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Used for animating and displaying quota information on forms using
D3js progress bars. Also used for displaying flavor details on modal-
In order to have progress bars that work with this, you need to have a
DOM structure like this in your Django template:
<div id="your_progress_bar_id" class="quota_bar">
With this progress bar, you then need to add some data- HTML attributes
to the div #your_progress_bar_id. The available data- attributes are:
data-quota-used="integer" REQUIRED
Integer representing the total number used by the user.
data-quota-limit="integer" REQUIRED
Integer representing the total quota limit the user has. Note this IS
NOT the amount remaining they can use, but the total original quota.
data-progress-indicator-step-by="integer" OPTIONAL
Indicates the numeric unit the quota JavaScript should automatically
animate this progress bar by on load. Can be used with the other
data- attributes.
A good use-case here is when you have a modal dialog to create ONE
volume, and you have a progress bar for volumes, but there are no
form elements that represent that number (as it is not settable by
the user.)
Tells the quota JavaScript which form element on this page is tied to
this progress indicator. If this form element is an input, it will
automatically fire on "keyup" in that form field, and change this
progress bar to denote the numeric change.
This attribute is used to tell this quota JavaScript that this
progress bar is controller by an instance flavor select form element.
This attribute takes no value, but is used and configured
automatically by this script to update when a new flavor is chosen
by the end-user.
horizon.Quota = {
is_flavor_quota: false, // Is this a flavor-based quota display?
user_value_progress_bars: [], // Progress bars triggered by user-changeable form elements.
auto_value_progress_bars: [], // Progress bars that should be automatically changed.
flavor_progress_bars: [], // Progress bars that relate to flavor details.
user_value_form_inputs: [], // The actual form inputs that trigger progress changes.
selected_flavor: null, // The flavor object of the current selected flavor on the form.
flavors: [], // The flavor objects the form represents, passed to us in initWithFlavors.
Determines the progress bars and form elements to be used for quota
display. Also attaches handlers to the form elements as well as performing
the animations when the progress bars first load.
init: function() {
this.user_value_progress_bars = $('div[data-progress-indicator-for]');
this.auto_value_progress_bars = $('div[data-progress-indicator-step-by]');
this.user_value_form_inputs = $($.map(this.user_value_progress_bars, function(elm) {
return ('#' + $(elm).attr('data-progress-indicator-for'));
// Draw the initial progress bars
Confirm that the specified attribute 'actual' meets
or exceeds the specified value 'minimum'.
belowMinimum: function(minimum, actual) {
return parseInt(minimum, 10) > parseInt(actual, 10);
Determines if the selected image meets the requirements of
the selected flavor.
imageFitsFlavor: function(image, flavor) {
if (image === undefined) {
If we don't actually have an image, we don't need to
limit our flavors, so we return true in this case.
return true;
} else {
overDisk = horizon.Quota.belowMinimum(image.min_disk, flavor.disk);
overRAM = horizon.Quota.belowMinimum(image.min_ram, flavor.ram);
return !(overDisk || overRAM);
Note to the user that some flavors have been disabled.
noteDisabledFlavors: function(allDisabled) {
if ($('#some_flavors_disabled').length === 0) {
message = allDisabled ? horizon.Quota.allFlavorsDisabledMessage :
$('#id_flavor').parent().append("<span id='some_flavors_disabled'>" +
message + '</span>');
Re-enables all flavors that may have been disabled, and
clear the message displayed about them being disabled.
resetFlavors: function() {
if ($('#some_flavors_disabled')) {
$('#id_flavor option').each(function() {
$(this).attr('disabled', false);
A convenience method to find an image object by its id.
findImageById: function(id) {
_image = undefined;
$.each(horizon.Quota.images, function(i, image){
if(image.id === id) {
_image = image;
return _image;
Return an image Object based on which image ID is selected
getSelectedImage: function() {
selected = $('#id_image_id option:selected').val();
return horizon.Quota.findImageById(selected);
Disable any flavors for a given image that do not meet
its minimum RAM or disk requirements.
