OpenStack Proposal Bot 1f6581d656 Imported Translations from Zanata
For more information about this automatic import see:

Change-Id: I8f34cd6de096fb321e3ebc23ead2e17f3ab47ace
2018-02-02 06:44:34 +00:00

2782 lines
115 KiB

# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2017. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2018. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: I18n Contributor Guide\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-31 18:34+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-29 02:15+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid "(Some contribution would be appreciated.)"
msgstr "(Beberapa kontribusi akan dihargai.)"
msgid "(optional) Put your language name as bug tag."
msgstr "(Opsional) Letakkan nama bahasa Anda sebagai tag bug."
msgid ""
"**Make sure to include your English language name in a bug summary**. It is "
"also suggested to write a bug summary in English. For example:"
msgstr ""
"** Pastikan untuk menyertakan nama bahasa Inggris Anda dalam ringkasan bug "
"**. Juga disarankan untuk menulis ringkasan bug dalam bahasa Inggris. "
"Sebagai contoh:"
msgid ""
"**tox** is available on PyPI and also available in various Linux "
"distribution. ``pip install tox`` or ``apt-get install python-tox`` (in case "
"of Ubuntu) installs **tox**."
msgstr ""
"**tox** tersedia di PyPI dan juga tersedia dalam berbagai distribusi Linux. "
"``pip install tox`` atau ``apt-get install python-tox`` (dalam kasus Ubuntu) "
"menginstal **tox**."
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
msgid ":doc:`IRC meeting <i18n_team_meeting>`"
msgstr ":doc:`IRC meeting <i18n_team_meeting>`"
msgid ""
":doc:`Your language team <lang_team>` may have useful information to help "
"our translation efforts including translation guidelines, priorities, "
"communication tools and so on. It is worth visited. You can find your "
"language team page at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team. If you "
"have questions, you can contact your coordinators."
msgstr ""
":doc:`Your language team <lang_team>` mungkin memiliki informasi yang "
"berguna untuk membantu upaya terjemahan kita termasuk pedoman penerjemahan, "
"prioritas, alat komunikasi dan sebagainya. Perlu dikunjungi. Anda dapat "
"menemukan halaman tim bahasa Anda di https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
"I18nTeam/team. Jika ada pertanyaan, Anda bisa menghubungi koordinator Anda."
msgid ""
":ref:`ATC status in I18n project <i18n-atc>` is determined based on "
"translation statistics in a specific period."
msgstr ""
":ref:`ATC status in I18n project <i18n-atc>` ditentukan berdasarkan "
"statistik penerjemahan dalam suatu periode tertentu."
msgid ":ref:`search`"
msgstr ":ref:`search`"
msgid ""
"A glossary file of your language is found at ``glossary/locale/<lang>/"
"LC_MESSAGES/glossary.po`` in the i18n repository. The file is a usual PO "
msgstr ""
"File glosarium bahasa Anda ditemukan di ``glossary/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/"
"glossary.po`` di repositori i18n. File itu adalah file PO yang biasa."
msgid ""
"A list of all ATCs is available at http://governance.openstack.org/reference/"
msgstr ""
"Daftar semua ATC tersedia di http://governance.openstack.org/reference/"
msgid ""
"A person who can proofread translations and mark them as reviewed (approved) "
"or rejected."
msgstr ""
"Seseorang yang bisa mengoreksi terjemahan dan menandai mereka sebagai "
"ditinjau (disetujui) atau ditolak."
msgid "A person who can submit translations."
msgstr "Seseorang yang bisa mengirimkan terjemahan."
msgid ""
"A privileged member in a translation team who can help in team management "
"tasks, such as approving new members and reviewing contributions to that "
"language. We also have task coordinators for specific tasks."
msgstr ""
"Anggota istimewa dalam tim penerjemahan yang dapat membantu dalam tugas "
"manajemen tim, seperti menyetujui anggota baru dan meninjau kontribusi ke "
"bahasa tersebut. Kami juga memiliki koordinator tugas untuk tugas tertentu."
msgid ""
"A template is a skeleton of static HTML files. In this case, the string is "
"perhaps used in \"Update\" form in \"Container\" menu."
msgstr ""
"Template adalah kerangka dari file HTML statis. Dalam kasus ini, string "
"mungkin digunakan dalam bentuk \"Update\" dalam menu \"Container\"."
msgid ""
"ATC candidates are translators who has translated more than 200 words and "
"reported their e-mail and name to language coordinators, and also signed "
msgstr ""
"Calon ATC adalah penerjemah yang telah menerjemahkan lebih dari 200 kata dan "
"melaporkan e-mail dan nama mereka kepada koordinator bahasa, dan juga "
"menandatangani ICLA."
msgid "ATC members of I18n project"
msgstr "Anggota ATC proyek I18n"
msgid "ATC statistics of past releases are available below:"
msgstr "Statistik ATC rilis sebelumnya tersedia di bawah ini:"
msgid "ATC status in I18n project"
msgstr "Status ATC di proyek I18n"
msgid "About this guide"
msgstr "Tentang panduan ini"
msgid ""
"After the official release, translating master version is welcome for "
"upstream translation contribution, but the original strings may be changed "
"frequently due to upstream development on the projects."
msgstr ""
"Setelah rilis resmi, menerjemahkan versi master dipersilakan untuk "
"kontribusi terjemahan hulu, namun strings asli mungkin sering berubah karena "
"pengembangan hulu proyek."
msgid ""
"After you edit the master glossary, ensure to reflect the change to all "
"language glossary files. To do this, run the following command."
msgstr ""
"Setelah Anda mengedit glossary master, pastikan untuk mencerminkan perubahan "
"pada semua file glosarium bahasa. Untuk melakukan ini, jalankan perintah "
msgid ""
"After you log in with OpenStack ID, you will be requested to fill in your "
msgstr ""
"Setelah masuk dengan OpenStack ID, Anda akan diminta untuk mengisi profil "
msgid ""
"Also, release notes translations are only needed on master since release "
"notes are published only from master, the translations get removed on stable "
msgstr ""
"Juga, pelepasan catatan terjemahan hanya diperlukan pada master karena "
"catatan rilis hanya diterbitkan dari master, terjemahannya bisa dihapus di "
"cabang yang stabil."
msgid ""
"Although each language team could follow the I18n team working plan, your "
"team may also decide your own work items and priorities as a language team."
msgstr ""
"Meskipun setiap tim bahasa dapat mengikuti rencana kerja tim I18n, tim Anda "
"juga dapat menentukan item dan prioritas pekerjaan Anda sendiri sebagai tim "
msgid "Amandeep Singh Saini (jimidar) - Punjabi (India)"
msgstr "Amandeep Singh Saini (jimidar) - Punjabi (India)"
msgid ""
"Another convenient way is to check dashboard translations is to run DevStack "
"in your local environment. To run DevStack, you need to prepare ``local."
"conf`` file, but no worries. Several ``local.conf`` files are shared on the "
"Internet and a minimum example is shown below. From our experience, you need "
"a machine with two or four CPU cores, 8 GB memory and 20 GB disk to run "
"DevStack comfortably. If you enable just major OpenStack projects, the "
"machine requirement would be much smaller like 2~4GB memory."
msgstr ""
"Cara lain yang mudah adalah dengan mengecek dashboard translations yaitu "
"dengan menjalankan DevStack di lingkungan lokal anda. Untuk menjalankan "
"DevStack, Anda perlu menyiapkan file ``local.conf``, tapi jangan khawatir. "
"Beberapa file ``local.conf`` dibagikan di Internet dan contoh minimum "
"ditunjukkan di bawah ini. Dari pengalaman kami, Anda memerlukan mesin dengan "
"dua atau empat core CPU, memori 8 GB dan 20 GB disk untuk menjalankan "
"DevStack dengan nyaman. Jika Anda hanya mengaktifkan proyek OpenStack utama, "
"persyaratan mesin akan jauh lebih kecil seperti memori 2 ~ 4GB."
msgid "Application developer documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasi pengembang aplikasi"
msgid ""
"As a translator, if reported bugs turns out beyond a translation bug, it is "
"better to ask I18n team members via the mailing list or the IRC channel. "
"They can handle such bugs."
msgstr ""
"Sebagai penerjemah, jika bug yang dilaporkan ternyata melampaui bug "
"terjemahan, lebih baik bertanya kepada anggota tim I18 melalui milis atau "
"saluran IRC. Mereka bisa menangani bug semacam itu."
msgid ""
"As an official project, the responsibility of the I18n PTL is generally "
"subject to the `Project Team Guide <https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-"
"guide/ptl.html>`__. This chapter describes tasks for I18n PTL and gives some "
"useful hints. If you want to be I18n PTL or you new in this role, please "
"read carefully. For all other is this chapter informal."
msgstr ""
"Sebagai proyek resmi, tanggung jawab PTL I18 pada umumnya tunduk pada "
"`Project Team Guide <https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/ptl."
"html>` __. Bab ini menjelaskan tugas-tugas untuk PTL dan memberi beberapa "
"petunjuk bermanfaat. Jika Anda ingin menjadi CEO PTL atau Anda yang baru "
"dalam peran ini, bacalah dengan saksama. Untuk semua lainnya adalah bab ini "
msgid ""
"As of now, ATC of official translators are treated as extra ATCs as we have "
"no way to collect statistics automatically now. The list of extra ATCs is "
"maintained by the PTL and is usually updated short before the deadline of "
"extra ATCs nomination in each release cycle. The deadline of extra ATCs "
"nomination can be checked in the release schedule page at http://releases."
"openstack.org/ (for example, http://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule."
msgstr ""
"Sampai sekarang, ATC dari penerjemah resmi diperlakukan sebagai ATC ekstra "
"karena kami tidak dapat mengumpulkan statistik secara otomatis sekarang. "
"Daftar ATC ekstra dikelola oleh PTL dan biasanya diperbarui sebelum batas "
"waktu nominasi ekstra ATC di setiap siklus rilis. Batas waktu nominasi "
"ekstra ATC dapat diperiksa di halaman jadwal pelepasan di http://releases."
