
439 lines
17 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2013, Big Switch Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import re
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import forms
from horizon.utils import fields
from horizon import workflows
from openstack_dashboard import api
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AddPoolAction(workflows.Action):
name = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Name"))
description = forms.CharField(
initial="", required=False,
max_length=80, label=_("Description"))
subnet_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Subnet"))
protocol = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Protocol"))
lb_method = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Load Balancing Method"))
admin_state_up = forms.BooleanField(label=_("Admin State"),
initial=True, required=False)
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddPoolAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs)
tenant_id = request.user.tenant_id
subnet_id_choices = [('', _("Select a Subnet"))]
networks = api.quantum.network_list_for_tenant(request, tenant_id)
_('Unable to retrieve networks list.'))
networks = []
for n in networks:
for s in n['subnets']:
subnet_id_choices.append((s.id, s.cidr))
self.fields['subnet_id'].choices = subnet_id_choices
protocol_choices = [('', _("Select a Protocol"))]
protocol_choices.append(('HTTP', 'HTTP'))
protocol_choices.append(('HTTPS', 'HTTPS'))
self.fields['protocol'].choices = protocol_choices
lb_method_choices = [('', _("Select a Protocol"))]
lb_method_choices.append(('ROUND_ROBIN', 'ROUND_ROBIN'))
lb_method_choices.append(('LEAST_CONNECTIONS', 'LEAST_CONNECTIONS'))
lb_method_choices.append(('SOURCE_IP', 'SOURCE_IP'))
self.fields['lb_method'].choices = lb_method_choices
class Meta:
name = _("PoolDetails")
permissions = ('openstack.services.network',)
help_text = _("Create Pool for current tenant.\n\n"
"Assign a name and description for the pool. "
"Choose one subnet where all members of this "
"pool must be on. "
"Select the protocol and load balancing method "
"for this pool. "
"Admin State is UP (checked) by default.")
class AddPoolStep(workflows.Step):
action_class = AddPoolAction
contributes = ("name", "description", "subnet_id",
"protocol", "lb_method", "admin_state_up")
def contribute(self, data, context):
context = super(AddPoolStep, self).contribute(data, context)
if data:
return context
class AddPool(workflows.Workflow):
slug = "addpool"
name = _("Add Pool")
finalize_button_name = _("Add")
success_message = _('Added Pool "%s".')
failure_message = _('Unable to add Pool "%s".')
success_url = "horizon:project:loadbalancers:index"
default_steps = (AddPoolStep,)
def format_status_message(self, message):
name = self.context.get('name')
return message % name
def handle(self, request, context):
pool = api.lbaas.pool_create(request, **context)
return True
msg = self.format_status_message(self.failure_message)
exceptions.handle(request, msg)
return False
class AddVipAction(workflows.Action):
name = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Name"))
description = forms.CharField(
initial="", required=False,
max_length=80, label=_("Description"))
floatip_address = forms.ChoiceField(
label=_("Vip Address from Floating IPs"),
widget=forms.Select(attrs={'disabled': 'disabled'}),
other_address = fields.IPField(required=False,
protocol_port = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Protocol Port"))
protocol = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Protocol"))
session_persistence = forms.ChoiceField(
required=False, initial={}, label=_("Session Persistence"))
cookie_name = forms.CharField(
initial="", required=False,
max_length=80, label=_("Cookie Name"),
help_text=_("Required for APP_COOKIE persistence;"
" Ignored otherwise."))
