Akihiro Motoki a987c039cf TabGroup: Make tabs pluggable via horizon plugin config
This commit enhances django tab implementation to allow horizon plugins
to add tabs to a tab group in other repository like the main horizon repo.
New setting "EXTRA_TABS" is introduced to the horizon plugin 'enabled' file.
To this aim, the tab group class looks up HORIZON_CONFIG['extra_tabs']
with its class full name and loads them as extra tabs if any.
HORIZON_CONFIG['extra_tabs'] are populated via horizon plugin settings.

This commit moves update_settings in openstack_dashboard.test.helpers
to horizon as I would like to use it in a new horizon unit test.

blueprint horizon-plugin-tab-for-info-and-quotas
Closes-Bug: #1746754
Change-Id: Ice2469a90553754929826d14d20b4719bd1f62d3
2018-03-12 21:04:22 +09:00

547 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
import operator
import sys
import six
from django.conf import settings
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError
from django.utils import module_loading
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon.utils import html
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CSS_TAB_GROUP_CLASSES = ["nav", "nav-tabs", "ajax-tabs"]
class TabGroup(html.HTMLElement):
"""A container class which knows how to manage and render Tab objects.
.. attribute:: slug
The URL slug and pseudo-unique identifier for this tab group.
.. attribute:: tabs
A list of :class:`.Tab` classes. Tabs specified here are displayed
in the order of the list.
.. attribute:: template_name
The name of the template which will be used to render this tab group.
Default: ``"horizon/common/_tab_group.html"``
.. attribute:: sticky
Boolean to control whether the active tab state should be stored
across requests for a given user. (State storage is all done
.. attribute:: show_single_tab
Boolean to control whether the tab bar is shown when the tab group
has only one tab. Default: ``False``
.. attribute:: param_name
The name of the GET request parameter which will be used when
requesting specific tab data. Default: ``tab``.
.. attribute:: classes
A list of CSS classes which should be displayed on this tab group.
.. attribute:: attrs
A dictionary of HTML attributes which should be rendered into the
markup for this tab group.
.. attribute:: selected
Read-only property which is set to the instance of the
currently-selected tab if there is one, otherwise ``None``.
.. attribute:: active
Read-only property which is set to the value of the current active tab.
This may not be the same as the value of ``selected`` if no
specific tab was requested via the ``GET`` parameter.
slug = None
template_name = "horizon/common/_tab_group.html"
param_name = 'tab'
sticky = False
show_single_tab = False
_selected = None
_active = None
def selected(self):
return self._selected
def active(self):
return self._active
def __init__(self, request, **kwargs):
super(TabGroup, self).__init__()
if not hasattr(self, "tabs"):
raise NotImplementedError('%s must declare a "tabs" attribute.'
% self.__class__)
if not self.slug:
raise NotImplementedError('%s must declare a "slug" attribute.'
% self.__class__)
self.request = request
self.kwargs = kwargs
self._data = None
self._tabs = self._load_tabs(request)
if self.sticky:
self.attrs['data-sticky-tabs'] = 'sticky'
if not self._set_active_tab():
def _load_tabs(self, request):
tabs = tuple(self.tabs)
tabs += self._load_tabs_from_config()
return OrderedDict([(tab.slug, tab(self, request))
for tab in tabs])
def _load_tabs_from_config(self):
my_name = '.'.join([self.__class__.__module__,
horizon_config = settings.HORIZON_CONFIG.get('extra_tabs', {})
tabs_config = [self._load_tab_config(tab_config, my_name)
for tab_config in horizon_config.get(my_name, [])]
tabs_config = [t for t in tabs_config if t]
LOG.debug('Loaded extra tabs for %s: %s',
my_name, tabs_config)
return tuple(x[1] for x in tabs_config)
def _load_tab_config(tab_config, my_name):
if isinstance(tab_config, str):
tab_config = (0, tab_config)
if not isinstance(tab_config, (tuple, list)):
LOG.error('Extra tab definition must be a string or '
'a tuple/list (tab group "%s")', my_name)
if len(tab_config) != 2:
LOG.error('Entry must be a format of (priority, tab class) '
'(tab group "%s")', my_name)
priority, tab_class = tab_config
if not isinstance(priority, int):
LOG.error('Priority of tab entry must be an integer '
'(tab group "%s")', my_name)
class_ = module_loading.import_string(tab_class)
except ImportError:
LOG.error('Tab class "%s" is not found (tab group "%s")',
tab_class, my_name)
return priority, class_
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.slug)
def load_tab_data(self):
"""Preload all data that for the tabs that will be displayed."""
for tab in self._tabs.values():
if tab.load and not tab.data_loaded:
tab._data = tab.get_context_data(self.request)
except Exception:
tab._data = False
def get_id(self):
"""Returns the id for this tab group.
