Ying Zuo 827ed2d596 Revert "Remove the quota check for "Launch Instance" button"
This reverts commit 4083d08e86.

Change-Id: If583c69fce4182d4512e6377cef1558b192572be
2017-10-18 21:02:23 +00:00

1295 lines
48 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from django.conf import settings
from django.core import urlresolvers
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django import shortcuts
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import title
from django.utils.http import urlencode
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import npgettext_lazy
from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy
from django.utils.translation import string_concat
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy
from horizon import conf
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import messages
from horizon import tables
from horizon.templatetags import sizeformat
from horizon.utils import filters
from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.floating_ips import workflows
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.instances import tabs
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.instances.workflows \
import resize_instance
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.instances.workflows \
import update_instance
from openstack_dashboard import policy
from openstack_dashboard.views import get_url_with_pagination
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
0: "NO STATE",
3: "PAUSED",
8: "FAILED",
def is_deleting(instance):
task_state = getattr(instance, "OS-EXT-STS:task_state", None)
if not task_state:
return False
return task_state.lower() == "deleting"
class DeleteInstance(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.DeleteAction):
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:delete"),)
help_text = _("Deleted instances are not recoverable.")
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Delete Instance",
u"Delete Instances",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Scheduled deletion of Instance",
u"Scheduled deletion of Instances",
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
error_state = False
if instance:
error_state = (instance.status == 'ERROR')
return error_state or not is_deleting(instance)
def action(self, request, obj_id):
api.nova.server_delete(request, obj_id)
class RebootInstance(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.BatchAction):
name = "reboot"
classes = ('btn-reboot',)
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:reboot"),)
help_text = _("Restarted instances will lose any data"
" not saved in persistent storage.")
action_type = "danger"
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Hard Reboot Instance",
u"Hard Reboot Instances",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Hard Rebooted Instance",
u"Hard Rebooted Instances",
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
if instance is not None:
return ((instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES
or instance.status == 'SHUTOFF')
and not is_deleting(instance))
return True
def action(self, request, obj_id):
api.nova.server_reboot(request, obj_id, soft_reboot=False)
class SoftRebootInstance(RebootInstance):
name = "soft_reboot"
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Soft Reboot Instance",
u"Soft Reboot Instances",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Soft Rebooted Instance",
u"Soft Rebooted Instances",
def action(self, request, obj_id):
api.nova.server_reboot(request, obj_id, soft_reboot=True)
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
if instance is not None:
return instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES
return True
class TogglePause(tables.BatchAction):
name = "pause"
icon = "pause"
def action_present(count):
return (
u"Pause Instance",
u"Pause Instances",
u"Resume Instance",
u"Resume Instances",
def action_past(count):
return (
u"Paused Instance",
u"Paused Instances",
u"Resumed Instance",
u"Resumed Instances",
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
if not api.nova.extension_supported('AdminActions',
return False
if not instance:
return False
self.paused = instance.status == "PAUSED"
if self.paused:
self.current_present_action = UNPAUSE
policy_rules = (
("compute", "os_compute_api:os-pause-server:unpause"),)
self.current_present_action = PAUSE
policy_rules = (
("compute", "os_compute_api:os-pause-server:pause"),)
has_permission = policy.check(
policy_rules, request,
target={'project_id': getattr(instance, 'tenant_id', None)})
return (has_permission
and (instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES or self.paused)
and not is_deleting(instance))
def action(self, request, obj_id):
if self.paused:
api.nova.server_unpause(request, obj_id)
self.current_past_action = UNPAUSE
api.nova.server_pause(request, obj_id)
self.current_past_action = PAUSE
class ToggleSuspend(tables.BatchAction):
name = "suspend"
classes = ("btn-suspend",)
def action_present(count):
return (
u"Suspend Instance",
u"Suspend Instances",
u"Resume Instance",
u"Resume Instances",
def action_past(count):
return (
u"Suspended Instance",
u"Suspended Instances",
u"Resumed Instance",
u"Resumed Instances",
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
if not api.nova.extension_supported('AdminActions',
return False
if not instance:
return False
self.suspended = instance.status == "SUSPENDED"
if self.suspended:
self.current_present_action = RESUME
policy_rules = (
("compute", "os_compute_api:os-rescue"),)
self.current_present_action = SUSPEND
policy_rules = (
("compute", "os_compute_api:os-suspend-server:suspend"),)