connection_limit = forms.CharField(
max_length=80, label=_("Connection Limit"))
admin_state_up = forms.BooleanField(
label=_("Admin State"), initial=True, required=False)
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddVipAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs)
self.fields['other_address'].label = _("Specify a free IP address"
" from %s" %
protocol_choices = [('', _("Select a Protocol"))]
protocol_choices.append(('HTTP', 'HTTP'))
protocol_choices.append(('HTTPS', 'HTTPS'))
self.fields['protocol'].choices = protocol_choices
session_persistence_choices = [('', _("Set Session Persistence"))]
for mode in ('SOURCE_IP', 'HTTP_COOKIE', 'APP_COOKIE'):
session_persistence_choices.append((mode, mode))
'session_persistence'].choices = session_persistence_choices
floatip_address_choices = [('', _("Currently Not Supported"))]
self.fields['floatip_address'].choices = floatip_address_choices
class Meta:
name = _("AddVip")
permissions = ('openstack.services.network',)
help_text = _("Create a vip (virtual IP) for this pool. "
"Assign a name and description for the vip. "
"Specify an IP address and port for the vip. "
"Choose the protocol and session persistence "
"method for the vip."
"Specify the max connections allowed. "
"Admin State is UP (checked) by default.")
class AddVipStep(workflows.Step):
action_class = AddVipAction
depends_on = ("pool_id", "subnet")
contributes = ("name", "description", "floatip_address",
"other_address", "protocol_port", "protocol",
"session_persistence", "cookie_name",
"connection_limit", "admin_state_up")
def contribute(self, data, context):
context = super(AddVipStep, self).contribute(data, context)
return context
class AddVip(workflows.Workflow):
slug = "addvip"
name = _("Add Vip")
finalize_button_name = _("Add")
success_message = _('Added Vip "%s".')
failure_message = _('Unable to add Vip "%s".')
success_url = "horizon:project:loadbalancers:index"
default_steps = (AddVipStep,)
def format_status_message(self, message):
name = self.context.get('name')
return message % name
def handle(self, request, context):
if context['other_address'] == '':
context['address'] = context['floatip_address']
if not context['floatip_address'] == '':
self.failure_message = _('Only one address can be specified.'
'Unable to add Vip %s.')
return False
context['address'] = context['other_address']
pool = api.lbaas.pool_get(request, context['pool_id'])
context['subnet_id'] = pool['subnet_id']
context['subnet_id'] = None
_('Unable to retrieve pool.'))
return False
if context['session_persistence']:
stype = context['session_persistence']
if stype == 'APP_COOKIE':
if context['cookie_name'] == "":
self.failure_message = _('Cookie name must be specified '
'with APP_COOKIE persistence.')
return False
cookie = context['cookie_name']
context['session_persistence'] = {'type': stype,
'cookie_name': cookie}
context['session_persistence'] = {'type': stype}
context['session_persistence'] = {}
api.lbaas.vip_create(request, **context)
return True
msg = self.format_status_message(self.failure_message)
exceptions.handle(request, msg)
return False
class AddMemberAction(workflows.Action):
pool_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Pool"))
members = forms.MultipleChoiceField(
help_text=_("Select members for this pool "))
weight = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Weight"))
protocol_port = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Protocol Port"))
admin_state_up = forms.BooleanField(label=_("Admin State"),
initial=True, required=False)
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddMemberAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs)
pool_id_choices = [('', _("Select a Pool"))]
pools = api.lbaas.pools_get(request)
pools = []
_('Unable to retrieve pools list.'))
pools = sorted(pools,
key=lambda pool: pool.name)
for p in pools:
pool_id_choices.append((p.id, p.name))
self.fields['pool_id'].choices = pool_id_choices
members_choices = []
servers = api.nova.server_list(request)
servers = []
_('Unable to retrieve instances list.'))
if len(servers) == 0:
self.fields['members'].label = _("No servers available. "
"Click Add to cancel.")
self.fields['members'].required = False
self.fields['members'].help_text = _("Select members "
"for this pool ")
self.fields['pool_id'].required = False
self.fields['weight'].required = False
self.fields['protocol_port'].required = False
for m in servers:
members_choices.append((m.id, m.name))
self.fields['members'].choices = sorted(
key=lambda member: member[1])
class Meta:
name = _("MemberDetails")
permissions = ('openstack.services.network',)
help_text = _("Add member to selected pool.\n\n"
"Choose one or more listed instances to be "
"added to the pool as member(s). "
"Assign a numeric weight for this member "
"Specify the port number the member(s) "
"operate on; e.g., 80.")
