Akihiro Motoki 788388c486 usage: split out the limit related logic into ProjectUsageView
Previously limit information was always retrieved but it is not
used in the admin overview. This commit moves the limit related logic
into a separate class ProjectUsageView.

testing of usage.views is covered by individual panel tests,
so UTs for panels which uses UsageView rather than the new
ProjectUsageView need to be updated in this commit.

blueprint make-quotas-great-again
Change-Id: Id93b66d11e3b0c98d1fbb0454bb43984c2999d92
2018-01-14 04:15:27 +09:00

287 lines
11 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import division
import datetime
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import forms
from horizon import messages
from openstack_dashboard import api
class BaseUsage(object):
show_deleted = False
def __init__(self, request, project_id=None):
self.project_id = project_id or request.user.tenant_id
self.request = request
self.summary = {}
self.usage_list = []
def today(self):
return timezone.now()
def first_day(self):
days_range = getattr(settings, 'OVERVIEW_DAYS_RANGE', 1)
if days_range:
return self.today.date() - datetime.timedelta(days=days_range)
return datetime.date(self.today.year, self.today.month, 1)
def get_start(year, month, day):
start = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0)
return timezone.make_aware(start, timezone.utc)
def get_end(year, month, day):
end = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59)
return timezone.make_aware(end, timezone.utc)
def get_instances(self):
instance_list = []
[instance_list.extend(u.server_usages) for u in self.usage_list]
return instance_list
def get_date_range(self):
if not hasattr(self, "start") or not hasattr(self, "end"):
args_start = (self.first_day.year, self.first_day.month,
args_end = (self.today.year, self.today.month, self.today.day)
form = self.get_form()
if form.is_valid():
start = form.cleaned_data['start']
end = form.cleaned_data['end']
args_start = (start.year,
args_end = (end.year,
elif form.is_bound:
_("Invalid date format: "
"Using today as default."))
self.start = self.get_start(*args_start)
self.end = self.get_end(*args_end)
return self.start, self.end
def init_form(self):
self.start = self.first_day
self.end = self.today.date()
return self.start, self.end
def get_form(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'form'):
req = self.request
start = req.GET.get('start', req.session.get('usage_start'))
end = req.GET.get('end', req.session.get('usage_end'))
if start and end:
# bound form
self.form = forms.DateForm({'start': start, 'end': end})
# non-bound form
init = self.init_form()
start = init[0].isoformat()
end = init[1].isoformat()
self.form = forms.DateForm(initial={'start': start,
'end': end})
req.session['usage_start'] = start
req.session['usage_end'] = end
return self.form
def get_usage_list(self, start, end):
return []
def summarize(self, start, end):
if not api.nova.extension_supported('SimpleTenantUsage', self.request):
if start <= end and start <= self.today:
# The API can't handle timezone aware datetime, so convert back
# to naive UTC just for this last step.
start = timezone.make_naive(start, timezone.utc)
end = timezone.make_naive(end, timezone.utc)
self.usage_list = self.get_usage_list(start, end)
except Exception:
_('Unable to retrieve usage information.'))
elif end < start:
_("Invalid time period. The end date should be "
"more recent than the start date."))
elif start > self.today:
_("Invalid time period. You are requesting "
"data from the future which may not exist."))
for project_usage in self.usage_list:
project_summary = project_usage.get_summary()
for key, value in project_summary.items():
self.summary.setdefault(key, 0)
self.summary[key] += value
def csv_link(self):
form = self.get_form()
data = {}
if hasattr(form, "cleaned_data"):
data = form.cleaned_data
if not ('start' in data and 'end' in data):
data = {"start": self.today.date(), "end": self.today.date()}
return "?start=%s&end=%s&format=csv" % (data['start'],
class GlobalUsage(BaseUsage):
show_deleted = True
def get_usage_list(self, start, end):
return api.nova.usage_list(self.request, start, end)
class ProjectUsage(BaseUsage):
attrs = ('memory_mb', 'vcpus', 'uptime',
'hours', 'local_gb')
def __init__(self, request, project_id=None):
super(ProjectUsage, self).__init__(request, project_id)
self.limits = {}
self.quotas = {}
def get_usage_list(self, start, end):
show_deleted = self.request.GET.get('show_deleted',
instances = []
deleted_instances = []
usage = api.nova.usage_get(self.request, self.project_id, start, end)
# Attribute may not exist if there are no instances
if hasattr(usage, 'server_usages'):
now = self.today
for server_usage in usage.server_usages:
# This is a way to phrase uptime in a way that is compatible
# with the 'timesince' filter. (Use of local time intentional.)
server_uptime = server_usage['uptime']
total_uptime = now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=server_uptime)
server_usage['uptime_at'] = total_uptime
if server_usage['ended_at'] and not show_deleted:
usage.server_usages = instances
return (usage,)
def get_limits(self):
self.limits = api.nova.tenant_absolute_limits(self.request,
except Exception:
_("Unable to retrieve limit information."))
def _get_neutron_usage(self, limits, resource_name):
resource_map = {
'floatingip': {
'api': api.neutron.tenant_floating_ip_list,
'limit_name': 'totalFloatingIpsUsed',
'message': _('Unable to retrieve floating IP addresses.')
'security_group': {
'api': api.neutron.security_group_list,
'limit_name': 'totalSecurityGroupsUsed',
'message': _('Unable to retrieve security groups.')
resource = resource_map[resource_name]
method = resource['api']
current_used = len(method(self.request))
except Exception:
current_used = 0
msg = resource['message']
exceptions.handle(self.request, msg)
limits[resource['limit_name']] = current_used
def _set_neutron_limit(self, limits, neutron_quotas, resource_name):
limit_name_map = {
'floatingip': 'maxTotalFloatingIps',
'security_group': 'maxSecurityGroups',
if neutron_quotas is None:
resource_max = float("inf")
resource_max = getattr(neutron_quotas.get(resource_name),
'limit', float("inf"))
if resource_max == -1:
resource_max = float("inf")
limits[limit_name_map[resource_name]] = resource_max
def _get_neutron_limits(self):
if not api.base.is_service_enabled(self.request, 'network'):
neutron_quotas_supported = (
neutron_sg_used = (
if api.neutron.floating_ip_supported(self.request):
self._get_neutron_usage(self.limits, 'floatingip')
if neutron_sg_used:
self._get_neutron_usage(self.limits, 'security_group')
# Quotas are an optional extension in Neutron. If it isn't
# enabled, assume the floating IP limit is infinite.
if neutron_quotas_supported:
neutron_quotas = api.neutron.tenant_quota_get(self.request,
neutron_quotas = None
except Exception:
# Assume neutron security group and quotas are enabled
# because they are enabled in most Neutron plugins.
neutron_sg_used = True
neutron_quotas = None
msg = _('Unable to retrieve network quota information.')
exceptions.handle(self.request, msg)
self._set_neutron_limit(self.limits, neutron_quotas, 'floatingip')
if neutron_sg_used:
self._set_neutron_limit(self.limits, neutron_quotas,
def _get_cinder_limits(self):
"""Get volume limits if cinder is enabled."""
if not api.cinder.is_volume_service_enabled(self.request):
except Exception:
msg = _("Unable to retrieve volume limit information.")
exceptions.handle(self.request, msg)