KeithMnemonic 9637d73374 Fix "prev" link pagination for instances with identical timestamps
This patch resolves an issue with the "prev" link when instances
have identical "created_at" values. This can occur when creating
instance using the "min/max count" option. The reverse sort does not
work correctly as the server list returned from nova is not an exact
reverse as the forward sort. It looks like the combination of sort_keys
must be unique to ensure the forward and reverse pagination properly.
As a workaround 'uuid' (server ID) is added to 'sort_keys'.
In addition, 'display_name' is added before 'uuid' in 'sort_keys'
to list servers in the alphabetical order (which sounds natural).

Closes-Bug #1856243
Change-Id: I73234b2c69ce8ea648b4a9721abe4f5670031909
2019-12-25 20:12:03 +09:00

1179 lines
38 KiB

# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2012 X.commerce, a business unit of eBay Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import logging
from operator import attrgetter
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from novaclient import api_versions
from novaclient import exceptions as nova_exceptions
from novaclient.v2 import instance_action as nova_instance_action
from novaclient.v2 import servers as nova_servers
from horizon import exceptions as horizon_exceptions
from horizon.utils import memoized
from openstack_dashboard.api import _nova
from openstack_dashboard.api import base
from openstack_dashboard.api import cinder
from openstack_dashboard.contrib.developer.profiler import api as profiler
from openstack_dashboard.utils import settings as utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# API static values
# python-novaclient 16.0.0 removed the list_extensions module and the
# GET /extensions API is deprecated since Newton. Furthermore, the ability
# to enable/disable compute API extensions was also removed in Newton.
# Therefore we hard-code the list of extensions here until the
# OPENSTACK_NOVA_EXTENSIONS_BLACKLIST setting is no longer used.
get_microversion = _nova.get_microversion
server_get = _nova.server_get
Server = _nova.Server
def is_feature_available(request, features):
return bool(get_microversion(request, features))
class VolumeMultiattachNotSupported(horizon_exceptions.HorizonException):
status_code = 400
class VNCConsole(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_vnc_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class SPICEConsole(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_spice_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class RDPConsole(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_rdp_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class SerialConsole(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_serial_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class MKSConsole(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Wrapper for the "console" dictionary.
Returned by the novaclient.servers.get_mks_console method.
_attrs = ['url', 'type']
class Hypervisor(base.APIDictWrapper):
"""Simple wrapper around novaclient.hypervisors.Hypervisor."""
_attrs = ['manager', '_loaded', '_info', 'hypervisor_hostname', 'id',
def servers(self):
# if hypervisor doesn't have servers, the attribute is not present
servers = []
servers = self._apidict.servers
except Exception:
return servers
class NovaUsage(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Simple wrapper around contrib/simple_usage.py."""
_attrs = ['start', 'server_usages', 'stop', 'tenant_id',
'total_local_gb_usage', 'total_memory_mb_usage',
'total_vcpus_usage', 'total_hours']
def get_summary(self):
return {'instances': self.total_active_instances,
'memory_mb': self.memory_mb,
'vcpus': self.vcpus,
'vcpu_hours': self.vcpu_hours,
'local_gb': self.local_gb,
'disk_gb_hours': self.disk_gb_hours,
'memory_mb_hours': self.memory_mb_hours}
def total_active_instances(self):
return sum(1 for s in self.server_usages if s['ended_at'] is None)
def vcpus(self):
return sum(s['vcpus'] for s in self.server_usages
if s['ended_at'] is None)
def vcpu_hours(self):
return getattr(self, "total_vcpus_usage", 0)
def local_gb(self):
return sum(s['local_gb'] for s in self.server_usages
if s['ended_at'] is None)
def memory_mb(self):
return sum(s['memory_mb'] for s in self.server_usages
if s['ended_at'] is None)
def disk_gb_hours(self):
return getattr(self, "total_local_gb_usage", 0)
def memory_mb_hours(self):
return getattr(self, "total_memory_mb_usage", 0)
class FlavorExtraSpec(object):
def __init__(self, flavor_id, key, val):
self.flavor_id = flavor_id
self.id = key
self.key = key
self.value = val
class QuotaSet(base.QuotaSet):
# We don't support nova-network, so we exclude nova-network relatd
# quota fields from the response.
ignore_quotas = {
def upgrade_api(request, client, version):
"""Ugrade the nova API to the specified version if possible."""
