
1615 lines
72 KiB

# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Horizon Release Notes 10.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-09-15 01:54+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-14 01:19+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid ""
"(optional) Use the common Angular template as the basis of any Angular pages "
"to minimize boilerplate code and to ensure that we use similar features/"
msgstr ""
"(Opsional) Gunakan common Angular template (template sudut umum) sebagai "
"dasar dari setiap Angular page (halaman sudut) untuk meminimalkan kode "
"boilerplate dan untuk memastikan bahwa kita menggunakan serupa dengan "
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "8.0.1"
msgstr "8.0.1"
msgid "9.0.0"
msgstr "9.0.0"
msgid "9.1.0"
msgstr "9.1.0"
msgid ""
"A Descriptor concept allows convenient passing of information that can "
"globally identify an object, for use in generic views and actions."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah konsep deskriptif memungkinkan pelewatan informasi nyaman yang secara "
"global dapat mengidentifikasi objek, untuk digunakan dalam penampilkan "
"generik dan tindakan."
msgid ""
"A Details page for a resource type (e.g. Images) may now use the Angular "
"application-level registry to register views so developers may easily create "
"or extend details views. In this implementation these views are presented as "
"tabs within the Details page."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah Details page (laman Detail) untuk jenis sumber daya (misal Image) "
"sekarang dapat menggunakan registri Angular application-level (aplikasi-"
"tingkat Sudut) untuk mendaftar tampilan sehingga para pengembang dapat "
"dengan mudah membuat atau memperpanjang detail tampilan. Dalam implementasi "
"ini pandangan ini disajikan sebagai tab dalam Details page (laman Detail)."
msgid ""
"A directive (hz-details) provides the ability to intelligently display a set "
"of views (typically for a Details context)."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah direktif (hz-detail) menyediakan kemampuan untuk secara cerdas "
"menampilkan satu set pandangan ((biasanya untuk Detail konteks)."
msgid ""
"A generic Details display parses the location to determine the resource "
"type, and displays relevant details views for that type."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah Detail generik menampilkan parsing lokasi untuk menentukan tipe "
"sumber daya, dan menampilkan pemandangan rincian yang relevan untuk jenis "
msgid "A shared Django template is now available for use by any Angular page."
msgstr ""
"Template Django berbagi sekarang tersedia untuk digunakan oleh Angular page "
"(laman sudut)."
msgid ""
"Add a new setting OVERVIEW_DAYS_RANGE. It defines the default date range in "
"the Overview panel meters - either today minus N days (if the value is "
"integer N), or from the beginning of the current month until today (if set "
"to None). This setting is be used to limit the amount of data fetched by "
"default when rendering the Overview panel. The default value is 1, which "
"differs from the past behaviour, since it caused serious lags on large "
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan OVERVIEW_DAYS_RANGE pengaturan baru. Ini mendefinisikan rentang "
"tanggal default dalam meter panel Ikhtisar - baik hari ini dikurangi N hari "
"(jika nilai bilangan integer N), atau dari awal bulan ini sampai hari ini "
"(jika diatur ke tidak ada). Pengaturan ini digunakan untuk membatasi jumlah "
"data diambil secara default ketika rendering panel Ikhtisar. Nilai default "
"adalah 1, yang berbeda dari perilaku masa lalu, karena itu menyebabkan "
"kelambatan serius pada penyebaran luas."
msgid ""
"Added ESLint for JavaScript linting, using the eslint-config-openstack "
"rules. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/jscs-"
"cleanup>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan ESLint untuk JavaScript linting, menggunakan aturan eslint-"
"config-openStack. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/jscs-cleanup>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added Karma for JavaScript testing. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/karma>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan Karma untuk pengujian JavaScript. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/karma>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added a new ``ANGULAR FEATURES`` dictionary to the settings. This allows "
"simple toggling of new AngularJS features."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan kamus ``ANGULAR FEATURES`` baru ke pengaturan. Hal ini "
"memungkinkan toggling sederhana fitur AngularJS baru."
msgid ""
"Added ability to render angular row actions with additional details that "
"explain the purpose of the action. These are rendered as tiles and are meant "
"to depict the next steps a user might want to take for a given resource."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan kemampuan untuk mengubah sudut melalui tindakan beruntun dengan "
"rincian tambahan yang menjelaskan tujuan dari tindakan ini. Sudut ini diubah "
"sebagai tile (ubin) dan dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan langkah selanjutnya "
"pengguna mungkin ingin mengambil untuk sumber daya yang diberikan."
msgid ""
"Added actions to easily associate LBaaS VIP with a floating IP. See `this "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/lbaas-vip-fip-associate>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Tindakan ditambahkan untuk memudah mengasosiasikan LBaaS VIP dengan IP "
"mengambang. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
msgid ""
"Added editing capabilities for data sources. See `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/allow-editing-of-data-sources>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan editing ditambahkan untuk sumber data. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"sources>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added editing capabilities for job binaries. See `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/allow-editing-of-job-binaries>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan editing ditambahkan untuk binari kerjaan. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"binaries>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added editing capabilities for job templates. See `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/data-processing-edit-templates>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan editing ditambahkan untuk template kerjaan. Lihat lebih rinci "
"`this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/data-processing-edit-"
"templates>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added initial support for database cluster creation and management. Vertica "
"and MongoDB are currently supported. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/database-clustering-support>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan awal untuk pembuatan dan manajemen cluster database . "
"Vertica dan MongoDB yang saat ini didukung. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/database-clustering-support>`__ ."
msgid "Added mapping for Identity Provider and Protocol specific WebSSO."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan pemetaan untuk Identity Provider dan Protocol specific WebSSO."
msgid "Added new Trove features."
msgstr "Menambahkan fitur Trove baru."
msgid ""
"Added new setting INTEGRATION_TESTS_SUPPORT, default value is `False`. This "
"value is used when running `manage.py compress` command, so by default all "
"static assets and html classes used by integration tests are removed from "
"Horizon production build. Integration tests gate job sets this variable to "
"`True` and recompresses static assets."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan pengaturan INTEGRATION_TESTS_SUPPORT baru, nilai default adalah "
"`FALSE`. Nilai ini digunakan ketika menjalankan perintah `manage.py "
"compress`, sehingga secara default semua aset statis dan kelas html yang "
"digunakan oleh tes integrasi dikeluarkan dari Horizon production build "
"(pembangunan produksi Horizon). Tes integrasi gate job men-set variabel ini "
"ke `TRUE` dan mengkompresi ulang aset statis."
msgid ""
"Added policy support to the angular workflow service so each step in a "
"workflow can specify a policy check that must pass in order for the step to "
"be displayed."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan kebijakan untuk layanan alur kerja sudut (angular "
"workflow) sehingga setiap langkah dalam alur kerja dapat menentukan cek "
"kebijakan yang harus lulus agar langkah dapat ditampilkan."
msgid ""
"Added settings support to the angular workflow service so each step in a "
"workflow can specify a boolean setting that must pass in order for the step "
"to be displayed."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan pengaturan untuk layanan alur kerja sudut (angular "
"workflow) sehingga setiap langkah dalam alur kerja dapat menentukan "
"pengaturan boolean yang harus lulus agar langkah dapat ditampilkan."
msgid ""
"Added support for managing domains and projects when using Keystone v3. "
"Horizon now maintains a domain scoped token for users who have a role on a "
"domain, a project scoped token for users who have a role on a project, or "
"both a domain scoped token and project scoped token for users who have roles "
"on both."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan untuk mengelola domain dan proyek ketika menggunakan "
"Keystone v3. Horizon sekarang mempertahankan domain-scoped token (token "
"domain-scopes) bagi pengguna yang memiliki peran pada sebuah domain, token "
"project-scoped bagi pengguna yang memiliki peran pada sebuah proyek, atau "
"kedua duanya token domain-scoped dan token project-scoped untuk pengguna "
"yang memiliki peran di kedua."
msgid "Added support for shell job types and multiple Sahara improvements."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan untuk tipe kerja shell dan beberapa perbaikan Sahara."
