Rob Cresswell 0e957dd41a Add Angular Schema Form
This patch adds Angular Schema Form[1] and its requirements to Horizon.
There are a number of advantages to this over the current methods of
defining forms and workflows:

- All fields have an individual template, making theming improvements,
  bug fixes, and bootstrap conformity easier.
- The file and line count, especially for workflows, is dramatically
  reduced. The Create Net workflow, for example, goes from 12+ files to
  2, with a big reduction in boilerplate HTML.
- All field validation messages are standardised, so we can match them
  across Horizon and plugins

What this patch contains:
- Many common form fields, including things like the themable checkboxes
  and selects.
- A basic modal template that can be passed with ui-bootstraps $modal
  service to take advantage of schema-form

Next steps:
- Remove the other modal templates so we can standardise. A single
  template opened from the $modal service is fine, and we shouldn't need
  several directives. In this case, we should deprecate them, as the
  modal forms will be used elsewhere.
- Map commonly used form items, like transfer tables, to a schema form
  type like array (they serve similar purposes, so maybe thats what
  should be replaced)
- Use themable selects instead of regular ones


Co-Authored-By: Tyr Johanson <>
Implements: blueprint angular-schema-form
Change-Id: Ib22b2d0db2c4d4775fdef62a180cc994e8ae6280
2016-08-04 16:53:41 +00:00

202 lines
6.8 KiB

* (c) Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
module.exports = function (config) {
var xstaticPath;
var basePaths = [
for (var i = 0; i < basePaths.length; i++) {
var basePath = path.resolve(basePaths[i]);
if (fs.existsSync(basePath)) {
xstaticPath = basePath + '/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xstatic/pkg/';
if (!xstaticPath) {
console.error('xStatic libraries not found, please set up venv');
preprocessors: {
// Used to collect templates for preprocessing.
// NOTE: the templates must also be listed in the files section below.
'./**/*.html': ['ng-html2js'],
// Used to indicate files requiring coverage reports.
'./static/app/**/!(*.spec).js': ['coverage'],
'./dashboards/**/static/**/!(*.spec).js': ['coverage']
// Sets up module to process templates.
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
moduleName: 'templates',
cacheIdFromPath: function(filepath) {
// This function takes the raw provided path from the file searches
// below (in the files: pattern list), applies the filter from the
// preprocessor above (basically, finds the html files), then uses
// this function to translate the relative file path into a path
// that matches what would actually be called in production.
// e.g.
// dashboards/project/static/dashboard/project/workflow/launch-instance/configuration/load-edit.html
// becomes:
// /static/dashboard/project/workflow/launch-instance/configuration/load-edit.html
// We can't just use stripPrefix because there are a couple of
// prefixes that need to be altered (and may be more).
return filepath.replace(/^dashboards\/[^\/]+/, '')
.replace(/^static\/app/, '/static/app');
// This establishes the base for most referenced paths as being relative
// to this file, i.e. ./openstack_dashboard.
basePath: './',
// Contains both source and test files.
files: [
* shim, partly stolen from /i18n/js/horizon/
* Contains expected items not provided elsewhere (dynamically by
* Django or via jasmine template. This is in the project root.
// from jasmine.html
xstaticPath + 'jquery/data/jquery.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular/data/angular.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular/data/angular-route.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular/data/angular-mocks.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular/data/angular-cookies.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular_bootstrap/data/angular-bootstrap.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular_gettext/data/angular-gettext.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular_fileupload/data/ng-file-upload-all.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular/data/angular-sanitize.js',
xstaticPath + 'd3/data/d3.js',
xstaticPath + 'rickshaw/data/rickshaw.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular_smart_table/data/smart-table.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular_lrdragndrop/data/lrdragndrop.js',
xstaticPath + 'spin/data/spin.js',
xstaticPath + 'spin/data/spin.jquery.js',
xstaticPath + 'tv4/data/tv4.js',
xstaticPath + 'objectpath/data/ObjectPath.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular_schema_form/data/schema-form.js',
// TODO: These should be mocked. However, that could be complex
// and there's less harm in exposing these directly. These are
// located in the project's ./horizon directory.
* Include framework source code from horizon that we need.
* Otherwise, karma will not be able to find them when testing.
* These files should be mocked in the foreseeable future.
* These are located within the project's ./horizon directory.
* Standard openstack_dashboard JS locations
* For now, all Angular code is located in ./static/app or
* ./dashboard/.../static/.
* Some other JS code exists in other directories (contrib, test) but
* but it isn't conformant to our current practices, etc.
* First, list all the files that defines application's angular modules.
* Those files have extension of `.module.js`. The order among them is
* not significant.
* Followed by other JavaScript files that defines angular providers
* on the modules defined in files listed above. And they are not mock
* files or spec files defined below. The order among them is not
* significant.
* Then, list files for mocks with `mock.js` extension. The order
* among them should not be significant.
* Finally, list files for spec with `spec.js` extension. The order
* among them should not be significant.
* Angular external templates
autoWatch: true,
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
browsers: ['Chrome'],
browserNoActivityTimeout: 60000,
reporters: ['progress', 'coverage', 'threshold'],
plugins: [
// Places coverage report in HTML format in the subdirectory below.
coverageReporter: {
type: 'html',
dir: '../cover/openstack_dashboard'
// Coverage threshold values.
thresholdReporter: {
statements: 96, // target 100
branches: 93, // target 100
functions: 95, // target 100
lines: 96 // target 100