min_ver, max_ver = api_versions._get_server_version_range(client)
if min_ver <= api_versions.APIVersion(version) <= max_ver:
client = _nova.novaclient(request, version)
return client
def server_vnc_console(request, instance_id, console_type='novnc'):
nc = _nova.novaclient(request)
console = nc.servers.get_vnc_console(instance_id, console_type)
return VNCConsole(console['console'])
def server_spice_console(request, instance_id, console_type='spice-html5'):
nc = _nova.novaclient(request)
console = nc.servers.get_spice_console(instance_id, console_type)
return SPICEConsole(console['console'])
def server_rdp_console(request, instance_id, console_type='rdp-html5'):
nc = _nova.novaclient(request)
console = nc.servers.get_rdp_console(instance_id, console_type)
return RDPConsole(console['console'])
def server_serial_console(request, instance_id, console_type='serial'):
nc = _nova.novaclient(request)
console = nc.servers.get_serial_console(instance_id, console_type)
return SerialConsole(console['console'])
def server_mks_console(request, instance_id, console_type='mks'):
microver = get_microversion(request, "remote_console_mks")
nc = _nova.novaclient(request, microver)
console = nc.servers.get_mks_console(instance_id, console_type)
return MKSConsole(console['remote_console'])
def flavor_create(request, name, memory, vcpu, disk, flavorid='auto',
ephemeral=0, swap=0, metadata=None, is_public=True,
flavor = _nova.novaclient(request).flavors.create(name, memory, vcpu, disk,
if (metadata):
flavor_extra_set(request, flavor.id, metadata)
return flavor
def flavor_delete(request, flavor_id):
def flavor_get(request, flavor_id, get_extras=False):
flavor = _nova.novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
if get_extras:
flavor.extras = flavor_get_extras(request, flavor.id, True, flavor)
return flavor
def flavor_list(request, is_public=True, get_extras=False):
"""Get the list of available instance sizes (flavors)."""
flavors = _nova.novaclient(request).flavors.list(is_public=is_public)
if get_extras:
for flavor in flavors:
flavor.extras = flavor_get_extras(request, flavor.id, True, flavor)
return flavors
def update_pagination(entities, page_size, marker, reversed_order=False):
has_more_data = has_prev_data = False
if len(entities) > page_size:
has_more_data = True
if marker is not None:
has_prev_data = True
# first page condition when reached via prev back
elif reversed_order and marker is not None:
has_more_data = True
# last page condition
elif marker is not None:
has_prev_data = True
# restore the original ordering here
if reversed_order:
return entities, has_more_data, has_prev_data
def flavor_list_paged(request, is_public=True, get_extras=False, marker=None,
paginate=False, sort_key="name", sort_dir="desc",
"""Get the list of available instance sizes (flavors)."""
has_more_data = False
has_prev_data = False
if paginate:
if reversed_order:
sort_dir = 'desc' if sort_dir == 'asc' else 'asc'
page_size = utils.get_page_size(request)
flavors = _nova.novaclient(request).flavors.list(is_public=is_public,
limit=page_size + 1,
flavors, has_more_data, has_prev_data = update_pagination(
flavors, page_size, marker, reversed_order)
flavors = _nova.novaclient(request).flavors.list(is_public=is_public)
if get_extras:
for flavor in flavors:
flavor.extras = flavor_get_extras(request, flavor.id, True, flavor)
return (flavors, has_more_data, has_prev_data)
def flavor_access_list(request, flavor=None):
"""Get the list of access instance sizes (flavors)."""
return _nova.novaclient(request).flavor_access.list(flavor=flavor)
def add_tenant_to_flavor(request, flavor, tenant):
"""Add a tenant to the given flavor access list."""
return _nova.novaclient(request).flavor_access.add_tenant_access(
flavor=flavor, tenant=tenant)
def remove_tenant_from_flavor(request, flavor, tenant):
"""Remove a tenant from the given flavor access list."""
return _nova.novaclient(request).flavor_access.remove_tenant_access(
flavor=flavor, tenant=tenant)
def flavor_get_extras(request, flavor_id, raw=False, flavor=None):
"""Get flavor extra specs."""