msgid ""
"Added support for shell job types. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/sahara-shell-action-form>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan untuk tipe kerja shell. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"form>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added support for subnet allocation via subnet pools. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/neutron-subnet-allocation>`__ for "
"more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan untuk alokasi subnet melalui kolam subnet (subnet "
"pool). Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/neutron-subnet-allocation>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added the Bootstrap Theme Preview panel to the Developer dashboard. This "
"panel contains a list of Bootstrap components with source code, so that "
"developers can see examples of how to structure this code and the effects "
"their theme will have upon it."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan panel Bootstrap Theme Preview ke dashboard Developer. Panel ini "
"berisi daftar komponen Bootstrap dengan kode sumber, sehingga pengembang "
"dapat melihat contoh bagaimana struktur kode ini dan efek tema mereka akan "
"memilikinya. "
msgid ""
"Added the Developer dashboard plugin to contrib. This runs when "
"``DEBUG=True``, and adds tooling to the UI to aid in development."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan plugin dashboard Developer untuk contrib. Ini berjalan ketika `` "
"DEBUG = True``, dan menambahkan perkakas ke UI untuk membantu dalam "
msgid ""
"Added the Django template cached loader, so templates are stored in memory. "
"See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/templates/api/#django.template."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan cache-template-loader Django, sehingga template disimpan dalam "
"memori. Lihat https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/templates/api/"
msgid ""
"Added the LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS setting which allows specifying default "
"values for the Launch Instance workflow. Initially only the Configuration "
"Drive property is supported."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan pengaturan LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS yang memungkinkan menentukan "
"nilai default untuk alur kerja Launch Instance. Awalnya hanya properti "
"Configuration Drive didukung."
msgid ""
"Added the Metadata tab to the new Launch Instance workflow to allow adding "
"key-value metadata to an instance at launch. This includes any properties "
"from the OS::Nova::Server namespace of the glance metadata definitions."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan tab Metadata untuk alur kerja (workflow) Launch Instance baru "
"untuk memungkinkan menambah key-value metadata ke sebuah instance pada saat "
"peluncuran. Hal ini termasuk properti dari namespace OS::Nova::Server dari "
"definisi metadata glance."
msgid ""
"Added the Scheduler Hints tab to the new Launch Instance workflow to allow "
"adding scheduler hints to an instance at launch. In addition to adding "
"custom key-value pairs, the user can also choose from properties in the "
"glance metadata definitions catalog that have the OS::Nova::Server resource "
"type and scheduler_hints properties target."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan tab Scheduler Hints untuk alur kerja Launch Instance baru untuk "
"memungkinkan menambahkan petunjuk scheduler ke sebuah instance pada saat "
"peluncuran. Selain menambah pasangan key-value kustom, pengguna juga dapat "
"memilih dari properti di katalog definisi metadata glance yang memiliki tipe "
"sumber daya OS::Nova::Server dan target properti scheduler_hints."
msgid "Added the Update Encryption action for encrypted volume types."
msgstr "Ditambahkan tindakan Update Encryption untuk tipe volume terenkripsi."
msgid ""
"Added the ``TOKEN_DELETE_DISABLED`` setting, so that deployers can customise "
"the revocation of a users token on log out."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan pengaturan ``TOKEN_DELETE_DISABLED``, sehingga deployer dapat "
"mengatur pencabutan token pengguna di log out."
msgid ""
"Added the angular extensible service which allows angular horizon elements "
"such as workflows, tables, actions, and forms to be extended dynamically by "
"adding, removing, or replacing items. The extensible service is applied to "
"every workflow created using the horizon workflow service. This includes the "
"angular Launch Instance workflow."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan layanan extensible sudut (angular extensible service) yang "
"memungkinkan elemen horizon sudut seperti workflow (alur kerja), table "
"(tabel), action (tindakan), dan bentuk dapat diperluas (extended) secara "
"dinamis dengan penambahan, penghapusan, atau penggantian item. Layanan "
"extensible diterapkan untuk setiap alur kerja yang dibuat menggunakan "
"layanan alur kerja horizon. Ini termasuk alur kerja Launch Instance sudut ."
msgid ""
"All AngularJS code must use explicit dependency injection. See https://docs."
msgstr ""
"Semua kode AngularJS harus menggunakan injeksi ketergantungan eksplisit. "
"Lihat https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/di#using-strict-dependency-injection"
msgid ""
"All Volume related panels in Horizon that previously used the term \"GB\" "
"and \"gigabyte\" have been replaced with 'GiB' and 'gibibyte'."
msgstr ""
"Semua panel Volume terkait di Horizon yang sebelumnya digunakan istilah \"GB"
"\" dan \"gigabyte\" telah diganti dengan 'GiB' dan 'gibibyte'."
msgid ""
"All instances of HTML class 'd3_pie_chart_usage' to 'pie-chart-usage' All "
"instances of HTML class 'd3_pie_chart_distribution' to 'pie-chart-"
msgstr ""
"Semua instance kelas HTML 'd3_pie_chart_usage' ke 'pie-chart-usage' semua "
"instance kelas HTML 'd3_pie_chart_distribution' ke 'pie-chart-distribusi'"
msgid ""
"Allow external plugins to contribute translations to the Javascript message "
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan plugin eksternal untuk berkontribusi penterjemahan ke katalog "
"pesan Javascript."
msgid ""
"Allow to override settings from local_settings.py with file snippets dropped "
"into local_settings.d/ directory."
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan untuk menimpa pengaturan dari local_settings.py dengan snippet "
"file dijatuhkan ke direktori local_settings.d /."
msgid ""
"Allows to attach ports during instance launch <https://blueprints.launchpad."
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan untuk menghubungkan port selama peluncuran instance <https://"
msgid ""
"Allows to restrict CIDR range for user private network <https://blueprints."
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan untuk membatasi rentang CIDR untuk pengguna jaringan private "
msgid ""
"Although it's not required, it's best to make your actions return promises "
"with the expected structure."
msgstr ""
"Meskipun tidak diperlukan, hal terbaik untuk membuat tindakan Anda return "
"promise (kembali janji) dengan struktur yang diharapkan."
msgid ""
"An action-result service provides convenience methods for construction of "
"the result, and for parsing of a resolved object"
msgstr ""
"Layanan action-result (tindakan-hasil) menyediakan metode mudah untuk "
"pembangunan hasilnya, dan untuk parsing (penguraian) resolved object (objek "
msgid ""
"Angular actions now should return a promise that resolves with an object "
"structured in a way to indicate what the action did (or didn't do)."
msgstr ""
"Tindakan Angular sekarang harus return a promise (kembali janji) yang "
"menyelesaikan dengan obyek terstruktur dengan cara untuk menunjukkan apa "
"tindakan telah lakukan (atau belum lakukan)."
msgid ""
"Angular components now exist to provide simple-to- configure panels and "
"tables, based off of registry information about resources (e.g. Instances)."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Angular sekarang sudah menyediakan panel dan tabel konfigurasi "
"sederhana, didasarkan dari informasi registri tentang sumber daya (misal "
msgid "Bug Fixes"
msgstr "Perbaikan kerusakan"
msgid ""
"Cinder defines storage size in gibibytes (GiB), which is inconsistent with "
"Horizon panels that show/request storage size in gigabytes (GB)."
msgstr ""
"Cinder mendefinisikan ukuran penyimpanan dalam gibibytes (GiB), yang tidak "
"konsisten dengan panel Horizon dimana ukuran penyimpanan show/request "
"(penampilan/permintaan) dalam gigabyte (GB)."
msgid "Cloud Admin - View and manage identity resources across domains"
msgstr ""
"Cloud Admin - View (melihat) dan mengelola sumber daya identitas seluruh "
msgid ""
"Compute images metadata can now be edited from the Project dashboard, using "
"the new metadata editor. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/project-images-metadata>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Metadata image Compute sekarang dapat diedit dari dashboard Project, "
"menggunakan editor metadata baru. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/project-images-metadata>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Configurable token hashing, to disable Horizon from hashing the token passed "
"to the OpenStack services."
