In an effort to help horizon more friendly to OpenStack hacking guidelines, we now gate on H40* violations. Change-Id: Id07294543660368d2f7f5ac363710176ab23b874 Signed-off-by: Paul Belanger <paul.belanger@polybeacon.com>
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785 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import threading
from ceilometerclient import client as ceilometer_client
from django.conf import settings # noqa
from openstack_dashboard.api import base
from openstack_dashboard.api import keystone
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def is_iterable(var):
"""Return True if the given is list or tuple."""
return (isinstance(var, (list, tuple)) or
issubclass(var.__class__, (list, tuple)))
def make_query(user_id=None, tenant_id=None, resource_id=None,
user_ids=None, tenant_ids=None, resource_ids=None):
"""Returns query built form given parameters.
This query can be then used for querying resources, meters and
- `user_id`: user_id, has a priority over list of ids
- `tenant_id`: tenant_id, has a priority over list of ids
- `resource_id`: resource_id, has a priority over list of ids
- `user_ids`: list of user_ids
- `tenant_ids`: list of tenant_ids
- `resource_ids`: list of resource_ids
user_ids = user_ids or []
tenant_ids = tenant_ids or []
resource_ids = resource_ids or []
query = []
if user_id:
user_ids = [user_id]
for u_id in user_ids:
query.append({"field": "user_id", "op": "eq", "value": u_id})
if tenant_id:
tenant_ids = [tenant_id]
for t_id in tenant_ids:
query.append({"field": "project_id", "op": "eq", "value": t_id})
if resource_id:
resource_ids = [resource_id]
for r_id in resource_ids:
query.append({"field": "resource_id", "op": "eq", "value": r_id})
return query
class Meter(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Represents one Ceilometer meter."""
_attrs = ['name', 'type', 'unit', 'resource_id', 'user_id',
class Resource(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Represents one Ceilometer resource."""
_attrs = ['resource_id', 'source', 'user_id', 'project_id', 'metadata',
def __init__(self, apiresource, ceilometer_usage=None):
super(Resource, self).__init__(apiresource)
# Save empty strings to IDs rather then None, sop it gets
# serialized correctly. We don't want 'None' strings.
self.project_id = self.project_id or ""
self.user_id = self.user_id or ""
self.resource_id = self.resource_id or ""
self._id = "%s__%s__%s" % (self.project_id,
# TODO(lsmola) make parallel obtaining of tenant and user
# make the threading here, thread join into resource_list
if ceilometer_usage and self.project_id:
self._tenant = ceilometer_usage.get_tenant(self.project_id)
self._tenant = None
if ceilometer_usage and self.user_id:
self._user = ceilometer_usage.get_user(self.user_id)
self._user = None
self._query = make_query(tenant_id=self.project_id,
def name(self):
name = self.metadata.get("name", None)
display_name = self.metadata.get("display_name", None)
return name or display_name or ""
def id(self):
return self._id
def tenant(self):
return self._tenant
def user(self):
return self._user
def resource(self):
return self.resource_id
def query(self):
return self._query
class ResourceAggregate(Resource):
"""Represents aggregate of more resources together.
Aggregate of resources can be obtain by specifing
multiple ids in one parameter or by not specifying
one parameter.
Or it can be specified by query directly.
We obtain can have aggregate of resources by specifying
multiple resource_ids in resource_id parameter in init.
Or we can specify only tenant_id, which will return
all resources of that tenant.
def __init__(self, tenant_id=None, user_id=None, resource_id=None,
tenant_ids=None, user_ids=None, resource_ids=None,
ceilometer_usage=None, query=None, identifier=None):
self._id = identifier
self.tenant_id = None
self.user_id = None
self.resource_id = None
if query:
self._query = query
# TODO(lsmola) make parallel obtaining of tenant and user
# make the threading here, thread join into resource_list
if (ceilometer_usage and tenant_id):
self.tenant_id = tenant_id
self._tenant = ceilometer_usage.get_tenant(tenant_id)
self._tenant = None
if (ceilometer_usage and user_id):
self.user_id = user_id
self._user = ceilometer_usage.get_user(user_id)
self._user = None
if (resource_id):
self.resource_id = resource_id
self._query = make_query(tenant_id=tenant_id, user_id=user_id,
resource_id=resource_id, tenant_ids=tenant_ids,
user_ids=user_ids, resource_ids=resource_ids)
def id(self):
return self._id
class Sample(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Represents one Ceilometer sample."""
