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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
Used for animating and displaying bar information using
D3js rect.
In order to have single bars that work with this, you need to have a
DOM structure like this in your Django template:
<div style="width: 100px; min-width: 100px; height: 20px; min-height: 20px">
<div class="chart"
data-settings='{"orientation": "horizontal"}'
The available data- attributes are:
data-tooltip-free, data-tooltip-used, data-tooltip-average OPTIONAL
Html content of tooltips that will be displayed over this areas.
data-used="integer" REQUIRED
1. Integer
Integer representing the percent used.
2. Array
Array of following structure:
{"tooltip_used": "Popup html 1", "used_instances": "5"},
{"tooltip_used": "Popup html 2", "used_instances": "15"},....
used_instances: Integer representing the percent used.
tooltip_used: Html that will be displayed in tooltip window over
this area.
Json with variety of settings described below.
used-label-placement='string' OPTIONAL
String determining where the floating label stating number of percent
will be placed. So far only left is supported.
width="integer" OPTIONAL
Integer in pixels. Determines the total width of the bar. Handy when
we use a used_label, so the bar is not a 100% of the container.
average="integer" OPTIONAL
Integer representing the average usage in percent of given
auto-scale-selector OPTIONAL
Jquery selector of bar elements that have Integer
used attribute.
orientation OPTIONAL
String representing orientation of the bar.Can be "horizontal"
or "vertical". Default is horizontal.
horizon.d3_bar_chart = {
* A class representing the bar chart
* @param chart_module A context of horizon.d3_line_chart module.
* @param html_element A html_element containing the chart.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
BarChart: function(chart_module, html_element, settings, data){
var self = this;
self.chart_module = chart_module;
self.html_element = html_element;
self.jquery_element = $(self.html_element);
/*********************** Initialization methods *************************/
* Initialize the object.
self.init = function(settings, data) {
var self = this;
self.data = {};
self.data.max_value = self.jquery_element.data('max-value');
if (!self.max_value){
// Default mas value is 100, representing 100 percent
self.max_value = 100;
// Chart data
self.data.used = self.jquery_element.data('used');
self.data.average = self.jquery_element.data('average');
// Tooltips data
self.data.tooltip_average = self.jquery_element.data('tooltip-average');
self.data.tooltip_free = self.jquery_element.data('tooltip-free');
self.data.tooltip_used = self.jquery_element.data('tooltip-used');
if (data !== undefined){
if (data.used !== undefined){
self.data.used = data.used;
if (data.average !== undefined){
self.data.average = data.average;
if (data.tooltip_average !== undefined){
self.data.tooltip_average = data.tooltip_average;
if (data.tooltip_free !== undefined){
self.data.tooltip_free = data.tooltip_free;
if (data.tooltip_used !== undefined){
self.data.tooltip_used = data.tooltip_used;
// Percentage count
if ($.isArray(self.data.used)){
self.data.percentage_average = 0; // No average for Multi-bar chart
self.data.percentage_used = Array();
self.data.tooltip_used_contents = Array();
for (var i = 0; i < self.data.used.length; ++i) {
if (!isNaN(self.max_value) && !isNaN(self.data.used[i].used_instances)) {
var used = Math.round((self.data.used[i].used_instances / self.max_value) * 100);
// for multi-bar chart, tooltip is in the data
} else { // If NaN self.data.percentage_used is 0
} else {
if (!isNaN(self.max_value) && !isNaN(self.data.used)) {
self.data.percentage_used = Math.round((self.data.used / self.max_value) * 100);
} else { // If NaN self.data.percentage_used is 0
self.data.percentage_used = 0;
if (!isNaN(self.max_value) && !isNaN(self.data.average)) {
self.data.percentage_average = ((self.data.average / self.max_value) * 100);
} else {
self.data.percentage_average = 0;
// Load initial settings.
