
889 lines
29 KiB

* Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
.factory('horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.neutron', neutronAPI);
neutronAPI.$inject = [
* @ngdoc service
* @name neutronAPI
* @param {Object} apiService
* @param {Object} toastService
* @description Provides access to Neutron APIs.
* @returns {Object} The service
function neutronAPI(apiService, toastService) {
var service = {
createNetwork: createNetwork,
createSubnet: createSubnet,
createTrunk: createTrunk,
createNetworkQoSPolicy: createNetworkQoSPolicy,
createBandwidthLimitRule: createBandwidthLimitRule,
createDSCPMarkingRule: createDSCPMarkingRule,
createMinimumBandwidthRule: createMinimumBandwidthRule,
createMinimumPacketRateRule: createMinimumPacketRateRule,
deletePolicy: deletePolicy,
deleteTrunk: deleteTrunk,
getAgents: getAgents,
getDefaultQuotaSets: getDefaultQuotaSets,
getExtensions: getExtensions,
getNetworks: getNetworks,
getPorts: getPorts,
getQosPolicy: getQosPolicy,
getQoSPolicies: getQoSPolicies,
getSubnets: getSubnets,
getTrunk: getTrunk,
getTrunks: getTrunks,
updateProjectQuota: updateProjectQuota,
updateTrunk: updateTrunk,
deleteDSCPMarkingRule: deleteDSCPMarkingRule,
deleteBandwidthLimitRule: deleteBandwidthLimitRule,
deleteMinimumBandwidthRule: deleteMinimumBandwidthRule,
deleteMinimumPacketRateRule: deleteMinimumPacketRateRule,
updateMinimumBandwidthRule: updateMinimumBandwidthRule,
updateDSCPMarkingRule: updateDSCPMarkingRule,
updateBandwidthRule: updateBandwidthRule,
updateMinimumPacketRateRule: updateMinimumPacketRateRule
return service;
// NOTE(bence romsics): Technically we replace ISO 8061 time stamps with
// date objects. We do this because the date objects will stringify to human
// readable datetimes in local time (ie. in the browser's time zone) when
// displayed.
function convertDatesHumanReadable(apidict) {
apidict.created_at = new Date(apidict.created_at);
apidict.updated_at = new Date(apidict.updated_at);
// Neutron Services
* @name getAgents
* @description Get the list of Neutron agents.
* @returns {Object} An object with property "items." Each item is an agent.
function getAgents() {
return apiService.get('/api/neutron/agents/')
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the agents.'));
// Networks
* @name getNetworks
* @description
* Get a list of networks for a tenant.
* @returns {Object} An object with property "items". Each item is a network.
function getNetworks() {
return apiService.get('/api/neutron/networks/')
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the networks.'));
* @name createNetwork
* @description
* Create a new network.
* @returns {Object} The new network object on success.
* @param {Object} newNetwork
* The network to create. Required.
* Example new network object
* {
* "name": "myNewNetwork",
* "admin_state_up": true,
* "shared": true,
* "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869
* }
* Description of properties on the network object
* @property {string} newNetwork.name
* The name of the new network. Optional.
* @property {boolean} newNetwork.admin_state_up
* The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or
* down (false). Optional.
* @property {boolean} newNetwork.shared
* Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.
* By default, only adminstative users can change this value. Optional.
* @property {string} newNetwork.tenant_id
* The UUID of the tenant that will own the network. This tenant can
* be different from the tenant that makes the create network request.
* However, only administative users can specify a tenant ID other than
* their own. You cannot change this value through authorization
* policies. Optional.
function createNetwork(newNetwork) {
return apiService.post('/api/neutron/networks/', newNetwork)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to create the network.'));
// Subnets
* @name getSubnets
* @description
* Get a list of subnets for a network.
* The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is
* a subnet.
* @param {string} networkId
* The network id to retrieve subnets for. Required.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getSubnets(networkId) {
return apiService.get('/api/neutron/subnets/', networkId)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the subnets.'));
* @name createSubnet
* @description
* Create a Subnet for given Network.