_attrs = ['counter_name', 'user_id', 'resource_id', 'timestamp',
'resource_metadata', 'source', 'counter_unit', 'counter_volume',
'project_id', 'counter_type', 'resource_metadata']
def instance(self):
display_name = self.resource_metadata.get('display_name', None)
instance_id = self.resource_metadata.get('instance_id', None)
return display_name or instance_id
def name(self):
name = self.resource_metadata.get("name", None)
display_name = self.resource_metadata.get("display_name", None)
return name or display_name or ""
class Statistic(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Represents one Ceilometer statistic."""
_attrs = ['period', 'period_start', 'period_end',
'count', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'avg',
'duration', 'duration_start', 'duration_end']
class GlobalDiskUsage(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Represents collection of resources with statistic of defined meters.
Resources are filtered either by given default query or by
meters in python. It's preferred to use default_query as it is more
_attrs = ["id", "tenant", "user", "resource", "disk_read_bytes",
"disk_read_requests", "disk_write_bytes",
meters = ["disk.read.bytes",
default_query = [{"field": "metadata.OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone",
"op": "eq",
"value": "nova"}]
stats_attr = "avg"
class GlobalNetworkTrafficUsage(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Represents collection of resources with statistic of defined meters.
Resources are filtered either by given default query or by
meters in python. It's preferred to use default_query as it is more
_attrs = ["id", "tenant", "user", "resource", "network_incoming_bytes",
"network_incoming_packets", "network_outgoing_bytes",
meters = ["network.incoming.bytes",
# TODO(lsmola) once the API will support it need to add default query,
# instead of filtering resources in python by the filter_func
default_query = None
stats_attr = "avg"
class GlobalNetworkUsage(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Represents collection of resources with statistic of defined meters.
Resources are filtered either by given default query or by
meters in python. It's preferred to use default_query as it is more
_attrs = ["id", "tenant", "user", "resource", "network", "network_create",
"subnet", "subnet_create", "port", "port_create", "router",
"router_create", "ip_floating", "ip_floating_create"]
meters = ["network", "network_create",
"subnet", "subnet_create",
"port", "port_create",
"router", "router_create",
"ip_floating", "ip_floating_create"]
# TODO(lsmola) once the API will support it need to add default query,
# instead of filtering resources in python by the filter_func
default_query = None
stats_attr = "max"
class GlobalObjectStoreUsage(base.APIResourceWrapper):
"""Represents collection of resources with statistic of defined meters.
Resources are filtered either by given default query or by
meters in python. It's preferred to use default_query as it is more
_attrs = ["id", "tenant", "user", "resource", "storage_objects",
"storage_objects_size", "storage_objects_outgoing_bytes",
meters = ["storage.objects",
# TODO(lsmola) once the API will support it need to add default query,
# instead of filtering resources in python by the filter_func
default_query = None
stats_attr = "avg"
def ceilometerclient(request):
"""Initialization of Ceilometer client."""
endpoint = base.url_for(request, 'metering')
insecure = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY', False)
cacert = getattr(settings, 'OPENSTACK_SSL_CACERT', None)
LOG.debug('ceilometerclient connection created using token "%s" '
'and endpoint "%s"' % (request.user.token.id, endpoint))
return ceilometer_client.Client('2', endpoint,
token=(lambda: request.user.token.id),
def resource_list(request, query=None, ceilometer_usage_object=None):
"""List the resources."""
resources = ceilometerclient(request).\
return [Resource(r, ceilometer_usage_object) for r in resources]
def sample_list(request, meter_name, query=None):
"""List the samples for this meters."""
samples = ceilometerclient(request).samples.list(meter_name=meter_name,
return [Sample(s) for s in samples]
def meter_list(request, query=None):
"""List the user's meters."""
meters = ceilometerclient(request).meters.list(query)
return [Meter(m) for m in meters]
def statistic_list(request, meter_name, query=None, period=None):
"""List of statistics."""
statistics = ceilometerclient(request).\
statistics.list(meter_name=meter_name, q=query, period=period)
return [Statistic(s) for s in statistics]
class ThreadedUpdateResourceWithStatistics(threading.Thread):
"""Multithread wrapper for update_with_statistics method of
A join logic is placed in process_list class method. All resources
will have its statistics attribute filled in separate threads.
The resource_usage object is shared between threads. Each thread is
updating one Resource.
- `resource`: Resource or ResourceAggregate object, that will
be filled by statistic data.
- `resources`: List of Resource or ResourceAggregate object,
that will be filled by statistic data.
- `resource_usage`: Wrapping resource usage object, that holds
all statistics data.
- `meter_names`: List of meter names of the statistics we want.
- `period`: In seconds. If no period is given, only one aggregate
statistic is returned. If given, a faceted result will be
returned, divided into given periods. Periods with no
data are ignored.
- `stats_attr`: String representing the attribute name of the stats.
E.g. (avg, max, min...) If None is given, whole
statistic object is returned,
- `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics.
E.g. timespan, etc.
# TODO(lsmola) Can be removed once Ceilometer supports sample-api
# and group-by, so all of this optimization will not be necessary.
# It is planned somewhere to I.
def __init__(self, resource_usage, resource, meter_names=None,
period=None, filter_func=None, stats_attr=None,
super(ThreadedUpdateResourceWithStatistics, self).__init__()
self.resource_usage = resource_usage
self.resource = resource
self.meter_names = meter_names
self.period = period
self.stats_attr = stats_attr
self.additional_query = additional_query
def run(self):
# Run the job
meter_names=self.meter_names, period=self.period,
stats_attr=self.stats_attr, additional_query=self.additional_query)
def process_list(cls, resource_usage, resources, meter_names=None,
period=None, filter_func=None, stats_attr=None,
threads = []
for resource in resources:
# add statistics data into resource
thread = cls(resource_usage, resource, meter_names=meter_names,
period=period, stats_attr=stats_attr,
for thread in threads:
class CeilometerUsage(object):
"""Represents wrapper of any Ceilometer queries.
One instance of this class should be shared between resources
as this class provides a place where users and tenants are
cached. So there are no duplicate queries to API.
This class also wraps Ceilometer API calls and provides parallel
HTTP calls to API.
This class should also serve as reasonable abstraction, that will
cover huge amount of optimization due to optimization of Ceilometer
service, without changing of the interface.
def __init__(self, request):
self._request = request
# Cached users and tenants.
self._users = {}
self._tenants = {}
def get_user(self, user_id):
"""Returns user fetched form API
Caching the result, so it doesn't contact API twice with the
same query
user = self._users.get(user_id, None)
if not user:
user = keystone.user_get(self._request, user_id)
# caching the user, for later use
self._users[user_id] = user
return user
def preload_all_users(self):
"""Preloads all users into dictionary.
It's more effective to preload all users, rather the fetching many
users by separate API get calls.
users = keystone.user_list(self._request)
# Cache all users on right indexes, this is more effective than to
# obtain large number of users one by one by keystone.user_get
for u in users:
self._users[u.id] = u
def get_tenant(self, tenant_id):
"""Returns tenant fetched form API.
