2016-10-03 23:47:31 +00:00

426 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from glanceclient.v1 import images
from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.test.test_data import utils
class Namespace(dict):
def __repr__(self):
return "<Namespace %s>" % self._info
def __init__(self, info):
super(Namespace, self).__init__()
self._info = info
def as_json(self, indent=4):
return self.__dict__
class APIResourceV2(dict):
_base_props = [
'id', 'name', 'status', 'visibility', 'protected', 'checksum', 'owner',
'size', 'virtual_size', 'container_format', 'disk_format',
'created_at', 'updated_at', 'tags', 'direct_url', 'min_ram',
'min_disk', 'self', 'file', 'schema', 'locations']
def __getattr__(self, item):
if item == 'schema':
return {'properties': {k: '' for k in self._base_props}}
return self.get(item)
def data(TEST):
TEST.images = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.images_api = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.snapshots = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.metadata_defs = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.imagesV2 = utils.TestDataContainer()
# Snapshots
snapshot_dict = {'name': u'snapshot',
'container_format': u'ami',
'id': 3,
'status': "active",
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'properties': {'image_type': u'snapshot'},
'is_public': False,
'protected': False}
snapshot_dict_no_owner = {'name': u'snapshot 2',
'container_format': u'ami',
'id': 4,
'status': "active",
'owner': None,
'properties': {'image_type': u'snapshot'},
'is_public': False,
'protected': False}
snapshot_dict_queued = {'name': u'snapshot 2',
'container_format': u'ami',
'id': 5,
'status': "queued",
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'properties': {'image_type': u'snapshot'},
'is_public': False,
'protected': False}
snapshot = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), snapshot_dict)
snapshot = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), snapshot_dict_no_owner)
snapshot = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), snapshot_dict_queued)
# Images
image_dict = {'id': '007e7d55-fe1e-4c5c-bf08-44b4a4964822',
'name': 'public_image',
'disk_format': u'qcow2',
'status': "active",
'size': 20 * 1024 ** 3,
'virtual_size': None,
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'container_format': 'novaImage',
'properties': {'image_type': u'image'},
'is_public': True,
'protected': False,
'min_ram': 0,
'created_at': '2014-02-14T20:56:53'}
public_image = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
image_dict = {'id': 'a001c047-22f8-47d0-80a1-8ec94a9524fe',
'name': 'private_image',
'status': "active",
'size': 10 * 1024 ** 2,
'virtual_size': 20 * 1024 ** 2,
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'container_format': 'aki',
'is_public': False,
'protected': False,
'min_ram': 0,
'created_at': '2014-03-14T12:56:53'}
private_image = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
image_dict = {'id': 'd6936c86-7fec-474a-85c5-5e467b371c3c',
'name': 'protected_images',
'status': "active",
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'size': 2 * 1024 ** 3,
'virtual_size': None,
'min_disk': 30,
'container_format': 'novaImage',
'properties': {'image_type': u'image'},
'is_public': True,
'protected': True,
'min_ram': 0,
'created_at': '2014-03-16T06:22:14'}
protected_image = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
image_dict = {'id': '278905a6-4b52-4d1e-98f9-8c57bb25ba32',
'name': None,
'status': "active",
'size': 5 * 1024 ** 3,
'virtual_size': None,
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'container_format': 'novaImage',