if flavor is None:
flavor = _nova.novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
extras = flavor.get_keys()
if raw:
return extras
return [FlavorExtraSpec(flavor_id, key, value) for
key, value in extras.items()]
def flavor_extra_delete(request, flavor_id, keys):
"""Unset the flavor extra spec keys."""
flavor = _nova.novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
return flavor.unset_keys(keys)
def flavor_extra_set(request, flavor_id, metadata):
"""Set the flavor extra spec keys."""
flavor = _nova.novaclient(request).flavors.get(flavor_id)
if (not metadata): # not a way to delete keys
return None
return flavor.set_keys(metadata)
def snapshot_create(request, instance_id, name):
return _nova.novaclient(request).servers.create_image(instance_id, name)
def keypair_create(request, name, key_type='ssh'):
microversion = get_microversion(request, 'key_types')
return _nova.novaclient(request, microversion).\
keypairs.create(name, key_type=key_type)
def keypair_import(request, name, public_key, key_type='ssh'):
microversion = get_microversion(request, 'key_types')
return _nova.novaclient(request, microversion).\
keypairs.create(name, public_key, key_type)
def keypair_delete(request, name):
def keypair_list(request):
microversion = get_microversion(request, 'key_type_list')
return _nova.novaclient(request, microversion).keypairs.list()
def keypair_get(request, name):
return _nova.novaclient(request).keypairs.get(name)
def server_create(request, name, image, flavor, key_name, user_data,
security_groups, block_device_mapping=None,
block_device_mapping_v2=None, nics=None,
availability_zone=None, instance_count=1, admin_pass=None,
disk_config=None, config_drive=None, meta=None,
scheduler_hints=None, description=None):
microversion = get_microversion(request, ("instance_description",
nova_client = _nova.novaclient(request, version=microversion)
# NOTE(amotoki): Handling auto allocated network
# Nova API 2.37 or later, it accepts a special string 'auto' for nics
# which means nova uses a network that is available for a current project
# if one exists and otherwise it creates a network automatically.
# This special handling is processed here as JS side assumes 'nics'
# is a list and it is easiest to handle it here.
if nics:
is_auto_allocate = any(nic.get('net-id') == '__auto_allocate__'
for nic in nics)
if is_auto_allocate:
nics = 'auto'
kwargs = {}
if description is not None:
kwargs['description'] = description
return Server(nova_client.servers.create(
name.strip(), image, flavor, userdata=user_data,
key_name=key_name, block_device_mapping=block_device_mapping,
nics=nics, availability_zone=availability_zone,
min_count=instance_count, admin_pass=admin_pass,
disk_config=disk_config, config_drive=config_drive,
meta=meta, scheduler_hints=scheduler_hints, **kwargs), request)
def server_delete(request, instance_id):
# Session is available and consistent for the current view
# among Horizon django servers even in load-balancing setup,
# so only the view listing the servers will recognize it as
# own DeleteInstance action performed. Note that dict is passed
# by reference in python. Quote from django's developer manual:
# " You can read it and write to request.session at any point
# in your view. You can edit it multiple times."
request.session['server_deleted'] = instance_id
def get_novaclient_with_locked_status(request):
microversion = get_microversion(request, "locked_attribute")
return _nova.novaclient(request, version=microversion)
def server_list_paged(request,
has_more_data = False
has_prev_data = False
nova_client = get_novaclient_with_locked_status(request)
page_size = utils.get_page_size(request)
search_opts = {} if search_opts is None else search_opts
marker = search_opts.get('marker', None)
if not search_opts.get('all_tenants', False):
search_opts['project_id'] = request.user.tenant_id
if search_opts.pop('paginate', False):
reversed_order = sort_dir == "asc"
LOG.debug("Notify received on deleted server: %r",
('server_deleted' in request.session))
deleted = request.session.pop('server_deleted',
view_marker = 'possibly_deleted' if deleted and marker else 'ok'