* @returns {Object} The JSON representation of Subnet on success.
* @param {Object} newSubnet
* The subnet to create.
* Example new subnet object
* {
* "network_id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
* "ip_version": 4,
* "cidr": "",
* "name": "mySubnet",
* "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869,
* "allocation_pools": [
* {
* "start": "",
* "end": ""
* }
* ],
* "gateway_ip": "",
* "id": "abce",
* "enable_dhcp": true,
* }
* Description of properties on the subnet object
* @property {string} newSubnet.network_id
* The id of the attached network. Required.
* @property {number} newSubnet.ip_version
* The IP version, which is 4 or 6. Required.
* @property {string} newSubnet.cidr
* The CIDR. Required.
* @property {string} newSubnet.name
* The name of the new subnet. Optional.
* @property {string} newSubnet.tenant_id
* The ID of the tenant who owns the network. Only administrative users
* can specify a tenant ID other than their own. Optional.
* @property {string|Array} newSubnet.allocation_pools
* The start and end addresses for the allocation pools. Optional.
* @property {string} newSubnet.gateway_ip
* The gateway IP address. Optional.
* @property {string} newSubnet.id
* The ID of the subnet. Optional.
* @property {boolean} newSubnet.enable_dhcp
* Set to true if DHCP is enabled and false if DHCP is disabled. Optional.
function createSubnet(newSubnet) {
return apiService.post('/api/neutron/subnets/', newSubnet)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to create the subnet.'));
// Ports
* @name getPorts
* @description
* Get a list of ports for a network.
* The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is
* a port.
* @param {string} params - The parameters
* @param {string} params.status
* The port status. Value is ACTIVE or DOWN.
* @param {string} params.display_name
* The port name.
* @param {boolean} params.admin_state
* The administrative state of the router, which is up (true) or down (false).
* @param {string} params.network_id
* The UUID of the attached network.
* @param {string} params.tenant_id
* The UUID of the tenant who owns the network.
* Only administrative users can specify a tenant UUID other than their own.
* You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
* @param {string} params.device_owner
* The UUID of the entity that uses this port. For example, a DHCP agent.
* @param {string} params.mac_address
* The MAC address of the port.
* @param {string} params.port_id
* The UUID of the port.
* @param {Array} params.security_groups
* The UUIDs of any attached security groups.
* @param {string} params.device_id
* The UUID of the device that uses this port. For example, a virtual server.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getPorts(params) {
var config = params ? { 'params' : params} : {};
return apiService.get('/api/neutron/ports/', config)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the ports.'));
// Extensions
* @name getExtensions
* @description
* Returns a list of enabled extensions.
* The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is
* an extension.
* @example
* The following is an example of response:
* {
* "items": [
* {
* "updated": "2012-07-29T10:00:00-00:00",
* "name": "Quota management support",
* "links": [],
* "alias": "quotas",
* "description": "Expose functions for quotas management per tenant"
* }
* ]
* }
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getExtensions() {
return apiService.get('/api/neutron/extensions/')
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the extensions.'));
// Default Quota Sets
* @name getDefaultQuotaSets
* @description
* Get default quotasets
* The listing result is an object with property "items." Each item is
* a quota.
function getDefaultQuotaSets() {
return apiService.get('/api/neutron/quota-sets/defaults/')
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the default quotas.'));
// Quotas Extension
* @name updateProjectQuota
* @description
* Update a single project quota data.
* @param {application/json} quota
* A JSON object with the attributes to set to new quota values.
* @param {string} projectId
* Specifies the id of the project that'll have the quota data updated.
function updateProjectQuota(quota, projectId) {
var url = '/api/neutron/quotas-sets/' + projectId;
return apiService.patch(url, quota)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to update project quota data.'));
// QoS policies
* @name horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.neutron.getQosPolicy
* @description get a single qos policy by ID.
* @param {string} id
* Specifies the id of the policy to request.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getQosPolicy(id, suppressError) {
var promise = apiService.get('/api/neutron/qos_policies/' + id + '/')
.then(function onSuccess(response) {
promise = suppressError ? promise : promise.catch(function onError() {
var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the policy with ID %(id)s');
toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, {id: id}, true));
return promise;
* @name horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.neutron.getQoSPolicies
* @description get a list of qos policies.