Caching the result, so it doesn't contact API twice with the
same query
tenant = self._tenants.get(tenant_id, None)
if not tenant:
tenant = keystone.tenant_get(self._request, tenant_id)
# caching the tenant for later use
self._tenants[tenant_id] = tenant
return tenant
def preload_all_tenants(self):
"""Preloads all teannts into dictionary.
It's more effective to preload all tenants, rather the fetching many
tenants by separate API get calls.
tenants, more = keystone.tenant_list(self._request)
# Cache all tenants on right indexes, this is more effective than to
# obtain large number of tenants one by one by keystone.tenant_get
for t in tenants:
self._tenants[t.id] = t
def global_data_get(self, used_cls=None, query=None,
with_statistics=False, additional_query=None,
"""Obtaining a resources for table view.
It obtains resources with statistics data according to declaration
in used_cls class.
- `user_cls`: Class wrapper for usage data. It acts as wrapper for
settings needed. See the call of this method for
- `query`: Explicit query definition for fetching the resources. If
no query is provided, it takes a default_query from
used_cls. If no default query is provided, it fetches
all the resources and filters them by meters defined
in used_cls.
- `with_statistic`: Define whether statistics data from the meters
defined in used_cls should be fetched.
Can be used to first obtain only the pure
resources, then with the statistics data by
- `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics.
E.g. timespan, etc.
- `with_users_and_tenants`: If true a user and a tenant object will
be added to each resource object.
default_query = used_cls.default_query
query = query or default_query
filter_func = None
def filter_resources(resource):
"""Method for filtering resources by theirs links.rel attr.
The links.rel attributes contains all meters the resource have.
for link in resource.links:
if link['rel'] in used_cls.meters:
return True
return False
if not query:
# Not all resource types can be obtain by query, if there is not
# a query, we are filtering all resources by this function.
filter_func = filter_resources
if with_statistics:
# Will add statistic data into resources.
resources = self.resources_with_statistics(
# Will load only resources without statistical data.
resources = self.resources(query, filter_func=filter_func,
return [used_cls(resource) for resource in resources]
def global_disk_usage(self, query=None, with_statistics=False,
"""Wrapper for specific call of global_data_get."""
return self.global_data_get(used_cls=GlobalDiskUsage,
def global_network_traffic_usage(self, query=None, with_statistics=False,
"""Wrapper for specific call of global_data_get.
return self.global_data_get(used_cls=GlobalNetworkTrafficUsage,
def global_network_usage(self, query=None, with_statistics=False,
"""Wrapper for specific call of global_data_get.
return self.global_data_get(used_cls=GlobalNetworkUsage,
def global_object_store_usage(self, query=None, with_statistics=False,
"""Wrapper for specific call of global_data_get.
# TODO(lsmola) This call uses all tenants now. When ajax pagination
# is added, it needs to obtain only paginated tenants.
# self.preload_all_tenants()
return self.global_data_get(used_cls=GlobalObjectStoreUsage,
def query_from_object_id(self, object_id):
"""Obtaining a query from resource id.
Query can be then used to identify a resource in resources or meters
API calls. ID is being built in the Resource initializer, or returned
by Datatable into UpdateRow functionality.
tenant_id, user_id, resource_id = object_id.split("__")
except ValueError:
return []
return make_query(tenant_id=tenant_id, user_id=user_id,
def update_with_statistics(self, resource, meter_names=None, period=None,
stats_attr=None, additional_query=None):
"""Adding statistical data into one Resource or ResourceAggregate.
It adds each statistic of each meter_names into the resource
attributes. Attribute name is the meter name with replaced '.' to '_'.
- `resource`: Resource or ResourceAggregate object, that will
be filled by statistic data.
- `meter_names`: List of meter names of which we want the
- `period`: In seconds. If no period is given, only one aggregate
statistic is returned. If given a faceted result will be
returned, dividend into given periods. Periods with no
data are ignored.
- `stats_attr`: String representing the specific name of the stats.
E.g. (avg, max, min...) If defined, meter attribute
will contain just the one value. If None is given,
meter attribute will contain the whole Statistic
- `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics.
