
433 lines
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* Copyright 2015, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
.factory('horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.glance', glanceAPI);
glanceAPI.$inject = [
* @ngdoc service
* @name glance
* @param {Object} apiService
* @param {Object} toastService
* @description Provides direct pass through to Glance with NO abstraction.
* @returns {Object} The service
function glanceAPI(apiService, toastService) {
var service = {
getVersion: getVersion,
getImage: getImage,
createImage: createImage,
updateImage: updateImage,
deleteImage: deleteImage,
getImageProps: getImageProps,
editImageProps: editImageProps,
getImages: getImages,
getNamespaces: getNamespaces,
getResourceTypes: getResourceTypes
return service;
// Version
* @name getVersion
* @description
* Get the version of the Glance API
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getVersion() {
return apiService.get('/api/glance/version/')
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to get the Glance service version.'));
// Images
* @name getImage
* @description
* Get a single image by ID
* @param {string} id
* Specifies the id of the image to request.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getImage(id) {
return apiService.get('/api/glance/images/' + id + '/')
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the image.'));
* @name createImage
* @description
* Create a new image. This returns the new image object on success.
* @param {object} image
* The image to create
* @param {string} image.name
* Name of the image. Required.
* @param {string} image.description
* Description of the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.source_type
* Source Type for the image. Only 'url' is supported. Required.
* @param {string} image.disk_format
* Format of the image. Required.
* @param {string} image.kernel
* Kernel to use for the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.ramdisk
* RamDisk to use for the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.architecture
* Architecture the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.min_disk
* The minimum disk size required to boot the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.min_ram
* The minimum memory size required to boot the image. Optional.
* @param {boolean} image.visibility
* values of 'public', 'private', 'shared' and 'community' are valid. Required.
* @param {boolean} image.protected
* True if the image is protected, false otherwise. Required.
* @param {boolean} image.import_data
* True to import the image data to the image service otherwise
* image data will be used in its current location
* @param {function} onProgress
* A callback to pass upload progress back to caller.
* Any parameters not listed above will be assigned as custom properites.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function createImage(image, onProgress) {
var localFile;
var method = image.source_type === 'file-legacy' ? 'post' : 'put';
if (image.source_type === 'file-direct' && 'data' in image) {
localFile = image.data;
image = angular.extend({}, image);
image.data = localFile.name;
function onImageQueued(response) {
var image = response.data;
if ('upload_url' in image) {
return apiService.put(image.upload_url, localFile, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
'X-Auth-Token': image.token_id
external: true
function success() { return response; },
} else {
return response;
function notify(event) {
onProgress(Math.round(event.loaded / event.total * 100));
function onError(error) {
if (error && error.data) {
toastService.add('error', error);
} else {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to create the image.'));
return apiService[method]('/api/glance/images/', image)
.then(onImageQueued, onError, notify);
* @name getImage
* @description
* Update an existing image.
* @param {object} image
* The image to update
* @param {string} image.id
* ID of the image to update. Required. Read Only.
* @param {string} image.name
* Name of the image. Required.
* @param {string} image.description
* Description of the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.disk_format
* Disk format of the image. Required.
* @param {string} image.kernel
* Kernel to use for the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.ramdisk
* RamDisk to use for the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.architecture
* Architecture the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.min_disk
* The minimum disk size required to boot the image. Optional.
* @param {string} image.min_ram
* The minimum memory size required to boot the image. Optional.
* @param {boolean} image.visibility
* Values of 'public', 'private', 'shared' and 'community' are valid. Required.
* @param {boolean} image.protected
* True if the image is protected, false otherwise. Required.
* Any parameters not listed above will be assigned as custom properites.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function updateImage(image) {
return apiService.patch('/api/glance/images/' + image.id + '/', image)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to update the image.'));
* @name deleteImage
* @description
* Deletes single Image by ID.
* @param {string} imageId
* The Id of the image to delete.