msgstr ""
"Configurable token hashing (pengacakan token yang dapat dikonfigurasi), "
"untuk menonaktifkan Horizon dari hashing token passed (pengacakan token "
"diteruskan) ke layanan OpenStack."
msgid ""
"Create from a local file feature is added to both Angular and Django Create "
"Image workflows. It works either in a 'legacy' mode which proxies an image "
"upload through Django, or in a new 'direct' mode, which in turn implements "
"[`blueprint horizon-glance-large-image-upload <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/horizon-glance-large-image-upload>`_]. To use the direct "
"mode HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE setting should be changed to 'direct' value "
"along with changing glance-api.conf cors.allowed_origin parameter to the URL "
"from which Horizon is served."
msgstr ""
"Buat dari fitur file lokal ditambahkan ke kedua alur kerja Angular and "
"Django Create Image. Ia bekerja baik dalam mode 'legacy' (warisan) dimana "
"proxy upload gambar melalui Django, atau dalam mode 'direct' baru, yang pada "
"gilirannya mengimplementasikan [`blueprint horizon-glance-large-image-upload "
"upload>`_]. Untuk menggunakan pengaturan modus langsung "
"HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE harus diubah ke nilai 'direct' bersama dengan "
"mengubah parameter glance-api.conf cors.allowed_origin ke URL dari mana "
"Horizon disajikan."
msgid "Current Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Current"
msgid "Current limitations on managing identity resources with Keystone v3:"
msgstr ""
"Keterbatasan pada saat ini dalam pengelolaan sumber daya identitas dengan "
"Keystone v3:"
msgid ""
"Custom template tags must have a thread-safe Node implementation to work "
"with the cached loader. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/"
msgstr ""
"Tag template kustom harus memiliki implementasi Node thread-safe untuk "
"bekerja dengan cached loader. Lihat https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/"
msgid ""
"Custom template tags must have a thread-safe Node implementation to work "
"with the the cached loader. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/"
msgstr ""
"Tag template kustom harus memiliki implementasi Node thread-safe untuk "
"bekerja dengan loader cache. Lihat https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/"
msgid ""
"Database-backed sessions will likely not persist across upgrades due to a "
"change in their structure. See `this <https://github.com/openstack/"
"django_openstack_auth/commit/8c64de92f4148d85704b10ea1f7bc441db2ddfee>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Sesi database-backed (didukung database) kemungkinan besar tidak akan "
"bertahan di upgrade karena perubahan dalam struktur mereka. Lihat lebih "
"rinci `this <https://github.com/openstack/django_openstack_auth/"
"commit/8c64de92f4148d85704b10ea1f7bc441db2ddfee>`__ ."
msgid "Deprecation Notes"
msgstr "Catatan deprisiasi"
msgid ""
"Django 1.8 is now supported, and Django 1.7 is our minimum supported version."
msgstr ""
"Django 1.8 sekarang didukung, dan Django 1.7 menjadi versi minimum didukung "
msgid ""
"Django 1.8 is now supported, and Django 1.7 is our minimum supported "
"version. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/drop-"
"django14-support>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Django 1.8 sekarang didukung, dan Django 1.7 adalah versi minimum didukung "
"kami. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/drop-django14-support>`__ ."
msgid "Does not support hierarchical project management."
msgstr "Tidak mendukung manajemen proyek hirarkis."
msgid "Does not support project admins managing Keystone projects."
msgstr "Tidak mendukung admin proyek mengelola proyek Keystone."
msgid ""
"Does not support role assignments across domains, such as giving a user in "
"domain1 access to domain2."
msgstr ""
"Tidak mendukung penetapan peran di seluruh domain, seperti memberikan "
"pengguna di domain1 akses ke domain2."
msgid ""
"Domain Admin - View and manage identity resources in the domain logged in"
msgstr ""
"Domain Admin - View (melihat) dan mengelola sumber daya identitas dalam "
"domain login"
msgid "Domain management supports the following use cases:"
msgstr "Manajemen domain mendukung kasus penggunaan berikut:"
msgid "Emit the `hzTable:clearSelected` event to clear table row selections."
msgstr ""
"Memancarkan kejadian `hzTable:clearSelected` untuk membersihkan pilihan "
"baris tabel."
msgid ""
"Enabled support for migrating volumes. See `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volume-migration>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Aktifkan dukungan untuk migrasi volume. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volume-migration>`__ ."
msgid "Enhanced plugin support for javasciprt, SCSS and Django template."
msgstr ""
"Peningkatan dukungan plugin untuk javascript, SCSS dan template Django."
msgid ""
"Exposed event log for clusters. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/sahara-event-log>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Log kejadian terekspos untuk cluster. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/sahara-event-log>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Full support for translation in AngularJS, along with simpler tooling. See "
"`this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/angular-translate-"
"makemessages>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan penuh untuk terjemahan dalam AngularJS, bersama dengan tool (alat) "
"sederhana. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/angular-translate-makemessages>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Fullscreen Modals have been deprecated in favor of modal-xl. Currently, it "
"is set to 95% of the viewable screen width."
msgstr ""
"Fullscreen Modals telah usang dalam mendukung modal-xl. Saat ini, sudah "
"diatur untuk 95% dari lebar layar yang terlihat."
msgid ""
"HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD setting is deprecated and should be gradually "
"replaced with HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE setting."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD sudah ditinggalkan dan harus diganti "
"secara bertahap dengan pengaturan HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE."
msgid ""
"Hardcoded admin role is replaced with RBAC policy check in panels. Now users "
"access to the panels is defined by policies and not user roles. The change "
"affected the Admin dashboard and its panels (Overview, Hypervisors, "
"Instances and Metadata Definitions)."
msgstr ""
"Peran admin Hardcoded diganti dengan cek kebijakan RBAC di panel. Sekarang "
"akses pengguna ke panel didefinisikan oleh kebijakan dan bukan peran "
"pengguna. Perubahan mempengaruhi dashboard Admin dan panel nya (Ikhtisar, "
"Hypervisor, Instance dan Metadata Definisi)."
msgid "Heat topology improvements."
msgstr "Perbaikan topologi heat."
msgid "Horizon Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis"
msgid ""
"Horizon and Horizon Plugins can access the Keystone Token from JavaScript so "
"that they can make CORS calls directly to other OpenStack Services. This can "
"enable much more responsive UI."
msgstr ""
"Horizon dan Horizon Plugins dapat mengakses Keystone Token dari JavaScript "
"sehingga mereka dapat membuat panggilan CORS langsung ke Layanan OpenStack "
"lainnya. Ini dapat memungkinkan jauh lebih responsif UI."
msgid ""
"Horizon can be configured to run with multiple themes available at run "
"time. A new selection widget is available through the user menu. It uses a "
"browser cookie to allow users to toggle between the configured themes. By "
"default, Horizon is configured with the two themes available, 'default' and "
msgstr ""
"Horizon dapat dikonfigurasi untuk menjalankan dengan beberapa tema yang "
"tersedia pada waktu berjalan. Sebuah widget pilihan baru tersedia melalui "
"menu pengguna. Menggunakan cookie browser untuk menizinkan pengguna untuk "
"toggle (beralih) antar tema dikonfigurasi. Secara default, Horizon "
"dikonfigurasi dengan dua tema yang tersedia, 'default' dan 'material'."
msgid ""
"Horizon currently supports both Angular 1.3.x and Angular 1.4.x, but will "
"remove 1.3 support in the future. See `Migrating from 1.3 to 1.4 <https://"
msgstr ""
"Horizon saat ini mendukung Angular 1.3.x dan Angular 1.4.x, tetapi akan "
"menghapus dukungan 1,3 di masa depan. Lihat `Migrating from 1.3 to 1.4 "
msgid "Horizon no longer requires Magic Search as an external dependency."
msgstr ""
"Horizon tidak lagi memerlukan Magic Search sebagai ketergantungan eksternal."
msgid ""
"Horizon no longer requires Nova (or Glance) to function; it will run as long "
"as keystone is present (for instance, swift-only deployments)."
msgstr ""
"Horizon tidak lagi memerlukan Nova (atau Glance) untuk berfungsi; itu akan "
"berjalan selama keystone hadir (misalnya, swift-only deployment)."
