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Draw line chart in d3.
To use, a div is required with the data attributes
data-chart-type="line_chart", data-url.
data-chart-type - REQUIRED(string) must be "line_chart" so chart gets initialized
data-url - REQUIRED(string) url for the json data for the chart
data-form-selector - Optional(string) JQuery selector of Forms that controls this chart
data-legend-selector - Optional(string) JQuery selector of div element that will display legend
data-smoother-selector - Optional(string) JQuery selector of TODO(lsmola)
data-slider-selector - Optional(string) JQuery selector of TODO(lsmola)
If used in popup, initialization must be made manually e.g.:
if (typeof horizon.d3_line_chart !== 'undefined') {
<div id="line_chart"
data-url="{% url 'horizon:admin:metering:samples'%}"
<div id="linea_chart2"
data-url="{% url 'horizon:admin:metering:samples'%}?query=not_popular_data"
The data format example:
Url has to return JSON in format:
"series": [
"name": "instance-00000005",
"data": [
{"y": 171, "x": "2013-08-21T11:22:25"},
{"y": 171, "x": "2013-08-21T11:22:25"}
}, {
"name": "instance-00000005",
"data": [
{"y": 171, "x": "2013-08-21T11:22:25"},
{"y": 171, "x": "2013-08-21T11:22:25"}
"settings": {}
Example of line-bar chart sparkline:
<div class="overview_chart">
<div class="chart_container">
<div class="chart"
<div class="bar_chart_container">
<div class="chart" data-chart-type="overview_bar_chart">
"series": [
"name": "instance-00000005",
"data": [
{"y": 171, "x": "2013-08-21T11:22:25"},
{"y": 171, "x": "2013-08-21T11:22:25"}
}, {
"name": "instance-00000005",
"data": [
{"y": 171, "x": "2013-08-21T11:22:25"},
{"y": 171, "x": "2013-08-21T11:22:25"}
"settings": {
'renderer': 'StaticAxes',
'yMin': 0,
'yMax': 100,
'higlight_last_point': True,
"auto_size": False, 'auto_resize': False,
"axes_x" : False, "axes_y" : False,
'bar_chart_settings': {
'orientation': 'vertical',
'used_label_placement': 'left',
'width': 30,
'color_scale_domain': [0, 80, 80, 100],
'color_scale_range': ['#00FE00', '#00FF00', '#FE0000', '#FF0000'],
'average_color_scale_domain': [0, 100],
'average_color_scale_range': ['#0000FF', '#0000FF']
"stats": {
'average': 20,
'used': 30,
'tooltip_average': tooltip_average
The control Forms:
There are currently 2 form elements that can be connected to charts and act
as controls. Elements listen for change event and refresh the chart on change event.
Chart can be connected to multiple forms via selector, all for data will be sent on
Form can be connected to multiple charts, all charts will be refreshed when form
element changes.
The firsts rendering of the chart takes data from the connected Forms.
1. Selectbox
The data attribute 'data-line-chart-command="select_box_change' needs to be defined on
select element.
<form class="form-horizontal"
<div class="control-group">
<label for="meter" class="control-label">{% trans "Metric" %}:&nbsp;</label>
<div class="controls">
<select data-line-chart-command="select_box_change"
name="meter" id="meter" class="span2 example">
{% for meter in meters %}
<option value="{{ meter }}" data-unit="{{ meter }}">
{{ meter }}
{% endfor %}
2. Date picker
The data attribute 'data-line-chart-command="date_picker_change"' needs to be defined on
input element.
<form class="form-horizontal"
<div class="control-group" id="date_from">
<label for="date_from" class="control-label">{% trans "From" %}:&nbsp;</label>
<div class="controls">
<input data-line-chart-command="date_picker_change"
type="text" id="date_from" name="date_from" class="span2 example"/>
* TODO(lsmola) this is for representation of percentage charts. Need to be extended
* so it can be used e.g. for setting fixed x axis as requested here:
* https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1243716
Rickshaw.Graph.Renderer.StaticAxes = Rickshaw.Class.create( Rickshaw.Graph.Renderer.Line, {
name: 'StaticAxes',
defaults: function($super) {
return Rickshaw.extend( $super(), {
xMin: undefined,
xMax: undefined,
yMin: undefined,
yMax: undefined,
domain: function($super) {
var ret = $super();
// If y axis wants to have static range, not based on data
if (this.yMin !== undefined && this.yMax !== undefined){
ret.y = [this.yMin, this.yMax];
return ret;
horizon.d3_line_chart = {
* A class representing the line chart
* @param chart_module A context of horizon.d3_line_chart module.