E.g. timespan, etc.
if not meter_names:
raise ValueError("meter_names and resource must be defined to be"
"able to obtain the statistics.")
# query for identifying one resource in meters
query = resource.query
if additional_query:
if not is_iterable(additional_query):
raise ValueError("Additional query must be list of"
" conditions. See the docs for format.")
query = query + additional_query
# TODO(lsmola) thread for each meter will be probably overkill
# but I should test lets say thread pool with 100 of threads
# and apply it only to this code.
# Though I do expect Ceilometer will support bulk requests,
# so all of this optimization will not be necessary.
for meter in meter_names:
statistics = statistic_list(self._request, meter,
query=query, period=period)
meter = meter.replace(".", "_")
if statistics:
if stats_attr:
# I want to load only a specific attribute
setattr(resource, meter,
getattr(statistics[0], stats_attr, None))
# I want a dictionary of all statistics
setattr(resource, meter, statistics)
setattr(resource, meter, None)
return resource
def resources(self, query=None, filter_func=None,
"""Obtaining resources with the query or filter_func.
Obtains resources and also fetch tenants and users associated
with those resources if with_users_and_tenants flag is true.
- `query`: Query for fetching the Ceilometer Resources.
- `filter_func`: Callable for filtering of the obtained
- `with_users_and_tenants`: If true a user and a tenant object will
be added to each resource object.
if with_users_and_tenants:
ceilometer_usage_object = self
ceilometer_usage_object = None
resources = resource_list(self._request,
query=query, ceilometer_usage_object=ceilometer_usage_object)
if filter_func:
resources = [resource for resource in resources if
return resources
def resources_with_statistics(self, query=None, meter_names=None,
period=None, filter_func=None,
stats_attr=None, additional_query=None,
"""Obtaining resources with statistics data inside.
- `query`: Query for fetching the Ceilometer Resources.
- `filter_func`: Callable for filtering of the obtained
- `meter_names`: List of meter names of which we want the
- `period`: In seconds. If no period is given, only one aggregate
statistic is returned. If given, a faceted result will
be returned, divided into given periods. Periods with
no data are ignored.
- `stats_attr`: String representing the specific name of the stats.
E.g. (avg, max, min...) If defined, meter attribute
will contain just the one value. If None is given,
meter attribute will contain the whole Statistic
- `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics.
E.g. timespan, etc.
- `with_users_and_tenants`: If true a user and a tenant object will
be added to each resource object.
resources = self.resources(query, filter_func=filter_func,
ThreadedUpdateResourceWithStatistics.process_list(self, resources,
meter_names=meter_names, period=period, stats_attr=stats_attr,
return resources
def resource_aggregates(self, queries=None):
"""Obtaining resource aggregates with queries.
Representing a resource aggregate by query is a most general way
how to obtain a resource aggregates.
- `queries`: Dictionary of named queries that defines a bulk of
resource aggregates.
resource_aggregates = []
for identifier, query in queries.items():
return resource_aggregates
def resource_aggregates_with_statistics(self, queries=None,
meter_names=None, period=None, filter_func=None, stats_attr=None,
"""Obtaining resource aggregates with statistics data inside.
- `queries`: Dictionary of named queries that defines a bulk of
resource aggregates.
- `meter_names`: List of meter names of which we want the
- `period`: In seconds. If no period is given, only one aggregate
statistic is returned. If given, a faceted result will
be returned, divided into given periods. Periods with
no data are ignored.
- `stats_attr`: String representing the specific name of the stats.
E.g. (avg, max, min...) If defined, meter attribute
will contain just the one value. If None is given,
meter attribute will contain the whole Statistic
- `additional_query`: Additional query for the statistics.
E.g. timespan, etc.
resource_aggregates = self.resource_aggregates(queries)
resource_aggregates, meter_names=meter_names, period=period,
stats_attr=stats_attr, additional_query=additional_query)
return resource_aggregates