msgid ""
"Horizon no longer uses QUnit in testing, and it has been removed from our "
"requirements. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/"
"replace-qunit-tests-with-jasmine>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Horizon tidak lagi menggunakan QUnit dalam pengujian, dan telah dihapus dari "
"persyaratan kami. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/replace-qunit-tests-with-jasmine>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Horizon now has a (non-navigational) route in Django so generic details "
"pages are deep-linked."
msgstr ""
"Horizon sekarang memiliki rute (non-navigasi) di Django sehingga halaman "
"rincian generik menjadi deep-linked (dalam-sambungan)."
msgid ""
"Horizon now has multiple configuration options for the default web URL "
"(``WEBROOT``), static file location (``STATIC_ROOT``) and static file URL "
"(``STATIC_URL``) in its settings files."
msgstr ""
"Horizon kini memiliki beberapa pilihan konfigurasi untuk URL web default "
"(bawaan) (``WEBROOT``), lokasi file statis (``STATIC_ROOT``) dan URL file "
"statis (``STATIC_URL``) dalam file pengaturannya."
msgid ""
"Horizon now supports overriding of existing Django templates. See `this "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-theme-templates>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Horizon sekarang mendukung utama dari template Django yang ada. Lihat lebih "
"rinci 'this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-theme-"
"templates>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Horizon requires both a ``volume`` and ``volumev2`` endpoint for Cinder, "
"even if only using v2."
msgstr ""
"Horizon membutuhkan baik endpoint ``volume`` maupun ``volumev2`` untuk "
"cinder, bahkan jika hanya menggunakan v2."
msgid ""
"Horizon support for network IP availability feature. Enable Horizon admin "
"network dashboard to be able to display IP availability. Enables 2 columns "
"in the admin network subnets table to display the allocated IPs in a given "
"subnet and unallocated free IPs for each subnet in the network."
msgstr ""
"Horizon mendukung fitur ketersediaan IP jaringan. Aktifkan dashboard "
"jaringan admin Horizon supaya dapat menampilkan ketersediaan IP. Aktifkan 2 "
"kolom di tabel subnet jaringan admin untuk menampilkan IP dialokasikan dalam "
"subnet yang ada dan IP bebas tidak dialokasikan untuk setiap subnet dalam "
msgid ""
"If the 'default' theme is still required for legacy overrides to function, "
"simply copy the styles in the 'default' theme into a pre-existing theme or "
"create a new custom theme."
msgstr ""
"Jika theme 'default' masih diperlukan untuk menimpa legacy (peninggalan) "
"supaya berfungsi, maka hanya menyalin style (gaya) dalam theme 'default' "
"menjadi tema pre-existing (sudah ada) atau membuat tema kustom baru."
msgid "Image metadata editor upgraded."
msgstr "Editor metadata image di-upgrade."
msgid "Improved WebSSO support."
msgstr "Dukungan WebSSO ditingkatkan."
msgid ""
"Improvements to the heat topology, making more resources identifiable where "
"previously they had no icons and were displayed as unknown resources. See "
"`this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/heat-topology-display-"
"improvement>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Perbaikan topologi heat, membuat lebih banyak sumber daya teridentifikasi "
"dimana waktu sebelumnya mereka tidak punya ikon dan ditampilkan sebagai "
"sumber yang tidak diketahui. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/heat-topology-display-improvement>`__ ."
msgid ""
"In an effort to standarize our HTML class naming conventions, we will be "
"updating various class names to use dashes, instead of underscore or "
"camelcasing, to match with Bootstrap's convention."
msgstr ""
"Dalam upaya untuk membakukan konvensi penamaan kelas HTML, kami akan "
"memperbarui berbagai nama kelas untuk menggunakan tanda hubung (dash), bukan "
"garis bawah (underscore) atau casing unta (camelcasing), untuk mencocokkan "
"dengan konvensi Bootstrap ini."
msgid ""
"Inline Edit functionality for Horizon tables is now deprecated and will be "
"removed in Horizon P (12.0) The functionality was removed from the following "
"tables. Admin Volume Types table, Admin Metadata Definitions table, Identity "
"Projects table and Identity Users table"
msgstr ""
"Fungsi Inline Edit untuk tabel Horizon sekarang usang dan akan dihapus di "
"Horizon P (12,0). Fungsi itu dihapus dari tabel berikut. Tabel Admin Volume "
"Types, tabel Admin Metadata Definitions, tabel Identity Projectsdan tabel "
"Identity Users"
msgid ""
"Instance metadata can be updated (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
msgstr ""
"Metadata instance dapat diperbarui (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
msgid "Instance shelving and unshelving now supported."
msgstr "Peletakan (shelving) dan unshelving sekarang didukung."
msgid ""
"Integration tests for Image features may also be toggled in "
"openstack_dashboard/test/integration_tests/horizon.conf using the "
"'panel_type' feature, either set to 'legacy' or 'angular' to match the "
"enabled panel type."
msgstr ""
"Tes integrasi untuk fitur Image juga dapat toggled (digeser) di "
"openstack_dashboard/test/integration_tests/horizon.conf menggunakan fitur "
"'panel_type', baik diatur untuk 'legacy' ataupun 'angular' untuk mencocokkan "
"tipe panel diaktifkan."
msgid ""
"It is no longer necessary to include the version suffix into "
"OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL setting. Thanks to a recent update of django-"
"openstack-auth library as of 2.3.0 release, Horizon will append the proper "
"version suffix to the URL based on the value stored inside "
"OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS['identity'] setting."
msgstr ""
"Hal ini tidak lagi diperlukan untuk menyertakan version suffix (akhiran "
"versi) ke pengaturan OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL. Berkat update terbaru dari "
"perpustakaan django-openStack-auth pada rilis 2.3.0, Horizon akan "
"menambahkan akhiran versi yang tepat untuk URL berdasarkan nilai yang "
"tersimpan di dalam pengaturan OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS ['identitas']."
msgid "JavaScript can now access the Keystone Token."
msgstr "JavaScript sekarang dapat mengakses Keystone Token."
msgid ""
"JavaScript files are now automatically included. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/auto-js-file-finding>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"JavaScript files are now automatically included. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/auto-js-file-finding>`__ for more "
msgid "Known Issues"
msgstr "Isu Dikenal"
msgid ""
"LBaaS v1 dashboard is now deprecated and will be removed in Ocata release. "
"LBaaS v1 feature was removed from neutron-lbaas in Ocata and this "
"functionality in Horizon is only for backward compatibility so that "
"operators can upgrade Horizon first. Note that the Dashboard support for "
"LBaaS v2 is provided as a Horizon plugin via `neutron-lbaas-dashboard "
"project <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron-lbaas-dashboard/"
msgstr ""
"LBaaS v1 dashboard is now deprecated and will be removed in Ocata release. "
"LBaaS v1 feature was removed from neutron-lbaas in Ocata and this "
"functionality in Horizon is only for backward compatibility so that "
"operators can upgrade Horizon first. Note that the Dashboard support for "
"LBaaS v2 is provided as a Horizon plugin via `neutron-lbaas-dashboard "
"project <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron-lbaas-dashboard/"
msgid ""
"LP-1585682 is fixed which grants Horizon the ability to properly version "
"Keystone webpath endpoints (URLs like http://<hostip>/identity instead of "
msgstr ""
"LP-1585682 is fixed which grants Horizon the ability to properly version "
"Keystone webpath endpoints (URLs like http://<hostip>/identity instead of "
msgid "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Liberty"
msgid "Made the Angular Launch Instance workflow the default in Horizon."
msgstr "Membuat alur kerja Angular Launch Instance default di Horizon."
msgid ""
"Making Keystone Tokens available to JavaScript slightly increases the risk "
"of a Token being captured. If you don't need this functionality, it can be "
"disabled by setting the following option in your local_settings: "
msgstr ""
"Membuat Keystone Token tersedia untuk JavaScript sedikit meningkatkan risiko "
"Token ditangkap. Jika Anda tidak membutuhkan fungsi ini, hal ini dapat "
"dinonaktifkan dengan menetapkan opsi berikut di local_settings: "
msgid ""
"Many JavaScript files and most notably the base page template (``horizon/"
"templates/base.html``) have moved from the framework portion of the repo "
"(``horizon``) to the application side (``openstack_dashboard``) to better "
"separate the framework from the application."