has_permission = policy.check(
policy_rules, request,
target={'project_id': getattr(instance, 'tenant_id', None)})
return (has_permission
and (instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES or self.suspended)
and not is_deleting(instance))
def action(self, request, obj_id):
if self.suspended:
api.nova.server_resume(request, obj_id)
self.current_past_action = RESUME
api.nova.server_suspend(request, obj_id)
self.current_past_action = SUSPEND
class ToggleShelve(tables.BatchAction):
name = "shelve"
icon = "shelve"
def action_present(count):
return (
u"Shelve Instance",
u"Shelve Instances",
u"Unshelve Instance",
u"Unshelve Instances",
def action_past(count):
return (
u"Shelved Instance",
u"Shelved Instances",
u"Unshelved Instance",
u"Unshelved Instances",
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
if not api.nova.extension_supported('Shelve', request):
return False
if not instance:
return False
if not request.user.is_superuser and getattr(
instance, 'locked', False):
return False
self.shelved = instance.status == "SHELVED_OFFLOADED"
if self.shelved:
self.current_present_action = UNSHELVE
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:os-shelve:unshelve"),)
self.current_present_action = SHELVE
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:os-shelve:shelve"),)
has_permission = policy.check(
policy_rules, request,
target={'project_id': getattr(instance, 'tenant_id', None)})
return (has_permission
and (instance.status in SHELVE_READY_STATES or self.shelved)
and not is_deleting(instance))
def action(self, request, obj_id):
if self.shelved:
api.nova.server_unshelve(request, obj_id)
self.current_past_action = UNSHELVE
api.nova.server_shelve(request, obj_id)
self.current_past_action = SHELVE
class LaunchLink(tables.LinkAction):
name = "launch"
verbose_name = _("Launch Instance")
url = "horizon:project:instances:launch"
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-launch")
icon = "cloud-upload"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:create"),)
ajax = True
def __init__(self, attrs=None, **kwargs):
kwargs['preempt'] = True
super(LaunchLink, self).__init__(attrs, **kwargs)
def allowed(self, request, datum):
limits = api.nova.tenant_absolute_limits(request, reserved=True)
instances_available = limits['maxTotalInstances'] \
- limits['totalInstancesUsed']
cores_available = limits['maxTotalCores'] \
- limits['totalCoresUsed']
ram_available = limits['maxTotalRAMSize'] - limits['totalRAMUsed']
if instances_available <= 0 or cores_available <= 0 \
or ram_available <= 0:
if "disabled" not in self.classes:
self.classes = [c for c in self.classes] + ['disabled']
self.verbose_name = string_concat(self.verbose_name, ' ',
_("(Quota exceeded)"))
self.verbose_name = _("Launch Instance")
classes = [c for c in self.classes if c != "disabled"]
self.classes = classes
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Failed to retrieve quota information")
# If we can't get the quota information, leave it to the
# API to check when launching
return True # The action should always be displayed
def single(self, table, request, object_id=None):
self.allowed(request, None)
return HttpResponse(self.render(is_table_action=True))
class LaunchLinkNG(LaunchLink):
name = "launch-ng"
url = "horizon:project:instances:index"
ajax = False
classes = ("btn-launch", )
def get_default_attrs(self):
url = urlresolvers.reverse(self.url)
ngclick = "modal.openLaunchInstanceWizard(" \
"{ successUrl: '%s' })" % url
'ng-controller': 'LaunchInstanceModalController as modal',
'ng-click': ngclick
return super(LaunchLinkNG, self).get_default_attrs()
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
return "javascript:void(0);"
class EditInstance(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "edit"
verbose_name = _("Edit Instance")
url = "horizon:project:instances:update"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "pencil"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:update"),)
def get_link_url(self, project):
return self._get_link_url(project, 'instance_info')
def _get_link_url(self, project, step_slug):
base_url = urlresolvers.reverse(self.url, args=[project.id])
next_url = self.table.get_full_url()
params = {"step": step_slug,
update_instance.UpdateInstance.redirect_param_name: next_url}
param = urlencode(params)
return "?".join([base_url, param])
def allowed(self, request, instance):
return not is_deleting(instance)
class EditInstanceSecurityGroups(EditInstance):
name = "edit_secgroups"
verbose_name = _("Edit Security Groups")
def get_link_url(self, project):
return self._get_link_url(project, 'update_security_groups')
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
if not api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'network'):
return False
return (instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES and
not is_deleting(instance) and
request.user.tenant_id == instance.tenant_id)
class CreateSnapshot(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "snapshot"
verbose_name = _("Create Snapshot")
url = "horizon:project:images:snapshots:create"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "camera"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:snapshot"),)
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
return instance.status in SNAPSHOT_READY_STATES \
and not is_deleting(instance)
class ConsoleLink(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "console"
verbose_name = _("Console")
url = "horizon:project:instances:detail"
classes = ("btn-console",)
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:os-consoles:index"),)