search_opts['marker'] = deleted if deleted else marker
search_opts['limit'] = page_size + 1
# NOTE(amotoki): It looks like the 'sort_keys' must be unique to make
# the pagination in the nova API works as expected. Multiple servers
# can have a same 'created_at' as its resolution is a second.
# To ensure the uniqueness we add 'uuid' to the sort keys.
# 'display_name' is added before 'uuid' to list servers in the
# alphabetical order.
sort_keys = ['created_at', 'display_name', 'uuid']
servers = [Server(s, request)
for s in nova_client.servers.list(detailed, search_opts,
sort_dirs=[sort_dir] * 3)]
if view_marker == 'possibly_deleted':
if not servers:
view_marker = 'head_deleted'
reversed_order = False
servers = [Server(s, request)
for s in
sort_dirs=['desc'] * 3)]
if not servers:
view_marker = 'tail_deleted'
reversed_order = True
servers = [Server(s, request)
for s in
sort_dirs=['asc'] * 3)]
(servers, has_more_data, has_prev_data) = update_pagination(
servers, page_size, marker, reversed_order)
has_prev_data = (False
if view_marker == 'head_deleted'
else has_prev_data)
has_more_data = (False
if view_marker == 'tail_deleted'
else has_more_data)
servers = [Server(s, request)
for s in nova_client.servers.list(detailed, search_opts)]
return (servers, has_more_data, has_prev_data)
def server_list(request, search_opts=None, detailed=True):
(servers, has_more_data, _) = server_list_paged(request,
return (servers, has_more_data)
def server_console_output(request, instance_id, tail_length=None):
"""Gets console output of an instance."""
nc = _nova.novaclient(request)
return nc.servers.get_console_output(instance_id, length=tail_length)
def server_pause(request, instance_id):
def server_unpause(request, instance_id):
def server_suspend(request, instance_id):
def server_resume(request, instance_id):
def server_shelve(request, instance_id):
def server_unshelve(request, instance_id):
def server_reboot(request, instance_id, soft_reboot=False):
hardness = nova_servers.REBOOT_HARD
if soft_reboot:
hardness = nova_servers.REBOOT_SOFT
_nova.novaclient(request).servers.reboot(instance_id, hardness)
def server_rebuild(request, instance_id, image_id, password=None,
disk_config=None, description=None):
kwargs = {}
if description:
kwargs['description'] = description
nc = _nova.get_novaclient_with_instance_desc(request)
return nc.servers.rebuild(instance_id, image_id, password, disk_config,
def server_update(request, instance_id, name, description=None):
nc = _nova.get_novaclient_with_instance_desc(request)
return nc.servers.update(instance_id, name=name.strip(),
def server_migrate(request, instance_id):
def server_live_migrate(request, instance_id, host, block_migration=False,
_nova.novaclient(request).servers.live_migrate(instance_id, host,
def server_resize(request, instance_id, flavor, disk_config=None, **kwargs):
_nova.novaclient(request).servers.resize(instance_id, flavor,
disk_config, **kwargs)
def server_confirm_resize(request, instance_id):
def server_revert_resize(request, instance_id):
def server_start(request, instance_id):
def server_stop(request, instance_id):
def server_lock(request, instance_id):
microversion = get_microversion(request, "locked_attribute")
_nova.novaclient(request, version=microversion).servers.lock(instance_id)
def server_unlock(request, instance_id):
microversion = get_microversion(request, "locked_attribute")
_nova.novaclient(request, version=microversion).servers.unlock(instance_id)
def server_metadata_update(request, instance_id, metadata):
_nova.novaclient(request).servers.set_meta(instance_id, metadata)
def server_metadata_delete(request, instance_id, keys):
_nova.novaclient(request).servers.delete_meta(instance_id, keys)
def server_rescue(request, instance_id, password=None, image=None):
def server_unrescue(request, instance_id):
def tenant_quota_get(request, tenant_id):
return QuotaSet(_nova.novaclient(request).quotas.get(tenant_id))
def tenant_quota_update(request, tenant_id, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
_nova.novaclient(request).quotas.update(tenant_id, **kwargs)
def default_quota_get(request, tenant_id):
return QuotaSet(_nova.novaclient(request).quotas.defaults(tenant_id))
def default_quota_update(request, **kwargs):
def _get_usage_marker(usage):
marker = None
if hasattr(usage, 'server_usages') and usage.server_usages:
marker = usage.server_usages[-1].get('instance_id')
return marker
def _get_usage_list_marker(usage_list):
marker = None
if usage_list:
marker = _get_usage_marker(usage_list[-1])
return marker
def _merge_usage(usage, next_usage):
usage.total_hours += next_usage.total_hours
usage.total_memory_mb_usage += next_usage.total_memory_mb_usage
usage.total_vcpus_usage += next_usage.total_vcpus_usage
usage.total_local_gb_usage += next_usage.total_local_gb_usage
def _merge_usage_list(usages, next_usage_list):
for next_usage in next_usage_list:
if next_usage.tenant_id in usages:
_merge_usage(usages[next_usage.tenant_id], next_usage)
usages[next_usage.tenant_id] = next_usage
def usage_get(request, tenant_id, start, end):
client = upgrade_api(request, _nova.novaclient(request), '2.40')
usage = client.usage.get(tenant_id, start, end)
if client.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.40'):