* Initialize settings of the chart with default values, then applies
* defined settings of the chart. Settings are obtained either from JSON
* of the html attribute data-settings, or from init of the charts. The
* highest priority settings are obtained directly from the JSON data
* obtained from the server.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
self.init_settings = function(settings) {
var self = this;
self.data.settings = {};
// Orientation of the Bar chart
self.data.settings.orientation = 'horizontal';
// Width and height of bar
self.data.settings.width = self.jquery_element.data('width');
self.data.settings.height = self.jquery_element.data('height');
/* Applying settings. The later application rewrites the previous
therefore it has bigger priority. */
// Settings defined in the init method of the chart
if (settings){
// Settings defined in the html data-settings attribute
if (self.jquery_element.data('settings')){
var inline_settings = self.jquery_element.data('settings');
* Applies passed settings to the chart object. Allowed settings are
* listed in this method.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
self.apply_settings = function(settings){
var self = this;
var allowed_settings = ['orientation', 'used_label_placement',
'width', 'height'];
$.each(allowed_settings, function(index, setting_name) {
if (settings[setting_name] !== undefined){
self.data.settings[setting_name] = settings[setting_name];
/****************************** Initialization **************************/
// Init the object
self.init(settings, data);
/****************************** Methods *********************************/
* Obtains the actual chart data and renders the chart again.
self.refresh = function(){
var self = this;
// Clear the chart before rendering it
* Renders the chart into html element given in initializer.
self.render = function() {
var self = this;
// Initialize wrapper
var wrapper = new self.chart_module.Wrapper(self.chart_module, self.html_element, self.data);
// Append Unused resources Bar
(new self.chart_module.UnusedComponent(wrapper)).render(self.data.tooltip_free);
if (wrapper.used_multi()){
// If UsedComponent is shown as multiple values in one chart
for (var i = 0; i < wrapper.percentage_used.length; ++i) {
// FIXME write proper iterator
wrapper.used_multi_iterator = i;
// Append used so it will be shown as multiple values in one chart
(new self.chart_module.UsedComponent(wrapper)).render(self.data.tooltip_used);
// Compute total value as a start point for next Used bar
wrapper.total_used_perc += wrapper.percentage_used_value();
wrapper.total_used_value_in_pixels = (wrapper.w / 100) * wrapper.total_used_perc;
} else {
// Used is show as one value it the chart
(new self.chart_module.UsedComponent(wrapper)).render(self.data.tooltip_used);
// Append average value to Bar
(new self.chart_module.AverageComponent(wrapper)).render(self.data.tooltip_average);
* Chart wrapper class renders the main svg element and encapsulate
* the chart data.
* @param chart_module Chart module name
* @param html_element HTML element where the chart will be rendered
* @param chart_module Data + settings of the chart
Wrapper: function(chart_module, html_element, data){
var self = this;
self.html_element = html_element;
self.jquery_element = $(html_element);
// Bar HTML element
self.bar_html = d3.select(html_element);
// Bar layout for bar chart
self.bar = self.bar_html.append('svg:svg')
.attr('class', 'legacy-bar-chart');
// Get correct size of chart and the wrapper.
self.data = data;
// Floating label of used bar placement
self.used_label_placement = data.settings.used_label_placement;
// Width and height of the chart itself
if (data.settings.width !== undefined){
self.w = parseFloat(data.settings.width);
} else {
self.w = parseFloat(self.jquery_element.width());
if (data.settings.height !== undefined) {
self.h = parseFloat(data.settings.height);
} else {
self.h = parseFloat(self.jquery_element.height());
/* Start coordinations of the chart and size of the chart wrapper.