Defaults to the value of the tab
group's :attr:`horizon.tabs.Tab.slug`.
return self.slug
def get_default_classes(self):
"""Returns a list of the default classes for the tab group.
Defaults to ``["nav", "nav-tabs", "ajax-tabs"]``.
default_classes = super(TabGroup, self).get_default_classes()
return default_classes
def tabs_not_available(self):
"""The fallback handler if no tabs are either allowed or enabled.
In the event that no tabs are either allowed or enabled, this method
is the fallback handler. By default it's a no-op, but it exists
to make redirecting or raising exceptions possible for subclasses.
def _set_active_tab(self):
marked_active = None
# See if we have a selected tab via the GET parameter.
tab = self.get_selected_tab()
if tab:
tab._active = True
self._active = tab
marked_active = tab
# Iterate through to mark them all accordingly.
for tab in self._tabs.values():
if tab._allowed and tab._enabled and not marked_active:
tab._active = True
self._active = tab
marked_active = True
elif tab == marked_active:
tab._active = False
return marked_active
def render(self):
"""Renders the HTML output for this tab group."""
return render_to_string(self.template_name, {"tab_group": self})
def get_tabs(self):
"""Returns a list of the allowed tabs for this tab group."""
return [tab for tab in self._tabs.values() if tab._allowed]
def get_tab(self, tab_name, allow_disabled=False):
"""Returns a specific tab from this tab group.
If the tab is not allowed or not enabled this method returns ``None``.
If the tab is disabled but you wish to return it anyway, you can pass
``True`` to the allow_disabled argument.
tab = self._tabs.get(tab_name, None)
if tab and tab._allowed and (tab._enabled or allow_disabled):
return tab
return None
def get_loaded_tabs(self):
return [tab for tab in self._tabs.values() if self.get_tab(tab.slug)]
def get_selected_tab(self):
"""Returns the tab specific by the GET request parameter.
In the event that there is no GET request parameter, the value
of the query parameter is invalid, or the tab is not allowed/enabled,
the return value of this function is None.
selected = self.request.GET.get(self.param_name, None)
if selected:
tab_group, tab_name = selected.split(SEPARATOR)
except ValueError:
return None
if tab_group == self.get_id():
self._selected = self.get_tab(tab_name)
return self._selected
class Tab(html.HTMLElement):
"""A reusable interface for constructing a tab within a TabGroup.
.. attribute:: name
The display name for the tab which will be rendered as the text for
the tab element in the HTML. Required.
.. attribute:: slug
The URL slug and id attribute for the tab. This should be unique for
a given tab group. Required.
.. attribute:: preload
Determines whether the contents of the tab should be rendered into
the page's HTML when the tab group is rendered, or whether it should
be loaded dynamically when the tab is selected. Default: ``True``.
.. attribute:: classes
A list of CSS classes which should be displayed on this tab.
.. attribute:: attrs
A dictionary of HTML attributes which should be rendered into the
markup for this tab.
.. attribute:: load
Read-only access to determine whether or not this tab's data should
be loaded immediately.
.. attribute:: permissions
A list of permission names which this tab requires in order to be
displayed. Defaults to an empty list (``[]``).
name = None
slug = None
preload = True
_active = None
permissions = []
def __init__(self, tab_group, request=None):
super(Tab, self).__init__()
# Priority: constructor, class-defined, fallback
if not self.name:
raise ValueError("%s must have a name." % self.__class__.__name__)
self.name = six.text_type(self.name) # Force unicode.
if not self.slug:
raise ValueError("%s must have a slug." % self.__class__.__name__)
self.tab_group = tab_group
self.request = request
if request:
self._allowed = self.allowed(request) and (
self._enabled = self.enabled(request)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.slug)
def _has_permissions(self, request):
return request.user.has_perms(self.permissions)
def is_active(self):
"""Method to access whether or not this tab is the active tab."""
if self._active is None:
return self._active
def load(self):
load_preloaded = self.preload or self.is_active()
return load_preloaded and self._allowed and self._enabled
def data(self):
if getattr(self, "_data", None) is None:
self._data = self.get_context_data(self.request)
return self._data
def data_loaded(self):
return getattr(self, "_data", None) is not None
def render(self):
"""Renders the tab to HTML.
:meth:`~horizon.tabs.Tab.get_context_data` method and
the :meth:`~horizon.tabs.Tab.get_template_name` method are called.
If :attr:`~horizon.tabs.Tab.preload` is ``False`` and ``force_load``
is not ``True``, or
either :meth:`~horizon.tabs.Tab.allowed` or
:meth:`~horizon.tabs.Tab.enabled` returns ``False`` this method will
return an empty string.
if not self.load:
return ''
context = self.data
except exceptions.Http302:
except Exception:
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
raise six.reraise(TemplateSyntaxError, exc_value, exc_traceback)
return render_to_string(self.get_template_name(self.request), context)
def get_id(self):
"""Returns the id for this tab.