msgstr ""
"Many JavaScript files and most notably the base page template (``horizon/"
"templates/base.html``) have moved from the framework portion of the repo "
"(``horizon``) to the application side (``openstack_dashboard``) to better "
"separate the framework from the application."
msgid ""
"Many Javascript files have moved to new locations in the horizon/lib static "
"folder. Previously the locations of some files were hard-coded but now the "
"locations are determined automatically based on the xstatic package name."
msgstr ""
"Banyak file Javascript telah pindah ke lokasi baru di folder statis horizon/"
"lib . Sebelumnya lokasi dari beberapa file merupakan hard-coded tapi "
"sekarang lokasi ditentukan secara otomatis berdasarkan nama paket xstatic."
msgid "Many of Horizons XStatic packages were updated during this cycle."
msgstr "Banyak paket Horizons XStatic diperbarui selama siklus ini."
msgid "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Mitaka"
msgid "Modal sizes now inherit from Bootstrap's theme variables."
msgstr "Ukuran modal sekarang mewarisi dari variabel tema Bootstrap."
msgid ""
"Modal sizes now inherit their value from theme variables. Two additional "
"sizes are available now for use in Horizon, extra to the standard 3 sizes of "
"Bootstrap Modals, modal-xs and modal-xl."
msgstr ""
"Ukuran modal sekarang mewarisi nilai mereka dari variabel tema. Dua ukuran "
"tambahan tersedia sekarang untuk digunakan dalam Horizon, tambahan untuk "
"standar 3 ukuran Bootstrap Modal, modal-xs dan modal-xl."
msgid ""
"Move OpenStack Dashboard Swift panel rendering logic to client-side using "
"AngularJS for significant usability improvements."
msgstr ""
"Pindahkan panel OpenStack Dashboard Swift rendering logic (logika analisa) "
"untuk client-side (sisi klien) menggunakan AngularJS untuk perbaikan "
"kegunaan yang signifikan."
msgid "Neutron network type for Geneve tunneling protocol is now supported."
msgstr ""
"Tipe jaringan Neutron untuk protokol tunneling Geneve didukung sekarang."
msgid ""
"Neutron provider network configuration now becomes more flexible so that "
"operators can configure various provider network parameters including new "
"network type, segmenatiton ID ranges and so on based on neutron network back-"
"ends they use."
msgstr ""
"Konfigurasi jaringan provider Neutron sekarang menjadi lebih fleksibel "
"sehingga operator dapat mengkonfigurasi berbagai parameter jaringan provider "
"termasuk tipe jaringan baru, rentang ID segmenatiton dan sebagainya "
"berdasarkan back-end jaringan neutron yang mereka gunakan."
msgid ""
"Neutron provider network types for Midonet are now supported. To enable "
"them, specify these network types in ``supported_provider_types`` in the "
"configuration file."
msgstr ""
"Tipe jaringan provider Neutron untuk Midonet sekarang didukung. Untuk "
"mengaktifkannya, tentukan tipe jaringan ini di ``supported_provider_types`` "
"dalam file konfigurasi."
msgid "New Features"
msgstr "Fitur baru"
msgid "New network topology panel. Added support for subnet allocation."
msgstr ""
"Panel topologi jaringan baru Ditambahkan dukungan untuk alokasi subnet."
msgid ""
"Nova and Glance are no longer required in order to run Horizon. As long as "
"keystone is present, Horizon will run correctly."
msgstr ""
"Nova dan Glance tidak lagi diperlukan dalam rangka untuk menjalankan "
"Horizon. Selama keystone hadir, Horizon akan berjalan dengan benar."
msgid "Other Notes"
msgstr "Catatan lain."
msgid ""
"Plugin improvements, Horizon auto discovers JavaScript files for inclusion, "
"and now has mechanisms for pluggable SCSS and Django template overrides."
msgstr ""
"Perbaikan plugin, Horizon atau penemuan file JavaScript untuk inclusion "
"(pemasukan), dan sekarang memiliki mekanisme untuk pengesampingan pluggable "
"SCSS dan Django Template."
msgid ""
"Policies associated with Consistency Groups exist in the Cinder policy file, "
"and by default, all actions are disabled."
msgstr ""
"Kebijakan yang terkait dengan Consistency Group ada di file kebijakan "
"Cinder, dan secara default, semua tindakan dinonaktifkan."
msgid "Properties are now bound to the controller instead of the scope."
msgstr "Properti sekarang terikat ke controller bukan scope (ruang lingkup)."
msgid ""
"Provided the ability for plugins to contribute translations to the "
"JavaScript message catalog. Previously the horizon and openstack_dahboard "
"applications were hardcoded."
msgstr ""
"Dibekali kemampuan untuk plugin untuk berkontribusi terjemahan ke katalog "
"pesan JavaScript. Sebelumnya horizon dan aplikasi openstack_dashboard "
"merupakan hardcoded."
msgid ""
"Router rules is a horizon extension provided by Big Switch Networks. As part "
"of the horizon-vendor-split work, we drop the extension from upstream "
"horizon. It is now available as a separate plugin at https://github.com/"
msgstr ""
"Aturan Router adalah ekstensi horizon yang disediakan oleh Big Switch "
"Networks. Sebagai bagian dari pekerjaan horizon-vendor-split, kita drop "
"ekstensi dari horizon hulu. Hal ini sekarang tersedia sebagai plugin "
"terpisah di https://github.com/bigswitch/horizon-bsn"
msgid "Security Issues"
msgstr "Isu keamanan"
msgid ""
"Selenium tests may now be exercised using the headless PhantomJS driver."
msgstr ""
"Tes Selenium sekarang dapat dilakukan menggunakan driver PhantomJS tanpa "
msgid ""
"Several fixes have been made to the hzTable controller. The list below "
"outline these changes. See inline documentation for usage details."
msgstr ""
"Beberapa perbaikan telah dilakukan untuk hzTable controller. Daftar di "
"bawah outline (garis besar) perubahan ini. Lihat dokumentasi inline untuk "
"rincian penggunaan."
msgid ""
"Support a parameter to specify subnet or fixed IP address when creating port."
msgstr ""
"Mendukung parameter untuk menspesifikasi subnet atau alamat IP tetap saat "
"membuat port."
msgid ""
"Support for shelving and unshelving of instances. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-shelving-command>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"Dukungan untuk shelving (meletakkan) dan unshelving instance. Lihat lebih "
"rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-shelving-"
"command>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Support for v2 block device mapping, falling back to v1 when unavailable. "
"See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-block-"
"device-mapping-v2>`__. for more details."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan untuk pemetaan perangkat blok v2, turun ke belakang ke v1 ketika "
"tidak tersedia. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
msgid ""
"The 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label' and 'default_ipv6_subnet_pool_label' "
"options has been deprecated and will be removed in the Newton release. "
"Starting with Mitaka you can create one default subnet pool per address "
"family through the Neutron API. These subnet pools will automatically show "
"up in the subnet pool list using the name of the pool as label."
msgstr ""
"Opsi 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label' dan 'default_ipv6_subnet_pool_label' "
"telah usang dan akan dihapus dalam rilis Newton. Dimulai dengan Mitaka Anda "
"dapat membuat satu kolam subnet default per keluarga alamat melalui API "
"Neutron. Kolam subnet ini secara otomatis akan muncul dalam daftar kolam "
"subnet menggunakan nama kolam sebagai label."
msgid ""
"The 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label' and 'default_ipv6_subnet_pool_label' "
"options were deprecated in the Mitaka release and are no longer valid in the "
"Newton release. Starting with Mitaka you can create one default subnet pool "
"per address family through the Neutron API. These subnet pools will "
"automatically show up in the subnet pool list using the name of the pool as "
msgstr ""
"Opsi 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label' dan 'default_ipv6_subnet_pool_label' "
"usang dalam rilis Mitaka dan tidak lagi berlaku dalam rilis Newton. Dimulai "
"dengan Mitaka Anda dapat membuat satu kolam subnet default per keluarga "
"alamat melalui API Neutron. Kolam subnet ini secara otomatis akan muncul "
"dalam daftar kolam subnet menggunakan nama kolam sebagai label."
