wei.ying 940ff111a1 Add angular server group details page
This patch adds angular server group details page to show details of
the given server group, also shows the server group members under the
current server group.

Change-Id: I5b903972dd4fc5c9f1b52f97bdd7e0852d7d00d3
Partial-Implements: blueprint ng-server-groups
2018-03-18 22:42:43 +08:00

76 lines
2.9 KiB

# Copyright 2017 Cisco Systems
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# A list of features and their supported microversions. Note that these are
# explicit functioning versions, not a range.
# There should be a minimum of two versions per feature. The first entry in
# this list should always be the lowest possible API microversion for a
# feature i.e. the version at which that feature was introduced. The second
# entry should be the current service version when the feature was added to
# horizon.
# Further documentation can be found at
# https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/contributor/topics/
# microversion_support.html
"nova": {
"locked_attribute": ["2.9", "2.42"],
"instance_description": ["2.19", "2.42"],
"remote_console_mks": ["2.8", "2.53"],
"servergroup_soft_policies": ["2.15", "2.60"],
"servergroup_user_info": ["2.13", "2.60"]
"cinder": {
"consistency_groups": ["2.0", "3.10"],
"message_list": ["3.5", "3.29"]
# NOTE(robcresswell): Since each client implements their own wrapper class for
# API objects, we'll need to allow that to be passed in. In the future this
# should be replaced by some common handling in Oslo.
def get_microversion_for_features(service, features, wrapper_class,
min_ver, max_ver):
"""Retrieves that highest known functional microversion for features"""
if not features:
return None
# Convert a single feature string into a list for backward compatiblity.
if isinstance(features, str):
features = [features]
service_features = MICROVERSION_FEATURES[service]
except KeyError:
LOG.debug("'%s' could not be found in the MICROVERSION_FEATURES dict",
return None
feature_versions = set(service_features[features[0]])
for feature in features[1:]:
feature_versions &= set(service_features[feature])
if not feature_versions:
return None
# Sort version candidates from larger versins
feature_versions = sorted(feature_versions, reverse=True,
key=lambda v: [int(i) for i in v.split('.')])
for version in feature_versions:
microversion = wrapper_class(version)
if microversion.matches(min_ver, max_ver):
return microversion
return None