# If the number of instances used to calculate the usage is greater
# than max_limit, the usage will be split across multiple requests
# and the responses will need to be merged back together.
marker = _get_usage_marker(usage)
while marker:
next_usage = client.usage.get(tenant_id, start, end, marker=marker)
marker = _get_usage_marker(next_usage)
if marker:
_merge_usage(usage, next_usage)
return NovaUsage(usage)
def usage_list(request, start, end):
client = upgrade_api(request, _nova.novaclient(request), '2.40')
usage_list = client.usage.list(start, end, True)
if client.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.40'):
# If the number of instances used to calculate the usage is greater
# than max_limit, the usage will be split across multiple requests
# and the responses will need to be merged back together.
usages = collections.OrderedDict()
_merge_usage_list(usages, usage_list)
marker = _get_usage_list_marker(usage_list)
while marker:
next_usage_list = client.usage.list(start, end, True,
marker = _get_usage_list_marker(next_usage_list)
if marker:
_merge_usage_list(usages, next_usage_list)
usage_list = usages.values()
return [NovaUsage(u) for u in usage_list]
def get_password(request, instance_id, private_key=None):
return _nova.novaclient(request).servers.get_password(instance_id,
def instance_volume_attach(request, volume_id, instance_id, device):
# If we have a multiattach volume, we need to use microversion>=2.60.
volume = cinder.volume_get(request, volume_id)
if volume.multiattach:
version = get_microversion(request, 'multiattach')
if version:
client = _nova.novaclient(request, version)
raise VolumeMultiattachNotSupported(
_('Multiattach volumes are not yet supported.'))
client = _nova.novaclient(request)
return client.volumes.create_server_volume(
instance_id, volume_id, device)
def instance_volume_detach(request, instance_id, att_id):
return _nova.novaclient(request).volumes.delete_server_volume(instance_id,
def instance_volumes_list(request, instance_id):
volumes = _nova.novaclient(request).volumes.get_server_volumes(instance_id)
for volume in volumes:
volume_data = cinder.cinderclient(request).volumes.get(volume.id)
volume.name = cinder.Volume(volume_data).name
return volumes
def hypervisor_list(request):
return _nova.novaclient(request).hypervisors.list()
def hypervisor_stats(request):
return _nova.novaclient(request).hypervisors.statistics()
def hypervisor_search(request, query, servers=True):
return _nova.novaclient(request).hypervisors.search(query, servers)
def evacuate_host(request, host, target=None, on_shared_storage=False):
# TODO(jmolle) This should be change for nova atomic api host_evacuate
hypervisors = _nova.novaclient(request).hypervisors.search(host, True)
response = []
err_code = None
for hypervisor in hypervisors:
hyper = Hypervisor(hypervisor)
# if hypervisor doesn't have servers, the attribute is not present
for server in hyper.servers:
except nova_exceptions.ClientException as err:
err_code = err.code
msg = _("Name: %(name)s ID: %(uuid)s")
msg = msg % {'name': server['name'], 'uuid': server['uuid']}
if err_code:
msg = _('Failed to evacuate instances: %s') % ', '.join(response)
raise nova_exceptions.ClientException(err_code, msg)
return True
def migrate_host(request, host, live_migrate=False, disk_over_commit=False,
nc = _nova.novaclient(request)
hypervisors = nc.hypervisors.search(host, True)
response = []
err_code = None
for hyper in hypervisors:
for server in getattr(hyper, "servers", []):
if live_migrate:
instance = server_get(request, server['uuid'])
# Checking that instance can be live-migrated
if instance.status in ["ACTIVE", "PAUSED"]:
except nova_exceptions.ClientException as err:
err_code = err.code
msg = _("Name: %(name)s ID: %(uuid)s")
msg = msg % {'name': server['name'], 'uuid': server['uuid']}
if err_code:
msg = _('Failed to migrate instances: %s') % ', '.join(response)
raise nova_exceptions.ClientException(err_code, msg)
return True
def tenant_absolute_limits(request, reserved=False, tenant_id=None):
