Akihiro Motoki 61091388e9 hacking: noqa cleanup in horizon
attribute-level imports are not checked by hacking module now.
most noqa is used to disable warnings on attribute-level imports.
This commit drops noqa for this purpose.

After this, there are 8 noqa under horizon/ :)

In addition to this, the following changes are made.

horizon/exceptions.py: The following imports are dropped.
They are not used anywhere.
  from django.http import HttpRequest
  from django.views.debug import CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE

Some entries were missing in __all__. They are added.

Change-Id: I33b504ef6c396f0675e8a340867e2ca59c77c684
2017-03-17 19:38:47 +00:00

345 lines
11 KiB

# encoding=utf-8
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
from django.conf import settings
from django import http
import six
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import middleware
from horizon import tabs as horizon_tabs
from horizon.test import helpers as test
from horizon.test.tests.tables import MyTable
from horizon.test.tests.tables import TEST_DATA
class BaseTestTab(horizon_tabs.Tab):
def get_context_data(self, request):
return {"tab": self}
class TabOne(BaseTestTab):
slug = "tab_one"
name = "Tab One"
template_name = "_tab.html"
class TabDelayed(BaseTestTab):
slug = "tab_delayed"
name = "Delayed Tab"
template_name = "_tab.html"
preload = False
class TabDisabled(BaseTestTab):
slug = "tab_disabled"
name = "Disabled Tab"
template_name = "_tab.html"
def enabled(self, request):
return False
class TabDisallowed(BaseTestTab):
slug = "tab_disallowed"
name = "Disallowed Tab"
template_name = "_tab.html"
def allowed(self, request):
return False
class Group(horizon_tabs.TabGroup):
slug = "tab_group"
tabs = (TabOne, TabDelayed, TabDisabled, TabDisallowed)
sticky = True
def tabs_not_available(self):
self._assert_tabs_not_available = True
class TabWithTable(horizon_tabs.TableTab):
table_classes = (MyTable,)
name = "Tab With My Table"
slug = "tab_with_table"
template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_table.html"
def get_my_table_data(self):
return TEST_DATA
class RecoverableErrorTab(horizon_tabs.Tab):
name = "Recoverable Error Tab"
slug = "recoverable_error_tab"
template_name = "_tab.html"
def get_context_data(self, request):
# Raise a known recoverable error.
exc = exceptions.AlreadyExists("Recoverable!", horizon_tabs.Tab)
exc.silence_logging = True
raise exc
class RedirectExceptionTab(horizon_tabs.Tab):
name = "Redirect Exception Tab"
slug = "redirect_exception_tab"
template_name = "_tab.html"
url = settings.TESTSERVER + settings.LOGIN_URL
def get_context_data(self, request):
# Raise a known recoverable error.
exc = exceptions.Http302(self.url)
exc.silence_logging = True
raise exc
class TableTabGroup(horizon_tabs.TabGroup):
slug = "tab_group"
tabs = [TabWithTable]
class TabWithTableView(horizon_tabs.TabbedTableView):
tab_group_class = TableTabGroup
template_name = "tab_group.html"
class TabTests(test.TestCase):
def test_tab_group_basics(self):
tg = Group(self.request)
# Test tab instantiation/attachment to tab group, and get_tabs method
tabs = tg.get_tabs()
# "tab_disallowed" should NOT be in this list.
self.assertQuerysetEqual(tabs, ['<TabOne: tab_one>',
'<TabDelayed: tab_delayed>',
'<TabDisabled: tab_disabled>'])
# Test get_id
self.assertEqual("tab_group", tg.get_id())
# get_default_classes
# Test get_tab
self.assertEqual("tab_one", tg.get_tab("tab_one").slug)
# Test selected is None w/o GET input
# Test get_selected_tab is None w/o GET input
def test_tab_group_active_tab(self):
tg = Group(self.request)
# active tab w/o selected
self.assertEqual(tg.get_tabs()[0], tg.active)
# active tab w/ selected
self.request.GET['tab'] = "tab_group__tab_delayed"
tg = Group(self.request)
self.assertEqual(tg.get_tab('tab_delayed'), tg.active)
# active tab w/ invalid selected
self.request.GET['tab'] = "tab_group__tab_invalid"
tg = Group(self.request)
self.assertEqual(tg.get_tabs()[0], tg.active)
# active tab w/ disallowed selected
self.request.GET['tab'] = "tab_group__tab_disallowed"
tg = Group(self.request)
self.assertEqual(tg.get_tabs()[0], tg.active)
# active tab w/ disabled selected
self.request.GET['tab'] = "tab_group__tab_disabled"
tg = Group(self.request)
self.assertEqual(tg.get_tabs()[0], tg.active)
# active tab w/ non-empty garbage selected
# Note: this entry does not contain the '__' SEPARATOR string.
self.request.GET['tab'] = "<!--"
