
471 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc controller
* @name LaunchInstanceSourceController
* @description
* The `LaunchInstanceSourceController` controller provides functions for
* configuring the source step of the Launch Instance Wizard.
var push = [].push;
.controller('LaunchInstanceSourceController', LaunchInstanceSourceController);
LaunchInstanceSourceController.$inject = [
function LaunchInstanceSourceController($scope,
quotaChartDefaults) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.label = {
title: gettext('Instance Details'),
/*eslint-disable max-len */
subtitle: gettext('Please provide the initial host name for the instance, the availability zone where it will be deployed, and the instance count. Increase the Count to create multiple instances with the same settings.'),
/*eslint-enable max-len */
instanceName: gettext('Instance Name'),
availabilityZone: gettext('Availability Zone'),
instance_count: gettext('Count'),
instanceSourceTitle: gettext('Instance Source'),
/*eslint-disable max-len */
instanceSourceSubTitle: gettext('Instance source is the template used to create an instance. You can use a snapshot of an existing instance, an image, or a volume (if enabled). You can also choose to use persistent storage by creating a new volume.'),
/*eslint-enable max-len */
bootSource: gettext('Select Boot Source'),
volumeSize: gettext('Size (GB)'),
volumeCreate: gettext('Create New Volume'),
volumeDeviceName: gettext('Device Name'),
deleteVolumeOnTerminate: gettext('Delete Volume on Terminate'),
id: gettext('ID'),
min_ram: gettext('Min Ram'),
min_disk: gettext('Min Disk')
// Error text for invalid fields
/*eslint-disable max-len */
ctrl.bootSourceTypeError = gettext('Volumes can only be attached to 1 active instance at a time. Please either set your instance count to 1 or select a different source type.');
/*eslint-enable max-len */
ctrl.instanceNameError = gettext('A name is required for your instance.');
ctrl.instanceCountError = gettext(
'Instance count is required and must be an integer of at least 1'
ctrl.volumeSizeError = gettext('Volume size is required and must be an integer');
// toggle button label/value defaults
ctrl.toggleButtonOptions = [
{ label: gettext('Yes'), value: true },
{ label: gettext('No'), value: false }
* Boot Sources
ctrl.bootSourcesOptions = [
{ type: bootSourceTypes.IMAGE, label: gettext('Image') },
{ type: bootSourceTypes.INSTANCE_SNAPSHOT, label: gettext('Instance Snapshot') },
{ type: bootSourceTypes.VOLUME, label: gettext('Volume') },
{ type: bootSourceTypes.VOLUME_SNAPSHOT, label: gettext('Volume Snapshot') }
ctrl.updateBootSourceSelection = updateBootSourceSelection;
* Transfer table
ctrl.tableHeadCells = [];
ctrl.tableBodyCells = [];
ctrl.tableData = {};
ctrl.helpText = {};
ctrl.maxInstanceCount = 1;
ctrl.sourceDetails =
var selection = ctrl.selection = $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source;
var bootSources = {
image: {
available: $scope.model.images,
allocated: selection,
displayedAvailable: $scope.model.images,
displayedAllocated: selection
snapshot: {
available: $scope.model.imageSnapshots,
allocated: selection,
displayedAvailable: [],
displayedAllocated: selection
volume: {
available: $scope.model.volumes,
allocated: selection,
displayedAvailable: [],
displayedAllocated: selection
volume_snapshot: {
available: $scope.model.volumeSnapshots,
allocated: selection,
displayedAvailable: [],
displayedAllocated: selection
// Mapping for dynamic table headers
var tableHeadCellsMap = {
image: [
{ text: gettext('Name'), style: { width: '30%' }, sortable: true, sortDefault: true },
{ text: gettext('Updated'), style: { width: '15%' }, sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Size'), style: { width: '15%' }, classList: ['number'], sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Type'), sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Visibility'), sortable: true }
snapshot: [
{ text: gettext('Name'), style: { width: '30%' }, sortable: true, sortDefault: true },
{ text: gettext('Updated'), style: { width: '15%' }, sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Size'), style: { width: '15%' }, classList: ['number'], sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Type'), sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Visibility'), sortable: true }
volume: [
{ text: gettext('Name'), style: { width: '25%' }, sortable: true, sortDefault: true },
{ text: gettext('Description'), style: { width: '20%' }, sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Size'), style: { width: '15%' }, classList: ['number'], sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Type'), style: { width: '20%' }, sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Availability Zone'), style: { width: '20%' }, sortable: true }