Chart can have other elements next to it, so it doesn't have to
start at 0.
self.chart_start_x = 0;
if (self.data.settings.orientation === 'vertical'){
if (self.used_label_placement === 'left'){
self.chart_start_x = 44;
self.chart_wrapper_w = self.w + self.chart_start_x;
} else {
self.chart_wrapper_w = self.w;
self.chart_wrapper_h = self.h;
// Basic settings of the chart
self.lvl_curve = 3;
// Percentage used
self.percentage_used = data.percentage_used;
self.total_used_perc = 0; // incremented in render method
self.total_used_value_in_pixels = 0; // incremented in render method
self.used_value_in_pixels = 0; // set in UsedComponent
self.average_value_in_pixels = 0; // set in AverageComponent
// Percentage average
self.percentage_average = data.percentage_average;
self.tooltip_used_contents = data.tooltip_used_contents;
// Border of the chart
self.border_width = 1;
// Return true if it renders multiple used percentage in one chart
self.used_multi = function (){
return ($.isArray(self.percentage_used));
// Deals with percentage if there should be multiple in one chart
self.used_multi_iterator = 0;
self.percentage_used_value = function(){
if (self.used_multi()){
return self.percentage_used[self.used_multi_iterator];
} else {
return self.percentage_used;
// Deals with html tooltips if there should be multiple in one chart
self.tooltip_used_value = function (){
if (self.used_multi()){
return self.tooltip_used_contents[self.used_multi_iterator];
} else {
return '';
// Return true if it chart is oriented horizontally
self.horizontal_orientation = function (){
return (self.data.settings.orientation === 'horizontal');
* Component rendering part of chart showing 'used', optional labels
* and optional tool-tip element.
* the chart data.
* @param wrapper Wrapper object
UsedComponent: function(wrapper){
var self = this;
self.wrapper = wrapper;
// FIXME(lsmola) would be good to abstract all attributes and resolve orientation inside
if (self.wrapper.horizontal_orientation()){
// Horizontal Bars
self.wrapper.used_value_in_pixels = (self.wrapper.w / 100) * self.wrapper.percentage_used_value();
self.y = 0;
self.x = self.wrapper.total_used_value_in_pixels;
self.width = 0;
self.height = self.wrapper.h;
self.trasition_attr = 'width';
self.trasition_value = self.wrapper.used_value_in_pixels;
} else {
// Vertical Bars
self.wrapper.used_value_in_pixels = (self.wrapper.h / 100) * self.wrapper.percentage_used_value();
self.y = self.wrapper.h;
self.x = self.wrapper.chart_start_x;
self.width = self.wrapper.w - self.wrapper.border_width;
self.height = self.wrapper.used_value_in_pixels;
self.trasition_attr = 'y';
self.trasition_value = self.wrapper.h - self.wrapper.used_value_in_pixels;
self.render = function(tooltip){
var elem = self.wrapper.bar.append('rect')
.attr('class', 'used_component legacy-bar-chart-section')
.attr('y', self.y)
.attr('x', self.x)
.attr('width', self.width)
.attr('height', self.height)
.attr('d', self.wrapper.percentage_used_value())
.attr(self.trasition_attr, self.trasition_value);
placement: self.wrapper.data.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? 'bottom' : 'left',
container: 'body',
title: $.isArray(self.wrapper.data.percentage_used) ? self.wrapper.tooltip_used_value() : tooltip
if (self.wrapper.used_label_placement === 'left') {
// Now it works only for vertical bar chart placed left form the chart
var label_placement_y = self.wrapper.h - self.wrapper.used_value_in_pixels;
// Make sure the placement will be visible with border values
if (label_placement_y <= 6){
label_placement_y = 6;
} else if (label_placement_y >= (self.wrapper.h - 6)){
label_placement_y = self.wrapper.h - 6;
// Append label text
.attr('class', 'used_component_label')
.text(self.wrapper.percentage_used_value() + '%')
.attr('y', label_placement_y)
.attr('x', 0)
.attr('dominant-baseline', 'middle')
.attr('x', function() {
if (self.wrapper.percentage_used_value() > 99){
// If there are two digits, label have to be farther to the bar chart
return 0;
else if (self.wrapper.percentage_used_value() > 9){
// If there are two digits, label have to be farther to the bar chart
return 4;
else {
// If there is only one digit, label can be closer to the bar chart
return 8;
// Append little triangle pointing to text
var poly = [{'x':self.wrapper.chart_start_x - 8, 'y':label_placement_y},
{'x':self.wrapper.chart_start_x - 3,'y':label_placement_y + 2},
{'x':self.wrapper.chart_start_x - 3,'y':label_placement_y - 2}
.attr('class', 'used_component_label_arrow')
.attr('points',function(d) {
return d.map(function(d) {
return [d.x,d.y].join(',');
}).join(' ');
.attr('stroke-width', 2);
* Component rendering part of chart showing 'average' and optional
* tool-tip element.