# Nova does not allow to specify tenant_id for non-admin users
# even if tenant_id matches a tenant_id of the user.
if tenant_id == request.user.tenant_id:
tenant_id = None
limits = _nova.novaclient(request).limits.get(reserved=reserved,
limits_dict = {}
for limit in limits:
if limit.value < 0:
# Workaround for nova bug 1370867 that absolute_limits
# returns negative value for total.*Used instead of 0.
# For such case, replace negative values with 0.
if limit.name.startswith('total') and limit.name.endswith('Used'):
limits_dict[limit.name] = 0
# -1 is used to represent unlimited quotas
limits_dict[limit.name] = float("inf")
limits_dict[limit.name] = limit.value
return limits_dict
def availability_zone_list(request, detailed=False):
nc = _nova.novaclient(request)
zones = nc.availability_zones.list(detailed=detailed)
return zones
def server_group_list(request):
return _nova.novaclient(request).server_groups.list()
def server_group_create(request, **kwargs):
microversion = get_microversion(request, "servergroup_soft_policies")
nc = _nova.novaclient(request, version=microversion)
return nc.server_groups.create(**kwargs)
def server_group_delete(request, servergroup_id):
def server_group_get(request, servergroup_id):
microversion = get_microversion(request, "servergroup_user_info")
return _nova.novaclient(request, version=microversion).server_groups.get(
def service_list(request, binary=None):
return _nova.novaclient(request).services.list(binary=binary)
def service_enable(request, host, binary):
return _nova.novaclient(request).services.enable(host, binary)
def service_disable(request, host, binary, reason=None):
if reason:
return _nova.novaclient(request).services.disable_log_reason(
host, binary, reason)
return _nova.novaclient(request).services.disable(host, binary)
def aggregate_details_list(request):
result = []
c = _nova.novaclient(request)
for aggregate in c.aggregates.list():
return result
def aggregate_create(request, name, availability_zone=None):
return _nova.novaclient(request).aggregates.create(name, availability_zone)
def aggregate_delete(request, aggregate_id):
return _nova.novaclient(request).aggregates.delete(aggregate_id)
def aggregate_get(request, aggregate_id):
return _nova.novaclient(request).aggregates.get(aggregate_id)
def aggregate_update(request, aggregate_id, values):
_nova.novaclient(request).aggregates.update(aggregate_id, values)
def aggregate_set_metadata(request, aggregate_id, metadata):
return _nova.novaclient(request).aggregates.set_metadata(aggregate_id,
def add_host_to_aggregate(request, aggregate_id, host):
_nova.novaclient(request).aggregates.add_host(aggregate_id, host)
def remove_host_from_aggregate(request, aggregate_id, host):
_nova.novaclient(request).aggregates.remove_host(aggregate_id, host)
def interface_attach(request,
server, port_id=None, net_id=None, fixed_ip=None):
return _nova.novaclient(request).servers.interface_attach(
server, port_id, net_id, fixed_ip)
def interface_detach(request, server, port_id):
return _nova.novaclient(request).servers.interface_detach(server, port_id)
def list_extensions(request):
"""List all nova extension names, except the ones in the blacklist."""
return tuple(
extension for extension in EXTENSIONS if extension not in blacklist
def extension_supported(extension_name, request):
"""Determine if nova supports a given extension name.
Example values for the extension_name include AdminActions, ConsoleOutput,
return extension_name in list_extensions(request)
def can_set_server_password():
return utils.get_dict_config('OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES',
def instance_action_list(request, instance_id):
return nova_instance_action.InstanceActionManager(
def can_set_mount_point():
"""Return the Hypervisor's capability of setting mount points."""
return utils.get_dict_config('OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES',
def requires_keypair():
return utils.get_dict_config('OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES',
def can_set_quotas():
return utils.get_dict_config('OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES',