This patch changes nodeset to "debian-bullseye" from "ubuntu-focal" for horizon-selenium-headless, horizon-nodejs, and horizon-integration-tests jobs. Debian bullseye is also a runtime for the 2023.1 cycle as mentioned here [1]. Right now if we change nodeset to "ubuntu-jammy" all of the above jobs start failing. One possible solution to run these jobs on "ubuntu-jammy" nodeset is to install firefox as a deb. package instead of using snap as discussed here [2]. We can switch nodeset to "ubuntu-jammy" in the future once the firefox issue with snap is fixed [3]. Also geckodriver version is upadted to latest(i.e. v0.32.0) to include latest bug fix. [1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/runtimes/2023.1.html [2] https://meetings.opendev.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-infra.2022-11-23.log.html#t2022-11-23T14:15:08 [3] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1951491 Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/865459 Related-Bug: #1996638 Change-Id: Ic50fbb8b29fc5dec42d1a5e94095c9777c7d5fb6
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- job:
name: horizon-integration-tests
parent: devstack
nodeset: devstack-single-node-debian-bullseye
pre-run: playbooks/horizon-devstack-integration/pre.yaml
run: playbooks/horizon-devstack-integration/run.yaml
post-run: playbooks/horizon-devstack-integration/post.yaml
- zuul: openstack-infra/devstack
- openstack/horizon
- openstack/requirements
- ^.*\.rst$
- ^doc/.*$
- ^releasenotes/.*$
- ^.*/locale/.*$
# Unit tests are not related to the integration tests
- ^horizon/test/unit/.*$
- ^openstack_auth/tests/unit/.*$
- ^openstack_dashboard/test/unit/.*$
- ^openstack_dashboard/contrib/.*/tests.py$
- ^openstack_dashboard/dashboards/.*/tests.py$
# JavaScript unit tests are not related to the integration tests
- ^openstack_dashboard/.*/[^/]*\.spec\.js$
- ^horizon/static/.*/[^/]*\.spec\.js$
horizon: true
tox_envlist: integration
tox_constraints_file: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zuul.projects['opendev.org/openstack/requirements'].src_dir }}/upper-constraints.txt"
- job:
name: horizon-dsvm-tempest-plugin
parent: devstack-tempest
required-projects: &base_required_projects
- name: openstack/horizon
- name: openstack/tempest
irrelevant-files: &base_irrelevant_files
- ^.*\.rst$
- ^doc/.*$
- ^releasenotes/.*$
- ^.*/locale/.*$
# Test codes are not related to tempest tests
# as tempest is defined in a separete repository
- ^horizon/test/.*$
- ^openstack_auth/tests/.*$
- ^openstack_dashboard/test/.*$
- ^openstack_dashboard/contrib/.*/tests.py$
- ^openstack_dashboard/dashboards/.*/tests.py$
# JavaScript unit tests are not related to tempest tests
- ^openstack_dashboard/.*/[^/]*\.spec\.js$
- ^horizon/static/.*/[^/]*\.spec\.js$
vars: &base_vars
horizon: true
tempest: true
tempest_concurrency: 2
tempest_test_regex: test_dashboard_basic_ops
tox_envlist: all
- job:
name: horizon-tempest-plugin-ipv6
parent: devstack-tempest-ipv6
required-projects: *base_required_projects
irrelevant-files: *base_irrelevant_files
vars: *base_vars