"openstack.org/ (misalnya, http://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule."
msgid ""
"As with I18n Core Team, the same things apply here. Launchpad I18n Core Team "
"focuses on determining the importance of a translation and/or I18n bug and "
"triaging bug priorities. You can find the member list on `Launchpad I18n "
"Core Member list <https://launchpad.net/~openstack-i18n-core>`__."
msgstr ""
"Seperti Tim Inti I18n, hal yang sama juga berlaku di sini. Tim Inti I18n "
"Launchpad berfokus pada penentuan pentingnya bug terjemahan dan / atau bug "
"dan prioritas bug triase. Anda dapat menemukan daftar anggota `Launchpad "
"I18n Core Member list <https://launchpad.net/~openstack-i18n-core>`__."
msgid ""
"At the moment, the I18n PTL needs to maintain the ATC list of the I18n "
"project manually around the end of each release cycle. This requires name "
"and e-mail address of individual translators."
msgstr ""
"Saat ini, PTL I18n perlu mempertahankan daftar ATC dari proyek I18n secara "
"manual di akhir setiap siklus rilis. Ini memerlukan nama dan alamat e-mail "
"masing-masing penerjemah."
msgid ""
"At this stage, the master version on Zanata is still open for translations, "
"but it is strongly suggested to work on a stable version."
msgstr ""
"Pada tahap ini, versi master pada Zanata masih terbuka untuk terjemahan, "
"namun sangat disarankan untuk mengerjakan versi stabil."
msgid ""
"Before use sphinx-build to build HTML file, we need to feed the translations "
"from the single PO file into those small PO files. For example:"
msgstr ""
"Sebelum menggunakan sphinx-build untuk membangun file HTML, kita perlu "
"memberi makan terjemahan dari file PO tunggal ke dalam file PO kecil "
"tersebut. Sebagai contoh:"
msgid ""
"Before you start contribution, you'll have to `agree to the contributor "
"license agreement <http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers."
"html#account-setup>`_. (You can preview the full text of `the OpenStack "
"Individual Contributor License Agreement <https://review.openstack.org/"
"static/cla.html>`_ first if you want.)"
msgstr ""
"Sebelum Anda mulai berkontribusi, Anda harus `menyetujui perjanjian lisensi "
"kontributor <http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#account-"
"setup>` _. (Anda dapat melihat pratinjau teks lengkap dari `the OpenStack "
"Individuals Contributor License Agreement <https://review.openstack.org/"
"static/cla.html>` _ sebelumnya jika Anda mau.)"
msgid "Bugs in a source project"
msgstr "Bug dalam sebuah proyek sumber"
msgid "Bugs in tool chains"
msgstr "Bug dalam rantai alat"
msgid ""
"Bugs in translated documents or dashboard are mainly classified into the "
"following areas:"
msgstr ""
"Bug dalam dokumen terjemahan atau dasbor terutama diklasifikasikan ke dalam "
"bidang berikut:"
msgid ""
"Bugs to report English strings are hard to translate in your language. For "
"example, translators cannot control the order of words, or a plural form is "
"not supported. Usually, this kind of bugs are in the original strings and "
"cannot be fixed just by changing the strings and more work is needed."
msgstr ""
"Bug untuk melaporkan string bahasa Inggris sulit diterjemahkan dalam bahasa "
"Anda. Misalnya, penerjemah tidak dapat mengendalikan urutan kata, atau "
"bentuk jamak tidak didukung. Biasanya, jenis bug ini ada di string asli dan "
"tidak bisa diperbaiki hanya dengan mengganti string dan masih banyak "
"pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan."
msgid "Building"
msgstr "Building"
msgid "Building: Build HTML from RST documents and the translated results."
msgstr "Building: build HTML dari dokumen RST dan hasil terjemahannya."
msgid ""
"Builds release notes in both the original (English) version and translated "
"versions (if any)."
msgstr ""
"Bangunkan catatan rilis baik versi asli (bahasa Inggris) dan versi "
"terjemahannya (jika ada)."
msgid "CLI (command line interface)"
msgstr "CLI (command line interface)"
msgid ""
"Check from time to time open reviews on `I18n repo <https://review.openstack."
"org/#/q/project:openstack/i18n+status:open>`__. In addition to the PTL, the "
"core reviewers are responsible."
msgstr ""
"Periksa dari waktu ke waktu ulasan terbuka di `I18n repo <https://review."
"openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/i18n+status:open>`__. Selain PTL, "
"pengulas inti bertanggung jawab."
msgid "Click \"...\" on the right, and select \"Request to join team\"."
msgstr "Klik \"...\" di sebelah kanan, dan pilih \"Request to join team\"."
msgid "Click \"Languages\" on the top, all languages will be listed."
msgstr "Klik \"Languages\" di bagian atas, semua bahasa akan terdaftar."
msgid "Click \"Log in\" button."
msgstr "Klik tombol \"Log in\"."
msgid ""
"Click the language you want to translate, the language page will be shown."
msgstr ""
"Klik bahasa yang ingin Anda terjemahkan, halaman bahasa akan ditampilkan."
msgid ""
"Common code used by **propose_translation_update.sh** and "
msgstr ""
"Kode umum yang digunakan oleh ** propose_translation_update.sh ** dan "
"**upstream_translation_update.sh **"
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Isi"
msgid "Contributing"
msgstr "Berkontribusi"
msgid "Convention"
msgstr "Konvensi"
msgid "Coordinator"
msgstr "Koordinator"
msgid "Creating a Language Team"
msgstr "Membuat Tim Bahasa"
msgid "Cross Project Liaisons"
msgstr "Cross Project Liaisons"
msgid "Currently there is no solid plan when the check site is provided."
msgstr "Saat ini belum ada rencana yang solid saat situs cek disediakan."
msgid ""
"Currently, we do not support translations for OpenStack developer documents: "
msgstr ""
"Saat ini, kami tidak mendukung terjemahan untuk dokumen pengembang "
"OpenStack: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ <project>"
msgid "Daily Work"
msgstr "Pekerjaan sehari-hari"
msgid ""
"Discuss and review glossary changes in your language team before you propose "
"changes to the Gerrit review system. Reviewers in the Gerrit review system "
"cannot understand your language in most cases, so they can only check syntax "
"or conventions."
msgstr ""
"Diskusikan dan tinjau glosarium perubahan di tim bahasa Anda sebelum Anda "
"mengajukan perubahan pada sistem ulasan Gerrit. Peninjau dalam sistem "
"tinjauan Gerrit tidak dapat memahami bahasa Anda dalam banyak kasus, jadi "
"mereka hanya bisa memeriksa sintaks atau konvensi."
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasi"
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "Downloading"
msgid "Downloading: Download the translated results by automation scripts."
msgstr "Downloading: download hasil terjemahan dengan skrip otomasi."
msgid ""
"During translating a dashboard related project, you may want to know \"where "
"is this string used in the dashboard?\"."
msgstr ""
"Selama menerjemahkan proyek terkait dasbor, Anda mungkin ingin tahu \"where "
"is this string used in the dashboard?\"."
msgid ""
"Each cycle has a date set for Extra-ATCs, e.g. `Queens Cycle <https://"
"releases.openstack.org/queens/schedule.html#q-extra-atcs>`__. Maintenance on "
"I18n site is described in chapter :ref:`project-maintenance`. All the "
"OpenStack members can propose extra ATCs, but I18n PTL is highly encouraged "
"to report the list in each cycle. Here are some useful proposals as example:"
msgstr ""
"Setiap siklus memiliki tanggal untuk Ekstra-ATC, misal. `Queens Cycle "
"<https://releases.openstack.org/queens/schedule.html#q-extra-atcs>` __. "
"Pemeliharaan di situs I18n dijelaskan dalam bab :ref: `project-maintenance`. "
"Semua anggota OpenStack dapat mengajukan ATC ekstra, tapi di PTL sangat "
"dianjurkan untuk melaporkan daftar di setiap siklus. Berikut adalah beberapa "
"usulan yang berguna sebagai contoh:"
msgid ""
"Each language team has useful information to help our translation efforts. "
"It is worth visited. You can find your language team at https://wiki."
msgstr ""
"Setiap tim bahasa memiliki informasi yang berguna untuk membantu usaha "
"terjemahan kami. Perlu dikunjungi. Anda dapat menemukan tim bahasa Anda di "
msgid ""
"Each language team may have useful information to help our translation "
"efforts including translation guidelines, priorities, communication tools "
"and so on. It is worth visited. You can find your language team page at "
"https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team. If you have questions, you "
"can contact your coordinators."
msgstr ""
"Setiap tim bahasa mungkin memiliki informasi yang berguna untuk membantu "
"upaya terjemahan kita termasuk pedoman penerjemahan, prioritas, alat "
"komunikasi dan sebagainya. Perlu dikunjungi. Anda dapat menemukan halaman "
"tim bahasa Anda di https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team. Jika ada "
"pertanyaan, Anda bisa menghubungi koordinator Anda."
msgid "Election"
msgstr "Pemilu"
msgid ""
"Every day, new translations get imported into the repositories using a "
"proposal job. These need to have a review on whether the bot worked "
"properly. You can see all open reviews in `Gerrit <https://review.openstack."
"org/#/q/status:open+topic:zanata/translations,n,z>`_. The subject of these "
"patches is always \"Imported Translations from Zanata\"."
msgstr ""
"Setiap hari, terjemahan baru diimpor ke repositori menggunakan pekerjaan "
"proposal. Ini perlu ditinjau apakah bot itu bekerja dengan benar. Anda dapat "
"melihat semua ulasan terbuka di `Gerrit <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/"
"status:open+topic:zanata/translations,n,z>` _. Subjek dari patch selalu ini "
"\"Imported Translations from Zanata\"."
msgid ""
"Every even week: `07:00 UTC, Thursday <https://www.timeanddate.com/"
msgstr ""
"Setiap minggu genap:`07:00 UTC, Thursday <https://www.timeanddate.com/"
msgid ""
"Every odd week: `13:00 UTC, Thursday <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/"
msgstr ""
"Setiap minggu ganjil: `13:00 UTC, Thursday <https://www.timeanddate.com/"
msgid "Everyone in the OpenStack community is glad to help you."
msgstr "Semua orang di komunitas OpenStack dengan senang hati membantu Anda."
msgid "Extra-ATCs Deadline"
msgstr "Tenggat waktu ekstra-ATC"
msgid "Extract Zanata user information"
msgstr "Ekstrak informasi pengguna Zanata"
msgid "Extracting"
msgstr "Extracting"
msgid "FAQ: I cannot find my name in Stackalytics"
msgstr "FAQ: Saya tidak dapat menemukan nama saya di Stackalytics"
msgid ""
"Finally, propose a patch including all of the above changes to the Gerrit "
"review system."
msgstr ""
"Akhirnya, ajukan sebuah patch termasuk semua perubahan di atas ke sistem "
"ulasan Gerrit."
msgid "Finally, we could generate HTML files by"
msgstr "Akhirnya, kita bisa menghasilkan file HTML "
msgid ""
"Finding and reporting translation bugs is an important step towards better "
"quality of translations in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Menemukan dan melaporkan bug terjemahan merupakan langkah penting menuju "
"kualitas terjemahan yang lebih baik di OpenStack."
msgid "Fixing I18n bugs"
msgstr "Memperbaiki bug I18n"
msgid ""
"Follow :doc:`the step <official_translator>` to register an ID in the "
"translation website."
msgstr ""
"Ikuti :doc:`the step <official_translator>` untuk mendaftarkan ID di situs "
msgid ""
"For a document in a stable branch, such as the installation guide for "
"Liberty, you need to update the file ``doc-tools-check-languages.conf`` in "
"the target stable branch directly. You must add an entry to ``DRAFTS``, "
"which is used as a special flag for a stable branch."
msgstr ""
"Untuk dokumen di cabang yang stabil, seperti panduan instalasi untuk "
"Liberty, Anda perlu memperbarui file ``doc-tools-check-languages.conf`` di "
"cabang stabil target secara langsung. Anda harus menambahkan entri ke "
"``DRAFTS``, yang digunakan sebagai bendera khusus untuk cabang yang stabil."
msgid "For documentations, URL and a detail place would be great."
msgstr "Untuk dokumentasi, URL dan tempat detail akan menjadi hebat."
msgid ""
"For each Python project in OpenStack, there is an automation job daily to "
"download the translations in PO file to the \"locale\" folder under the "
"source folder of each project. See :doc:`here <infra>`. It will generate a "
"review request in Gerrit. After :doc:`review <reviewing-translation-"
"import>`, the translation in PO file will be merged."
msgstr ""
"Untuk setiap proyek Python di OpenStack, ada pekerjaan otomasi setiap hari "
"untuk mendownload terjemahan file PO ke folder \"locale\" di bawah folder "
"sumber setiap proyek. Lihat :doc:`here <infra>`. Ini akan menghasilkan "
"permintaan review di Gerrit. Setelah :doc: `review <reviewing-translation-"
"import>`, terjemahan dalam file PO akan digabungkan."
msgid ""
"For each Python project in OpenStack, there is an automation job to extract "
"the messages , generate PO template and upload to Zanata, which is triggered "
"by the \"commit\" event. See :doc:`here <infra>`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk setiap proyek Python di OpenStack, ada pekerjaan otomasi untuk "
"mengekstrak pesan, menghasilkan template PO dan mengunggah ke Zanata, yang "
"dipicu oleh \"commit\" event. Lihat :doc:`here <infra>`."
msgid "For example, in case of nova,"
msgstr "Misalnya, dalam kasus nova,"
msgid ""
"For most of the Python projects, the preferred tools for I18N are gettext "
"and babel. The gettext module provides internationalization (I18N) and "
"localization (L10N) services for your Python modules and applications. Babel "
"are a collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications."
msgstr ""
"Untuk sebagian besar proyek Python, alat yang disukai untuk I18N adalah "
"gettext dan babel. Modul gettext menyediakan layanan internasionalisasi "
"(I18N) dan lokalisasi (L10N) untuk modul dan aplikasi Python Anda. Babel "
"adalah kumpulan alat untuk menginternasionalisasi aplikasi Python."
msgid "For the dashboard, panel or form name."
msgstr "Untuk dasbor, panel atau nama form."
msgid ""
"Foundation membership was validated by calling a REST API in https://"
msgstr ""
"Keanggotaan Foundation divalidasi dengan memanggil REST API di https://"
msgid "Getting in touch"
msgstr "Menghubungi"
msgid "Glossary Management"
msgstr "Glosarium Manajemen"
msgid "Glossary of your language"
msgstr "Glosarium bahasa Anda"
msgid "Go to `Zanata server <https://translate.openstack.org/>`_"
msgstr "Pergi ke `Zanata server <https://translate.openstack.org/>`_"
msgid ""
"Go to the :doc:`translation tools <tools>` page to understand the tools and "
"scripts which support our translation platform."
msgstr ""
"Buka halaman :doc:`translation tools <tools>` untuk memahami alat dan skrip "
"yang mendukung platform terjemahan kami."
msgid "Handling documentation projects"
msgstr "Menangani proyek dokumentasi"
msgid "Handling horizon projects"
msgstr "Menangani proyek horizon"
msgid "Handling python projects"
msgstr "Penanganan proyek python"
msgid "Handling translation bugs"
msgstr "Menangani bug terjemahan"
msgid "Handy links (always sort of on the agenda)"
msgstr "Tautan tersedia (selalu masuk dalam agenda)"
msgid "Heleno Jimenez de la Cruz (id: heleno_jimenez) - Spanish (Mexico)"
msgstr "Heleno Jimenez de la Cruz (id: heleno_jimenez) - Spanish (Mexico)"
msgid "Here is the check list for such case:"
msgstr "Berikut adalah daftar periksa untuk kasus tersebut:"
msgid "How are translations handled?"
msgstr "Bagaimana terjemahan ditangani?"
msgid "How can I report a bug?"
msgstr "Bagaimana saya bisa melaporkan bug?"
msgid "How to check translations"
msgstr "Bagaimana cara memeriksa terjemahan"
msgid "I18n Core Team"
msgstr "Tim Inti I18n"
msgid "I18n IRC Team Meeting"
msgstr "Pertemuan Tim IRC I18n"
msgid "I18n Mailing List Management"
msgstr "Manajemen Daftar Mailing I18n"
msgid "I18n PTL Guide"
msgstr "I18n PTL Guide"
msgid ""
"I18n PTL updates the list using Zanata API and translator list. Detail "
"statistics data is available :ref:`below <atc-stats>`."
msgstr ""
"I18n PTL memperbarui daftar menggunakan daftar Zanata API dan penerjemah. "
"Data statistik detil tersedia :ref:`below <atc-stats>`."
msgid ""
"I18n blueprints are listed also on `Launchpad <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/openstack-i18n>`__. In normal case a blueprint has an assignee and "
"describes a larger course of a process."
msgstr ""
"Cetak biru I18n juga terdaftar di `Launchpad <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/openstack-i18n>` __. Dalam kasus normal, cetak biru memiliki penerima "
"tugas dan menjelaskan proses yang lebih besar."
msgid "I18n team meeting"
msgstr "Pertemuan tim I18n"
msgid ""
"I18n team participates in cross project liaisons in Oslo, Release "
"Management, Documentation and Infrastructure. Many other teams are liaisons "
"in I18n. Visit the `Cross Project Liaisons Wiki Page <https://wiki.openstack."
"org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons>`__ and designate a person for the I18n team. "
"Note that such liaison roles do not have to be I18n PTL. Active I18n cores "
"are highly encouraged."
msgstr ""
"Tim I18 mengikuti partisipasi lintas proyek di Oslo, Release Management, "
"Documentation and Infrastructure. Banyak tim lainnya adalah penghubung di "
"I18n. Kunjungi halaman `Cross Project Liaisons Wiki Page <https://wiki."
"openstack.org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons>` __ dan tentukan seseorang untuk "
"tim I18n. Perhatikan bahwa peran penghubung semacam itu tidak harus "
"dilakukan di PTL. Inti I18n aktif sangat dianjurkan."
msgid ""
"I18n team sets target projects to be translated and prioritizes during "
"around the Forum (renamed from the Design Summit). Current translation plan "
"and priority are available on `translation dashboard <https://translate."
msgstr ""
"Tim I18n menetapkan target proyek untuk diterjemahkan dan diprioritaskan "
"selama di seputar Forum (berganti nama dari Design Summit). Rencana dan "
"prioritas terjemahan saat ini tersedia di `translation dashboard <https://"
"translate.openstack.org/>` _."
msgid "IRC channel: ``#openstack-i18n`` on freenode"
msgstr "Saluran IRC: ``#openstack-i18n`` pada freenode"
msgid "IRC meeting commands"
msgstr "Perintah pertemuan IRC"
msgid "IRC web client"
msgstr "Klien web IRC"
msgid ""
"If a bug reports translation errors of a certain language, it could be "
"called **translation bug**. The translation bug should be fixed in the "
"translation tool."
msgstr ""
"Jika bug melaporkan kesalahan terjemahan dari bahasa tertentu, bisa jadi "
"disebut **translation bug **. Bug terjemahan harus diperbaiki dalam alat "
msgid ""
"If a reported bug turns out to be bugs in a source project, You could help"
msgstr ""
"Jika bug yang dilaporkan ternyata menjadi bug dalam proyek sumber, Anda bisa "
msgid ""
"If there is a translation bug on a stable version in Zanata, it is highly "
"recommended to fix the same translation bug on the corresponding string in "
"the master version."
msgstr ""
"Jika ada bug terjemahan pada versi stabil di Zanata, sangat disarankan untuk "
"memperbaiki bug terjemahan yang sama pada string yang sesuai di versi master."
msgid "If you are a speaker of this language, you could help"
msgstr "Jika Anda seorang pembicara bahasa ini, Anda bisa membantu"
msgid "If you are a translator of this language, you could help"
msgstr "Jika Anda penerjemah bahasa ini, Anda bisa membantu"
msgid ""
"If you are a translator or a person involved in I18n effort, you may be "
"interested in triaging and fixing translation bugs :)"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda seorang penerjemah atau orang yang terlibat dalam usaha I18n, Anda "
"mungkin tertarik untuk triaging (merender) dan memperbaiki bug terjemahan :)"
msgid ""
"If you are lucky to use a same name for launchpad and Zanata IDs, you do not "
"need to do the above. Stackalytics will find your statistics automatically."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda beruntung menggunakan nama yang sama untuk launchpad dan Zanata "
"ID, Anda tidak perlu melakukan hal di atas. Stackalytics akan menemukan "
"statistik Anda secara otomatis."
msgid ""
"If you are not familiar with IRC, please read `IRC Wiki Page <https://wiki."
"openstack.org/wiki/IRC>`_. You can simply use the web client for Freenode to "
"come to `#openstack-i18n or #openstack-meeting channel <http://webchat."
msgstr ""
"Jika anda tidak mengenal IRC, silahkan baca `IRC Wiki Page <https://wiki."
"openstack.org/wiki/IRC>`_. You can simply use the web client for Freenode to "
"come to `#openstack-i18n or #openstack-meeting channel <http://webchat."
msgid "If you are reviewing these translations, keep the following in mind:"
msgstr "Jika Anda meninjau terjemahan ini, ingatlah hal-hal berikut ini:"
msgid ""
"If you are unfamiliar with translations in OpenStack, read the `Project Team "
"Guide on Internationalization and Translation <http://docs.openstack.org/"
"project-team-guide/i18n.html>`_ first."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda tidak terbiasa dengan terjemahan di OpenStack, baca `Project Team "
"Guide on Internationalization and Translation <http://docs.openstack.org/"
"project-team-guide/i18n.html>` _ terlebih dahulu."
msgid ""
"If you cannot find your local team, you can request to :ref:`create a local "
"translation team <creating-lang-team>`."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan tim lokal Anda, Anda dapat meminta :ref:"
"`create a local translation team <creating-lang-team>`."
msgid ""
"If you don't have OpenStack ID, `register one <https://www.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Jika tidak punya OpenStack ID, `register one <https://www.openstack.org/join/"
msgid ""
"If you encounter more complicated things including translation tool chains "
"or something others, the most recommended way is to ask it in the I18n "
"mailing list ``openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org``. Of course, you can file "
"a bug against a related project directly."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menemukan hal-hal yang lebih rumit termasuk rantai alat terjemahan "
"atau sesuatu yang lain, cara yang paling disarankan adalah menanyainya di "
"milis I18n ``openstack-i18n @ lists.openstack.org``. Tentu saja, Anda bisa "
"mengajukan bug terhadap proyek terkait secara langsung."
msgid "If you have a machine running DevStack, there are two ways."
msgstr "Jika Anda memiliki mesin yang menjalankan DevStack, ada dua cara."
msgid ""
"If you have a question, feel free to ask it to the PTL or the i18n list."
msgstr "Jika ada pertanyaan, silakan tanyakan ke daftar PTL atau i18n."
msgid "If you have any, don't hesitate to share it :)"
msgstr "Jika sudah memilikinya, jangan ragu untuk membagikannya :)"
msgid ""
"If you notice bad translations in a language, file a bug (see :ref:"
"`reporting_translation_bugs`). Then the translation team will update the "
"translation. We recommend to still import this change as is and import later "
"the fix to not block other valid translations to merge."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda melihat terjemahan buruk dalam bahasa, ajukan bug (lihat :ref: "
"`reporting_translation_bugs`). Kemudian tim penerjemahan akan memperbarui "
"terjemahannya. Sebaiknya masih mengimpor perubahan ini sebagaimana adanya "
"dan impor nanti perbaiki agar tidak menghalangi terjemahan lain yang valid "
"untuk digabungkan."
msgid ""
"If you visit `openstack-i18n launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-"
"i18n>`_, we can find **Report a bug** at the right-upper corner. Click to "
"report a bug."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mengunjungi `launchstack-i18n launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad."
"net/openstack-i18n>` _, kita dapat menemukan **Report a bug** di sudut kanan "
"atas. Klik untuk melaporkan bug."
msgid ""
"If you want to become a translator only, simply speaking, you need to `join "
"The OpenStack Foundation <https://www.openstack.org/join/>`_ (select "
"\"Foundation Member\") and `sign the appropriate Individual Contributor "
"License Agreement <http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin menjadi penerjemah saja, cukup berbicara, Anda perlu `join "
"The OpenStack Foundation <https://www.openstack.org/join/>`_ (select "
"\"Foundation Member\") and `sign the appropriate Individual Contributor "
"License Agreement <http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers."
msgid ""
"If you want to create a language team and you want to be a coordinator, "
"please follow below steps:"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin membuat tim bahasa dan Anda ingin menjadi koordinator, ikuti "
"langkah-langkah di bawah ini:"
msgid ""
"If you want to help fix I18n bugs of OpenStack, we can find them in the "
"following places:"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin memperbaiki bug I18n dari OpenStack, kami dapat menemukannya "
"di tempat-tempat berikut:"
msgid ""
"If you want to help to report bugs, add more wishlists, and improve them, "
"you can report and fix bugs at `openstack-i18n in Launchpad <https://bugs."
"launchpad.net/openstack-i18n>`_. Mark bugs with a tag \"tools\"."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin melaporkan bug, menambahkan lebih banyak daftar keinginan, "
"dan memperbaikinya, Anda dapat melaporkan dan memperbaiki bug di `openstack-"
"i18n in Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-i18n>` _. Tandai bug "
"dengan tag \"tools\"."
msgid ""
"If your Zanata ID is different from your launchpad ID, Stackalytics will not "
"find your translation statistics. You need to let Stackalytics know your ID "
"mappings. To do this, you need to add your user data into ``etc/detault_data."
"json`` in `the Stackalytics repository <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/"
"openstack/stackalytics/>`__. An example is https://review.openstack.org/#/"
msgstr ""
"Jika ID Zanata Anda berbeda dari ID launchpad Anda, Stackalytics tidak akan "
"menemukan statistik penerjemahan Anda. Anda perlu membiarkan Stackalytics "
"mengetahui pemetaan ID Anda. Untuk melakukan ini, Anda perlu menambahkan "
"data pengguna Anda ke ``etc/default_data.json`` di `repositori Stackalytics "
"<http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/stackalytics/>` __. Contohnya "
"adalah https://review.openstack.org/#/c/284638/1/etc/default_data.json."
msgid ""
"If your Zanata ID is not included in the translator list, you need to update "
"the list to include your Zanata ID. Contact your language coordinator, email "
"the i18n mailing list. You can also submit a patch to update the list by "
"yourself (For detail, see :ref:`sync-translator-list`)."
msgstr ""
"Jika ID Zanata Anda tidak termasuk dalam daftar penerjemah, Anda perlu "
"memperbarui daftar untuk memasukkan ID Zanata Anda. Hubungi koordinator "
"bahasa Anda, kirimkan email ke milis i18n. Anda juga bisa mengirimkan patch "
"untuk memperbarui daftar sendiri (Untuk detailnya, lihat :ref:`sync-"
msgid "Import latest translations"
msgstr "Impor terjemahan terbaru"
msgid ""
"In addition to IRC, I18n team communication takes place via a mailing list. "
"The `Mailing List Administrator <http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/"
"admin/openstack-i18n>`__ is watching new subscribers, not allowed posts, and "
"all the other things that come with the operation of such a list."
msgstr ""
"Selain IRC, komunikasi tim I18n berlangsung via milis. `Mailing List "
"Administrator <http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/openstack-"
"i18n>` __ mengamati pelanggan baru, tidak mengizinkan posting, dan semua hal "
"lain yang menyertai pengoperasian daftar seperti itu"
msgid "In most cases, a source project would be one of:"
msgstr ""
"Dalam kebanyakan kasus, sebuah proyek sumber akan menjadi salah satu dari:"
msgid ""
"In the beginning of each cycle it is a good idea to think about goals for "
"the project in the next months and establish a translation plan. Goals are "
"maybe still left from the last cycle and are to be reviewed. New goals are "
"to be defined on `PTG <https://www.openstack.org/ptg/>`__ or an equivalent "
"event. Orient the team to the `OpenStack-wide goals <https://governance."
msgstr ""
"Pada awal setiap siklus, ada baiknya memikirkan tentang tujuan proyek pada "
"bulan berikutnya dan membuat rencana penerjemahan. Sasaran mungkin masih "
"tertinggal dari siklus terakhir dan harus ditinjau ulang. Tujuan baru harus "
"didefinisikan pada `PTG <https://www.openstack.org/ptg/>` __ atau acara yang "
"setara. Arahkan tim ke tujuan `OpenStack-wide <https://governance.openstack."
"org/tc/goals/>` __."
msgid ""
"Input a short introduction of yourself, including your name, as \"Additional "
"information\", then click \"Send message\"."
msgstr ""
"Masukan pengenalan singkat tentang diri Anda, termasuk nama Anda, sebagai "
"\"Additional information\", lalu klik \"Send message\"."
msgid ""
"Internationalization (I18n) is essential to make OpenStack ubiquitous. The "
"mission of OpenStack I18n team is to make OpenStack ubiquitously accessible "
"to people of all language backgrounds, by enhancing OpenStack software "
"internationalization, providing translation, maintaining a translation "
"platform and managing translation process for better quality of outcomes."
msgstr ""
"Internasionalisasi (I18n) sangat penting untuk membuat OpenStack di mana-"
"mana. Misi tim OpenStack I18n adalah membuat OpenStack diakses dengan mudah "
"oleh orang-orang dari semua latar belakang bahasa, dengan meningkatkan "
"internasionalisasi perangkat lunak OpenStack, memberikan terjemahan, "
"memelihara platform terjemahan dan mengelola proses terjemahan untuk "
"kualitas hasil yang lebih baik."
msgid "Is your Zanata ID different from your launchpad ID?"
msgstr "Apakah ID Zanata Anda berbeda dengan ID launchpad Anda?"
msgid ""
"Is your Zanata ID included in the `translator list <http://git.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Apakah ID Zanata Anda termasuk dalam `translator list <http://git.openstack."
msgid ""
"It is a good idea to organize glossaries and initiate related discussion."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah ide bagus untuk mengatur glosarium dan memulai diskusi terkait."
msgid "It is highly recommended to include the following information."
msgstr "Sangat disarankan untuk menyertakan informasi berikut."
msgid ""
"It is important to check your translations by using a real situation where "
"your translation is used. This page describes how to check your translations."
msgstr ""
"Penting untuk memeriksa terjemahan Anda dengan menggunakan situasi nyata di "
"mana terjemahan Anda digunakan. Halaman ini menjelaskan cara memeriksa "
"terjemahan Anda."
msgid ""
"It is important to understand how an original string is used in the source "
"code with contextual knowledge for better quality of translations. "
"Unfortunately Zanata translation interface does not show where a target "
"string is used in a source code correspondingly."
msgstr ""
"Penting untuk memahami bagaimana string asli digunakan dalam kode sumber "
"dengan pengetahuan kontekstual untuk kualitas terjemahan yang lebih baik. "
"Sayangnya antarmuka terjemahan Zanata tidak menunjukkan di mana string "
"target digunakan dalam kode sumber."
msgid "Jori Kuusinen (id: nuyori) - Finnish (Finland)"
msgstr "Jori Kuusinen (id: nuyori) - Finnish (Finland)"
msgid ""
"Keep in mind to work with your `local user group <https://groups.openstack."
"org/>`_ and the `OpenStack Ambassadors <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
"Community/AmbassadorProgram>`_ to raise awareness and gather members :)"
msgstr ""
"Ingatlah untuk bekerja dengan `local user group <https://groups.openstack."
"org/>`_ dan `OpenStack Ambassadors <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
"Community/AmbassadorProgram>` _ ke meningkatkan kesadaran dan mengumpulkan "
"anggota :)"
msgid "Language Team"
msgstr "Tim Bahasa"
msgid "Language translation team"
msgstr "Tim terjemahan bahasa"
msgid "Launchpad I18n Core Team"
msgstr "Tim Inti I18n Launchpad"
msgid "Launchpad bugs & blueprints"
msgstr "Cetak biru & bug Launchpad"
msgid "Launchpad bugs and Gerrit reviews"
msgstr "Kesalahan di Launchpad dan ulasan Gerrit"
msgid "Liberty cycle"
msgstr "Siklus Liberty"
msgid ""
"Mailing List: `openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org <http://lists.openstack."
msgstr ""
"Mailing List: `openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org <http://lists.openstack."
msgid ""
"Make sure to include a short introduction because it is the only information "
"which language coordinators can use to determine your join request is valid "
"or not."
msgstr ""
"Pastikan untuk menyertakan pengantar singkat karena ini adalah satu-satunya "
"informasi yang dapat digunakan oleh koordinator bahasa untuk menentukan "
"permintaan bergabung Anda valid atau tidak."
msgid "Managing a Language Team"
msgstr "Mengelola Tim Bahasa"
msgid "Masaki Matsushita (id: mmasaki) - Japanese"
msgstr "Masaki Matsushita (id: mmasaki) - Japanese"
msgid "Master glossary"
msgstr "Glosarium master"
msgid "Meeting agenda"
msgstr "Agenda pertemuan"
msgid "Member (translator)"
msgstr "Anggota (penerjemah)"
msgid ""
"Missed translations. Missed translations might be caused by not extracting "
"English strings from the source project, or be caused by real missed "
"translations. If the translations are missed in two different languages, "
"they are probably bugs in the source project. Or else, they are real missed "
msgstr ""
"Terjemahan tak terjawab. Terjemahan tak terjawab mungkin disebabkan oleh "
"tidak mengekstrak string bahasa Inggris dari proyek sumber, atau disebabkan "
"oleh terjemahan yang tidak terjawab. Jika terjemahannya tidak terjawab dalam "
"dua bahasa yang berbeda, kemungkinan terjemahan tersebut merupakan bug dalam "
"proyek sumber. Atau, terjemahan yang sebenarnya tidak terjawab."
msgid "Mitaka cycle"
msgstr "Siklus Mitaka"
msgid "Monitoring translation jobs status"
msgstr "Memantau status pekerjaan terjemahan"
msgid ""
"More convenient way is to use **tox** like ``tox -e venv -- python <script-"
msgstr ""
"Cara yang lebih mudah adalah dengan menggunakan **tox** like ``tox -e venv "
"-- python <script-name>``."
msgid ""
"More information on mailing list: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/"
msgstr ""
"Informasi lebih lanjut tentang milis: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/"
msgid ""
"More information: https://releases.openstack.org/ocata/schedule.html & "
msgstr ""
"Informasi lebih lanjut: https://releases.openstack.org/ocata/schedule.html & "
msgid ""
"Most teams have single approval for translation imports instead of two core "
msgstr ""
"Sebagian besar tim memiliki persetujuan tunggal untuk impor terjemahan, "
"bukan dua pengulas inti."
msgid "Newton cycle"
msgstr "Siklus Newton"
msgid ""
"Nobody should change translation files (the `.po` files in the `locale` "
"directory) besides the bot. The next automatic import will override any "
"change again. Therefore, leave a ``-1`` vote on any such changes and point "
"developer to this document."
msgstr ""
"Tidak ada yang harus mengubah file terjemahan (file `.po` di direktori "
"`locale`) selain bot. Impor otomatis berikutnya akan menggantikan perubahan "
"apapun lagi. Oleh karena itu, tinggalkan vote ``-1` pada perubahan dan titik "
"pengembang pada dokumen ini."
msgid ""
"Note that contributors to openstack/i18n repository are acknowledged as ATC "
"automatically in the same way as for most OpenStack projects."
msgstr ""
"Perhatikan bahwa kontributor untuk openstack / i18n repositori diakui "
"sebagai ATC secara otomatis dengan cara yang sama seperti kebanyakan proyek "
msgid ""
"Note that you need to log into Zanata to see your activity in the above "
msgstr ""
"Perhatikan bahwa Anda perlu masuk ke Zanata untuk melihat aktivitas Anda di "
"halaman di atas."
msgid "Note: the period is relative short because of release cycle change"
msgstr ""
"Catatan: jangka waktunya relatif pendek karena perubahan siklus pelepasan"
msgid ""
"Now you can start your translation. You can actually become an OpenStack "
"official translator by contributing translations. You can find :doc:`various "
"ways of contributions <contributing>`."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang Anda bisa memulai terjemahan Anda. Anda sebenarnya bisa menjadi "
"penerjemah resmi OpenStack dengan menyumbangkan terjemahan. Kamu dapat "
"menemukan :doc:`various ways of contributions <contributing>`."
msgid "Ocata cycle"
msgstr "Siklus Ocata"
msgid ""
"Odd and even values are calculated based on `ISO week numbers <https://www."
msgstr ""
"Nomor ganjil dan genap dihitung berdasarkan `ISO week numbers <https://www."
msgid ""
"Of course there is no need that team coordinators do all items. You can "
"collaborate your team members and share ideas."
msgstr ""
"Tentu tidak perlu koordinator tim melakukan semua barang. Anda dapat "
"berkolaborasi dengan anggota tim Anda dan berbagi gagasan."
msgid "Official OpenStack translator"
msgstr "Penerjemah resmi OpenStack"
msgid ""
"On the other hand, translating stable version as upstream contribution is "
"not encouraged after the translated strings are packaged with releases. The "
"stable version will be closed earlier than or around EOL."
msgstr ""
"Di sisi lain, menerjemahkan versi stabil sebagai kontribusi hulu tidak "
"dianjurkan setelah string terjemahan dikemas dengan rilis. Versi stabil akan "
"ditutup lebih awal dari atau sekitar EOL."
msgid ""
"Once a stable version corresponding to a project stable branch is created on "
"Zanata, the infra script will push strings automatically."
msgstr ""
"Setelah versi stabil yang sesuai dengan cabang stabil proyek dibuat di "
"Zanata, skrip infra akan mendorong string secara otomatis."
msgid ""
"Once you find location(s) of a string you would like to check, you can check "
"more detail context where the string is used by looking at the code in the "
"git repository. Zanata project and git repository are one-to-one "
"relationship. If Zanata project name is ``<Zanata-project-name>``, the "
"corresponding git repository location is ``http://git.openstack.org/cgit/"
"openstack/<Zanata-project-name>/``. For example, if you are translating "
"``horizon``, the git repository is found at http://git.openstack.org/cgit/"
msgstr ""
"Setelah Anda menemukan lokasi dari sebuah string yang ingin Anda periksa, "
"Anda dapat memeriksa konteks detail dimana string digunakan dengan melihat "
"kode di repositori git. Proyek Zanata dan repositori git adalah hubungan "
"satu-ke-satu. Jika nama proyek Zanata adalah ``<Zanata-project-name> ``, "
"lokasi repositori git yang sesuai adalah ``http://git.openstack.org/cgit/"
"openstack/<Zanata-project-name>/``. Misalnya, jika Anda menerjemahkan "
"``horizon``, repositori git ditemukan di http://git.openstack.org/cgit/"
msgid ""
"Once your change is merged, the updated glossary will be uploaded to Zanata. "
"Note that the upload to Zanata is a **manual** process now. Only the Zanata "
"administrator (usually the I18n PTL and some limited folks) can upload a "
"glossary. If your glossary is not uploaded, contact the I18n team or the PTL "
"via the i18n mailing list."
msgstr ""
"Begitu perubahan Anda digabungkan, glosarium yang diperbarui akan diunggah "
"ke Zanata. Perhatikan bahwa upload ke Zanata adalah proses **manual ** "
"sekarang. Hanya administrator Zanata (biasanya PTL I18n dan beberapa orang "
"terbatas) yang bisa mengunggah glossary. Jika glosarium Anda tidak diunggah, "
"hubungi tim I18n atau PTL melalui milis i18n."
msgid ""
"One of main goals in I18n team is to incorporate translated strings into a "
"new release so that more global users experience translated version of "
"OpenStack. To accomplish this goal, some of team activities need to be "
"aligned with a release schedule."
msgstr ""
"Salah satu tujuan utama tim I18n adalah menggabungkan string yang "
"diterjemahkan ke dalam rilis baru sehingga pengguna global lebih banyak "
"mengalami versi terjemahan OpenStack. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, beberapa "
"kegiatan tim perlu disesuaikan dengan jadwal rilis."
msgid ""
"One way is to update the horizon code only. The following shell script "
"fetches the latest horizon code, compiles translation message catalogs and "
"reloads the apache httpd server. Replace ``$BRANCH`` with an appropriate "
"branch such as ``master``, ``stable/newton`` or ``stable/mitaka``."
