The Jenkins job for horizon-upstream-translation-update expects that .tx/config is setup properly. .tx/config is the transifex configuration file that is used for interaction with transifix.com for translation of the strings. If you run the commands from the slave-script, it will update .tx/config with information about the type of the files (PO-files). This change is not needed and will break the periodic import script for horizon (which does not exist). Note that the slave-script needs a fix to work as well, will fix it in the config repository. Also, the import script needs to be done. Reference for jenkins job: https://jenkins.openstack.org/view/All/job/horizon-upstream-translation-update/lastBuild/ Reference to slave-script: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/jenkins/files/slave_scripts/upstream_translation_horizon.sh Change-Id: I9fb6799c8555487941967c2102e1d89c2530b60b