
186 lines
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* (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
.controller('horizon.app.core.images.steps.CreateImageController', CreateImageController);
CreateImageController.$inject = [
* @ngdoc controller
* @name horizon.app.core.images.steps.CreateImageController
* @description
* This controller is use for creating an image.
function CreateImageController(
) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.validationRules = validationRules;
ctrl.imageFormats = imageFormats;
ctrl.diskFormats = [];
ctrl.prepareUpload = prepareUpload;
ctrl.apiVersion = 0;
$scope.stepModels.imageForm = ctrl.image = {
source_type: '',
image_url: '',
data: {},
is_copying: false,
protected: false,
min_disk: 0,
min_ram: 0,
container_format: '',
disk_format: '',
visibility: 'shared'
ctrl.uploadProgress = -1;
ctrl.imageProtectedOptions = [
{ label: gettext('Yes'), value: true },
{ label: gettext('No'), value: false }
ctrl.imageCopyOptions = [
{ label: gettext('Yes'), value: true },
{ label: gettext('No'), value: false }
ctrl.imageSourceOptions = [];
ctrl.imageVisibilityOptions = [
{ label: gettext('Private'), value: 'private' },
{ label: gettext('Shared'), value: 'shared'}
ctrl.kernelImages = [];
ctrl.ramdiskImages = [];
ctrl.setFormats = setFormats;
ctrl.isLocalFileUpload = isLocalFileUpload;
var watchUploadProgress = $scope.$on(events.IMAGE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS, watchImageUpload);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
function prepareUpload(file) {
ctrl.image.data = file;
function watchImageUpload(event, progress) {
ctrl.uploadProgress = progress;
function getConfiguredFormatsAndModes(response) {
ctrl.apiVersion = response.HORIZON_ACTIVE_IMAGE_VERSION;
var settingsFormats = response.OPENSTACK_IMAGE_FORMATS;
var uploadMode = response.HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE;
var dupe = angular.copy(imageFormats);
var imageDefaults = response.CREATE_IMAGE_DEFAULTS;
angular.forEach(dupe, function stripUnknown(name, key) {
if (settingsFormats.indexOf(key) === -1) {
delete dupe[key];
if (uploadMode !== 'off') {
var uploadValue = 'file-' + uploadMode;
label: gettext('File'), value: uploadValue
ctrl.image.source_type = uploadValue;
if (ctrl.apiVersion < 2 || response.IMAGES_ALLOW_LOCATION) {
ctrl.imageSourceOptions.push({ label: gettext('URL'), value: 'url' });
ctrl.image.source_type = 'url';
ctrl.imageFormats = dupe;
if (imageDefaults && imageDefaults.image_visibility === "private") {
ctrl.image.visibility = "private";
function isLocalFileUpload() {
var type = ctrl.image.source_type;
return (type === 'file-legacy' || type === 'file-direct');
function init() {
glance.getImages({paginate: false}).then(onGetImages);
policyAPI.ifAllowed({rules: [['image', 'communitize_image']]}).then(
function () {
ctrl.imageVisibilityOptions.push({ label: gettext('Community'), value: 'community' });
policyAPI.ifAllowed({rules: [['image', 'publicize_image']]}).then(
function () {
ctrl.imageVisibilityOptions.push({ label: gettext('Public'), value: 'public' });
function onGetImages(response) {
ctrl.kernelImages = response.data.items.filter(function(elem) {
return elem.disk_format === 'aki';
ctrl.ramdiskImages = response.data.items.filter(function(elem) {
return elem.disk_format === 'ari';
function setFormats() {
ctrl.image.container_format = 'bare';
if (['aki', 'ami', 'ari'].indexOf(ctrl.image_format) > -1) {
ctrl.image.container_format = ctrl.image_format;
ctrl.image.disk_format = ctrl.image_format;
if (ctrl.image_format === 'docker') {
ctrl.image.container_format = 'docker';
ctrl.image.disk_format = 'raw';
} // end of controller