the horizon login page (really the middleware) accesses the session too early in the login process, which will create session records in the session backend. This is especially problematic when non-cookie backends are used. Change-Id: I9d2c40403fb9b0cfb512f2ff45397cbe0b050c71 Closes-Bug: 1394370
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# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Middleware provided and used by Horizon.
import json
import logging
import time
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME # noqa
from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login # noqa
from django.contrib import messages as django_messages
from django import http
from django import shortcuts
from django.utils.encoding import iri_to_uri # noqa
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from openstack_auth import utils as auth_utils
from openstack_auth import views as auth_views
import six
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon.utils import functions as utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HorizonMiddleware(object):
"""The main Horizon middleware class. Required for use of Horizon."""
logout_reason = None
def _check_has_timed_timeout(self, request):
"""Check for session timeout and return timestamp."""
has_timed_out = False
# Activate timezone handling
tz = request.session.get('django_timezone')
if tz:
timeout = settings.SESSION_TIMEOUT
except AttributeError:
timeout = 1800
last_activity = request.session.get('last_activity', None)
timestamp = int(time.time())
if (
hasattr(request, "user")
and hasattr(request.user, "token")
and not auth_utils.is_token_valid(request.user.token)
# The user was logged in, but his keystone token expired.
has_timed_out = True
if isinstance(last_activity, int):
if (timestamp - last_activity) > timeout:
has_timed_out = True
if has_timed_out:
return (has_timed_out, timestamp)
def _logout(self, request, login_url=None, message=None):
"""Logout a user and display a logout message."""
response = auth_views.logout(request, login_url)
if message is not None:
self.logout_reason = message
utils.add_logout_reason(request, response, message)
return response
def process_request(self, request):
"""Adds data necessary for Horizon to function to the request."""
request.horizon = {'dashboard': None,
'panel': None,
'async_messages': []}
if not hasattr(request, "user") or not request.user.is_authenticated():
# proceed no further if the current request is already known
# not to be authenticated
# it is CRITICAL to perform this check as early as possible
# to avoid creating too many sessions
return None
# Check for session timeout if user is (or was) authenticated.
has_timed_out, timestamp = self._check_has_timed_timeout(request)
if has_timed_out:
return self._logout(request, request.path, _("Session timed out."))
if request.is_ajax():
# if the request is Ajax we do not want to proceed, as clients can
# 1) create pages with constant polling, which can create race
# conditions when a page navigation occurs
# 2) might leave a user seemingly left logged in forever
# 3) thrashes db backed session engines with tons of changes
return None
# If we use cookie-based sessions, check that the cookie size does not
# reach the max size accepted by common web browsers.
if (
settings.SESSION_ENGINE ==
max_cookie_size = getattr(
settings, 'SESSION_COOKIE_MAX_SIZE', None)
session_cookie_name = getattr(
settings, 'SESSION_COOKIE_NAME', None)
session_key = request.COOKIES.get(session_cookie_name)
if max_cookie_size is not None and session_key is not None:
cookie_size = sum((
len(key) + len(value)
for key, value in six.iteritems(request.COOKIES)
if cookie_size >= max_cookie_size:
'Total Cookie size for user_id: %(user_id)s is '
'%(cookie_size)sB >= %(max_cookie_size)sB. '
'You need to configure file-based or database-backed '
'sessions instead of cookie-based sessions: '
% {
'user_id': request.session.get(
'user_id', 'Unknown'),
'cookie_size': cookie_size,
'max_cookie_size': max_cookie_size,
# We have a valid session, so we set the timestamp
request.session['last_activity'] = timestamp
def process_exception(self, request, exception):
"""Catches internal Horizon exception classes such as NotAuthorized,
NotFound and Http302 and handles them gracefully.
if isinstance(exception, (exceptions.NotAuthorized,
auth_url = settings.LOGIN_URL
next_url = iri_to_uri(request.get_full_path())
if next_url != auth_url:
field_name = None
login_url = request.build_absolute_uri(auth_url)
response = redirect_to_login(next_url, login_url=login_url,
if request.is_ajax():
response_401 = http.HttpResponse(status=401)
response_401['X-Horizon-Location'] = response['location']
return response_401
return response
# If an internal "NotFound" error gets this far, return a real 404.
if isinstance(exception, exceptions.NotFound):
raise http.Http404(exception)
if isinstance(exception, exceptions.Http302):
# TODO(gabriel): Find a way to display an appropriate message to
# the user *on* the login form...
return shortcuts.redirect(exception.location)
def process_response(self, request, response):
"""Convert HttpResponseRedirect to HttpResponse if request is via ajax
to allow ajax request to redirect url
if request.is_ajax() and hasattr(request, 'horizon'):
queued_msgs = request.horizon['async_messages']
if type(response) == http.HttpResponseRedirect:
# Drop our messages back into the session as per usual so they
# don't disappear during the redirect. Not that we explicitly
# use django's messages methods here.
for tag, message, extra_tags in queued_msgs:
getattr(django_messages, tag)(request, message, extra_tags)
if response['location'].startswith(settings.LOGOUT_URL):
redirect_response = http.HttpResponse(status=401)
# This header is used for handling the logout in JS
redirect_response['logout'] = True
if self.logout_reason is not None:
request, redirect_response, self.logout_reason)
redirect_response = http.HttpResponse()
# Use a set while checking if we want a cookie's attributes
# copied
cookie_keys = set(('max_age', 'expires', 'path', 'domain',
'secure', 'httponly', 'logout_reason'))
# Copy cookies from HttpResponseRedirect towards HttpResponse
for cookie_name, cookie in six.iteritems(response.cookies):
cookie_kwargs = dict((
(key, value) for key, value in six.iteritems(cookie)
if key in cookie_keys and value
cookie_name, cookie.value, **cookie_kwargs)
redirect_response['X-Horizon-Location'] = response['location']
return redirect_response
if queued_msgs:
# TODO(gabriel): When we have an async connection to the
# client (e.g. websockets) this should be pushed to the
# socket queue rather than being sent via a header.
# The header method has notable drawbacks (length limits,
# etc.) and is not meant as a long-term solution.
response['X-Horizon-Messages'] = json.dumps(queued_msgs)
return response