
693 lines
24 KiB

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
/* Namespace for core functionality related to DataTables. */
horizon.datatables = {
update: function () {
var $rows_to_update = $('tr.warning.ajax-update');
var $table = $rows_to_update.closest('table');
var interval = $rows_to_update.attr('data-update-interval');
var decay_constant = $table.attr('decay_constant');
var requests = [];
// do nothing if there are no rows to update.
if($rows_to_update.length <= 0) { return; }
// Do not update this row if the action column is expanded
if ($rows_to_update.find('.actions_column .btn-group.open').length) {
// Wait and try to update again in next interval instead
setTimeout(horizon.datatables.update, interval);
// Remove interval decay, since this will not hit server
$rows_to_update.each(function() {
var $row = $(this);
var $table = $row.closest('table.datatable');
url: $row.attr('data-update-url'),
error: function (jqXHR) {
switch (jqXHR.status) {
// A 404 indicates the object is gone, and should be removed from the table
case 404:
// Update the footer count and reset to default empty row if needed
var row_count, colspan, template, params;
// existing count minus one for the row we're removing
row_count = horizon.datatables.update_footer_count($table, -1);
if(row_count === 0) {
colspan = $table.find('.table_column_header th').length;
template = horizon.templates.compiled_templates["#empty_row_template"];
params = {
"colspan": colspan,
no_items_label: gettext("No items to display.")
var empty_row = template.render(params);
} else {
// Reset tablesorter's data cache.
// Enable launch action if quota is not exceeded
console.log(gettext("An error occurred while updating."));
success: function (data) {
var $new_row = $(data);
if ($new_row.hasClass('warning')) {
var $container = $(document.createElement('div'))
.addClass('progress-text horizon-loading-bar');
var $progress = $(document.createElement('div'))
.addClass('progress progress-striped active')
// if action/confirm is required, show progress-bar with "?"
// icon to indicate user action is required
if ($new_row.find('.btn-action-required').length > 0) {
.addClass('fa fa-question-circle progress-bar-text')
// Only replace row if the html content has changed
if($new_row.html() !== $row.html()) {
// Directly accessing the checked property of the element
// is MUCH faster than using jQuery's helper method
var $checkbox = $row.find('.table-row-multi-select');
if($checkbox.length && $checkbox[0].checked) {
// Preserve the checkbox if it's already clicked
$new_row.find('.table-row-multi-select').prop('checked', true);
// TODO(matt-borland, tsufiev): ideally we should solve the
// problem with not-working angular actions in a content added
// by jQuery via replacing jQuery insert with Angular insert.
// Should address this in Newton release
// Reset tablesorter's data cache.
// Reset decay constant.
// Check that quicksearch is enabled for this table
// Reset quicksearch's data cache.
if ($table.attr('id') in horizon.datatables.qs) {
complete: function () {
// Revalidate the button check for the updated table
$.when.apply($, requests).always(function() {
decay_constant = decay_constant || 0;
$table.attr('decay_constant', decay_constant);
var next_poll = interval * decay_constant;
// Limit the interval to 30 secs
if(next_poll > 30 * 1000) { next_poll = 30 * 1000; }
setTimeout(horizon.datatables.update, next_poll);
update_actions: function() {
var $actions_to_update = $('.btn-launch.ajax-update, .btn-create.ajax-update');
$actions_to_update.each(function() {
var $action = $(this);
url: $action.attr('data-update-url'),
error: function () {
console.log(gettext("An error occurred while updating."));
success: function (data) {
var $new_action = $(data);
// Only replace row if the html content has changed
if($new_action.html() != $action.html()) {
validate_button: function ($form, disable_button) {
// Enable or disable table batch action buttons based on row selection.
$form = $form || $(".table_wrapper > form");
$form.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $action_buttons = $this.find('.table_actions button[data-batch-action="true"]');
if (disable_button === undefined) {
disable_button = $this.find(".table-row-multi-select").filter(":checked").length == 0;
$action_buttons.toggleClass("disabled", disable_button);
initialize_checkboxes_behavior: function() {
// Bind the "select all" checkbox action.