volume_snapshot: [
{ text: gettext('Name'), style: { width: '25%' }, sortable: true, sortDefault: true },
{ text: gettext('Description'), style: { width: '20%' }, sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Size'), style: { width: '15%' }, classList: ['number'], sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Created'), style: { width: '15%' }, sortable: true },
{ text: gettext('Status'), style: { width: '20%' }, sortable: true }
// Map Visibility data so we can decode true/false to Public/Private
var _visibilitymap = { true: gettext('Public'), false: gettext('Private') };
// Mapping for dynamic table data
var tableBodyCellsMap = {
image: [
{ key: 'name', classList: ['hi-light'] },
{ key: 'updated_at', filter: dateFilter, filterArg: 'short' },
{ key: 'size', filter: bytesFilter, classList: ['number'] },
{ key: 'disk_format', style: { 'text-transform': 'uppercase' } },
{ key: 'is_public', filter: decodeFilter, filterArg: _visibilitymap,
style: { 'text-transform': 'capitalize' } }
snapshot: [
{ key: 'name', classList: ['hi-light'] },
{ key: 'updated_at', filter: dateFilter, filterArg: 'short' },
{ key: 'size', filter: bytesFilter, classList: ['number'] },
{ key: 'disk_format', style: { 'text-transform': 'uppercase' } },
{ key: 'is_public', filter: decodeFilter, filterArg: _visibilitymap,
style: { 'text-transform': 'capitalize' } }
volume: [
{ key: 'name', classList: ['hi-light'] },
{ key: 'description' },
{ key: 'size', filter: gbFilter, classList: ['number'] },
{ key: 'volume_image_metadata', filter: diskFormatFilter,
style: { 'text-transform': 'uppercase' } },
{ key: 'availability_zone' }
volume_snapshot: [
{ key: 'name', classList: ['hi-light'] },
{ key: 'description' },
{ key: 'size', filter: gbFilter, classList: ['number'] },
{ key: 'created_at', filter: dateFilter, filterArg: 'short' },
{ key: 'status', style: { 'text-transform': 'capitalize' } }
* Donut chart
ctrl.chartSettings = donutChartSettings;
var maxTotalInstances = 1; // Must have default value > 0
var totalInstancesUsed = 0;
if ($scope.model.novaLimits && $scope.model.novaLimits.maxTotalInstances) {
maxTotalInstances = $scope.model.novaLimits.maxTotalInstances;
if ($scope.model.novaLimits && $scope.model.novaLimits.totalInstancesUsed) {
totalInstancesUsed = $scope.model.novaLimits.totalInstancesUsed;
ctrl.instanceStats = {
title: gettext('Total Instances'),
maxLimit: maxTotalInstances,
label: '100%',
data: [
label: quotaChartDefaults.usageLabel,
value: 1,
colorClass: quotaChartDefaults.usageColorClass
label: quotaChartDefaults.addedLabel,
value: 1,
colorClass: quotaChartDefaults.addedColorClass
label: quotaChartDefaults.remainingLabel,
value: 1,
colorClass: quotaChartDefaults.remainingColorClass
function () {
return $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.instance_count;
function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
function () {
return $scope.model.novaLimits.maxTotalInstances;
function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
maxTotalInstances = Math.max(1, newValue);
function () {
return $scope.model.novaLimits.totalInstancesUsed;
function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
totalInstancesUsed = newValue;
function () {
return ctrl.tableData.allocated.length;
function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
function () {
return $scope.model.images;
function () {
$scope.initPromise.then(function () {
$scope.$applyAsync(function () {
if ($scope.launchContext.imageId) {
// Initialize
if (!$scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source_type) {
$scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source_type = ctrl.bootSourcesOptions[0];
ctrl.currentBootSource = ctrl.bootSourcesOptions[0].type;
function updateBootSourceSelection(selectedSource) {
ctrl.currentBootSource = selectedSource;
$scope.model.newInstanceSpec.vol_create = false;
$scope.model.newInstanceSpec.vol_delete_on_terminate = false;
// Dynamically update page based on boot source selection
function changeBootSource(key, preSelection) {
updateDataSource(key, preSelection);
function updateDataSource(key, preSelection) {
selection.length = 0;
if (preSelection) {
push.apply(selection, preSelection);
angular.extend(ctrl.tableData, bootSources[key]);
function updateHelpText() {
angular.extend(ctrl.helpText, {
noneAllocText: gettext('Select a source from those listed below.'),
availHelpText: gettext('Select one'),
/*eslint-disable max-len */
volumeAZHelpText: gettext('When selecting volume as boot source, please ensure the instance\'s availability zone is compatible with your volume\'s availability zone.')