* The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is
* a QoS policy.
function getQoSPolicies(params) {
var config = params ? {'params' : params} : {};
return apiService.get('/api/neutron/qos_policies/', config)
.then(function onSuccess(response) {
response.data.items.forEach(function(policy) {
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the qos policies.'));
* @name createNetworkQoSPolicy
* @description
* Create a new network qos policy.
* @returns {Object} The new network qos policy object on success.
* @param {Object} newQosPolicy
* The network qos policy to create. Required.
* Example new qos policy object
* {
* "name": "myNewNetworkQoSPolicy",
* "description": "new network qos policy",
* "shared": true,
* }
* Description of properties on the qos policy object
* @property {string} newQosPolicy.name
* The name of the new network qos policy. Required.
* @property {string} newQosPolicy.description
* The description of the qos policy. Optional.
* @property {boolean} newQosPolicy.shared
* Indicates whether this network qos policy is shared across all other projects.
* By default, it is unchecked (false). Optional.
function createNetworkQoSPolicy(newQosPolicy) {
return apiService.post('/api/neutron/qos_policies/', newQosPolicy)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to create the QoS Policy.'));
* @name deletePolicy
* @description
* Delete a single neutron qos policy.
* @param {string} policyId
* Specifies the id of the policy to be deleted.
function deletePolicy(policyId, suppressError) {
var promise = apiService.delete('/api/neutron/qos_policies/' + policyId + '/');
promise = suppressError ? promise : promise.catch(function onError() {
var msg = gettext('Unable to delete qos policy %(id)s');
toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, { id: policyId }, true));
return promise;
* @name createBandwidthLimitRule
* @description
* Creates a bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy
* @returns {Object} A bandwidth_limit_rule object on success.
* @param {Object} policyId
* This param is for qos policy.
* @param {Object} ruleId
* The bandwidth limit rule to create. Required.
* Example new bandwidth limit rule response object
* {
* "bandwidth_limit_rule": {
* "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c793",
* "max_kbps": 10000,
* "max_burst_kbps": 0,
* "direction": "egress"
* }
* }
* Description of properties on the bandwidth limit rule object
* @property {integer} ruleId.max_kbps
* The maximum KBPS (kilobits per second) value.
* If you specify this value, must be greater than '0'
* otherwise max_kbps will have no value. Required.
* @property {integer} ruleId.max_burst_kbps
* The maximum burst size (in kilobits). Default is '0'. Optional.
* @property {string} ruleId.direction
* The direction of the traffic to which the QoS rule is applied,
* as seen from the point of view of the port.
* Valid values are egress and ingress. Default value is egress.
* Optional.
function createBandwidthLimitRule(policyId, ruleId) {
return apiService.post('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/bandwidth_limit_rules/', ruleId)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to add the bandwidthrule .'));
* @name createDSCPMarkingRule
* @description
* Creates a DSCP marking rule for a QoS policy.
* @returns {Object} A dscp_marking_rule object on success.
* @param {Object} policyId
* This param is for qos policy.
* @param {Object} ruleId
* The dscp marking rule to create. Required.
* Example new dscp mark rule response object
* {
* "dscp_marking_rule": {
* "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c794",
* "dscp_mark": 26
* }
* }
* Description of properties on the dscp marking rule object
* @property {integer} ruleId.dscp_mark
* The DSCP mark value. Required.
* Valid DSCP mark values are even numbers between 0 and 56,
* except 2-6, 42, 44, and 50-54. The full list of valid DSCP marks is:
* 0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 46, 48, 56
function createDSCPMarkingRule(policyId, ruleId) {
return apiService.post('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/dscp_marking_rules/', ruleId)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to add the dscp_marking_rule .'));
* @name createMinimumBandwidthRule
* @description
* Creates a minimum bandwidth rule for a QoS policy
* @returns {Object} A minimum_bandwidth_rule object on success.