$('.table_wrapper, #modal_wrapper')
.on('change', '.table-row-multi-select', function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $table = $this.closest('table');
var is_checked = $this.prop('checked');
if ($this.hasClass('multi-select-header')) {
// Only select / deselect the visible rows
$table.find('tbody tr:visible .table-row-multi-select')
.prop('checked', is_checked);
} else {
// Find the master checkbox
var $multi_select_checkbox = $table.find('.multi-select-header');
// Determine if there are any unchecked checkboxes in the table
var $checkboxes = $table.find('tbody .table-row-multi-select');
var not_checked = $checkboxes.not(':checked').length;
is_checked = $checkboxes.length != not_checked;
// If there are none, then check the master checkbox
$multi_select_checkbox.prop('checked', not_checked == 0);
// Pass in whether it should be visible, no point in doing this twice
horizon.datatables.validate_button($this.closest('form'), !is_checked);
initialize_table_tooltips: function() {
$('div.table_wrapper').tooltip({selector: '[data-toggle="tooltip"]', container: 'body'});
disable_actions_on_submit: function($form) {
// This applies changes to the table form when a user takes an action that
// submits the form. It relies on the form being re-rendered after the
// submit is completed to remove these changes.
$form = $form || $(".table_wrapper > form");
$form.on("submit", function () {
var $this = $(this);
// Add the 'submitted' flag to the form so the row update interval knows
// not to update the row and therefore re-enable the actions that we are
// disabling here.
$this.attr('data-submitted', 'true');
// Disable row action buttons. This prevents multiple form submission.
$this.find('td.actions_column button[type="submit"]').addClass("disabled");
// Use CSS to update the cursor so it's very clear that an action is
// in progress.
/* Generates a confirmation modal dialog for the given action. */
horizon.datatables.confirm = function(action) {
var $action = $(action);
if ($action.hasClass("disabled")) {
var $uibModal_parent = $action.closest('.modal');
var name_array = [];
var action_string = $action.text();
var help_text = $action.attr("help_text") || "";
var name_string = "";
// Add the display name defined by table.get_object_display(datum)
var $closest_table = $action.closest("table");
// Check if data-display attribute is available
var $data_display = $closest_table.find('tr[data-display]');
if ($data_display.length > 0) {
var $actions_div = $action.closest("div");
if ($actions_div.hasClass("table_actions") || $actions_div.hasClass("table_actions_menu")) {
// One or more checkboxes selected
$data_display.has(".table-row-multi-select:checked").each(function() {
name_array.push(" \"" + $(this).attr("data-display") + "\"");
name_string = name_array.join(", ");
} else {
// If no checkbox is selected
name_string = " \"" + $action.closest("tr").attr("data-display") + "\"";
name_array = [name_string];
} else{
// Probably we are getting the action from a detail view, so we try to get
// the data-display from a dd element instead
$data_display = $('dd[data-display]');
if($data_display.length > 0) {
name_string = ' "' + $('dd[data-display]').attr("data-display") + '"';
name_array = [name_string];
var title = interpolate(gettext("Confirm %s"), [action_string]);
// compose the action string using a template that can be overridden
var template = horizon.templates.compiled_templates["#confirm_modal"],
params = {
selection: name_string,
selection_list: name_array,
help: help_text
var body;
try {
body = $(template.render(params)).html();
} catch (e) {
body = name_string + gettext("Please confirm your selection. ") + help_text;
var modal = horizon.modals.create(title, body, action_string);
if ($uibModal_parent.length) {
var child_backdrop = modal.next('.modal-backdrop');
// re-arrange z-index for these stacking modal
child_backdrop.css('z-index', $uibModal_parent.css('z-index')+10);
modal.css('z-index', child_backdrop.css('z-index')+10);
modal.find('.btn-primary').click(function () {
var $form = $action.closest('form');
var el = document.createElement("input");
el.type = 'hidden';
el.name = $action.attr('name');
el.value = $action.attr('value');
return false;
return modal;
// set a unique id
id: 'sizeSorter',
is: function() {
// Not an auto-detected parser
return false;
// compare int values
format: function(s) {
var sizes = {
BYTE: 0,
B: 0,
KB: 1,
MB: 2,
GB: 3,
TB: 4,
PB: 5
var regex = /([\d\.,]+)\s*(byte|B|KB|MB|GB|TB|PB)+/i;
var match = s.match(regex);
if (match && match.length === 3){
return parseFloat(match[1]) *
Math.pow(1024, sizes[match[2].toUpperCase()]);
return parseInt(s, 10);
type: 'numeric'
// set a unique id
id: 'timesinceSorter',
is: function() {
// Not an auto-detected parser
return false;
// compare int values
format: function(s, table, cell) {
return $(cell).find('span').data('seconds');
type: 'numeric'
id: "timestampSorter",
is: function() {
return false;
format: function(s) {
s = s.replace(/\-/g, " ").replace(/:/g, " ");
s = s.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", " ");
s = s.split(" ");
return new Date(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], s[5]).getTime();
type: "numeric"
id: 'IPv4Address',
is: function(s, table, cell) {
// The first arg to this function is a string of all the cell's innertext smashed together
// with no delimiters, so to make this work with the Instances and Ports tables where the
// IP address cell content is an unordered list we need to check the content of the first
// <li> element. In the Floating IPs and Subnets tables the cell content is not a list so
// we just check the cell content directly.
