
212 lines
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
describe('horizon.framework.util.http module', function() {
it('should have been defined', function () {
describe('api service', function () {
var api, $httpBackend;
var WEBROOT = '/horizon/';
beforeEach(module('horizon.framework', function($provide) {
$provide.value('$window', {WEBROOT: WEBROOT});
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector) {
api = $injector.get('horizon.framework.util.http.service');
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
afterEach(function () {
it('should be defined', function () {
function testGoodCall(apiMethod, verb, data) {
var called = {};
var url = WEBROOT + 'good';
data = data || 'some complicated data';
var suppliedData = verb === 'GET' ? undefined : data;
$httpBackend.when(verb, url, suppliedData).respond({status: 'good'});
$httpBackend.expect(verb, url, suppliedData);
apiMethod('/good', suppliedData).success(function (data) {
called.data = data;
function testBadCall(apiMethod, verb) {
var called = {};
var url = WEBROOT + 'bad';
var suppliedData = verb === 'GET' ? undefined : 'some complicated data';
$httpBackend.when(verb, url, suppliedData).respond(500, '');
$httpBackend.expect(verb, url, suppliedData);
apiMethod('/bad', suppliedData).error(function () {
called.called = true;
it('should call success on a good GET response', function () {
testGoodCall(api.get, 'GET');
it('should call error on a bad GET response', function () {
testBadCall(api.get, 'GET');
it('should call success on a good POST response', function () {
testGoodCall(api.post, 'POST');
it('should call error on a bad POST response', function () {
testBadCall(api.post, 'POST');
it('should call success on a good PATCH response', function () {
testGoodCall(api.patch, 'PATCH');
it('should call error on a bad PATCH response', function () {
testBadCall(api.patch, 'PATCH');
it('should call success on a good PUT response', function () {
testGoodCall(api.put, 'PUT');
it('should call error on a bad PUT response', function () {
testBadCall(api.put, 'PUT');
it('should call success on a good DELETE response', function () {
testGoodCall(api.delete, 'DELETE');
it('should call error on a bad DELETE response', function () {
testBadCall(api.delete, 'DELETE');
describe('WEBROOT handling', function() {
it('respects WEBROOT by default', function() {
var expectedUrl = WEBROOT + 'good';
var $scope = {};
$httpBackend.when('GET', expectedUrl).respond(200, '');
$httpBackend.expect('GET', expectedUrl);
api.get('/good').success(function() {
$scope.success = true;
it('ignores WEBROOT with external = true flag', function() {
var expectedUrl = '/good';
var $scope = {};
$httpBackend.when('GET', expectedUrl).respond(200, '');
$httpBackend.expect('GET', expectedUrl);
api.get('/good', {external: true}).success(function() {
$scope.success = true;
describe('Upload service', function () {
var Upload, file;
var called = {};
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector) {
Upload = $injector.get('Upload');
spyOn(Upload, 'upload').and.callFake(function (config) {
called.config = config;
spyOn(Upload, 'http').and.callFake(function (config) {
called.config = config;
file = new File(['part'], 'filename.sample');
it('upload() is used when there is a File() blob inside data', function () {
api.post('/good', {first: file, second: 'the data'});
var expected = {first: file, second: 'the data'};
expected.$$originalJSON = JSON.stringify(expected);
it('upload() is NOT used when a File() blob is passed as data', function () {
api.post('/good', file);
it('upload() is NOT used in case there are no File() blobs inside data', function() {
testGoodCall(api.post, 'POST', {second: 'the data'});
it('upload() respects WEBROOT by default', function() {
api.post('/good', {first: file});
expect(called.config.url).toEqual(WEBROOT + 'good');
it('upload() ignores WEBROOT with external = true flag', function() {
api.post('/good', {first: file}, {external: true});
it('http() is used when a File() blob is passed as data', function () {
api.post('/good', file);
it('http() is NOT used when there is a File() blob inside data', function () {
api.post('/good', {first: file, second: 'the data'});
it('http() is NOT used when no File() blobs are passed at all', function() {
testGoodCall(api.post, 'POST', {second: 'the data'});
it('http() respects WEBROOT by default', function() {
api.post('/good', file);
expect(called.config.url).toEqual(WEBROOT + 'good');
it('http() ignores WEBROOT with external = true flag', function() {
api.post('/good', file, {external: true});