* @param html_element A html_element containing the chart.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
LineChart: function(chart_module, html_element, settings){
var self = this;
var jquery_element = $(html_element);
self.chart_module = chart_module;
self.html_element = html_element;
self.jquery_element = jquery_element;
/*********************** Initialization methods *************************/
* Initialize object
self.init = function() {
var self = this;
/* TODO(lsmola) make more configurable init from more sources */
self.legend_element = $(jquery_element.data('legend-selector')).get(0);
self.slider_element = $(jquery_element.data('slider-selector')).get(0);
self.url = jquery_element.data('url');
self.url_parameters = jquery_element.data('url_parameters');
self.final_url = self.url;
if (jquery_element.data('form-selector')){
// Add serialized data from all connected forms to url.
if (self.final_url.indexOf('?') > -1){
self.final_url += '&' + $(this).serialize();
} else {
self.final_url += '?' + $(this).serialize();
self.data = [];
self.color = d3.scale.category10();
// Self aggregation and statistic attrs
self.stats = {};
self.stats.average = 0;
self.stats.last_value = 0;
// Load initial settings.
// Get correct size of chart and the wrapper.
* Initialize settings of the chart with default values, then applies
* defined settings of the chart. Settings are obtained either from JSON
* of the html attribute data-settings, or from init of the charts. The
* highest priority settings are obtained directly from the JSON data
* obtained from the server.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
self.init_settings = function(settings) {
var self = this;
self.settings = {};
self.settings.renderer = 'line';
self.settings.auto_size = true;
self.settings.axes_x = true;
self.settings.axes_y = true;
self.settings.interpolation = 'linear';
// Static y axes values
self.settings.yMin = undefined;
self.settings.yMax = undefined;
// Show last point as dot
self.settings.higlight_last_point = false;
// Composed charts wrapper
self.settings.composed_chart_selector = '.overview_chart';
// Bar chart component
self.settings.bar_chart_selector = 'div[data-chart-type="overview_bar_chart"]';
self.settings.bar_chart_settings = undefined;
// allowed: verbose
self.hover_formatter = 'verbose';
Applying settings. The later application rewrites the previous
therefore it has bigger priority.
// Settings defined in the init method of the chart
if (settings){
// Settings defined in the html data-settings attribute
if (self.jquery_element.data('settings')){
var inline_settings = self.jquery_element.data('settings');
* Applies passed settings to the chart object. Allowed settings are
* listed in this method.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
self.apply_settings = function(settings){
var self = this;
var allowed_settings = ['renderer', 'auto_size', 'axes_x', 'axes_y',
'interpolation', 'yMin', 'yMax', 'bar_chart_settings',
'bar_chart_selector', 'composed_chart_selector',
jQuery.each(allowed_settings, function(index, setting_name) {
if (settings[setting_name] !== undefined){
self.settings[setting_name] = settings[setting_name];
* Computes size of the chart from surrounding divs. When
* settings.auto_size is on, it stretches the chart to bottom of
* the screen.
self.get_size = function(){
The height will be determined by css or window size,
I have to hide everything inside that could mess with
the size, so it is fully determined by outer CSS.
$(self.html_element).css('height', '');
$(self.html_element).css('width', '');
var svg = $(self.html_element).find('svg');
Width an height of the chart will be taken from chart wrapper,
that can be styled by css.
self.width = jquery_element.width();
// Set either the minimal height defined by CSS.
self.height = jquery_element.height();
Or stretch it to the remaining height of the window if there
is a place. + some space on the bottom, lets say 30px.
if (self.settings.auto_size) {
var auto_height = $(window).height() - jquery_element.offset().top - 30;
if (auto_height > self.height) {
self.height = auto_height;
/* Setting new sizes. It is important when resizing a window.*/
$(self.html_element).css('height', self.height);
$(self.html_element).css('width', self.width);
svg.css('height', self.height);
svg.css('width', self.width);
/****************************** Initialization **************************/
// Init of the object
/****************************** Methods *********************************/
* Obtains the actual chart data and renders the chart again.
self.refresh = function (){
var self = this;
url: self.final_url,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// Clearing the old chart data.
self.series = data.series;
self.stats = data.stats;
// The highest priority settings are sent with the data.
if (self.series.length <= 0) {
$(self.html_element).html(gettext('No data available.'));
// Setting a fix height breaks things when legend is getting
// bigger.