/*eslint-enable max-len */
function updateTableHeadCells(key) {
refillArray(ctrl.tableHeadCells, tableHeadCellsMap[key]);
function updateTableBodyCells(key) {
refillArray(ctrl.tableBodyCells, tableBodyCellsMap[key]);
function refillArray(arrayToRefill, contentArray) {
arrayToRefill.length = 0;
Array.prototype.push.apply(arrayToRefill, contentArray);
function updateChart() {
// Initialize instance_count to 1
if ($scope.model.newInstanceSpec.instance_count <= 0) {
$scope.model.newInstanceSpec.instance_count = 1;
var data = ctrl.instanceStats.data;
var added = $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.instance_count || 1;
var remaining = Math.max(0, maxTotalInstances - totalInstancesUsed - added);
ctrl.instanceStats.maxLimit = maxTotalInstances;
data[0].value = totalInstancesUsed;
data[1].value = added;
data[2].value = remaining;
var quotaCalc = Math.round((totalInstancesUsed + added) / maxTotalInstances * 100);
ctrl.instanceStats.overMax = quotaCalc > 100 ? true : false;
ctrl.instanceStats.label = quotaCalc + '%';
ctrl.instanceStats = angular.extend({}, ctrl.instanceStats);
* Validation
* If boot source type is 'image' and 'Create New Volume' is checked, set the minimum volume
* size for validating vol_size field
function checkVolumeForImage() {
var source = selection ? selection[0] : undefined;
if (source && ctrl.currentBootSource === bootSourceTypes.IMAGE) {
var imageGb = source.size * 1e-9;
var imageDisk = source.min_disk;
ctrl.minVolumeSize = Math.ceil(Math.max(imageGb, imageDisk));
var volumeSizeText = gettext('The volume size must be at least %(minVolumeSize)s GB');
var volumeSizeObj = { minVolumeSize: ctrl.minVolumeSize };
ctrl.minVolumeSizeError = interpolate(volumeSizeText, volumeSizeObj, true);
} else {
ctrl.minVolumeSize = undefined;
// Update the maximum instance count based on nova limits
function updateMaxInstanceCount() {
ctrl.maxInstanceCount = maxTotalInstances - totalInstancesUsed;
var instanceCountText = gettext(
'The instance count must not exceed your quota available of %(maxInstanceCount)s instances'
var instanceCountObj = { maxInstanceCount: ctrl.maxInstanceCount };
ctrl.instanceCountMaxError = interpolate(instanceCountText, instanceCountObj, true);
// Validator for boot source type. Instance count must to be 1 if volume selected
function validateBootSourceType() {
var bootSourceType = ctrl.currentBootSource;
var instanceCount = $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.instance_count;
* Field is valid if boot source type is not volume, instance count is blank/undefined
* (this is an error with instance count) or instance count is 1
var isValid = bootSourceType !== bootSourceTypes.VOLUME ||
!instanceCount ||
instanceCount === 1;
.$setValidity('bootSourceType', isValid);
function findSourceById(sources, id) {
var len = sources.length;
var source;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
source = sources[i];
if (source.id === id) {
return source;
function setSourceImageWithId(id) {
var pre = findSourceById($scope.model.images, id);
if (pre) {
changeBootSource(bootSourceTypes.IMAGE, [pre]);
$scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source_type = ctrl.bootSourcesOptions[0];
ctrl.currentBootSource = ctrl.bootSourcesOptions[0].type;