* the chart data.
* @param wrapper Wrapper object
AverageComponent: function(wrapper){
var self = this;
self.wrapper = wrapper;
// FIXME would be good to abstract all attributes and resolve orientation inside
if (wrapper.horizontal_orientation()){
// Horizontal Bars
self.wrapper.average_value_in_pixels = (self.wrapper.w / 100) * self.wrapper.percentage_average;
self.y = 1;
self.x = self.wrapper.average_value_in_pixels;
self.width = 0;
self.height = self.wrapper.h;
} else { // Vertical Bars
self.wrapper.average_value_in_pixels = (self.wrapper.h / 100) * (100 - self.wrapper.percentage_average);
self.y = self.wrapper.average_value_in_pixels;
self.x = self.wrapper.chart_start_x;
self.width = self.wrapper.w - self.wrapper.border_width;
self.height = 0;
self.render = function(tooltip){
if (self.wrapper.percentage_average > 0) {
// Only show average when it is bigger than 0
// A dashed line
var elem = self.wrapper.bar.append('line')
.attr('class', 'average_component')
.attr('y1', self.y)
.attr('x1', self.x)
.attr('y2', self.y + self.height)
.attr('x2', self.x + self.width);
placement: self.wrapper.data.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? 'top' : 'right',
container: 'body',
title: tooltip
* Component rendering part of chart showing 'unused' and optional
* tool-tip element.
* the chart data.
* @param wrapper Wrapper object
UnusedComponent: function(wrapper){
var self = this;
self.wrapper = wrapper;
self.render = function(tooltip){
var elem = self.wrapper.bar.append('rect')
.attr('class', 'unused_component legacy-bar-chart-section')
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('x', self.wrapper.chart_start_x)
.attr('width', self.wrapper.w)
.attr('height', self.wrapper.h)
.attr('rx', self.wrapper.lvl_curve)
.attr('ry', self.wrapper.lvl_curve);
placement: self.wrapper.data.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? 'bottom' : 'left',
container: 'body',
title: tooltip
* Function for initializing of the charts.
* @param selector jQuery selector of charts we want to initialize.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
* @param data An object containing data of the chart.
init: function(selector, settings, data) {
var self = this;
self.bars = $(selector);
self.bars.each(function() {
self.refresh(this, settings, data);
* Function for creating chart objects, saving them for later reuse
* and calling their refresh method.
* @param html_element HTML element where the chart will be rendered.
* @param settings An object containing settings of the chart.
* @param data An object containing data of the chart.
refresh: function(html_element, settings, data){
var chart = new this.BarChart(this, html_element, settings, data);
// FIXME save chart objects somewhere so I can use them again when
// e.g. I am switching tabs, or if I want to update them
// via web sockets
// this.charts.add_or_update(chart)
* Function for computing size of the chart from the surrounding HTML.
* @param html_element HTML element where the chart will be rendered.
get_size: function(html_element){
/* The height will be determined by css or window size,
I have to hide everything inside that could mess with
the size, so it is fully determined by outer CSS. */
var jquery_element = $(html_element);
jquery_element.css('height', '');
jquery_element.css('width', '');
var svg = jquery_element.find('svg');
// Width and height of the chart will be taken from chart wrapper,
// that can be styled by css.
var width = jquery_element.width();
// Set either the minimal height defined by CSS.
var height = jquery_element.height();
/* Setting new sizes. It is important when resizing a window.*/
jquery_element.css('height', height);
jquery_element.css('width', width);
svg.css('height', height);
svg.css('width', width);
horizon.addInitFunction(function () {
horizon.d3_bar_chart.init('div[data-chart-type="bar_chart"]', {}, {});