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
# We check if ConsoleLink is allowed only if settings.CONSOLE_TYPE is
# not set at all, or if it's set to any value other than None or False.
return bool(getattr(settings, 'CONSOLE_TYPE', True)) and \
instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES and not is_deleting(instance)
def get_link_url(self, datum):
base_url = super(ConsoleLink, self).get_link_url(datum)
tab_query_string = tabs.ConsoleTab(
return "?".join([base_url, tab_query_string])
class LogLink(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "log"
verbose_name = _("View Log")
url = "horizon:project:instances:detail"
classes = ("btn-log",)
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:os-console-output"),)
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
return instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES and not is_deleting(instance)
def get_link_url(self, datum):
base_url = super(LogLink, self).get_link_url(datum)
tab_query_string = tabs.LogTab(
return "?".join([base_url, tab_query_string])
class ResizeLink(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "resize"
verbose_name = _("Resize Instance")
url = "horizon:project:instances:resize"
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-resize")
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:resize"),)
action_type = "danger"
def get_link_url(self, project):
return self._get_link_url(project, 'flavor_choice')
def _get_link_url(self, project, step_slug):
base_url = urlresolvers.reverse(self.url, args=[project.id])
next_url = self.table.get_full_url()
params = {"step": step_slug,
resize_instance.ResizeInstance.redirect_param_name: next_url}
param = urlencode(params)
return "?".join([base_url, param])
def allowed(self, request, instance):
return ((instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES
or instance.status == 'SHUTOFF')
and not is_deleting(instance))
class ConfirmResize(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.Action):
name = "confirm"
verbose_name = _("Confirm Resize/Migrate")
classes = ("btn-confirm", "btn-action-required")
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:confirm_resize"),)
def allowed(self, request, instance):
return instance.status == 'VERIFY_RESIZE'
def single(self, table, request, instance):
api.nova.server_confirm_resize(request, instance)
class RevertResize(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.Action):
name = "revert"
verbose_name = _("Revert Resize/Migrate")
classes = ("btn-revert", "btn-action-required")
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:revert_resize"),)
def allowed(self, request, instance):
return instance.status == 'VERIFY_RESIZE'
def single(self, table, request, instance):
api.nova.server_revert_resize(request, instance)
class RebuildInstance(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "rebuild"
verbose_name = _("Rebuild Instance")
classes = ("btn-rebuild", "ajax-modal")
url = "horizon:project:instances:rebuild"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:rebuild"),)
action_type = "danger"
def allowed(self, request, instance):
return ((instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES
or instance.status == 'SHUTOFF')
and not is_deleting(instance))
def get_link_url(self, datum):
instance_id = self.table.get_object_id(datum)
return urlresolvers.reverse(self.url, args=[instance_id])
class DecryptInstancePassword(tables.LinkAction):
name = "decryptpassword"
verbose_name = _("Retrieve Password")
classes = ("btn-decrypt", "ajax-modal")
url = "horizon:project:instances:decryptpassword"
def allowed(self, request, instance):
enable = getattr(settings,
return (enable
and (instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES
or instance.status == 'SHUTOFF')
and not is_deleting(instance)
and get_keyname(instance) is not None)
def get_link_url(self, datum):
instance_id = self.table.get_object_id(datum)
keypair_name = get_keyname(datum)
return urlresolvers.reverse(self.url, args=[instance_id,
class AssociateIP(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "associate"
verbose_name = _("Associate Floating IP")
url = "horizon:project:floating_ips:associate"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "link"
policy_rules = (("network", "update_floatingip"),)
def allowed(self, request, instance):
if not api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'network'):
return False
if not api.neutron.floating_ip_supported(request):
return False
if api.neutron.floating_ip_simple_associate_supported(request):
return False
if instance.status == "ERROR":
return False
for addresses in instance.addresses.values():
for address in addresses:
if address.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type') == "floating":
return False
return not is_deleting(instance)
def get_link_url(self, datum):
base_url = urlresolvers.reverse(self.url)
next_url = self.table.get_full_url()
params = {
"instance_id": self.table.get_object_id(datum),
workflows.IPAssociationWorkflow.redirect_param_name: next_url}
params = urlencode(params)
return "?".join([base_url, params])