disableFlavorsForImage: function(image) {
image = horizon.Quota.getSelectedImage();
to_disable = []; // an array of flavor names to disable
horizon.Quota.resetFlavors(); // clear any previous messages
$.each(horizon.Quota.flavors, function(i, flavor) {
if (!horizon.Quota.imageFitsFlavor(image, flavor)) {
flavors = $('#id_flavor option');
// Now, disable anything from above:
$.each(to_disable, function(i, flavor_name) {
if ($(this).text() === flavor_name) {
$(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// And then, finally, clean up:
if (to_disable.length > 0) {
selected = ($('#id_flavor option').filter(':selected'))[0];
if (to_disable.length < flavors.length && selected.disabled) {
// we need to find a new flavor to select
flavors.each(function(index, element) {
if (!element.disabled) {
$('#id_flavor').change(); // force elements to update
return false; // break
horizon.Quota.noteDisabledFlavors(to_disable.length === flavors.length);
Store an array of image objects
initWithImages: function(images, disabledMessage, allDisabledMessage) {
this.images = images;
this.disabledFlavorMessage = disabledMessage;
this.allFlavorsDisabledMessage = allDisabledMessage;
// Check if the image is pre-selected
Sets up the quota to be used with flavor form selectors, which requires
some different handling of the forms. Also calls init() so that all of the
other animations and handlers are taken care of as well when initializing
with this method.
initWithFlavors: function(flavors) {
this.is_flavor_quota = true;
this.flavor_progress_bars = $('div[data-progress-indicator-flavor]');
this.flavors = flavors;
// Returns the flavor object for the selected flavor in the form.
getSelectedFlavor: function() {
if(this.is_flavor_quota) {
this.selected_flavor = $.grep(this.flavors, function(flavor) {
return flavor.id === $("#id_flavor").children(":selected").val();
} else {
this.selected_flavor = null;
return this.selected_flavor;
Populates the flavor details table with the flavor attributes of the
selected flavor on the form select element.
showFlavorDetails: function() {
if (this.selected_flavor) {
var name = horizon.utils.truncate(this.selected_flavor.name, 14, true);
var vcpus = horizon.utils.humanizeNumbers(this.selected_flavor.vcpus);
var disk = horizon.utils.humanizeNumbers(this.selected_flavor.disk);
var ephemeral = horizon.utils.humanizeNumbers(this.selected_flavor["OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral"]);
var disk_total = this.selected_flavor.disk + this.selected_flavor["OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral"];
var disk_total_display = horizon.utils.humanizeNumbers(disk_total);
var ram = horizon.utils.humanizeNumbers(this.selected_flavor.ram);
When a new flavor is selected, this takes care of updating the relevant
progress bars associated with the flavor quota usage.
updateFlavorUsage: function() {
if(!this.is_flavor_quota) { return; }
var scope = this;
var instance_count = (parseInt($("#id_count").val(), 10) || 1);
var update_amount = 0;
$(this.flavor_progress_bars).each(function(index, element) {
var element_id = $(element).attr('id');
var progress_stat = element_id.match(/^quota_(.+)/)[1];
if(progress_stat === undefined) {
} else if(progress_stat === 'instances') {
update_amount = instance_count;
} else if (scope.selected_flavor) {
update_amount = (scope.selected_flavor[progress_stat] * instance_count);
scope.updateUsageFor(element, update_amount);
// Does the math to calculate what percentage to update a progress bar by.