* @param {Object} policyId
* This param is for qos policy.
* @param {Object} ruleId
* The minimum bandwidth rule to create. Required.
* Example new minimum bandwidth rule response object
* {
* "minimum_bandwidth_rule": {
* "id": "1eddf7af-0b4c-42c5-8ae1-390b32f1de08",
* "min_kbps": 10000,
* "direction": "egress"
* }
* }
* Description of properties on the minimum bandwidth rule object
* @property {integer} ruleId.min_kbps
* The minimum KBPS (kilobits per second) value which should be available for port.
* Required.
* @property {string} ruleId.direction
* The direction of the traffic to which the QoS rule is applied,
* as seen from the point of view of the port.
* Valid values are egress and ingress. Default value is egress.
* Optional.
function createMinimumBandwidthRule(policyId, ruleId) {
return apiService.post('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/minimum_bandwidth_rules/', ruleId)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to add the minimum_bandwidth_rule .'));
* @name createMinimumPacketRateRule
* @description
* Creates a minimum packet rate rule for a QoS policy
* @returns {Object} A minimum_bandwidth_rule object on success.
* @param {Object} policyId
* This param is for qos policy.
* @param {Object} ruleId
* The minimum packet rate rule to create. Required.
* Example new minimum packet rate rule response object
* {
* "minimum_packet_rate_rule": {
* "id": "1eddf7af-0b4c-42c5-8ae1-390b32f1de08",
* "min_kpps": 10000,
* "direction": "egress"
* }
* }
* Description of properties on the minimum packet rate rule object
* @property {integer} ruleId.min_kbps
* The minimum kpps (kilo(1000) packets per second) value which should be available for port.
* Required.
* @property {string} ruleId.direction
* The direction of the traffic to which the QoS rule is applied,
* as seen from the point of view of the port.
* Valid values are egress and ingress. Default value is egress.
* Optional.
function createMinimumPacketRateRule(policyId, ruleId) {
return apiService.post('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/minimum_packet_rate_rules/', ruleId)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to add the minimum_packet_rate_rule.'));
* @name updateBandwidthRule
* @description
* Update an existing bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.
* @returns {Object} A bandwidth_limit_rule object on success.
* @param {Object} policyId
* This param is for qos policy.
* @param {Object} ruleId
* This param is for rule.
* @param {Object} updateRuleId
* The bandwidth limit rule to update. Required.
function updateBandwidthRule(policyId, ruleId, updateRuleId) {
return apiService.patch('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/bandwidth_limit_rules/' + ruleId , updateRuleId)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to update the bandwidthrule.'));
* @name updateDSCPMarkingRule
* @description
* Update an existing bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.
* @returns {Object} A bandwidth_limit_rule object on success.
* @param {Object} policyId
* This param is for qos policy.
* @param {Object} ruleId
* This param is for rule.
* @param {Object} updateRuleId
* The bandwidth limit rule to update. Required.
function updateDSCPMarkingRule(policyId, ruleId, updateRuleId) {
return apiService.patch('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/dscp_marking_rules/' + ruleId , updateRuleId)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to update the dscp marking rule.'));
* @name updateMinimumBandwidthRule
* @description
* Update an existing minimum bandwidth rule for a QoS policy.
* @returns {Object} A minimum_bandwidth_rule object on success.
* @param {Object} policyId
* This param is for qos policy.
* @param {Object} ruleId
* This param is for rule.
* @param {Object} updateRuleId
* The minimum bandwidth limit rule to update. Required.
function updateMinimumBandwidthRule(policyId, ruleId, updateRuleId) {
return apiService.patch('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/minimum_bandwidth_rules/' + ruleId , updateRuleId)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to update the minimum bandwidth rule.'));
* @name updateMinimumPacketRateRule
* @description
* Update an existing minimum packet rate limit rule for a QoS policy.
* @returns {Object} A minimum_packet_rate_rule object on success.
* @param {Object} policyId
* This param is for qos policy.
* @param {Object} ruleId
* This param is for rule.