# TODO(amotoki): [drop-nova-network] The current SimpleDisassociateIP
# just disassociates the first found FIP. It looks better to have a form
# which allows to choose which FIP should be disassociated.
# HORIZON_CONFIG['simple_ip_management'] can be dropped then.
class SimpleDisassociateIP(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.Action):
name = "disassociate"
verbose_name = _("Disassociate Floating IP")
classes = ("btn-disassociate",)
policy_rules = (("network", "update_floatingip"),)
action_type = "danger"
def allowed(self, request, instance):
if not api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'network'):
return False
if not api.neutron.floating_ip_supported(request):
return False
if not conf.HORIZON_CONFIG["simple_ip_management"]:
return False
for addresses in instance.addresses.values():
for address in addresses:
if address.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type') == "floating":
return not is_deleting(instance)
return False
def single(self, table, request, instance_id):
# target_id is port_id for Neutron and instance_id for Nova Network
# (Neutron API wrapper returns a 'portid_fixedip' string)
targets = api.neutron.floating_ip_target_list_by_instance(
request, instance_id)
target_ids = [t.split('_')[0] for t in targets]
fips = [fip for fip in api.neutron.tenant_floating_ip_list(request)
if fip.port_id in target_ids]
# Removing multiple floating IPs at once doesn't work, so this pops
# off the first one.
if fips:
fip = fips.pop()
api.neutron.floating_ip_disassociate(request, fip.id)
_("Successfully disassociated "
"floating IP: %s") % fip.ip)
messages.info(request, _("No floating IPs to disassociate."))
except Exception:
_("Unable to disassociate floating IP."))
return shortcuts.redirect(request.get_full_path())
class UpdateMetadata(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "update_metadata"
verbose_name = _("Update Metadata")
ajax = False
icon = "pencil"
attrs = {"ng-controller": "MetadataModalHelperController as modal"}
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:server-metadata:update"),)
def __init__(self, attrs=None, **kwargs):
kwargs['preempt'] = True
super(UpdateMetadata, self).__init__(attrs, **kwargs)
def get_link_url(self, datum):
instance_id = self.table.get_object_id(datum)
self.attrs['ng-click'] = (
"modal.openMetadataModal('instance', '%s', true, 'metadata')"
% instance_id)
return "javascript:void(0);"
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
return (instance and
instance.status.lower() != 'error')
def instance_fault_to_friendly_message(instance):
fault = getattr(instance, 'fault', {})
message = fault.get('message', _("Unknown"))
default_message = _("Please try again later [Error: %s].") % message
fault_map = {
'NoValidHost': _("There is not enough capacity for this "
"flavor in the selected availability zone. "
"Try again later or select a different availability "
return fault_map.get(message, default_message)
def get_instance_error(instance):
if instance.status.lower() != 'error':
return None
message = instance_fault_to_friendly_message(instance)
preamble = _('Failed to perform requested operation on instance "%s", the '
'instance has an error status') % instance.name or instance.id
message = string_concat(preamble, ': ', message)
return message
class UpdateRow(tables.Row):
ajax = True
def get_data(self, request, instance_id):
instance = api.nova.server_get(request, instance_id)
instance.full_flavor = api.nova.flavor_get(request,
except Exception:
_('Unable to retrieve flavor information '
'for instance "%s".') % instance_id,
api.network.servers_update_addresses(request, [instance])
except Exception:
_('Unable to retrieve Network information '
'for instance "%s".') % instance_id,
error = get_instance_error(instance)
if error:
messages.error(request, error)
return instance
class StartInstance(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.BatchAction):
name = "start"
classes = ('btn-confirm',)
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:start"),)
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Start Instance",
u"Start Instances",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Started Instance",
u"Started Instances",
def allowed(self, request, instance):
return ((instance is None) or
(instance.status in ("SHUTDOWN", "SHUTOFF", "CRASHED")))
def action(self, request, obj_id):
api.nova.server_start(request, obj_id)
class StopInstance(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.BatchAction):
name = "stop"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:stop"),)
help_text = _("The instance(s) will be shut off.")