msgstr ""
"Salah satunya adalah dengan mengupdate kode horizon saja. Skrip shell "
"berikut mengambil kode horizon terbaru, menyusun katalog pesan terjemahan "
"dan memuat kembali server httpd apache. Ganti ``$BRANCH`` dengan cabang yang "
"sesuai seperti ``master``, ``stable/newton`` atau ``stable/mitaka``."
msgid ""
"Open a POT file you find and search a string you are interested in. Then you "
"can find an entry like:"
msgstr ""
"Buka file POT yang Anda temukan dan cari string yang Anda minati. Kemudian "
"Anda dapat menemukan entri seperti:"
msgid "Open discussion"
msgstr "Diskusi terbuka"
msgid "Open reviews I18n repository"
msgstr "Ulasan Terbuka repositori I18n"
msgid "OpenStack Dashboard"
msgstr "Dasbor OpenStack"
msgid "OpenStack I18n Guide"
msgstr "Panduan OpenStack I18n"
msgid "OpenStack I18n team"
msgstr "Tim OpenStack I18n"
msgid ""
"OpenStack I18n team is a team to coordinate all language translations and "
"cooperation with the I18n team and the development teams. I18n team usually "
"has a working plan."
msgstr ""
"Tim OpenStack I18n adalah tim untuk mengkoordinasikan semua terjemahan "
"bahasa dan kerja sama dengan tim I18n dan tim pengembangan. Tim I18n "
"biasanya memiliki rencana kerja."
msgid ""
"OpenStack I18n team uses `Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-"
"i18n>`_ for the bug tracking."
msgstr ""
"Tim OpenStack I18n menggunakan `Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/"
"openstack-i18n>` _ untuk pelacakan bug."
msgid "OpenStack I18n team: See :ref:`label-i18n-team-contact`"
msgstr "Tim OpenStack I18n: Lihat :ref:`label-i18n-team-contact`"
msgid "OpenStack developer documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasi pengembang OpenStack"
msgid ""
"OpenStack documents are using RST format. The steps to translate RST "
"documents include:"
msgstr ""
"Dokumen OpenStack menggunakan format RST. Langkah-langkah untuk "
"menerjemahkan dokumen RST meliputi:"
msgid ""
"OpenStack uses Zanata as a translation platform. While most operations "
"around the translation platform are automated, if you want to communicate "
"with the translation platform manually, you can use `Zanata CLI <http://docs."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack menggunakan Zanata sebagai platform terjemahan. Sementara sebagian "
"besar operasi di sekitar platform terjemahan otomatis, jika Anda ingin "
"berkomunikasi dengan platform terjemahan secara manual, Anda dapat "
"menggunakan `Zanata CLI <http://docs.zanata.org/en/release/client/>` __."
msgid "Or, more convenient way would be:"
msgstr "Atau, cara yang lebih mudah adalah:"
msgid "Original string or message is not correct."
msgstr "String atau pesan asli tidak benar"
msgid ""
"POT files are no longer stored in git repositories. The change was made at "
"the beginning of Newton development cycle [#]_."
msgstr ""
"File POT tidak lagi disimpan di repositori git. Perubahan itu dilakukan pada "
"awal siklus pengembangan Newton [#] _."
msgid ""
"PTLs are elected by ATCs for each cycle. Please read `Governance Election "
"Page <https://governance.openstack.org/election/>`__. Time and rules are "
"announced there and on `OpenStack Developer Mailing List <http://lists."
"openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev>`__. Your candidacy is "
"highly encouraged to share via there and on `OpenStack I18n Mailing List "
"<http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-i18n>`__ . "
"The proposal must be submitted to election repository (e.g. `https://review."
"openstack.org/#/c/425775/ <https://review.openstack.org/#/c/425775/>`__). "
"For this reason it is a good idea to subscribe to these mailing lists "
"before :-)"
msgstr ""
"PTL dipilih oleh ATC untuk setiap siklus. Silahkan baca `Governance "
"Election Page <https://governance.openstack.org/election/>` __. Waktu dan "
"aturan diumumkan di sana dan di `OpenStack Developer Mailing List <http://"
"lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev>` __. Pencalonan "
"Anda sangat dianjurkan untuk berbagi melalui sana dan di `OpenStack I18n "
"Mailing List <http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-"
"i18n>` __. Proposal harus diserahkan ke repositori pemilihan (misalnya, "
"`https://review.openstack.org/#/c/425775/ <https://review.openstack.org/#/"
"c/425775/>` __). Untuk alasan ini, ada baiknya Anda berlangganan milis ini "
"sebelum :-)"
msgid ""
"Patch on governance repository: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213989/ "
"(`diff <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/commit/?"
msgstr ""
"Patch pada repositori tata kelola: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213989/ "
"(`diff <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/commit/?"
msgid ""
"Patch on governance repository: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/281145/ "
"(`diff <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/commit/?"
msgstr ""
"Patch pada repositori tata kelola: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/281145/ "
"(`diff <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/commit/?"
msgid ""
"Patch on governance repository: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/351480/ "
"(`diff <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/commit/?"
msgstr ""
"Patch pada repositori tata kelola: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/351480/ "
"(`diff <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/commit/?"
msgid ""
"Patch on governance repository: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/417569/ "
"(`diff <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/commit/?"
msgstr ""
"Patch pada repositori tata kelola:: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/417569/ "
"(`diff <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/commit/?"
msgid "Patch on governance repository: https://review.openstack.org/483452"
msgstr "Patch pada repositori tata kelola: https://review.openstack.org/483452"
msgid "Period: 2015-08-01 to 2016-01-30"
msgstr "Periode: 2015-08-01 sampai 2016-01-30"
msgid "Period: 2016-02-01 to 2016-07-31"
msgstr "Periode: 2016-02-01 sampai 2016-07-31"
msgid "Period: 2016-08-01 to 2017-01-05"
msgstr "Periode: 2016-08-01 sampai 2017-01-05"
msgid "Period: 2017-01-06 to 2017-06-30"
msgstr "Periode: 2017-01-06 sampai 2017-06-30"
msgid "Period: from 2014-11-01 to 2015-07-16"
msgstr "Periode: dari 2014-11-01 sampai 2015-07-16"
msgid "Pike cycle"
msgstr "Siklus Pike"
msgid "Previous meetings"
msgstr "Pertemuan sebelumnya"
msgid "Project Goals And Translation Plan"
msgstr "Project Goals And Translation Plan"
msgid "Project configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi proyek"
msgid "Project maintenance"
msgstr "Pemeliharaan proyek"
msgid "Pull translations from Zanata"
msgstr "Tarik terjemahan dari Zanata"
msgid "Python script to setup projects for Zanata"
msgstr "Script Python untuk setup proyek untuk Zanata"
msgid "Register a user ID in Zanata"
msgstr "Daftarkan ID pengguna di Zanata"
msgid "Release Management"
msgstr "Manajemen rilis"
msgid ""
"Replace ``$BRANCH`` with an appropriate branch such as ``master``, ``stable/"
"newton`` or ``stable/mitaka``."
msgstr ""
"Ganti ``$BRANCH`` dengan cabang yang sesuai seperti ``master``, ``stable/"
"newton`` atau ``stable/mitaka``."
msgid "Reporting translation bugs"
msgstr "Pelaporan bug terjemahan"
msgid "Request to join a translation team"
msgstr "Meminta untuk bergabung dengan tim penerjemah"
msgid "Retrieve translation statistics"
msgstr "Ambil statistik penerjemahan"
msgid "Review of action items from the previous meeting"
msgstr "Tinjau kembali item tindakan dari pertemuan sebelumnya"
msgid "Reviewer"
msgstr "Reviewer"
msgid "Reviewing"
msgstr "Meninjau ulang"
msgid "Reviewing translation imports"
msgstr "Meninjau impor terjemahan"
msgid "Rob Cresswell (id: robcresswell) - English (United Kingdom)"
msgstr "Rob Cresswell (id: robcresswell) - English (United Kingdom)"
msgid "Roles in a Language Team"
msgstr "Peran dalam Tim Bahasa"
msgid "Running DevStack"
msgstr "Menjalankan DevStack"
msgid ""
"Schedules and rules for the team meeting are described in chapter :doc:"
"`i18n_team_meeting` PTL is chairing the meeting or determines someone to "
"takeover. He (the PTL) also has to check if the meeting time suits most "
"people. Configuration of chair and time is done by `irc-meeting repo "
msgstr ""
"Jadwal dan peraturan untuk pertemuan tim dijelaskan di bab :doc: "
"`i18n_team_meeting` PTL memimpin rapat atau menentukan seseorang untuk "
"mengambil alih jabatan. Dia (PTL) juga harus mengecek apakah waktu pertemuan "
"sesuai dengan kebanyakan orang. Konfigurasi kursi dan waktu dilakukan oleh "
"`irc-meeting repo <https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/irc-meetings>` "
msgid "Search in this guide"
msgstr "Cari di buku petunjuk ini"
msgid "Server projects"
msgstr "Proyek server"
msgid ""
"Setting up a communication channel among team members is recommended. It "
"encourage team communications to discuss various translation related topics."
msgstr ""
"Menyiapkan saluran komunikasi antar anggota tim dianjurkan. Ini mendorong "
"komunikasi tim untuk membahas berbagai topik terkait terjemahan."
msgid "Setting up translations for a repository"
msgstr "Menyiapkan terjemahan untuk repositori"
msgid "Slicing"
msgstr "Slicing"
msgid "Slicing: generate PO templates from RST documents"
msgstr "Slicing: buat template PO dari dokumen RST"
msgid ""
"Sphinx is a tool to translate RST source files to various output formats, "
"including POT and HTML. You need to install Sphinx before you go to below "
"steps. Almost all projects have ``test-requirements.txt`` in their "
"repositories and you can check the required version of Sphinx by checking "
"this file."
msgstr ""
"Sphinx adalah alat untuk menerjemahkan file sumber RST ke berbagai format "
"output, termasuk POT dan HTML. Anda perlu menginstal Sphinx sebelum "
"melangkah ke langkah-langkah di bawah ini. Hampir semua proyek memiliki ` "
"test-requirements.txt`` di repositori mereka dan Anda dapat memeriksa versi "
"Sphinx yang diperlukan dengan memeriksa file ini."
msgid "Stackalytics"
msgstr "Stackalytics"
msgid ""
"Statistics are available through: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/"
msgstr ""
"Statistik tersedia melalui: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/"
msgid "Steps to become a OpenStack translator"
msgstr "Langkah menjadi penerjemah OpenStack"
msgid "Sync the translator list with Zanata"
msgstr "Sinkronkan daftar penerjemah dengan Zanata"
msgid "TBD"
msgstr "TBD"
msgid "Team activities with release"
msgstr "Kegiatan tim dengan pelepasan"
msgid ""
"The Creator's Guide of the Infrastructure Manual explains how to `Enable the "
"Translation Infrastructure <http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/creators."
msgstr ""
"Panduan Pembuat Pedoman Infrastruktur menjelaskan bagaimana `Enable the "
"Translation Infrastructure <http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/creators."
"html#enabling-translation-infrastructure>` _."
msgid ""
"The I18n project is an official OpenStack project, so official translators "
"who have contributed in a specific period are regarded as \"ATC\" (Active "
"Technical Contributor) and \"APC\" (Active Project Contributor) of the I18n "
"project. APC can vote for the I18n PTL (Project Team Lead), and ATC can vote "
"for OpenStack TC (Technical Committee). For more detail on ATC, APC and TC, "
"see `OpenStack Technical Committee Charter <http://governance.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Proyek I18n adalah proyek OpenStack resmi, sehingga penerjemah resmi yang "
"telah berkontribusi dalam periode tertentu dianggap sebagai \"ATC\" (Active "
"Technical Contributor) dan \"APC\" (Active Project Contributor)dari proyek "
"I18n. APC dapat memilih PTL I18n (Project Team Lead), dan ATC dapat memilih "
"OpenStack TC (Panitia Teknis). Untuk detail lebih lanjut tentang ATC, APC "
"dan TC, lihat `OpenStack Technical Committee Charter <http://governance."
msgid ""
"The I18n project maintains a list of language teams and their members. The "
"list is used by Stackalytics to gather translation statistics (See :ref:"
"`stats-stackalytics` for detail). It is also used by the scripts below."
msgstr ""
"Proyek I18n mempertahankan daftar tim bahasa dan anggotanya. Daftar ini "
"digunakan oleh Stackalytics untuk mengumpulkan statistik terjemahan (lihat :"
"ref: `stats-stackalytics` untuk detail). Hal ini juga digunakan oleh script "
"di bawah ini."
msgid ""
"The I18n team holds weekly meetings on Thursdays at alternating times in "
"#openstack-meeting IRC channel. To download ICS file, please visit "
"`eavesdrop <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#I18N_Team_Meeting>`_ page."
msgstr ""
"Tim I18n mengadakan pertemuan mingguan pada hari Kamis pada waktu bergantian "
"di saluran IRC pertemuan open-view. Untuk mendownload file ICS, silakan "
"kunjungi halaman `eavesdrop <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/"
"#I18N_Team_Meeting>` _."
msgid "The I18n team welcomes any kinds of contribution."
msgstr "Tim I18n menyambut baik segala bentuk kontribusi."
msgid ""
"The Infrastructure and I18n teams are preparing the translation check site "
"to check dashboard translations. It is under preparation."
msgstr ""
"Tim Infrastructure dan I18n sedang mempersiapkan situs pemeriksaan "
"terjemahan untuk memeriksa terjemahan dasbor. Itu sedang dalam persiapan."
msgid ""
"The POT file is found under ``http://tarballs.openstack.org/translation-"
"pot``, where:"
msgstr ""
"File POT ditemukan di bawah ``http://tarballs.openstack.org/translation-"
"pot``, dimana:"
msgid ""
"The PTL is supported in the work by the `I18n core team <https://review."
"openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1132,members>`__. He designates such kind of "
"project team members and reviews the list from time to time. The work of the "
"core team is described in the `Project Team Guide <https://docs.openstack."
"org/project-team-guide/ptl.html>`__. Of course, core team member be can also "
"proposed by the project team."
msgstr ""
"PTL didukung dalam pekerjaan oleh tim inti `I18n <https://review.openstack."
"org/#/admin/groups/1132,members>` __. Dia menunjuk anggota tim proyek "
"semacam itu dan meninjau daftarnya dari waktu ke waktu. Pekerjaan tim inti "
"dijelaskan dalam `Project Team Guide <https://docs.openstack.org/project-"
"team-guide/ptl.html>` __. Tentu saja, anggota tim inti juga bisa diusulkan "
"oleh tim proyek."
msgid "The above run the following internally:"
msgstr "Jalankan perintah di atas berikut ini secara internal:"
msgid ""
"The bug triaging process are following the `general bug triaging process "
"<https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/BugTriage>`_. If you want to help bug "
"triaging tasks, join the `OpenStack I18n bug team <https://launchpad.net/"
"~openstack-i18n-bugs>`_ first."
msgstr ""
"Proses triaging bug mengikuti proses triaging bug umum <https://wiki."
"openstack.org/wiki/BugTriage> `_. Jika Anda ingin membantu tugas bug "
"triaging, bergabunglah dengan tim bug OpenStack I18n <https://launchpad.net/"
"~openstack-i18n-bugs> `_ sebelumnya."
msgid ""
"The change is done by a bot. If anything looks wrong with it, you need to "
"actively reach out to the :ref:`OpenStack I18n team <openstack_i18n_team>` "
"and point the problem out."
msgstr ""
"Perubahan itu dilakukan oleh bot. Jika ada yang salah dengan itu, Anda perlu "
"secara aktif menjangkau :ref: `OpenStack I18n team <openstack_i18n_team>` "
"dan arahkan masalahnya."
msgid "The convention for heading levels is as follows::"
msgstr "Konvensi untuk tingkat pos adalah sebagai berikut ::"
msgid ""
"The easiest way would be to open http://tarballs.openstack.org/translation-"
"source and then follow ``<Zanata-project-name>``, ``<Zanata-version>`` and "
"corresponding links."
msgstr ""
"Cara termudah adalah membuka http://tarballs.openstack.org/translation-"
"source lalu ikuti ``<Zanata-project-name>``, ``<Zanata-version>`` dan link "
"yang sesuai."
msgid "The filename of the list is ``tools/translation_team.yaml``."
msgstr "Nama file dari daftar adalah ``tools/translation_team.yaml``."
msgid ""
"The following is an example of ``local.conf`` for Newton release which runs "
"core components (keystone, nova, glance, neutron, cinder), horizon, swift "
"and heat. The components which the main horizon code supports are chosen."
msgstr ""
"Berikut ini adalah contoh ``local.conf`` untuk pelepasan Newton yang "
"menjalankan komponen inti (keystone, nova, glance, neutron, cinder), "
"horizon, swift and heat. Komponen dipilih adalah komponen yang mendukung "
"kode horizon utama."
msgid ""
"The following is an example of ``zanata.xml``. In most cases, what you need "
"to edit are **project** and **project-version**."
msgstr ""
"Berikut ini adalah contoh ``zanata.xml``. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, yang perlu "
"Anda edit adalah **project** dan **project-version**."
msgid "The followings are useful links when writing documents in RST."
msgstr "Berikut adalah link yang berguna saat menulis dokumen di RST."
msgid ""
"The goal of the review is that the structure of the change is fine, it's not "
"that the strings are translated properly. The review of translated strings "
"is done by teams using the translation server."
msgstr ""
"Tujuan dari tinjauan ini adalah bahwa struktur perubahan itu baik, bukan "
"berarti senar diterjemahkan dengan benar. Peninjauan ulang string "
"diterjemahkan dilakukan oleh tim yang menggunakan server terjemahan."
msgid ""
"The guide is written in reStructuredText (RST) markup syntax with Sphinx "
"extensions. Most conventions follow `those of the openstack-manuals project "
msgstr ""
"Panduan ini ditulis dalam sintaks markup reStructuredText (RST) dengan "
"ekstensi Sphinx. Sebagian besar konvensi mengikuti `those of the openstack-"
"manuals project <http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/rst-conv.html>` "
msgid ""
"The master glossary is an usual POT file. You can edit it in your favorite "
"editor as usual."
msgstr ""
"Glosarium master adalah file POT yang biasa. Anda bisa mengeditnya di editor "
"favorit Anda seperti biasa."
msgid ""
"The meeting agenda is located at `I18nTeamMeeting Wiki <https://wiki."
"openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting>`_. You "
"can add your topics on the Wiki page."
msgstr ""
"Agenda rapat berlokasi di `I18nTeamMeeting Wiki <https://wiki.openstack.org/"
"wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting>` _. Anda dapat "
"menambahkan topik Anda di halaman Wiki."
msgid ""
"The other way is to rerun DevStack. Ensure to include ``RECLONE=True`` in "
"your ``local.conf`` before running ``stack.sh`` again so that DevStack "
"retrieve the latest codes of horizon and other projects."
msgstr ""
"Cara lain adalah dengan memutarkan kembali DevStack. Pastikan untuk "
"menyertakan ``RECLONE=True`` di `` local.conf`` Anda sebelum menjalankan "
"``stack.sh`` lagi sehingga DevStack mengambil kode horizon dan proyek "
"terbaru lainnya."
msgid ""
"The proposal bot also removes files, it removes files that have very few "
"translations in them. Note that no translations will be lost, they are still "
"in the translation server."
msgstr ""
"Bot proposal juga menghapus file, file tersebut menghapus file yang memiliki "
"sedikit terjemahan di dalamnya. Perhatikan bahwa tidak ada terjemahan yang "
"hilang, mereka masih berada di server terjemahan."
msgid ""
"The script ``tools/zanata/zanata_stats.py`` helps retrieving translation "
"statistics from Zanata."
msgstr ""
"Script ``tools/zanata/zanata_stats.py`` membantu mengambil statistik "
"terjemahan dari Zanata."
msgid ""
"The script ``tools/zanata/zanata_userinfo.py`` helps this. It generates a "
"CSV file by reading a YAML file which contains the list of translators (e."
