder.service.js was a copy from nova service and not correct. The docstring was updated based on the current cinder v2 API. Thanks to a recent improvement in reno, touching release notes in older releases in the master branch no longer polute the rendered release notes. Changing URLs (or other things) in the master branch does not affect the rendered release notes, but updating URLs to the latest would help avoiding mechanical patches of updating links :) Change-Id: I2aec3adeb400323d42a3a5083f8bc0798eeff917
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- A new Profiler panel in the Developer dashboard is
introduced. It integrates
`osprofiler library <https://docs.openstack.org/osprofiler/latest/>`_
into horizon, thus implementing
`blueprint openstack-profiler-at-developer-dashboard <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/openstack-profiler-at-developer-dashboard>`_.
Initially profiler is disabled. To enable it the value
``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['enabled']`` has to be ``True``.
This in turn can be achieved by copying files
_9030_profiler_settings.py.example and _9030_profiler.py to
and openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/_9030_profiler.py respectively.
Also, by default it expects MongoDB cluster
to be present on the same host where Keystone is located
(say, in a Devstack VM). But it also can be configured
with params with ``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['notifier_connection_string]'``
and ``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['receiver_connection_string']`` values.
MongoDB should be installed
`manually <https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/#install-mongodb-community-edition>`_
and allowed to receive requests on interface.