action_type = "danger"
def action_present(count):
return npgettext_lazy(
"Action to perform (the instance is currently running)",
u"Shut Off Instance",
u"Shut Off Instances",
def action_past(count):
return npgettext_lazy(
"Past action (the instance is currently already Shut Off)",
u"Shut Off Instance",
u"Shut Off Instances",
def allowed(self, request, instance):
return ((instance is None)
or ((get_power_state(instance) in ("RUNNING", "SUSPENDED"))
and not is_deleting(instance)))
def action(self, request, obj_id):
api.nova.server_stop(request, obj_id)
class LockInstance(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.BatchAction):
name = "lock"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:os-lock-server:lock"),)
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Lock Instance",
u"Lock Instances",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Locked Instance",
u"Locked Instances",
# to only allow unlocked instances to be locked
def allowed(self, request, instance):
if getattr(instance, 'locked', False):
return False
if not api.nova.extension_supported('AdminActions', request):
return False
if not api.nova.is_feature_available(request, "locked_attribute"):
return False
return True
def action(self, request, obj_id):
api.nova.server_lock(request, obj_id)
class UnlockInstance(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.BatchAction):
name = "unlock"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:os-lock-server:unlock"),)
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Unlock Instance",
u"Unlock Instances",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Unlocked Instance",
u"Unlocked Instances",
# to only allow locked instances to be unlocked
def allowed(self, request, instance):
if not getattr(instance, 'locked', True):
return False
if not api.nova.extension_supported('AdminActions', request):
return False
if not api.nova.is_feature_available(request, "locked_attribute"):
return False
return True
def action(self, request, obj_id):
api.nova.server_unlock(request, obj_id)
class AttachVolume(tables.LinkAction):
name = "attach_volume"
verbose_name = _("Attach Volume")
url = "horizon:project:instances:attach_volume"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:attach_volume"),)
# This action should be disabled if the instance
# is not active, or the instance is being deleted
# or cinder is not enabled
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
return instance.status in ("ACTIVE") \
and not is_deleting(instance) \
and api.cinder.is_volume_service_enabled(request)
class DetachVolume(AttachVolume):
name = "detach_volume"
verbose_name = _("Detach Volume")
url = "horizon:project:instances:detach_volume"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:detach_volume"),)
# This action should be disabled if the instance
# is not active, or the instance is being deleted
# or cinder is not enabled
def allowed(self, request, instance=None):
return instance.status in ("ACTIVE") \
and not is_deleting(instance) \
and api.cinder.is_volume_service_enabled(request)
class AttachInterface(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "attach_interface"
verbose_name = _("Attach Interface")
classes = ("btn-confirm", "ajax-modal")
url = "horizon:project:instances:attach_interface"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:os-attach-interfaces"),)
def allowed(self, request, instance):
return ((instance.status in ACTIVE_STATES
or instance.status == 'SHUTOFF')
and not is_deleting(instance)
and api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'network'))
def get_link_url(self, datum):
instance_id = self.table.get_object_id(datum)
return urlresolvers.reverse(self.url, args=[instance_id])