* @param {boolean} suppressError
* If passed in, this will not show the default error handling
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function deleteImage(imageId, suppressError) {
var promise = apiService.delete('/api/glance/images/' + imageId + '/');
return suppressError ? promise : promise.catch(function onError() {
var msg = gettext('Unable to delete the image with id: %(id)s');
toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, { id: imageId }, true));
* @name getImageProps
* @description
* Get an image custom properties by image ID
* @param {string} id Specifies the id of the image to request.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getImageProps(id) {
return apiService.get('/api/glance/images/' + id + '/properties/')
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the image custom properties.'));
* @name editImageProps
* @description
* Update an image custom properties by image ID
* @param {string} id Specifies the id of the image to request.
* @param {object} updated New metadata definitions.
* @param {[]} removed Names of removed metadata definitions.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function editImageProps(id, updated, removed) {
return apiService.patch(
'/api/glance/images/' + id + '/properties/',
updated: updated,
removed: removed
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to edit the image custom properties.'));
* @name getImages
* @description
* Get a list of images.
* The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is
* an image.
* @param {Object} params
* Query parameters. Optional.
* @param {boolean} params.paginate
* True to paginate automatically.
* @param {string} params.marker
* Specifies the image of the last-seen image.
* The typical pattern of limit and marker is to make an
* initial limited request and then to use the last
* image from the response as the marker parameter
* in a subsequent limited request. With paginate, limit
* is automatically set.
* @param {string} params.sort_dir
* The sort direction ('asc' or 'desc').
* @param {string} params.sort_key
* The field to sort on (for example, 'created_at').
* Default is created_at.
* @param {string} params.other
* Any additional request parameters will be passed through the API as
* filters. For example "name" : "fedora" would filter on the fedora name.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getImages(params) {
var config = params ? { 'params' : params} : {};
return apiService.get('/api/glance/images/', config)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the images.'));
// Metadata Definitions - Namespaces
* @name getNamespaces
* @description
* Get a list of metadata definition namespaces.
* https://docs.openstack.org/glance/latest/user/metadefs-concepts.html
* The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is
* a namespace.
* @description
* Get a list of namespaces.
* The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is
* a namespace.
* @param {Object} params
* Query parameters. Optional.
* @param {string} params.resource_type
* Namespace resource type.
* @param {string} params.properties_target
* The properties target, if the resource type has more than one type
* of property. For example, the OS::Nova::Server resource type has
* "metadata" and "scheduler_hints" properties targets.
* @param {boolean} params.paginate
* True to paginate automatically.
* @param {string} params.marker
* Specifies the namespace of the last-seen namespace.
* The typical pattern of limit and marker is to make an
* initial limited request and then to use the last
* namespace from the response as the marker parameter
* in a subsequent limited request. With paginate, limit
* is automatically set.
* @param {string} params.sort_dir
* The sort direction ('asc' or 'desc').
* @param {string} params.sort_key
* The field to sort on (for example, 'created_at').
* Default is namespace.
* @param {string} params.other
* Any additional request parameters will be passed through the API as
* filters.
* @param {boolean} suppressError
* If passed in, this will not show the default error handling
* (horizon alert). The glance API may not have metadata definitions
* enabled.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getNamespaces(params, suppressError) {
var config = params ? {'params' : params} : {};
config.cache = true;
var promise = apiService.get('/api/glance/metadefs/namespaces/', config);
return suppressError ? promise : promise.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the namespaces.'));
* @name getResourceTypes
* @description
* Get a list of metadata definition resource types.
* https://docs.openstack.org/glance/latest/user/metadefs-concepts.html
* The listing result is an object with property "items".
* Each item is a resource type. Resource types are Strings that
* correlate to Heat and Searchlight resource types.
* For example: OS::Glance::Image and OS::Nova::Server.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getResourceTypes() {
var config = {
cache: true
return apiService
.get('/api/glance/metadefs/resourcetypes/', config)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the resource types.'));