msgid "The 'webroot' theme has been removed."
msgstr "Theme 'webroot' telah dihapus."
msgid ""
"The 'webroot' theme was providing an example of how to set the webroot value "
"through SCSS for accessing needed static URL prefixes for assets like font "
"paths. This value is now retrieved directly from the Django settings and is "
"available directly in the SCSS namespace via $static_url."
msgstr ""
"Tema 'webroot' itu memberikan contoh bagaimana mengatur nilai webroot "
"melalui SCSS untuk mengakses awalan URL statis yang diperlukan bagi aset "
"seperti font paths (jalan font). Nilai ini sekarang diambil langsung dari "
"pengaturan Django dan tersedia langsung di namespace SCSS melalui $ "
msgid ""
"The Images panel now may be configured to use either the legacy or Angular "
msgstr ""
"Panel Image sekarang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk menggunakan kode legacy atau "
"Angular (warisan atau sudut)."
msgid ""
"The Python Launch Instance workflow has been deprecated and no longer "
"displays by default."
msgstr ""
"Alur kerja Python Launch Instance telah usang dan tidak menampilkan lagi "
"secara default."
msgid ""
"The Python Swift panel has been deprecated and no longer displays by "
"default. To use the old interface edit ``enabled/"
"_1920_project_containers_panel.py`` to change ``swift_panel`` to "
msgstr ""
"Panel Python Swift telah usang dan tidak menampilkan lagi secara default. "
"Untuk menggunakan antarmuka lama mengedit ``enabled/"
"_1920_project_containers_panel.py`` merubah ``swift_panel`` ke ``'legacy'``."
msgid ""
"The Sahara based content has been removed from the Horizon source tree and "
"is now a separate plugin. To continue managing Sahara in Horizon, installing "
"the sahara-dashboard plugin on the Horizon server is required."
msgstr ""
"Konten berdasarkan Sahara telah dihapus dari source tree (pohon sumber daya) "
"Horizon dan sekarang plugin terpisah. Untuk secara kontinue mengelola Sahara "
"di Horizon, installah plugin sahara-dashboard pada server Horizon yang "
msgid ""
"The Trove based content has been removed from the Horizon source tree and is "
"now a separate plugin. To continue managing Trove in Horizon, installing the "
"trove-dashboard plugin on the Horizon server is required."
msgstr ""
"Konten berdasarkan Trove telah dihapus dari source tree (pohon sumber daya) "
"Horizon dan sekarang plugin terpisah. Untuk secara kontinue mengelola Trove "
"di Horizon, installah plugin trove-dashboard pada server Horizon yang "
msgid "The `select` method has been renamed to `toggleSelect`."
msgstr "Metode `select` telah diubah namanya menjadi` toggleSelect`."
msgid "The `select` method has been renamed to to `toggleSelect`."
msgstr "Metode `select` telah diubah namanya menjadi ke` toggleSelect`."
msgid ""
"The breadcrumb navigation inside the details pages now applies across "
"Horizon. A small change in the logic means that ``custom_breadcrumb`` items "
"in the context no longer need to specify the panel name and link. See "
"[`blueprint navigation-improvements <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
msgstr ""
"Navigasi breadcrumb di dalam halaman rincian sekarang berlaku di Horizon. "
"Sebuah perubahan kecil dalam logika berarti item ``custom_breadcrumb`` dalam "
"konteks tidak perlu lagi menentukan nama panel dan tautan. Lihat [`blueprint "
"navigation-improvements <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/"
msgid ""
"The deprecated ``OPENSTACK_QUANTUM_NETWORK`` configuration option has been "
"removed. If you still use it, you need to replace it with "
msgstr ""
"Opsi konfigurasi usang ``OPENSTACK_QUANTUM_NETWORK`` telah dihapus. Jika "
"Anda masih menggunakannya, Anda perlu menggantinya dengan "
msgid ""
"The final django TEMPLATE_LOADERS configuration will now be generated from "
"See the settings documentation for more information."
msgstr ""
"Django final konfigurasi TEMPLATE_LOADERS sekarang akan dihasilkan dari "
"ADD_TEMPLATE_LOADERS. Lihat dokumentasi pengaturan untuk informasi lebih "
msgid ""
"The hz-resource-panel directive takes in a Heat resource name (e.g. 'OS::"
"Nova::Server') and displays an appropriate header and allows content to be "
"transcluded to build the panel page."
msgstr ""
"Direktif hz-sumber daya-panel mengambil dalam nama sumber daya Heat "
"(misalnya 'OS :: Nova :: Server') dan menampilkan header yang tepat dan "
"memungkinkan konten untuk ditransklusikan untuk membangun halaman panel."
msgid ""
"The hz-resource-table directive takes in a Heat resource name (e.g. 'OS::"
"Nova::Server') and uses the Angular registry to provide actions, columns, "
"and summary views."
msgstr ""
"Direktif hz-resource-table mengambil dalam nama sumber daya Heat (misalnya "
"'OS :: Nova :: Server') dan menggunakan registry Angular untuk memberikan "
"tindakan, kolom, dan penampilan ringkasan."
msgid ""
"The main engine managing integration with oslo.policy has been moved to "
"django_openstack_auth. The configuration is still managed in Horizon, but "
"the setting for ``POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION`` now uses ``openstack_auth.policy."
"check`` rather than ``openstack_dashboard.policy.check``. Current behavior "
"will remain consistent."
msgstr ""
"Mesin utama pengelolaan integrasi dengan oslo.policy telah dipindahkan ke "
"django_openstack_auth. Konfigurasi ini masih dikelola di Horizon, tetapi "
"pengaturan untuk ``POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION`` sekarang menggunakan "
"``openstack_auth.policy.check`` daripada ``openstack_dashboard.policy."
"check``. Perilaku saat ini akan tetap konsisten."
msgid ""
"The metadata editor has been updated with AngularJS. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/angularize-metadata-update-modals>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Editor metadata telah diperbarui dengan AngularJS. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"modals>`__ ."
msgid ""
"The network topology diagram has been replaced with an interactive graph "
"containing collapsible networks, and scales far better in large deployments. "
"See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/curvature-network-"
"topology>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Diagram topologi jaringan telah diganti dengan grafik interaktif yang berisi "
"collapsible network (jaringan dilipat), dan skala yang jauh lebih baik dalam "
"(large deployment) penyebaran besar. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/curvature-network-topology>`__ ."
msgid ""
"The oslo concurrency minimum requirement has been raised from 3.5.0 to 3.7.1"
msgstr ""
"Persyaratan minimum concurrency oslo telah dibangkitkan dari 3.5.0 ke 3.7.1"
msgid ""
"The port-details page has a new tab for managing Allowed Address Pairs. This "
"tab and its features will only be available when this extension is active in "
"Neutron. The Allowed Address Pairs tab will enable creating, deleting, and "
"listing address pairs for the current port."
msgstr ""
"halaman port-detail memiliki tab baru untuk mengelola Allowed Address "
"Pairs. Tab ini dan fitur-fiturnya hanya akan tersedia ketika ekstensi ini "
"aktif di Neutron. Tab Allowed Address Pair akan mengaktifkan pembuatan, "
"penghapusan, dan pendaftaran pasangan alamat untuk port saat ini."
msgid ""
"The property `numSelected` has been removed, use `selected.length` instead."
msgstr ""
"Properti `numSelected` telah dihapus, menggunakan `selected.length` sebagai "
msgid "The property `selected` is now a list of selected rows."
msgstr "Properti `selected` sekarang menjadi daftar baris yang dipilih."
msgid ""
"The property `selections` tracks the checkbox selection state of each row."
msgstr ""
"Properti `selections` melacak kondisi pilihan checkbox (kotak centang) dari "
"setiap baris."