# TODO(lyj): the policy for detach interface not exists in nova.json,
# once it's added, it should be added here.
class DetachInterface(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "detach_interface"
verbose_name = _("Detach Interface")
classes = ("btn-confirm", "ajax-modal")
url = "horizon:project:instances:detach_interface"
def allowed(self, request, instance):
if not api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'network'):
return False
if is_deleting(instance):
return False
if (instance.status not in ACTIVE_STATES and
instance.status != 'SHUTOFF'):
return False
for addresses in instance.addresses.values():
for address in addresses:
if address.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type') == "fixed":
return True
return False
def get_link_url(self, datum):
instance_id = self.table.get_object_id(datum)
return urlresolvers.reverse(self.url, args=[instance_id])
def get_ips(instance):
template_name = 'project/instances/_instance_ips.html'
ip_groups = {}
for ip_group, addresses in instance.addresses.items():
ip_groups[ip_group] = {}
ip_groups[ip_group]["floating"] = []
ip_groups[ip_group]["non_floating"] = []
for address in addresses:
if ('OS-EXT-IPS:type' in address and
address['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == "floating"):
context = {
"ip_groups": ip_groups,
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
def get_flavor(instance):
if hasattr(instance, "full_flavor"):
template_name = 'project/instances/_instance_flavor.html'
size_ram = sizeformat.mb_float_format(instance.full_flavor.ram)
if instance.full_flavor.disk > 0:
size_disk = sizeformat.diskgbformat(instance.full_flavor.disk)
size_disk = _("%s GB") % "0"
context = {
"name": instance.full_flavor.name,
"id": instance.id,
"size_disk": size_disk,
"size_ram": size_ram,
"vcpus": instance.full_flavor.vcpus,
"flavor_id": instance.full_flavor.id
return template.loader.render_to_string(template_name, context)
return _("Not available")
def get_keyname(instance):
if hasattr(instance, "key_name"):
keyname = instance.key_name
return keyname
return _("Not available")
def get_power_state(instance):
return POWER_STATES.get(getattr(instance, "OS-EXT-STS:power_state", 0), '')
("deleted", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Deleted")),
("active", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Active")),
("shutoff", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Shutoff")),
("suspended", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance",
("paused", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Paused")),
("error", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Error")),
("resize", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance",
("verify_resize", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance",
u"Confirm or Revert Resize/Migrate")),
("revert_resize", pgettext_lazy(
"Current status of an Instance", u"Revert Resize/Migrate")),
("reboot", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Reboot")),
("hard_reboot", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance",
u"Hard Reboot")),
("password", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Password")),
("rebuild", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Rebuild")),
("migrating", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance",
("build", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Build")),
("rescue", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Rescue")),
("soft-delete", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance",
u"Soft Deleted")),
("shelved", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Shelved")),
("shelved_offloaded", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance",
u"Shelved Offloaded")),
# these vm states are used when generating CSV usage summary
("building", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Building")),
("stopped", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Stopped")),
("rescued", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Rescued")),
("resized", pgettext_lazy("Current status of an Instance", u"Resized")),
TASK_DISPLAY_NONE = pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"None")
# Mapping of task states taken from Nova's nova/compute/task_states.py
("scheduling", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
("block_device_mapping", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Block Device Mapping")),
("networking", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
("spawning", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Spawning")),
("image_snapshot", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
("image_snapshot_pending", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Image Snapshot Pending")),
("image_pending_upload", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Image Pending Upload")),
("image_uploading", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Image Uploading")),
("image_backup", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Image Backup")),
("updating_password", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Updating Password")),
("resize_prep", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Preparing Resize or Migrate")),
("resize_migrating", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Resizing or Migrating")),
("resize_migrated", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Resized or Migrated")),
("resize_finish", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Finishing Resize or Migrate")),
("resize_reverting", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Reverting Resize or Migrate")),
("resize_confirming", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Confirming Resize or Migrate")),
("rebooting", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Rebooting")),
("reboot_pending", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Reboot Pending")),
("reboot_started", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Reboot Started")),
