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* (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
.service('horizon.framework.conf.permissions.service', Permissions);
Permissions.$inject = ['$q'];
* @ngdoc service
* @name horizon.framework.conf.permissions
* @module horizon.framework.conf
* This service provides a common set of a promise based permission checking that
* can be applied to various entities in horizon. In the most basic case,
* this code executes the allowed() function (if it exists) on
* items passed in and returns the promise which will either resolve
* if the item should be allowed or reject if it should not be allowed.
* An example of an item passed in might be a hz-dynamic-table column spec.
* See that code for an example of permissionService in use.
* Horizon is technically a set of application agnostic widgets and utilities
* that can be used for various applications. The OpenStack Dashboard is
* an implementation that uses these widgets. Many of these widgets, such
* as hz-dynamic-table may need to be displayed based on a variety of permissions
* that are application specific and that are more simply expressed in a declarative
* matter rather than functional code such as the allowed function. This service
* provides this capability by allowing applications to decorate this service and
* override the extendedPermissions function.
* In the openstack dashboard additional checks beyond the simple allowed() function
* are added to this service in the app.core.conf permissionsDecorator,
* including policies, services and settings.
function Permissions($q) {
var service = {
checkAllowed: checkAllowed,
checkAll: checkAll,
extendedPermissions: extendedPermissions
return service;
* If this input configItem has an allowed function, this will execute it and return
* the promise. Otherwise it will return a resolved promise.
function checkAllowed(configItem) {
if (angular.isFunction(configItem.allowed)) {
return configItem.allowed();
} else {
return $q.when(true);
* On the given configItem, this will get configItem.allowed and get each
* additional property matching a permission defined in extended permissions.
* All of the promises will then be run using $q.all. If all promises resolve
* then this will resolve. Otherwise, this will reject.
* When the input to any given permission is an array, each element will be
* treated as a distinct permission and a single promise resolver will be invoked for
* each input element.
* @example
* In openstack dashboard, each of the policies in the below array will result in a distinct
* policy check and all of the policies must pass in order for this to permit (resolve) the
* permissions check.
* configItem.policies = [{ rules: [["identity", "identity:get_project"]] }, { <rule 2>}]
function checkAll(configItem) {
var promises = [];
promises = promises.concat(getConfigurationPromises(configItem));
return $q.all(promises);
* This defines all additional permissions that can be defined on the input configItem
* of checkAll. This is a function that returns an object definition where
* each property on the object is the name of a permission that can be set on
* the configItem in order have permission to access / use whatever is being requested.
* The value of each property should be a promise that can resolve a single instance of that
* permission. When the input to any given permission is an array, each element will be
* treated as a distinct input and a single promise resolver will be invoked for
* each input element.
* Since this is part of the horizon framework, it defaults to returning an empty object.
* However, individual applications can decorate this service and override this
* function to provide common permissions for their application.
* @example
* Openstack Dashboard may set permissions for required policies, services, or settings
* (amongst other items). To do this, the service would be decorated like the following:
function decorator($delegate, policy, serviceCatalog, settings) {
var permissionsService = $delegate;
permissionsService.extendedPermissions = extendedPermissions;
function extendedPermissions() {
return {
policies: policy.ifAllowed,
services: serviceCatalog.ifTypeEnabled,
settings: settings.ifEnabled
return $delegate;
function extendedPermissions() {
return {};
function getConfigurationPromises(configItem) {
var promises = [];
angular.forEach(service.extendedPermissions, checkPermissions);
function checkPermissions(permissionResolver, permissionName) {
var permissionInput = configItem[permissionName];
if (angular.isArray(permissionInput)) {
angular.forEach(permissionInput, function addPermissionCheck(singlePermissionInput) {
} else if (angular.isDefined(permissionInput)) {
return promises;