Akihiro Motoki c45cc6b1c5 Drop the usage of nova extensions in python code

All references of nova extensions in the python code are cleaned up.
Note that the API layer is not touched yet as it is used by the
JavaScript side.

Change-Id: I66cd0a9629253a6462aace9902ef8200b94b2a21
2020-10-27 20:00:45 +09:00

224 lines
7.9 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags import humanize as humanize_filters
from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import tables
from horizon.templatetags import sizeformat
from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.usage import base
class UsageView(tables.DataTableView):
usage_class = None
show_deleted = True
csv_template_name = None
page_title = _("Overview")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if not issubclass(self.usage_class, base.BaseUsage):
raise AttributeError("You must specify a usage_class attribute "
"which is a subclass of BaseUsage.")
def get_template_names(self):
if self.request.GET.get('format', 'html') == 'csv':
return (self.csv_template_name or
".".join((self.template_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0], 'csv')))
return self.template_name
def get_content_type(self):
if self.request.GET.get('format', 'html') == 'csv':
return "text/csv"
return "text/html"
def get_data(self):
project_id = self.kwargs.get('project_id',
self.usage = self.usage_class(self.request, project_id)
self.kwargs['usage'] = self.usage
return self.usage.usage_list
except Exception:
_('Unable to retrieve usage information.'))
return []
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['table'].kwargs['usage'] = self.usage
context['form'] = self.usage.form
context['usage'] = self.usage
context['simple_tenant_usage_enabled'] = (
except Exception:
context['simple_tenant_usage_enabled'] = True
return context
def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
if self.request.GET.get('format', 'html') == 'csv':
render_class = self.csv_response_class
response_kwargs.setdefault("filename", "usage.csv")
render_class = self.response_class
context = self.render_context_with_title(context)
resp = render_class(request=self.request,
return resp
def _check_network_allowed(request):
return api.neutron.is_quotas_extension_supported(request)
ChartDef = collections.namedtuple(
('quota_key', 'label', 'used_phrase', 'filters'))
# Each ChartDef should contains the following fields:
# - quota key:
# The key must be included in a response of tenant_quota_usages().
# - Human Readable Name:
# - text to display when describing the quota.
# If None is specified, the default value 'Used' will be used.
# - filters to be applied to the value
# If None is specified, the default filter 'intcomma' will be applied.
# if you want to apply no filters, specify an empty tuple or list.
# - allowed:
# An optional argument used to determine if the chart section should be
# displayed. Can be a static value or a function, which is called dynamically
# with the request as it's first parameter.
'title': _("Compute"),
'charts': [
ChartDef("instances", _("Instances"), None, None),
ChartDef("cores", _("VCPUs"), None, None),
ChartDef("ram", _("RAM"), None, (sizeformat.mb_float_format,)),
'title': _("Volume"),
'charts': [
ChartDef("volumes", _("Volumes"), None, None),
ChartDef("snapshots", _("Volume Snapshots"), None, None),
ChartDef("gigabytes", _("Volume Storage"), None,
'title': _("Network"),
'charts': [
ChartDef("floatingip", _("Floating IPs"),
pgettext_lazy('Label in the limit summary', "Allocated"),
ChartDef("security_group", _("Security Groups"), None, None),
ChartDef("security_group_rule", _("Security Group Rules"),
None, None),
ChartDef("network", _("Networks"), None, None),
ChartDef("port", _("Ports"), None, None),
ChartDef("router", _("Routers"), None, None),
'allowed': _check_network_allowed,
def _apply_filters(value, filters):
if not filters:
return value
for f in filters:
value = f(value)
return value
class ProjectUsageView(UsageView):
def _get_charts_data(self):
chart_sections = []
for section in CHART_DEFS:
if self._check_chart_allowed(section):
chart_data = self._process_chart_section(section['charts'])
'title': section['title'],
'charts': chart_data
return chart_sections
def _check_chart_allowed(self, chart_def):
result = True
if 'allowed' in chart_def:
allowed = chart_def['allowed']
result = allowed(self.request) if callable(allowed) else allowed
return result
def _process_chart_section(self, chart_defs):
charts = []
for t in chart_defs:
if t.quota_key not in self.usage.limits:
key = t.quota_key
used = self.usage.limits[key]['used']
quota = self.usage.limits[key]['quota']
text = t.used_phrase
if text is None:
text = pgettext_lazy('Label in the limit summary', 'Used')
filters = t.filters
if filters is None:
filters = (humanize_filters.intcomma,)
used_display = _apply_filters(used, filters)
# When quota is float('inf'), we don't show quota
# so filtering is unnecessary.
quota_display = None
if quota != float('inf'):
quota_display = _apply_filters(quota, filters)
quota_display = quota
'type': key,
'name': t.label,
'used': used,
'quota': quota,
'used_display': used_display,
'quota_display': quota_display,
'text': text
return charts
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['charts'] = self._get_charts_data()
return context
def get_data(self):
data = super().get_data()
except Exception:
_('Unable to retrieve limits information.'))
return data