("rebooting_hard", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Hard Rebooting")),
("reboot_pending_hard", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Hard Reboot Pending")),
("reboot_started_hard", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Hard Reboot Started")),
("pausing", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Pausing")),
("unpausing", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Resuming")),
("suspending", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
("resuming", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Resuming")),
("powering-off", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Powering Off")),
("powering-on", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Powering On")),
("rescuing", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Rescuing")),
("unrescuing", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
("rebuilding", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
("rebuild_block_device_mapping", pgettext_lazy(
"Task status of an Instance", u"Rebuild Block Device Mapping")),
("rebuild_spawning", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Rebuild Spawning")),
("migrating", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Migrating")),
("deleting", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Deleting")),
("soft-deleting", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Soft Deleting")),
("restoring", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Restoring")),
("shelving", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance", u"Shelving")),
("shelving_image_pending_upload", pgettext_lazy(
"Task status of an Instance", u"Shelving Image Pending Upload")),
("shelving_image_uploading", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Shelving Image Uploading")),
("shelving_offloading", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
u"Shelving Offloading")),
("unshelving", pgettext_lazy("Task status of an Instance",
("NO STATE", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"No State")),
("RUNNING", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"Running")),
("BLOCKED", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"Blocked")),
("PAUSED", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"Paused")),
("SHUTDOWN", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"Shut Down")),
("SHUTOFF", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"Shut Off")),
("CRASHED", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"Crashed")),
("SUSPENDED", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"Suspended")),
("FAILED", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"Failed")),
("BUILDING", pgettext_lazy("Power state of an Instance", u"Building")),
('uuid', _("Instance ID ="), True),
('name', _("Instance Name ="), True),
('image', _("Image ID ="), True),
('image_name', _("Image Name ="), True),
('ip', _("IPv4 Address ="), True),
('ip6', _("IPv6 Address ="), True, None,
('flavor', _("Flavor ID ="), True),
('flavor_name', _("Flavor Name ="), True),
('key_name', _("Key Pair Name ="), True),
('status', _("Status ="), True),
('availability_zone', _("Availability Zone ="), True),
('changes-since', _("Changes Since"), True,
_("Filter by an ISO 8061 formatted time, e.g. 2016-06-14T06:27:59Z")),
('vcpus', _("vCPUs ="), True),
class InstancesFilterAction(tables.FilterAction):
filter_type = "server"
def render_locked(instance):
if not hasattr(instance, 'locked'):
return ""
if instance.locked:
icon_classes = "fa fa-fw fa-lock"
help_tooltip = _("This instance is currently locked. To enable more "
"actions on it, please unlock it by selecting Unlock "
"Instance from the actions menu.")
icon_classes = "fa fa-fw fa-unlock text-muted"
help_tooltip = _("This instance is unlocked.")
locked_status = ('<span data-toggle="tooltip" title="{}" class="{}">'
'</span>').format(help_tooltip, icon_classes)
return mark_safe(locked_status)
def get_server_detail_link(obj, request):
return get_url_with_pagination(request,
class InstancesTable(tables.DataTable):
(None, True),
("none", True)
("active", True),
("shutoff", True),
("suspended", True),
("paused", True),
("error", False),
("rescue", True),
("shelved", True),
("shelved_offloaded", True),
name = tables.WrappingColumn("name",
verbose_name=_("Instance Name"))
image_name = tables.WrappingColumn("image_name",
verbose_name=_("Image Name"))
ip = tables.Column(get_ips,
verbose_name=_("IP Address"),
attrs={'data-type': "ip"})
flavor = tables.Column(get_flavor,
keypair = tables.Column(get_keyname, verbose_name=_("Key Pair"))
status = tables.Column("status",
filters=(title, filters.replace_underscores),
locked = tables.Column(render_locked,
az = tables.Column("availability_zone",
verbose_name=_("Availability Zone"))
task = tables.Column("OS-EXT-STS:task_state",
state = tables.Column(get_power_state,
filters=(title, filters.replace_underscores),
verbose_name=_("Power State"),
created = tables.Column("created",
verbose_name=_("Time since created"),
attrs={'data-type': 'timesince'})
class Meta(object):
name = "instances"
verbose_name = _("Instances")
status_columns = ["status", "task"]
row_class = UpdateRow
table_actions_menu = (StartInstance, StopInstance, SoftRebootInstance)
launch_actions = ()
if getattr(settings, 'LAUNCH_INSTANCE_LEGACY_ENABLED', False):
launch_actions = (LaunchLink,) + launch_actions
if getattr(settings, 'LAUNCH_INSTANCE_NG_ENABLED', True):
launch_actions = (LaunchLinkNG,) + launch_actions
table_actions = launch_actions + (DeleteInstance,
row_actions = (StartInstance, ConfirmResize, RevertResize,
CreateSnapshot, AssociateIP,
SimpleDisassociateIP, AttachInterface,
DetachInterface, EditInstance, AttachVolume,
DetachVolume, UpdateMetadata, DecryptInstancePassword,
EditInstanceSecurityGroups, ConsoleLink, LogLink,
TogglePause, ToggleSuspend, ToggleShelve,
ResizeLink, LockInstance, UnlockInstance,
SoftRebootInstance, RebootInstance,
StopInstance, RebuildInstance, DeleteInstance)