Establish features for running Karma tests. Separate karma configurations are used due to current overlap of template file structure. You can run the karma tests via: ./run_tests.sh --karma The Karma framework allows for many features like unit test coverage and provides a common configuration for different test runners. Change-Id: I79680ef6369383c148da68e6677945886a48df81 Implements: blueprint karma
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module.exports = function(config){
// Path to xstatic pkg path.
var xstaticPath = '../../.venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xstatic/pkg/';
preprocessors: {
// Used to collect templates for preprocessing.
// NOTE: the templates must also be listed in the files section below.
'./**/*.html': ['ng-html2js'],
// Used to indicate files requiring coverage reports.
'./**/!(*spec).js': ['coverage']
// Sets up module to process templates.
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
prependPrefix: '/static/',
moduleName: 'templates'
// Assumes you're in the top-level horizon directory.
basePath : './static/',
// Contains both source and test files.
files : [
// shim, partly stolen from /i18n/js/horizon/
// Contains expected items not provided elsewhere (dynamically by
// Django or via jasmine template.
// from jasmine.html
xstaticPath + 'jquery/data/jquery.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular/data/angular.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular/data/angular-mocks.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular/data/angular-cookies.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular_bootstrap/data/angular-bootstrap.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular/data/angular-sanitize.js',
xstaticPath + 'd3/data/d3.js',
xstaticPath + 'rickshaw/data/rickshaw.js',
xstaticPath + 'angular_lrdragndrop/data/lrdragndrop.js',
// Needed by modal spinner
xstaticPath + 'spin/data/spin.js',
xstaticPath + 'spin/data/spin.jquery.js',
// This one seems to have to come first.
// Templates.
autoWatch : true,
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
browsers : ['PhantomJS'],
phantomjsLauncher: {
// Have phantomjs exit if a ResourceError is encountered
// (useful if karma exits without killing phantom)
exitOnResourceError: true
reporters : [ 'progress', 'coverage' ],
plugins : [
coverageReporter: {
type : 'html',
dir : '../.coverage-karma/'