msgid "The setting CUSTOM_THEME_PATH is now deprecated."
msgstr "Pengaturan CUSTOM_THEME_PATH sekarang tidak berlaku."
msgid "The setting DEFAULT_THEME_PATH is now deprecated."
msgstr "Pengaturan DEFAULT_THEME_PATH sekarang tidak berlaku."
msgid ""
"Themes have moved location from ``openstack_dashboard/static/themes``, to "
"``openstack_dashboard/themes``. Paths may need to be updated accordingly. "
"Furthermore, Horizon is aligning closer with Bootstrap markup, and themes "
"should be built around this ideology; see the top bar and side navigation "
"for details."
msgstr ""
"Tema telah pindah lokasi dari ``openstack_dashboard/static/themes``, ke "
"``openstack_dashboard/themes``. Jalur mungkin perlu diperbarui sesuai. "
"Selanjutnya, Horizon adalah menyelaraskan lebih dekat dengan Bootstrap "
"markup, dan tema harus dibangun sekitar ideologi ini; melihat bar bagian "
"atas dan navigasi samping untuk rincian."
msgid ""
"There are also some Nova related panels (e.g. \"Instances\") that reference "
"storage size in \"GB\". These panels will be addressed in subsequent patches."
msgstr ""
"Ada juga beberapa panel Nova terkait (misal \"Instance\") yang mereferensi "
"ukuran penyimpanan di \"GB\". Panel ini akan dibahas dalam patch berikutnya."
msgid ""
"There is now an ``OPENSTACK_NOVA_EXTENSIONS_BLACKLIST`` option in the "
"settings, to disable selected extensions for performance reasons. See `this "
"commit/18f4b752b8653c9389f8b0471eccaa0659707ebe>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang ada opsi ``OPENSTACK_NOVA_EXTENSIONS_BLACKLIST`` dalam pengaturan, "
"untuk menonaktifkan ekstensi terpilih karena alasan kinerja. Lihat lebih "
"rinci `this <https://github.com/openstack/horizon/"
"commit/18f4b752b8653c9389f8b0471eccaa0659707ebe>`__ ."
msgid ""
"To aid in continued maintenance of Horizon as a themable and customizable "
"framework, the highly customized 'default' styles are being dropped in favor "
"of standard Bootstrap styles. The 'default' theme will only house scss "
"variable changes going forward."
msgstr ""
"Untuk membantu pemeliharaan Horizon secara continue sebagai kerangka yang "
"dapat berganti tema dan dapat disesuaikan, gaya 'default' sangat disesuaikan "
"dalam mendukung gaya Bootstrap standar. Theme 'default' akan hanya house "
"scss variable (variabel SCSS rumah) perubahan ke depan."
msgid ""
"Trove and Sahara panels now reside in ``openstack_dashboard/contrib``. This "
"is to provide separation for reviews provided mostly by the service teams. "
"In the future, these panels may become plugins rather than being kept in "
"Horizon. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/plugin-"
"sanity>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Panel Trove dan Sahara sekarang tinggal di ``openstack_dashboard/contrib``. "
"Hal ini untuk memberikan pemisahan pengulasan yang disediakan sebagian besar "
"oleh tim pelayanan. Di masa depan, panel ini dapat menjadi plugin bukannya "
"disimpan di Horizon. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/plugin-sanity>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Unified job interface map. This is a human readable method for passing in "
"configuration data that a job may require or accept. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/unified-job-interface-map-ui>`__ for "
"more details."
msgstr ""
"Pekerjaan terpadu peta antarmuka. Ini adalah metode yang dapat dibaca "
"manusia untuk melewati data konfigurasi dimana pekerjaan bisa memerlukan "
"atau menerima. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/unified-job-interface-map-ui>`__ ."
msgid "Upgrade Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Upgrade"
msgid "User - View identity project in the domain logged in"
msgstr "Pengguna - View (melihat) proyek identitas dalam domain login"
msgid "Volume migration is now supported."
msgstr "Migrasi volume sekarang didukung."
msgid ""
"Volume types can be now edited, and include description fields. See `this "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volume-type-descriptio>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Tipe volume sekarang dapat diedit, dan memasukan field deskripsi. Lihat "
"lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volume-"
"type-descriptio>`__ ."
msgid ""
"We now automatically determine the static folder location for xstatic "
"packages being used by Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Kami sekarang secara otomatis menentukan lokasi folder statis untuk paket "
"xstatic digunakan oleh Horizon."
msgid "XStatic-Angular updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Angular update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Angular-FileUpload updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Angular-FileUpload update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Bootswatch updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Bootswatch update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Font-Awesome updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Font-Awesome update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Jasmine updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Jasmine update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-MDI updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-MDI update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Rickshaw updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Rickshaw update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Smart-Table updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Smart-Table update dari ke"
msgid ""
"[`blueprint Supports extra properties in project and user <https://"
"user>`_] Support an ability to treat additional information for project and "
"user as an extra attribute."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint Supports extra properties in project and user <https://"
"user>`_] Mendukung kemampuan untuk memperlakukan informasi tambahan untuk "
"proyek dan pengguna sebagai atribut tambahan."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint admin-neutron-l3-agent <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/admin-neutron-l3-agent>`_] Add support for managing neutron L3 agent "
"hosts. The admin screen for system information now provides links / views "
"to see what routers reside on what hosts. In addition, the admin view of "
"routers now also provides a list of where the router is hosted and the link "
"to see what other routers are sharing the same host."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint admin-neutron-l3-agent <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/admin-neutron-l3-agent>`_] Menambahkan dukungan untuk mengelola "
"neutron L3 agent host. Layar admin untuk sistem informasi saat ini "
"menyediakan link/views untuk melihat router apakah berada pada host apa. "
"Selain itu, tampilan router admin kini juga menyediakan daftar dimana router "
"berada pada host dan link untuk melihat apa router lain berbagi pada host "
"yang sama."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint admin-views-filter-first <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/admin-views-filter-first>`_] This blueprint provides a "
"configurable setting to allow operators require admin users to provide a "
"search criteria first before loading data into admin views."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint admin-views-filter-first <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/admin-views-filter-first>`_] Cetak biru ini menyediakan "
"pengaturan yang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk mengizinkan operator mengharuskan "
"pengguna admin untuk memberikan kriteria pencarian pertama sebelum pemuatan "
"data ke tampilan admin."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint angular-performance-strict-di <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-performance-strict-di>`_] This blueprint enforces "
"strict dependency injection in AngularJS code, for improvements to "
"minification and thus performance."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint angular-performance-strict-di <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-performance-strict-di>`_] Cetak biru ini memaksa "
"injeksi ketergantungan yang ketat dalam kode AngularJS, untuk perbaikan "
"minification dan kinerja."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint angular-schema-form <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/angular-schema-form>`_] Added the Angular Schema Form library to "
"Horizon. This allows developers to build angular forms and workflows from "
"JSON. Read more at `<http://schemaform.io/>`_"
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint angular-schema-form <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/angular-schema-form>`_] Ditambahkan perpustakaan Angular Schema Form "
"ke Horizon. Hal ini memungkinkan pengembang untuk membangun bentuk sudut dan "
"alur kerja dari JSON. Baca lebih lanjut di `<http://schemaform.io/>` _"
msgid ""
"[`blueprint angular-table-directive <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-table-directive>`_] This blueprint provides a way for "
"developers to programatically declare an Angular table vs writing HTML "
"markup. It reduces the boilerplate HTML code. For a basic table, you need to "
"pass in the data and the column configuration into the `hz-dynamic-table` "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint angular-table-directive <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-table-directive>`_] Cetak biru ini menyediakan cara "
"bagi pengembang secara programatikal mendeklarasikan Angular table vs "
"menulis HTML markup. Ini mengurangi kode HTML boilerplate. Untuk table "
"dasar, Anda harus melewatkan dalam data dan konfigurasi kolom ke dalam "
"direktif `hz-dynamic-table`."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint angular-template-overrides <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-template-overrides>`_] This blueprint provides a way "
"for deployers to use a theme to override HTML fragments used by Angular code "
"in Horizon. For example, to override the launch instance help panel when "
"the 'material' theme is used, create openstack_dashboard/themes/material/"
"static/templates/framework /widgets/help-panel/help-panel.html. All of the "
"client side templates are now compiled into a single JavaScript file that is "