class AddMemberStep(workflows.Step):
action_class = AddMemberAction
contributes = ("pool_id", "members", "protocol_port", "weight",
def contribute(self, data, context):
context = super(AddMemberStep, self).contribute(data, context)
return context
class AddMember(workflows.Workflow):
slug = "addmember"
name = _("Add Member")
finalize_button_name = _("Add")
success_message = _('Added Member "%s".')
failure_message = _('Unable to add Member %s.')
success_url = "horizon:project:loadbalancers:index"
default_steps = (AddMemberStep,)
def handle(self, request, context):
if context['members'] == []:
self.failure_message = _('No instances available.%s')
context['member_id'] = ''
return False
for m in context['members']:
params = {'device_id': m}
plist = api.quantum.port_list(request, **params)
plist = []
_('Unable to retrieve ports list.'))
return False
if plist:
context['address'] = plist[0].fixed_ips[0]['ip_address']
context['member_id'] = api.lbaas.member_create(
request, **context).id
exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to add member."))
return False
return True
class AddMonitorAction(workflows.Action):
pool_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Pool"))
type = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Type"))
delay = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Delay"))
timeout = forms.CharField(max_length=80, label=_("Timeout"))
max_retries = forms.CharField(max_length=80,
label=_("Max Retries (1~10)"))
http_method = forms.ChoiceField(
initial="GET", required=False, label=_("HTTP Method"))
url_path = forms.CharField(
initial="/", required=False, max_length=80, label=_("URL"))
expected_codes = forms.CharField(
initial="200", required=False, max_length=80,
label=_("Expected HTTP Status Codes"))
admin_state_up = forms.BooleanField(label=_("Admin State"),
initial=True, required=False)
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super(AddMonitorAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs)
pool_id_choices = [('', _("Select a Pool"))]
pools = api.lbaas.pools_get(request)
for p in pools:
pool_id_choices.append((p.id, p.name))
_('Unable to retrieve pools list.'))
self.fields['pool_id'].choices = pool_id_choices
type_choices = [('', _("Select Type"))]
type_choices.append(('PING', 'PING'))
type_choices.append(('TCP', 'TCP'))
type_choices.append(('HTTP', 'HTTP'))
type_choices.append(('HTTPS', 'HTTPS'))
self.fields['type'].choices = type_choices
http_method_choices = [('', _("Select HTTP Method"))]
http_method_choices.append(('GET', 'GET'))
self.fields['http_method'].choices = http_method_choices
class Meta:
name = _("MonitorDetails")
permissions = ('openstack.services.network',)
help_text = _("Create a monitor for a pool.\n\n"
"Select target pool and type of monitoring. "
"Specify delay, timeout, and retry limits "
"required by the monitor. "
"Specify method, URL path, and expected "
"HTTP codes upon success.")
class AddMonitorStep(workflows.Step):
action_class = AddMonitorAction
contributes = ("pool_id", "type", "delay", "timeout", "max_retries",
"http_method", "url_path", "expected_codes",
def contribute(self, data, context):
context = super(AddMonitorStep, self).contribute(data, context)
if data:
return context
class AddMonitor(workflows.Workflow):
slug = "addmonitor"
name = _("Add Monitor")
finalize_button_name = _("Add")
success_message = _('Added Monitor "%s".')
failure_message = _('Unable to add Monitor "%s".')
success_url = "horizon:project:loadbalancers:index"
default_steps = (AddMonitorStep,)
def handle(self, request, context):
context['monitor_id'] = api.lbaas.pool_health_monitor_create(
request, **context).get('id')
return True
exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to add monitor."))
return False