'properties': {'image_type': u'image'},
'is_public': True,
'protected': False,
'min_ram': 0}
public_image2 = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
image_dict = {'id': '710a1acf-a3e3-41dd-a32d-5d6b6c86ea10',
'name': 'private_image 2',
'status': "active",
'size': 30 * 1024 ** 3,
'virtual_size': None,
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'container_format': 'aki',
'is_public': False,
'protected': False,
'min_ram': 0}
private_image2 = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
image_dict = {'id': '7cd892fd-5652-40f3-a450-547615680132',
'name': 'private_image 3',
'status': "active",
'size': 2 * 1024 ** 3,
'virtual_size': None,
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'container_format': 'aki',
'is_public': False,
'protected': False,
'min_ram': 0}
private_image3 = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
# A shared image. Not public and not local tenant.
image_dict = {'id': 'c8756975-7a3b-4e43-b7f7-433576112849',
'name': 'shared_image 1',
'status': "active",
'size': 8 * 1024 ** 3,
'virtual_size': None,
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': 'someothertenant',
'container_format': 'aki',
'is_public': False,
'protected': False,
'min_ram': 0}
shared_image1 = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
# "Official" image. Public and tenant matches an entry
image_dict = {'id': 'f448704f-0ce5-4d34-8441-11b6581c6619',
'name': 'official_image 1',
'status': "active",
'size': 2 * 1024 ** 3,
'virtual_size': None,
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': 'officialtenant',
'container_format': 'aki',
'is_public': True,
'protected': False,
'min_ram': 0}
official_image1 = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
image_dict = {'id': 'a67e7d45-fe1e-4c5c-bf08-44b4a4964822',
'name': 'multi_prop_image',
'status': "active",
'size': 20 * 1024 ** 3,
'virtual_size': None,
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'container_format': 'novaImage',
'properties': {'description': u'a multi prop image',
'foo': u'foo val',
'bar': u'bar val'},
'is_public': True,
'protected': False}
multi_prop_image = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
# An image without name being returned based on current api
image_dict = {'id': 'c8756975-7a3b-4e43-b7f7-433576112849',
'status': "active",
'size': 8 * 1024 ** 3,
'virtual_size': None,
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': 'someothertenant',
'container_format': 'aki',
'is_public': False,
'protected': False}
no_name_image = images.Image(images.ImageManager(None), image_dict)
TEST.images_api.add(public_image, private_image, protected_image,
public_image2, private_image2, private_image3,
shared_image1, official_image1, multi_prop_image)
TEST.empty_name_image = api.glance.Image(no_name_image)
image_v2_dicts = [{
'checksum': 'eb9139e4942121f22bbc2afc0400b2a4',
'container_format': 'novaImage',
'created_at': '2014-02-14T20:56:53',
'direct_url': 'swift+config://ref1/glance/'
'disk_format': u'qcow2',
'file': '/v2/images/'
'id': '007e7d55-fe1e-4c5c-bf08-44b4a4964822',
'kernel_id': 'f6ebd5f0-b110-4406-8c1e-67b28d4e85e7',
'locations': [
{'metadata': {},
'url': 'swift+config://ref1/glance/'
'min_ram': 0,
'name': 'public_image',
'image_type': u'image',
'min_disk': 0,
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'protected': False,
'ramdisk_id': '868efefc-4f2d-4ed8-82b1-7e35576a7a47',
'size': 20 * 1024 ** 3,
'status': 'active',
'tags': ['active_image'],
'updated_at': '2015-08-31T19:37:45Z',
'virtual_size': None,
'visibility': 'public'
}, {
'checksum': None,
'container_format': 'novaImage',
'created_at': '2014-03-16T06:22:14',
'disk_format': None,
'image_type': u'image',
'file': '/v2/images/885d1cb0-9f5c-4677-9d03-175be7f9f984/file',
'id': 'd6936c86-7fec-474a-85c5-5e467b371c3c',
'locations': [],
'min_disk': 30,
'min_ram': 0,
'name': 'protected_images',
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'protected': True,
'size': 2 * 1024 ** 3,
'status': "active",
'tags': ['empty_image'],
'updated_at': '2015-09-01T22:37:32Z',
'virtual_size': None,
'visibility': 'public'
}, {
'checksum': 'e533283e6aac072533d1d091a7d2e413',
'container_format': 'novaImage',
'created_at': '2015-09-02T00:31:16Z',
'disk_format': 'qcow2',
'file': '/v2/images/10ca6b6b-48f4-43ac-8159-aa9e9353f5e4/file',
'id': 'a67e7d45-fe1e-4c5c-bf08-44b4a4964822',
'image_type': 'an image type',
'min_disk': 0,
'min_ram': 0,
'name': 'multi_prop_image',
'owner': TEST.tenant.id,
'protected': False,
'size': 20 * 1024 ** 3,
'status': 'active',
'tags': ['custom_property_image'],
'updated_at': '2015-09-02T00:31:17Z',
'virtual_size': None,
'visibility': 'public',
'description': u'a multi prop image',
'foo': u'foo val',
'bar': u'bar val'
for fixture in image_v2_dicts:
apiresource = APIResourceV2(fixture)
metadef_dict = {
'namespace': 'namespace_1',
'display_name': 'Namespace 1',
'description': 'Mock desc 1',
'resource_type_associations': [
'created_at': '2014-08-21T08:39:43Z',
'prefix': 'mock',
'name': 'mock name'
'visibility': 'public',
'protected': True,
'created_at': '2014-08-21T08:39:43Z',
'properties': {
'cpu_mock:mock': {
'default': '1',
'type': 'integer',
'description': 'Number of mocks.',
'title': 'mocks'
metadef = Namespace(metadef_dict)
metadef_dict = {
'namespace': 'namespace_2',
'display_name': 'Namespace 2',
'description': 'Mock desc 2',
'resource_type_associations': [
'created_at': '2014-08-21T08:39:43Z',
'prefix': 'mock',
'name': 'mock name'
'visibility': 'private',
'protected': False,
'created_at': '2014-08-21T08:39:43Z',
'properties': {
'hdd_mock:mock': {
'default': '2',
'type': 'integer',
'description': 'Number of mocks.',
'title': 'mocks'
metadef = Namespace(metadef_dict)
metadef_dict = {
'namespace': 'namespace_3',
'display_name': 'Namespace 3',
'description': 'Mock desc 3',
'resource_type_associations': [
'created_at': '2014-08-21T08:39:43Z',
'prefix': 'mock',
'name': 'mock name'
'visibility': 'public',
'protected': False,
'created_at': '2014-08-21T08:39:43Z',
'properties': {
'gpu_mock:mock': {
'default': '2',
'type': 'integer',
'description': 'Number of mocks.',
'title': 'mocks'
metadef = Namespace(metadef_dict)
metadef_dict = {
'namespace': 'namespace_4',
'display_name': 'Namespace 4',
'description': 'Mock desc 4',
'resource_type_associations': [
'created_at': '2014-08-21T08:39:43Z',
'prefix': 'mock',
'name': 'OS::Cinder::Volume',
'properties_target': 'user'
'visibility': 'public',
'protected': True,
'created_at': '2014-08-21T08:39:43Z',
'properties': {
'ram_mock:mock': {
'default': '2',
'type': 'integer',
'description': 'Number of mocks.',
'title': 'mocks'
metadef = Namespace(metadef_dict)