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* (c) Copyright 2015 Mirantis Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
.controller('topProfilerController', topProfilerController)
.controller('sharedProfilerController', sharedProfilerController)
.controller('profilerActionsController', actionsController);
* @ngdoc controller
* @name horizon.dashboard.developer.topProfilerController
* @description
* This is the top-level controller for the Profiler view.
* Its primary purpose is hand the list of traces over to profiler table widget.
topProfilerController.$inject = ['horizon.framework.util.http.service'];
function topProfilerController($http) {
var ctrl = this;
$http.get('/api/profiler/traces').then(function(response) {
ctrl.traces = response.data;
ctrl.tracesDisplayed = response.data;
* @ngdoc controller
* @name horizon.dashboard.developer.sharedProfilerController
* @description
* This is the controller being used inside <trace-table> directive, it is
* shared between all the trace node directives which recursively form the
* whole trace (hence the name). It contains various helper methods which
* are used while rendering trace node.
sharedProfilerController.$inject = [
function sharedProfilerController($modal, $rootScope, $templateCache, basePath) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.getWidth = getWidth;
ctrl.getStarted = getStarted;
ctrl.isImportant = isImportant;
ctrl.display = display;
ctrl.toggleChildren = toggleChildren;
ctrl.getLeafCls = getLeafCls;
ctrl.getBranchCls = getBranchCls;
function toggleChildren(data) {
function rec(data, value, nonRoot) {
if (nonRoot) {
data.visible = value;
// don't expand nodes collapsed explicitly when expanding one of their
// parents
if (!(value && !data.childrenVisible)) {
data.children.forEach(function(child) {
rec(child, value, true);
data.childrenVisible = !data.childrenVisible;
rec(data, data.childrenVisible);
function getLeafCls(data) {
return data.is_leaf ? 'fa-cloud' : '';
function getBranchCls(data) {
if (!data.children.length) {
return '';
return data.children[0].visible ? 'fa-minus' : 'fa-plus';
function getWidth(data, rootData) {
var full_duration = rootData.info.max_finished;
var duration = (data.info.finished - data.info.started) * 100.0 / full_duration;
return (duration >= 0.5) ? duration : 0.5;
function getStarted(data, rootData) {
var full_duration = rootData.info.max_finished;
return data.info.started * 100.0 / full_duration;
function isImportant(data) {
return ["total", "wsgi", "rpc"].indexOf(data.info.name) != -1;
function display(data){
var scope = $rootScope.$new();
var info = angular.copy(data.info);
var metadata = {};
angular.forEach(info, function(value, key) {
var parts = key.split(".");
if (parts[0] == "meta") {
if (parts.length == 2){
this[parts[1]] = value;
var group_name = parts[1];
if (!(group_name in this))
this[group_name] = {};
this[group_name][parts[2]] = value;
}, metadata);
info["duration"] = info["finished"] - info["started"];
info["metadata"] = JSON.stringify(metadata, "", 4);
scope.info = info;
scope.columns = ["name", "project", "service", "host", "started",
"finished", "duration", "metadata"];
"size": "lg",
"template": $templateCache.get(basePath + 'profiler.details.html'),
"scope": scope
* @ngdoc controller
* @name horizon.dashboard.developer.profilerActionsController
* @description
* This is the controller being used in header partial template for invoking
* various profiling actions through a drop-down control.
actionsController.$inject = ['$cookies'];
function actionsController($cookies) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.profilePage = profilePage;
function profilePage() {
$cookies.put('profile_page', true, {path: window.location.pathname});