var a = $(cell).find('li').first().text().split('.');
if (a.length === 1 && a[0] === '') {
a = s.split('.');
if (a.length !== 4) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (isNaN(a[i])) {
return false;
if ((a[i] & 0xFF) != a[i]) {
return false;
return true;
format: function(s, table, cell) {
var result = 0;
var a = $(cell).find('li').first().text().split('.');
if (a.length === 1 && a[0] === '') {
a = s.split('.');
var last_index = a.length - 1;
// inet_aton(3), Javascript-style. The unsigned-right-shift operation is
// needed to keep the result from flipping over to negative when suitably
// large values are generated
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var shift = 8 * (last_index - i);
result += ((parseInt(a[i], 10) << shift) >>> 0);
return result;
type: 'numeric'
horizon.datatables.disable_buttons = function() {
$("table .table_actions").on("click", ".btn.disabled", function(event){
id: 'uuid',
is: function() {
return false;
format: function(s) {
// Calculate a float that is based on the strings alphabetical position.
// Each character in the string has some significance in the
// overall calculation, starting at 1.0 and is divided down by 2 decimal
// places according to the chars position in the string.
// For example the string "SO" would become 83.79 which is then
// numerically comparable to other strings.
s = s.toUpperCase();
var value = 0.0;
for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
var char_offset = 1.0 / Math.pow(100, i);
value = value + (s.charCodeAt(i) * char_offset);
return value;
type: 'numeric'
horizon.datatables.update_footer_count = function (el, modifier) {
var $el = $(el),
$browser, $header, $footer, row_count, footer_text_template, footer_text;
if (!modifier) {
modifier = 0;
// code paths for table or browser footers...
$browser = $el.closest("#browser_wrapper");
if ($browser.length) {
$footer = $browser.find('.tfoot span.content_table_count');
else {
$header = $el.find('thead span.table_count');
$footer = $el.find('tfoot span.table_count');
row_count = $el.find('tbody tr:visible').length + modifier - $el.find('.empty').length;
if (row_count) {
footer_text_template = ngettext("Displaying %s item", "Displaying %s items", row_count);
footer_text = interpolate(footer_text_template, [row_count]);
} else {
footer_text = '';
return row_count;
horizon.datatables.add_no_results_row = function (table) {
// Add a "no results" row if there are no results.
var template = horizon.templates.compiled_templates["#empty_row_template"];
if (!table.find("tbody tr:visible").length && typeof(template) !== "undefined") {
var colspan = table.find('.table_column_header th').length;
var params = {
"colspan": colspan,
no_items_label: gettext("No items to display.")
horizon.datatables.remove_no_results_row = function (table) {
* Fixes the striping of the table after filtering results.
horizon.datatables.fix_row_striping = function (table) {
table.trigger('applyWidgetId', ['zebra']);
horizon.datatables.set_table_sorting = function (parent) {
// Function to initialize the tablesorter plugin strictly on sortable columns.