tg = Group(self.request)
self.assertEqual(tg.get_tabs()[0], tg.active)
def test_tab_basics(self):
tg = Group(self.request)
tab_one = tg.get_tab("tab_one")
tab_delayed = tg.get_tab("tab_delayed")
tab_disabled = tg.get_tab("tab_disabled", allow_disabled=True)
# Disallowed tab isn't even returned
tab_disallowed = tg.get_tab("tab_disallowed")
# get_id
self.assertEqual("tab_group__tab_one", tab_one.get_id())
# get_default_classes
# load, allowed, enabled
self.request.GET['tab'] = tab_delayed.get_id()
tg = Group(self.request)
tab_delayed = tg.get_tab("tab_delayed")
# is_active
self.request.GET['tab'] = ""
tg = Group(self.request)
tab_one = tg.get_tab("tab_one")
tab_delayed = tg.get_tab("tab_delayed")
self.request.GET['tab'] = tab_delayed.get_id()
tg = Group(self.request)
tab_one = tg.get_tab("tab_one")
tab_delayed = tg.get_tab("tab_delayed")
def test_rendering(self):
tg = Group(self.request)
tab_one = tg.get_tab("tab_one")
tab_delayed = tg.get_tab("tab_delayed")
tab_disabled = tg.get_tab("tab_disabled", allow_disabled=True)
# tab group
output = tg.render()
res = http.HttpResponse(output.strip())
self.assertContains(res, "<li", 3)
# stickiness
self.assertContains(res, 'data-sticky-tabs="sticky"', 1)
# tab
output = tab_one.render()
self.assertEqual(tab_one.name, output.strip())
# disabled tab
output = tab_disabled.render()
self.assertEqual("", output.strip())
# preload false
output = tab_delayed.render()
self.assertEqual("", output.strip())
# preload false w/ active
self.request.GET['tab'] = tab_delayed.get_id()
tg = Group(self.request)
tab_delayed = tg.get_tab("tab_delayed")
output = tab_delayed.render()
self.assertEqual(tab_delayed.name, output.strip())
def test_table_tabs(self):
tab_group = TableTabGroup(self.request)
tabs = tab_group.get_tabs()
# Only one tab, as expected.
self.assertEqual(1, len(tabs))
tab = tabs[0]
# Make sure it's the tab we think it is.
self.assertIsInstance(tab, horizon_tabs.TableTab)
# Data should not be loaded yet.
table = tab._tables[MyTable.Meta.name]
self.assertIsInstance(table, MyTable)
# Let's make sure the data *really* isn't loaded yet.
# Okay, load the data.
['FakeObject: object_1',
'FakeObject: object_2',
'FakeObject: object_3',
u'FakeObject: öbject_4'],
context = tab.get_context_data(self.request)
# Make sure our table is loaded into the context correctly
self.assertEqual(table, context['my_table_table'])
# Since we only had one table we should get the shortcut name too.
self.assertEqual(table, context['table'])
def test_tabbed_table_view(self):
view = TabWithTableView.as_view()
# Be sure we get back a rendered table containing data for a GET
req = self.factory.get("/")
res = view(req)
self.assertContains(res, "<table", 1)
self.assertContains(res, "Displaying 4 items", 2)
# AJAX response to GET for row update
params = {"table": "my_table", "action": "row_update", "obj_id": "1"}
req = self.factory.get('/', params,
res = view(req)
self.assertEqual(200, res.status_code)
# Make sure we got back a row but not a table or body
self.assertContains(res, "<tr", 1)
self.assertContains(res, "<table", 0)
self.assertContains(res, "<body", 0)
# Response to POST for table action
action_string = "my_table__toggle__2"
req = self.factory.post('/', {'action': action_string})
res = view(req)
self.assertEqual(302, res.status_code)
self.assertEqual("/", res["location"])
# Ensure that lookup errors are raised as such instead of converted
# to TemplateSyntaxErrors.
action_string = "my_table__toggle__2000000000"
req = self.factory.post('/', {'action': action_string})
self.assertRaises(exceptions.Http302, view, req)
class TabExceptionTests(test.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TabExceptionTests, self).setUp()
self._original_tabs = copy.copy(TabWithTableView.tab_group_class.tabs)
def tearDown(self):
super(TabExceptionTests, self).tearDown()
TabWithTableView.tab_group_class.tabs = self._original_tabs
def test_tab_view_exception(self):
view = TabWithTableView.as_view()
req = self.factory.get("/")
res = view(req)
self.assertMessageCount(res, error=1)
def test_tab_302_exception(self):
view = TabWithTableView.as_view()
req = self.factory.get("/")
mw = middleware.HorizonMiddleware()
resp = view(req)
except Exception as e:
resp = mw.process_exception(req, e)
resp.client = self.client
self.assertRedirects(resp, RedirectExceptionTab.url)