$(self.legend_element).css('height', '');
} else {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
$(self.html_element).html(gettext('No data available.'));
// Setting a fix height breaks things when legend is getting
// bigger.
$(self.legend_element).css('height', '');
// FIXME add proper fail message
horizon.alert('error', gettext('An error occurred. Please try again later.'));
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
* Renders the chart using Rickshaw library.
self.render = function(){
var self = this;
var last_point = undefined, last_point_color = undefined;
$.map(self.series, function (serie) {
serie.color = last_point_color = self.color(serie.name);
$.map(serie.data, function (statistic) {
// need to parse each date
statistic.x = d3.time.format('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').parse(statistic.x);
statistic.x = statistic.x.getTime() / 1000;
last_point = statistic;
last_point.color = serie.color;
var renderer = self.settings.renderer;
if (renderer === 'StaticAxes'){
renderer = Rickshaw.Graph.Renderer.StaticAxes;
// instantiate our graph!
var graph = new Rickshaw.Graph({
element: self.html_element,
width: self.width,
height: self.height,
renderer: renderer,
series: self.series,
yMin: self.settings.yMin,
yMax: self.settings.yMax,
interpolation: self.settings.interpolation,
TODO(lsmola) add JQuery UI slider to make this work
if (self.slider_element) {
var slider = new Rickshaw.Graph.RangeSlider({
graph: graph,
element: $(self.slider_element)
if (self.hover_formatter === 'verbose'){
var hoverDetail = new Rickshaw.Graph.HoverDetail({
graph: graph,
formatter: function(series, x, y) {
var date = '<span class="date">' + new Date(x * 1000).toUTCString() + '</span>';
var swatch = '<span class="detail_swatch" style="background-color: ' + series.color + '"></span>';
var content = swatch + series.name + ': ' + parseFloat(y).toFixed(2) + ' ' + series.unit + '<br>' + date;
return content;
if (self.legend_element) {
var legend = new Rickshaw.Graph.Legend({
graph: graph,
element: self.legend_element
var shelving = new Rickshaw.Graph.Behavior.Series.Toggle({
graph: graph,
legend: legend
var order = new Rickshaw.Graph.Behavior.Series.Order({
graph: graph,
legend: legend
var highlighter = new Rickshaw.Graph.Behavior.Series.Highlight({
graph: graph,
legend: legend
if (self.settings.axes_x) {
var axes_x = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Time({
graph: graph
if (self.settings.axes_y) {
var axes_y = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y({
graph: graph
Setting a fix height breaks things when chart is refreshed and
legend is getting bigger.
$(self.legend_element).css('height', '');
// Render bar chart
if (self.stats !== undefined){
var composed_chart = self.jquery_element.parents(self.settings.composed_chart_selector).first();
var bar_chart_html = composed_chart.find(self.settings.bar_chart_selector).get(0);
// Render ending dot to last point
if (self.settings.higlight_last_point){
if (last_point !== undefined && last_point_color !== undefined){
.attr('class', 'used_component')
.attr('cy', graph.y(last_point.y))
.attr('cx', graph.x(last_point.x))
.attr('r', 2)
.style('fill', last_point_color)
.style('stroke', last_point_color)
.style('stroke-width', 2);
* Shows chart loader with backdrop. Backdrop is computed to hide
* the canvas with chart. Loader is computed to be placed in the center.
* Hides also a block with legend.
self.start_loading = function () {
var self = this;
/* Find and remove backdrops and spinners that could be already there.*/
// Display the backdrop that will be over the chart.
self.backdrop = $('<div class="modal-backdrop"></div>');
self.backdrop.css('width', self.width).css('height', self.height);
// Hide the legend.
// Show the spinner.
self.spinner = $('<div class="spinner_wrapper"></div>');
TODO(lsmola) a loader for in-line tables spark-lines has to be
prepared, the parameters of loader could be sent in settings.