updateUsageFor: function(progress_element, increment_by) {
progress_element = $(progress_element);
//var update_indicator = progress_element.find('.progress_bar_selected');
var quota_limit = parseInt(progress_element.attr('data-quota-limit'), 10);
var quota_used = parseInt(progress_element.attr('data-quota-used'), 10);
var percentage_to_update = ((increment_by / quota_limit) * 100);
var percentage_used = ((quota_used / quota_limit) * 100);
this.update($(progress_element).attr('id'), percentage_to_update);
// Create a new d3 bar and populate it with the current amount used
drawUsed: function(element, used) {
var w = "100%";
var h = 20;
var lvl_curve = 4;
var bkgrnd = "#F2F2F2";
var frgrnd = "#006CCF";
var full = "#D0342B";
var addition = "#00D300";
var nearlyfull = "orange";
// Horizontal Bars
var bar = d3.select("#"+element).append("svg:svg")
.attr("class", "chart")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
.style("background-color", "white")
// background - unused resources
.attr("y", 0)
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
.attr("rx", lvl_curve)
.attr("ry", lvl_curve)
.style("fill", bkgrnd)
.style("stroke", "#CCCCCC")
.style("stroke-width", 1);
// new resources
.attr("class", "newbar")
.attr("width", 0)
.attr("height", h)
.attr("rx", lvl_curve)
.attr("ry", lvl_curve)
.style("fill", function () { return addition; });
// used resources
var used_bar = bar.insert("rect")
.attr("class", "usedbar")
.attr("y", 0)
.attr("id", "test")
.attr("width", 0)
.attr("height", h)
.attr("rx", lvl_curve)
.attr("ry", lvl_curve)
.style("fill", function () { return frgrnd; })
.attr("d", used)
.attr("width", used + "%")
.style("fill", function () {
if (used >= 100) { return full; }
else if (used >= 80) { return nearlyfull; }
else { return frgrnd; }
// Update the progress Bar
update: function(element, value) {
var full = "#D0342B";
var addition = "#00D300";
var already_used = parseInt(d3.select("#"+element).select(".usedbar").attr("d"));
.attr("width", function () {
if ((value + already_used) >= 100) {
return "100%";
} else {
return (value + already_used)+ "%";
.style("fill", function() {
if (value > (100 - already_used)) {
return full;
} else {
return addition;
Attaches event handlers for the form elements associated with the
progress bars.
_attachInputHandlers: function() {
var scope = this;
if(this.is_flavor_quota) {
var eventCallback = function(evt) {
var imageChangeCallback = function(event) {
$('#id_flavor').on('keyup change', eventCallback);
$('#id_count').on('input', eventCallback);
$('#id_image_id').on('change', imageChangeCallback);
$(this.user_value_form_inputs).each(function(index, element) {
$(element).on('input', function(evt) {
var progress_element = $('div[data-progress-indicator-for=' + $(evt.target).attr('id') + ']');
var integers_in_input = $(evt.target).val().match(/\d+/g);
var user_integer;
if(integers_in_input === null) {
user_integer = 0;
} else if(integers_in_input.length > 1) {
Join all the numbers together that have been typed in. This takes
care of junk input like "dd8d72n3k" and uses just the digits in
that input, resulting in "8723".
user_integer = integers_in_input.join('');
} else if(integers_in_input.length === 1) {
user_integer = integers_in_input[0];
var progress_amount = parseInt(user_integer, 10);
scope.updateUsageFor(progress_element, progress_amount);
Animate the progress bars of elements which indicate they should
automatically be incremented, as opposed to elements which trigger
progress updates based on form element input or changes.
_initialAnimations: function() {
var scope = this;
$(this.auto_value_progress_bars).each(function(index, element) {
var auto_progress = $(element);
var update_amount = parseInt(auto_progress.attr('data-progress-indicator-step-by'), 10);
scope.updateUsageFor(auto_progress, update_amount);
// Draw the initial d3 bars
_initialCreation: function(bars) {
// Draw the initial progress bars
var scope = this;
$(bars).each(function(index, element) {
var progress_element = $(element);
var quota_limit = parseInt(progress_element.attr('data-quota-limit'), 10);
var quota_used = parseInt(progress_element.attr('data-quota-used'), 10);
var percentage_used = 0;
if (!isNaN(quota_limit) && !isNaN(quota_used)) {
// If NaN percentage_used is 0
percentage_used = (quota_used / quota_limit) * 100;
scope.drawUsed($(element).attr('id'), percentage_used);