"minified and is given as an additional file in the manifest.json file."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint angular-template-overrides <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-template-overrides>`_] Cetak biru ini menyediakan cara "
"untuk deployer menggunakan tema untuk mengesampingkan fragmen HTML yang "
"digunakan oleh Angular code di Horizon. Misalnya, untuk mengesampingkan "
"launch instance help panel ketika tema 'material' yang digunakan, membuat "
"openstack_dashboard/themes/material/static/templates/framework /widgets/help-"
"panel/help-panel.html. Semua template sisi klien sekarang dikompilasi ke "
"dalam sebuah file JavaScript tunggal yang diminimalkan dan diberikan sebagai "
"file tambahan dalam file manifest.json."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint cinder-consistency-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/cinder-consistency-groups>`_] This feature adds 2 new tabs to "
"the Project Volumes panel. The first tab will display Consistency Groups, "
"and the second tab will display Consistency Group Snapshots. Consistency "
"Groups (CG) contain existing volumes, and allow the user to perform actions "
"on the volumes in one step. Actions include: create/update/delete CGs, "
"snapshot all volumes in a CG, clone all volumes in a CG, and create a new CG "
"and volumes from a CG snapshot. Policies associated with Consistency Groups "
"exist in the Cinder policy file, and by default, all actions are disabled."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint cinder-consistency-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/cinder-consistency-groups>`_] Fitur ini menambahkan 2 tab baru "
"ke panel Project Volume. Tab pertama akan menampilkan Consistency Grup, dan "
"tab kedua akan menampilkan Consistency Grup Snapshots. Consistency Groups "
"(CG) berisi volume yang ada, dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan "
"tindakan pada volume dalam satu langkah. Tindakan meliputi: membuat/update/"
"menghapus CG, snapshot semua volume di CG, mengkloning semua volume di CG, "
"dan menciptakan CG baru dan volume dari sebuah snapshot CG. Kebijakan yang "
"terkait dengan Consistency Grup ada di file kebijakan Cinder, dan secara "
"default, semua tindakan dinonaktifkan."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint cinder-consistency-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/cinder-consistency-groups>`_] This feature adds a new "
"Consistency Groups tab to the Project Volumes panel. Consistency Groups (GG) "
"contain existing volumes, and allow the user to perform actions on the "
"volumes in one step. Actions include: create a CG, manage volumes associated "
"with the CG, update a CG, and delete a CGs. Note that a CG can not be "
"deleted if it contains any volumes."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint cinder-consistency-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/cinder-consistency-groups>`_] Fitur ini menambahkan tab "
"Konsistensi Grup baru ke panel Project Volume. Consistency Groups (GG) "
"berisi volume yang ada, dan mengizinkan pengguna untuk melakukan tindakan "
"pada volume dalam satu langkah. Tindakan meliputi: membuat CG, mengatur "
"volume terkait dengan CG, memperbarui CG, dan menghapus CG. Perhatikan bahwa "
"CG tidak dapat dihapus jika mengandung volume apapun."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint configurable-boot-sources <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/configurable-boot-sources>`_] Allows administrators to "
"restrict which sources are available to boot from in the Launch Instance "
"modal by adding 4 new settings to LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS (disable_image, "
"disable_instance_snapshot, disable_volume, disable_volume_snapshot)."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint configurable-boot-sources <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/configurable-boot-sources>`_] Memungkinkan administrator "
"untuk membatasi sumber yang tersedia untuk boot dari dalam modal Launch "
"Instance oleh menambahkan 4 pengaturan baru untuk LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS "
"(disable_image, disable_instance_snapshot, disable_volume, "
msgid ""
"[`blueprint integrate-magic-search <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/integrate-magic-search>`_] Magic Search was an external dependency "
"that was being heavily modified or overwritten in sections, so the used "
"parts of code base have been moved into Horizon."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint integrate-magic-search <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/integrate-magic-search>`_] Magic Search adalah ketergantungan "
"eksternal yang sedang banyak dimodifikasi atau ditimpa di bagian, sehingga "
"bagian yang digunakan dari basis kode telah dipindahkan ke Horizon."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint integration-tests-hardening <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/integration-tests-hardening>`_] This blueprint reduced "
"failures in the integration tests caused by structure or styling changes, by "
"making them less dependent on aspects of page structure, such as ordering or "
"CSS classes."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint integration-tests-hardening <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/integration-tests-hardening>`_] Cetak biru ini mengurangi "
"kegagalan dalam tes integrasi disebabkan oleh perubahan struktur atau "
"styling, dengan membuat mereka kurang bergantung pada aspek struktur "
"halaman, seperti pemesanan atau kelas CSS."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-idp <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-idp>`_] Add support for managing keystone "
"identity provider. To enable the panel, set "
"``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_FEDERATION_MANAGEMENT`` in the local_settting.py to "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-idp <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-idp>`_] Menambahkan dukungan untuk "
"mengelola penyedia identitas keystone. Untuk mengaktifkan panel, mengatur "
"``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_FEDERATION_MANAGEMENT`` di local_settting.py ke True."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-mapping <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-mapping>`_] Add basic support for managing "
"keystone federation mapping."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-mapping <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-mapping>`_] Menambahkan dukungan dasar "
"untuk mengelola pemetaan federasi keystone."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-protocol-mapping <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-protocol-mapping>`_] This "
"blueprint provides CRUD interaction for identity provider protocols."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-protocol-mapping <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-protocol-mapping>`_] Cetak "
"biru ini memberikan interaksi CRUD untuk protokol provider identitas."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint manage-ips Add ability to manage floating IPs in syspanel "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/manage-ips>`_] Admin "
"dashboard Floating IPs panel has been added to Horizon."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint manage-ips Add ability to manage floating IPs in syspanel "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/manage-ips>`_] Dashboard "
"admin panel IP mengambang telah ditambahkan ke Horizon."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint message-of-the-day <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/message-of-the-day>`_] Message of the day can now be configured in "
"horizon, this will be displayed to the user whenever they login. To enable "
"the feature set ``MESSAGES_PATH`` in the local_settting.py to the directory "
"where message files are located. The message file must have a .json file "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint message-of-the-day <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/message-of-the-day>`_] Pesan hari sekarang dapat dikonfigurasi di "
"horizon, ini akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna setiap kali mereka login. "
"Untuk mengaktifkan fitur set `` MESSAGES_PATH`` di local_settting.py ke "
"direktori dimana file pesan berada. File pesan harus memiliki ekstensi file ."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint navigation-improvements <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/navigation-improvements>`_] Breadcrumb navigation has been "
"added across Horizon."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint navigation-improvements <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/navigation-improvements>`_] navigasi breadcrumb telah "
"ditambahkan di Horizon."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint operation-history-log <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/operation-history-log>`_] Added a feature to log operation history of "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint operation-history-log <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/operation-history-log>`_] Ditambahkan fitur untuk log sejarah operasi "
msgid ""
"[`blueprint pagination-for-flavor <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/pagination-for-flavor>`_] Added forward and backward pagination to the "
"Flavors panel"
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint pagination-for-flavor <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/pagination-for-flavor>`_] Ditambahkan ke depan dan pagination mundur "
"ke panel Flavors"
msgid ""
"blueprint gb-to-gib-conversion <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
msgstr ""
"blueprint gb-to-gib-conversion <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
msgid "https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1508571"
msgstr "https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1508571"
msgid ""
"the ``ANGULAR_FEATURES`` setting now allows for a key ``images_panel``. If "
"set to ``True``, then the Angular Images panel will be used, while the "
"Python version will be used if set to ``False``."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan ``ANGULAR_FEATURES`` sekarang mengizinkan kunci "
"``images_panel``. Jika diatur ke `` True``, maka panel Angular Image akan "
"digunakan, sedangkan versi Python akan digunakan jika diatur ke `` False``."