// Center the spinner considering the size of the spinner.
var radius = horizon.conf.spinner_options.line_chart.radius;
var length = horizon.conf.spinner_options.line_chart.length;
var spinner_size = radius + length;
var top = (self.height / 2) - spinner_size / 2;
var left = (self.width / 2) - spinner_size / 2;
self.spinner.css('top', top).css('left', left);
* Hides the loader and backdrop so the chart will become visible.
* Shows also the block with legend.
self.finish_loading = function () {
var self = this;
// Showing the legend.
* Function for initializing of the charts.
* If settings['auto_resize'] is true, the chart will be refreshed when
* the size of the window is changed. This option made only sense when
* the size of the chart and its wrapper is not static.
* @param selector JQuery selector of charts we want to initialize.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
init: function(selector, settings) {
var self = this;
$(selector).each(function() {
self.refresh(this, settings);
if (settings !== undefined && settings.auto_resize) {
I want to refresh chart on resize of the window, but only
at the end of the resize. Nice code from mr. Google.
var rtime = new Date(1, 1, 2000, 12, 0, 0);
var timeout = false;
var delta = 400;
$(window).resize(function() {
rtime = new Date();
if (timeout === false) {
timeout = true;
setTimeout(resizeend, delta);
var resizeend = function() {
if (new Date() - rtime < delta) {
setTimeout(resizeend, delta);
} else {
timeout = false;
$(selector).each(function() {
self.refresh(this, settings);
self.bind_commands(selector, settings);
* Function for creating chart objects, saving them for later reuse
* and calling their refresh method.
* @param html_element HTML element where the chart will be rendered.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
refresh: function(html_element, settings){
var chart = new this.LineChart(this, html_element, settings);
FIXME save chart objects somewhere so I can use them again when
e.g. I am switching tabs, or if I want to update them
via web sockets
* Function for binding controlling commands to the chart. Like changing
* timespan or various parameters we want to show in the chart. The
* charts will be refreshed immediately after the form element connected
* to them is changed.
* @param selector JQuery selector of charts we are initializing.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
bind_commands: function (selector, settings){
// connecting controls of the charts
var select_box_selector = 'select[data-line-chart-command="select_box_change"]';
var datepicker_selector = 'input[data-line-chart-command="date_picker_change"]';
var self = this;
* Connecting forms to charts it controls. Each chart contains
* JQuery selector data-form-selector, which defines by which
* html Forms is a particular chart controlled. This information
* has to be projected to forms. So when form input is changed,
* all connected charts are refreshed.
connect_forms_to_charts = function(){
$(selector).each(function() {
var chart = $(this);
var form = $(this);
// each form is building a jquery selector for all charts it affects
var chart_identifier = 'div[data-form-selector="' + chart.data('form-selector') + '"]';
if (!form.data('charts_selector')){
form.data('charts_selector', chart_identifier);
} else {
form.data('charts_selector', form.data('charts_selector') + ', ' + chart_identifier);
* A helper function for delegating form events to charts, causing their
* refreshing.
* @param selector JQuery selector of charts we are initializing.
* @param event_name Event name we want to delegate.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
delegate_event_and_refresh_charts = function(selector, event_name, settings) {
$('form').delegate(selector, event_name, function() {
Registering 'any event' on form element by delegating. This way it
can be easily overridden / enhanced when some special functionality
needs to be added. Like input element showing/hiding another element
on some condition will be defined directly on element and can block
this default behavior.
var invoker = $(this);
var form = invoker.parents('form').first();
// refresh the chart connected to changed form
self.refresh(this, settings);
* A helper function for catching change event of form selectboxes
* connected to charts.
bind_select_box_change = function(settings) {
delegate_event_and_refresh_charts(select_box_selector, 'change', settings);
* A helper function for catching changeDate event of form datepickers
* connected to charts.
bind_datepicker_change = function(settings) {
var now = new Date();
$(datepicker_selector).each(function() {
var el = $(this);
el.datepicker({format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
setDate: new Date(),
showButtonPanel: true});
delegate_event_and_refresh_charts(datepicker_selector, 'changeDate', settings);
/* Init the graphs */
horizon.addInitFunction(function () {
horizon.d3_line_chart.init('div[data-chart-type="line_chart"]', {'auto_resize': true});