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* (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use self file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
.factory('horizon.framework.util.actions.action-result.service', factory);
* @ngdoc factory
* @name factory
* @description
* The purpose of this service is to create action return values in a
* common manner, making it easier on consumers of such results. For
* example, if you perform an action that deletes three items, it may be
* useful for the action to return information that indicates which three
* items were deleted.
* Create a new ActionResult object with:
* ```
* var actionResult = actionResultService.getActionResult()
* ```
* The ActionResult object collects results under four categories: created,
* updated, deleted and failed. It has methods for registering results of
* each of those types:
* ```
* actionResult.deleted('OS::Glance::Image', id1);
* actionResult.updated('OS::Glance::Image', id2)
* .deleted('OS::Glance::Image', id3);
* ```
* These results are then accessed through the actionResult.result property
* which has four array properties, one for each category, listing objects
* with {type:, id:} from the above calls.
* To use actionResultService in an <actions> directive, you would have
* your directive register a result-handler:
* ```
* <actions allowed="ctrl.itemActions" type="row" item="currInstance"
* result-handler="ctrl.actionResultHandler"></actions>
* ```
* And then in the perform() method of the action, you would construct
* the actionResult as above, and return the actionResult.result from
* perform()'s final promise:
* ```
* function performUpdate(item) {
* $modal.open(updateDialog).result.then(function result() {
* return actionResult.updated('OS::Glance::Image', item.id).result;
* });
* }
* ```
* The controller's result handler (above, ctrl.actionResultHandler)
* analyzes that result to figure out what to do. We want to make this
* capable of handling actions which may return an immediate result
* or may return a promise, so in our controller we can use $q.when:
* ```
* ctrl.actionResultHandler = function resultHandler(returnValue) {
* return $q.when(returnValue, actionSuccessHandler);
* };
* function actionSuccessHandler(result) {
* // simple logic to just reload any time there are updated results.
* if (result.updated.length > 0) {
* reloadTheList();
* }
* }
* ```
function factory() {
return {
getActionResult: getActionResult,
getIdsOfType: getIdsOfType
* Returns an array of ids that match the given resource type (e.g. "OS::Glance::Image")
* @param items - items to filter
* @param type - type to filter in, or 'undefined' to match all types)
* @returns [] - array of ids that match the requested type, or an empty array
function getIdsOfType(items, type) {
return items ? items.reduce(typeIdReduce, []) : [];
function typeIdReduce(accumulator, item) {
if (angular.isUndefined(type) || item.type === type) {
return accumulator;
function getActionResult() {
return new ActionResult();
function ActionResult() {
this.result = {
created: [],
updated: [],
deleted: [],
failed: []
this.created = created;
this.updated = updated;
this.deleted = deleted;
this.failed = failed;
function created(type, id) {
this.result.created.push({type: type, id: id});
return this;
function updated(type, id) {
this.result.updated.push({type: type, id: id});
return this;
function deleted(type, id) {
this.result.deleted.push({type: type, id: id});
return this;
function failed(type, id) {
this.result.failed.push({type: type, id: id});
return this;