$(parent).find("table.datatable").each(function () {
var $table = $(this),
header_options = {};
// Disable if not sortable or has <= 1 item
if ($table.find('tbody tr').not('.empty').length > 1){
$table.find("thead th[class!='table_header']").each(function (i) {
var $th = $(this);
if (!$th.hasClass('sortable')) {
header_options[i] = {sorter: false};
} else if ($th.data('type') === 'size'){
header_options[i] = {sorter: 'sizeSorter'};
} else if ($th.data('type') === 'ip'){
header_options[i] = {sorter: 'IPv4Address'};
} else if ($th.data('type') === 'timesince'){
header_options[i] = {sorter: 'timesinceSorter'};
} else if ($th.data('type') === 'timestamp'){
header_options[i] = {sorter: 'timestampSorter'};
} else if ($th.data('type') == 'uuid'){
header_options[i] = {sorter: 'uuid'};
headers: header_options,
widgets: ['zebra'],
selectorHeaders: "thead th[class!='table_header']",
cancelSelection: false,
emptyTo: 'none',
headerTemplate: '{content}{icon}',
cssIcon: 'table-sort-indicator'
horizon.datatables.add_table_checkboxes = function($parent) {
$($parent).find('table thead .multi_select_column').each(function() {
var $thead = $(this);
if (!$thead.find('.table-row-multi-select').length &&
$thead.parents('table').find('tbody .table-row-multi-select').length) {
// Build up the themable checkbox
var $container = $(document.createElement('div'))
// Create the input checkbox
var $input = $(document.createElement('input'))
.attr('type', 'checkbox')
.addClass('table-row-multi-select multi-select-header')
// Create the label
.attr('for', $input.attr('id'))
// Append to the thead last, for speed
horizon.datatables.set_table_query_filter = function (parent) {
horizon.datatables.qs = {};
$(parent).find('table').each(function (index, elm) {
var input = $($(elm).find('div.table_search.client input')),
if (input.length > 0) {
// Disable server-side searching if we have client-side searching since
// (for now) the client-side is actually superior. Server-side filtering
// remains as a noscript fallback.
// TODO(gabriel): figure out an overall strategy for making server-side
// filtering the preferred functional method.
input.on('keypress', function (evt) {
if (evt.keyCode === 13) {
return false;
input.next('button.btn span.search-icon').on('click keypress', function () {
return false;
// Enable the client-side searching.
table_selector = 'table#' + $(elm).attr('id');
var qs = input.quicksearch(table_selector + ' tbody tr', {
'delay': 300,
'loader': 'span.loading',
'bind': 'keyup click',
'show': this.show,
'hide': this.hide,
onBefore: function () {
var table = $(table_selector);
onAfter: function () {
var table = $(table_selector);
prepareQuery: function (val) {
return new RegExp(horizon.string.escapeRegex(val), "i");
testQuery: function (query, txt, _row) {
return query.test($(_row).find('td:not(.hidden):not(.actions_column)').text());
horizon.datatables.qs[$(elm).attr('id')] = qs;
horizon.datatables.set_table_fixed_filter = function (parent) {
$(parent).find('table.datatable').each(function (index, elm) {
$(elm).on('click', 'div.table_filter button', function(evt) {
// Remove active class from all buttons
$(elm).find('div.table_filter button').each(function(index, btn) {
var table = $(elm);
var category = $(this).val();
table.find('tbody tr').hide();
table.find('tbody tr.category-' + category).show();
$(elm).find('div.table_filter button').each(function (i, button) {
// Select the first non-empty category
if ($(button).text().indexOf(' (0)') === -1) {
return false;
horizon.addInitFunction(horizon.datatables.init = function() {
$('table.datatable').each(function (idx, el) {
horizon.datatables.update_footer_count($(el), 0);
// Trigger run-once setup scripts for tables.
var $body = $('body');
// Also apply on tables in modal views.
horizon.modals.addModalInitFunction(function modalInitActionDisable(modal) {
horizon.datatables.disable_actions_on_submit($(modal).find(".table_wrapper > form"));
// Also apply on tables in tabs views for lazy-loaded data.
horizon.tabs.addTabLoadFunction(function(tab) {
horizon.datatables.validate_button($(tab).find(".table_wrapper > form"));
horizon.datatables.disable_actions_on_submit($(tab).find(".table_wrapper > form"));