Defaults to ``"{{ tab_group.slug }}__{{ tab.slug }}"``.
return SEPARATOR.join([self.tab_group.slug, self.slug])
def get_query_string(self):
return "=".join((self.tab_group.param_name, self.get_id()))
def get_default_classes(self):
"""Returns a list of the default classes for the tab.
Defaults to and empty list (``[]``), however additional classes may
be added depending on the state of the tab as follows:
If the tab is the active tab for the tab group, in which
the class ``"active"`` will be added.
If the tab is not enabled, the classes the class ``"disabled"``
will be added.
default_classes = super(Tab, self).get_default_classes()
if self.is_active():
if not self._enabled:
return default_classes
def get_template_name(self, request):
"""Returns the name of the template to be used for rendering this tab.
By default it returns the value of the ``template_name`` attribute
on the ``Tab`` class.
if not hasattr(self, "template_name"):
raise AttributeError("%s must have a template_name attribute or "
"override the get_template_name method."
% self.__class__.__name__)
return self.template_name
def get_context_data(self, request, **kwargs):
"""Return a dictionary of context data used to render the tab.
return kwargs
def enabled(self, request):
"""Determines whether or not the tab should be accessible.
For example, the tab should be rendered into the HTML
on load and respond to a click event.
If a tab returns ``False`` from ``enabled`` it will ignore the value
of ``preload`` and only render the HTML of the tab after being clicked.
The default behavior is to return ``True`` for all cases.
return True
def allowed(self, request):
"""Determines whether or not the tab is displayed.
Tab instances can override this method to specify conditions under
which this tab should not be shown at all by returning ``False``.
The default behavior is to return ``True`` for all cases.
return True
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Handles POST data sent to a tab.
Tab instances can override this method to have tab-specific POST logic
without polluting the TabView code.
The default behavior is to ignore POST data.
class TableTab(Tab):
"""A Tab class which knows how to deal with DataTable classes inside of it.
This distinct class is required due to the complexity involved in handling
both dynamic tab loading, dynamic table updating and table actions all
within one view.
.. attribute:: table_classes
An iterable containing the :class:`~horizon.tables.DataTable` classes
which this tab will contain. Equivalent to the
:attr:`~horizon.tables.MultiTableView.table_classes` attribute on
:class:`~horizon.tables.MultiTableView`. For each table class you
need to define a corresponding ``get_{{ table_name }}_data`` method
as with :class:`~horizon.tables.MultiTableView`.
table_classes = None
def __init__(self, tab_group, request):
super(TableTab, self).__init__(tab_group, request)
if not self.table_classes:
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
raise NotImplementedError("You must define a table_class "
"attribute on %s" % class_name)
# Instantiate our table classes but don't assign data yet
table_instances = [(table._meta.name,
table(request, **tab_group.kwargs))
for table in self.table_classes]
self._tables = OrderedDict(table_instances)
self._table_data_loaded = False
def load_table_data(self):
"""Calls the ``get_{{ table_name }}_data`` methods for each table class.
When returning, the loaded data is set on the tables.
# We only want the data to be loaded once, so we track if we have...
if not self._table_data_loaded:
for table_name, table in self._tables.items():
# Fetch the data function.
func_name = "get_%s_data" % table_name
data_func = getattr(self, func_name, None)
if data_func is None:
cls_name = self.__class__.__name__
raise NotImplementedError(
"You must define a %(func_name)s method on"
" %(cls_name)s."
% {'func_name': func_name, 'cls_name': cls_name})
# Load the data.
table.data = data_func()
table._meta.has_prev_data = self.has_prev_data(table)
table._meta.has_more_data = self.has_more_data(table)
# Mark our data as loaded so we don't run the loaders again.
self._table_data_loaded = True
def get_context_data(self, request, **kwargs):
"""Adds a ``{{ table_name }}_table`` item to the context for each table.
The target tables are specified by
the :attr:`~horizon.tabs.TableTab.table_classes` attribute.
If only one table class is provided, a shortcut ``table`` context
variable is also added containing the single table.
context = super(TableTab, self).get_context_data(request, **kwargs)
# If the data hasn't been manually loaded before now,
# make certain it's loaded before setting the context.
for table_name, table in self._tables.items():
# If there's only one table class, add a shortcut name as well.
if len(self.table_classes) == 1:
context["table"] = table
context["%s_table" % table_name] = table
return context
def has_prev_data(self, table):
return False
def has_more_data(self, table):
return False
class DetailTabsGroup(TabGroup):
template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_tab_group.html"