Tihomir Trifonov 35a6708dcc User shouldn't remove their own roles on project
Added a check if the user is trying to delete their
own 'admin' role on the current project. This is added
to prevent the users from locking their own
access to Dashboard. Also, if the 'admin' role on the
current project is removed, Dashboard automatically
switches to another project for which the user has 'admin'
role, but the previous project still is displayed as current.

Fixes bug 1046538

Also improved the unit test scenarios a bit.

Change-Id: I1e60a11d628d6490ad24a8149b43ac307afb4780
2012-10-13 11:32:42 +03:00

171 lines
7.0 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from datetime import timedelta
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import datetime_safe
from keystoneclient.v2_0 import users, tenants, tokens, roles, ec2
from .utils import TestDataContainer
# Dummy service catalog with all service.
# All endpoint URLs should point to example.com.
# Try to keep them as accurate to real data as possible (ports, URIs, etc.)
{"type": "compute",
"name": "nova",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.nova.example.com:8774/v2",
"internalURL": "http://int.nova.example.com:8774/v2",
"publicURL": "http://public.nova.example.com:8774/v2"}]},
{"type": "volume",
"name": "nova",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.nova.example.com:8776/v1",
"internalURL": "http://int.nova.example.com:8776/v1",
"publicURL": "http://public.nova.example.com:8776/v1"}]},
{"type": "image",
"name": "glance",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.glance.example.com:9292/v1",
"internalURL": "http://int.glance.example.com:9292/v1",
"publicURL": "http://public.glance.example.com:9292/v1"}]},
{"type": "identity",
"name": "keystone",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.keystone.example.com:35357/v2.0",
"internalURL": "http://int.keystone.example.com:5000/v2.0",
"publicURL": "http://public.keystone.example.com:5000/v2.0"}]},
{"type": "object-store",
"name": "swift",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.swift.example.com:8080/",
"internalURL": "http://int.swift.example.com:8080/",
"publicURL": "http://public.swift.example.com:8080/"}]},
{"type": "network",
"name": "quantum",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.quantum.example.com:9696/",
"internalURL": "http://int.quantum.example.com:9696/",
"publicURL": "http://public.quantum.example.com:9696/"}]},
{"type": "ec2",
"name": "EC2 Service",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.nova.example.com:8773/services/Admin",
"publicURL": "http://public.nova.example.com:8773/services/Cloud",
"internalURL": "http://int.nova.example.com:8773/services/Cloud"}]}
def data(TEST):
TEST.service_catalog = SERVICE_CATALOG
TEST.tokens = TestDataContainer()
TEST.users = TestDataContainer()
TEST.tenants = TestDataContainer()
TEST.roles = TestDataContainer()
TEST.ec2 = TestDataContainer()
admin_role_dict = {'id': '1',
'name': 'admin'}
admin_role = roles.Role(roles.RoleManager, admin_role_dict)
member_role_dict = {'id': "2",
member_role = roles.Role(roles.RoleManager, member_role_dict)
TEST.roles.add(admin_role, member_role)
TEST.roles.admin = admin_role
TEST.roles.member = member_role
user_dict = {'id': "1",
'name': 'test_user',
'email': 'test@example.com',
'password': 'password',
'token': 'test_token',
'enabled': True}
user = users.User(users.UserManager(None), user_dict)
user_dict = {'id': "2",
'name': 'user_two',
'email': 'two@example.com',
'password': 'password',
'token': 'test_token',
'enabled': True}
user2 = users.User(users.UserManager(None), user_dict)
user_dict = {'id': "3",
'name': 'user_three',
'email': 'three@example.com',
'password': 'password',
'token': 'test_token',
'enabled': True}
user3 = users.User(users.UserManager(None), user_dict)
TEST.users.add(user, user2, user3)
TEST.user = user # Your "current" user
TEST.user.service_catalog = SERVICE_CATALOG
tenant_dict = {'id': "1",
'name': 'test_tenant',
'description': "a test tenant.",
'enabled': True}
tenant_dict_2 = {'id': "2",
'name': 'disabled_tenant',
'description': "a disabled test tenant.",
'enabled': False}
tenant = tenants.Tenant(tenants.TenantManager, tenant_dict)
disabled_tenant = tenants.Tenant(tenants.TenantManager, tenant_dict_2)
TEST.tenants.add(tenant, disabled_tenant)
TEST.tenant = tenant # Your "current" tenant
tomorrow = datetime_safe.datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
expiration = datetime_safe.datetime.isoformat(tomorrow)
scoped_token = tokens.Token(tokens.TokenManager,
dict(token={"id": "test_token_id",
"expires": expiration,
"tenant": tenant_dict,
"tenants": [tenant_dict]},
user={"id": "test_user_id",
"name": "test_user",
"roles": [member_role_dict]},
unscoped_token = tokens.Token(tokens.TokenManager,
dict(token={"id": "test_token_id",
"expires": expiration},
user={"id": "test_user_id",
"name": "test_user",
"roles": [member_role_dict]},
TEST.tokens.add(scoped_token, unscoped_token)
TEST.token = scoped_token # your "current" token.
TEST.tokens.scoped_token = scoped_token
TEST.tokens.unscoped_token = unscoped_token
access_secret = ec2.EC2(ec2.CredentialsManager, {"access": "access",
"secret": "secret"})