* @param {Object} updateRuleId
* The minimum packet rate limit rule to update. Required.
function updateMinimumPacketRateRule(policyId, ruleId, updateRuleId) {
return apiService.patch('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/minimum_packet_rate_rules/' + ruleId , updateRuleId)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to update the minimum packet rate rule.'));
* @name deleteBandwidthLimitRule
* @description
* Delete a single bandwidth limit rule.
* @param {string} policyId
* The ID of the QoS policy.
* @param {string} deleteruleId
* The ID of the QoS rule.
function deleteBandwidthLimitRule(policyId, deleteRuleId) {
return apiService.delete('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/bandwidth_limit_rules/' + deleteRuleId).catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to delete the bandwidth_limit_rule.'));
* @name deleteDSCPMarkingRule
* @description
* Delete a single dscp mark rule.
* @param {string} policyId
* The ID of the QoS policy.
* @param {string} deleteruleId
* The ID of the QoS rule.
function deleteDSCPMarkingRule(policyId, deleteRuleId) {
return apiService.delete('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/dscp_marking_rules/' + deleteRuleId).catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to delete the dscp_marking_rule.'));
* @name deleteMinimumBandwidthRule
* @description
* Delete a single minimum bandwidth rule.
* @param {string} policyId
* The ID of the QoS policy.
* @param {string} deleteruleId
* The ID of the QoS rule.
function deleteMinimumBandwidthRule(policyId, deleteRuleId) {
return apiService.delete('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/minimum_bandwidth_rules/' + deleteRuleId).catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to delete the minimum_bandwidth_rule .'));
* @name deleteMinimumPacketRateRule
* @description
* Delete a single minimum packet rate rule.
* @param {string} policyId
* The ID of the QoS policy.
* @param {string} deleteruleId
* The ID of the QoS rule.
function deleteMinimumPacketRateRule(policyId, deleteRuleId) {
return apiService.delete('/api/neutron/qos/policies/' + policyId +
'/minimum_packet_rate_rules/' + deleteRuleId).catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to delete the minimum_packet_rate_rule .'));
// Trunks
* @name getTrunk
* @description
* Get a single trunk by ID
* @param {string} id
* Specifies the id of the trunk to request.
* @param {boolean} suppressError (optional)
* Suppress the error toast. Default to showing it.
* @returns {Object} The result of the API call
function getTrunk(id, suppressError) {
var promise = apiService.get('/api/neutron/trunks/' + id + '/')
.then(function onSuccess(response) {
promise = suppressError ? promise : promise.catch(function onError() {
var msg = gettext('Unable to retrieve the trunk with id: %(id)s');
toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, {id: id}, true));
return promise;
* @name getTrunks
* @description
* Get a list of trunks for a tenant.
* @returns {Object} An object with property "items". Each item is a trunk.
function getTrunks(params) {
var config = params ? {'params' : params} : {};
return apiService.get('/api/neutron/trunks/', config)
.then(function onSuccess(response) {
response.data.items.forEach(function(trunk) {
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the trunks.'));
* @name createTrunk
* @description
* Create a neutron trunk.
function createTrunk(newTrunk) {
return apiService.post('/api/neutron/trunks/', newTrunk)
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to create the trunk.'));
* @name deleteTrunk
* @description
* Delete a single neutron trunk.
* @param {string} trunkId
* UUID of a trunk to be deleted.
* @param {boolean} suppressError (optional)
* Suppress the error toast. Default to showing it.
function deleteTrunk(trunkId, suppressError) {
var promise = apiService.delete('/api/neutron/trunks/' + trunkId + '/');
promise = suppressError ? promise : promise.catch(function onError() {
var msg = gettext('Unable to delete trunk: %(id)s');
toastService.add('error', interpolate(msg, { id: trunkId }, true));
return promise;
* @name updateTrunk
* @description
* Update an existing trunk.
function updateTrunk(oldTrunk, newTrunk) {
return apiService.patch('/api/neutron/trunks/' + oldTrunk.id + '/', [oldTrunk, newTrunk])
.catch(function onError() {
toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to update the trunk.'));