"g., ``translation_team.yaml``) with user name and e-mail addresses by "
"interacting with Zanata API."
msgstr ""
"Script ``tools/zanata/zanata_userinfo.py`` membantu ini. Ini menghasilkan "
"file CSV dengan membaca file YAML yang berisi daftar penerjemah (misal, "
"``translation_team.yaml``) dengan nama pengguna dan alamat e-mail dengan "
"berinteraksi dengan Zanata API."
msgid ""
"The scripts below depend on several python modules. To install these "
"dependencies, run ``pip install -e requirements.txt``."
msgstr ""
"Skrip di bawah ini bergantung pada beberapa modul python. Untuk menginstal "
"dependensi ini, jalankan ``pip install -e requirements.txt``."
msgid ""
"The stable version is created from the master version on Zanata once RC1 is "
"cut and a stable branch is created in a git repository."
msgstr ""
"Versi stabil dibuat dari versi master pada Zanata setelah RC1 dipotong dan "
"cabang stabil dibuat di repositori git."
msgid ""
"The stable version is well reviewed, so it makes sense to merge translations "
"into the master version on Zanata to avoid translating the same strings "
msgstr ""
"Versi stabil ditinjau dengan baik, jadi masuk akal untuk menggabungkan "
"terjemahan ke versi master di Zanata agar tidak menerjemahkan strings yang "
"sama lagi."
msgid ""
"The statistics are calculated using `a Python script <http://git.openstack."
"org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/tools/zanata/zanata_stats.py>`__ powered by "
"`Zanata statistics API <https://zanata.ci.cloudbees.com/job/zanata-api-site/"
"site/zanata-common-api/rest-api-docs/resource_StatisticsResource.html>`__. "
"Translator list is maintained by `translation_team.yaml <http://git."
"yaml>`__ stored in `openstack/i18n git repository <http://git.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Statistik dihitung dengan menggunakan `a Python script <http://git.openstack."
"org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/tools/zanata/zanata_stats.py>`__ digerakan oleh "
"`Zanata statistics API <https://zanata.ci.cloudbees.com/job/zanata-api-site/"
"site/zanata-common-api/rest-api-docs/resource_StatisticsResource.html>`__. "
"Daftar penerjemah dikelola oleh `translation_team.yaml <http://git.openstack."
"org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/tools/zanata/translation_team.yaml>`__ stored "
"in `openstack/i18n git repository <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/"
msgid "The terms in this page follow release schedule pages."
msgstr "Istilah di halaman ini mengikuti halaman jadwal pelepasan."
msgid ""
"The translatable strings are extracted from a source project. So some i18n "
"bugs might be caused by bugs in the original strings/source codes of a "
"source project which contains these translatable strings. Those kind of bugs "
"should be fixed in the source project."
msgstr ""
"String yang dapat diterjemahkan diekstraksi dari sebuah proyek sumber. Jadi "
"beberapa bug i18 mungkin disebabkan oleh bug dalam string asli / kode sumber "
"dari proyek sumber yang berisi string yang dapat diterjemahkan ini. Jenis "
"bug tersebut harus diperbaiki dalam proyek sumber."
msgid ""
"The translation plan is announced on `Zanata <https://translate.openstack."
"org>`__ and contains the projects with the highest priority in translation. "
"Usually these are all user-visible projects, like Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Rencana penerjemahan diumumkan di `Zanata <https://translate.openstack.org>` "
"__ dan berisi proyek dengan prioritas tertinggi dalam terjemahan. Biasanya "
"ini semua proyek yang terlihat pengguna, seperti Horizon."
msgid ""
"The work for PTL and Zanata administrator is described in chapter :doc:"
"`release_management`. This covers also questions about string freezes and "
"work with stable branches."
msgstr ""
"Pekerjaan untuk administrator PTL dan Zanata dijelaskan di bab :doc: "
"`release_management`. Ini mencakup juga pertanyaan tentang string membeku "
"dan bekerja dengan cabang yang stabil."
msgid ""
"Then, for every PO file, we should execute the following command to build "
"into MO file:"
msgstr ""
"Kemudian, untuk setiap file PO, kita harus menjalankan perintah berikut "
"untuk membangun file MO:"
msgid ""
"Then, your locale translation team is created successfully. You can enroll "
"more people to join and start your translation work."
msgstr ""
"Kemudian, tim penerjemah lokal Anda berhasil dibuat. Anda dapat mendaftarkan "
"lebih banyak orang untuk bergabung dan memulai pekerjaan terjemahan Anda."
msgid ""
"There are cases where you cannot see your translation statistics in "
"Stackalytics even after you translate strings in Zanata."
msgstr ""
"Ada banyak kasus di mana Anda tidak dapat melihat statistik terjemahan Anda "
"di Stackalytics bahkan setelah Anda menerjemahkan string di Zanata."
msgid "There are several ways to know your translation activity."
msgstr "Ada beberapa cara untuk mengetahui aktivitas penerjemahan Anda."
msgid "There are three different roles in a translation team:"
msgstr "Ada tiga peran berbeda dalam tim terjemahan:"
msgid ""
"This `Script in I18n repo <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/"
"tools/zanata/zanata_users.py>`__ collects all users and their activities."
msgstr ""
"Ini `Script in I18n repo <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/"
"tools/zanata/zanata_users.py>`__ mengumpulkan semua pengguna dan aktivitas "
msgid ""
"This document explains to reviewers details about the automatic import of "
"translations from Zanata."
msgstr ""
"Dokumen ini menjelaskan kepada pengulas rincian tentang impor otomatis "
"terjemahan dari Zanata."
msgid "This document gives additional information."
msgstr "Dokumen ini memberikan informasi tambahan."
msgid ""
"This following statistics data is calculated using up-to-date "
"`translation_team.yaml <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/"
"id=a67e08d86cc78907da38d5f09b8be6f71d1979a0>`__ (date: Jan 15, 2017)."
msgstr ""
"Data statistik berikut ini dihitung dengan menggunakan up-to-date "
"`translation_team.yaml <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/"
"id=a67e08d86cc78907da38d5f09b8be6f71d1979a0>`__ (date: Jan 15, 2017)."
msgid ""
"This guide itself is I18n-ed and you can translate it into your language. To "
"translate it, visit `i18n <https://translate.openstack.org/project/view/"
"i18n>`__ project in `Zanata <https://translate.openstack.org/>`__. Document "
"**doc** in **i18n** project corresponds to this guide. You can translate it "
"in the same way as you do for other projects like dashboard or manuals. Once "
"the translation progress becomes higher than the threshold (For more "
"information on the threshold, see :ref:`translation-jobs`), the translated "
"version of the guide will be published."
msgstr ""
"Panduan ini sendiri adalah I18n-ed dan Anda bisa menerjemahkannya ke dalam "
"bahasa Anda. Untuk menerjemahkannya, kunjungi `i18n <https://translate."
"openstack.org/project/view/i18n>` __ proyek di `Zanata <https://translate."
"openstack.org/>` __. Dokumen ** doc ** di ** i18n ** proyek sesuai dengan "
"panduan ini. Anda bisa menerjemahkannya dengan cara yang sama seperti yang "
"Anda lakukan untuk proyek lain seperti dasbor atau manual. Setelah kemajuan "
"terjemahan menjadi lebih tinggi dari ambang batas (Untuk informasi lebih "
"lanjut tentang ambang batas, lihat: ref: `translation-jobs`), versi "
"terjemahan dari panduan ini akan dipublikasikan."
msgid ""
"This guide provides detailed instructions on the I18n contribution workflow "
"and conventions to be considered by all contributors."
msgstr ""
"Panduan ini memberikan petunjuk rinci tentang alur kerja dan konvensi "
"kontribusi I18n untuk dipertimbangkan oleh semua kontributor."
msgid "This is a useful commands for the IRC meeting."
msgstr "Ini adalah perintah yang berguna untuk pertemuan IRC."
msgid ""
"This is written about openstack-manuals project. As of the end of Pike "
"development cycle, `the document migration community-wide effort <https://"
"html>`__ is being done. The process documented here might be changed in near "
msgstr ""
"Ini ditulis tentang proyek manual openstack. Sampai akhir siklus "
"pengembangan Pike, `the document migration community-wide effort <https://"
"html>` __ dalam penyelesaian. Proses yang didokumentasikan di sini mungkin "
"akan berubah dalam waktu dekat."
msgid ""
"This list is a cache of information on Zanata, and we need to keep it synced "
"with Zanata."
msgstr ""
"Daftar ini adalah cache informasi tentang Zanata, dan kita perlu "
"merahasiakannya dengan Zanata."
msgid ""
"This means \"Aggregates\" menu in \"Admin\" group in the left side menu. In "
"Horizon code, the second level corresponds to a dashboard group like "
"\"Project\" or \"Admin\" and the third level corresponds to a panel like "
"\"Aggregates\" (in this example), \"Instances\" or \"Networks\"."
msgstr ""
"Ini berarti menu \"Aggregates\" di grup \"Admin\" di menu sisi kiri. Dalam "
"kode Horizon, tingkat kedua sesuai dengan kelompok dasbor seperti \"Projek\" "
"atau \"Admin\" dan tingkat ketiga sesuai dengan panel seperti \"Aggregates"
"\" (dalam contoh ini), \"Instances\" or \"Networks\"."
msgid "This page collects small tips and tricks around translations."
msgstr "Halaman ini mengumpulkan tip dan trik kecil seputar terjemahan."
msgid "This page covers various operations around i18n activities."
msgstr "Halaman ini mencakup berbagai operasi seputar aktivitas i18n."
msgid "This page describes how end users can report translation bugs."
msgstr ""
"Halaman ini menjelaskan bagaimana pengguna akhir dapat melaporkan bug "
msgid ""
"This page describes the conventions and tips on writing this guide itself."
msgstr ""
"Halaman ini menjelaskan tentang konvensi dan tip untuk menulis panduan ini "
msgid ""
"This page documents what I18n team concerns and which things are needed to "
"do with OpenStack releases. Each OpenStack release has around 6-month cycle "
"and the corresponding schedule is available on https://releases.openstack."
"org/ (e.g., https://releases.openstack.org/ocata/schedule.html describes "
"Ocata release schedule)."
msgstr ""
"Halaman ini mendokumentasikan apa yang menjadi perhatian tim saya dan hal "
"mana yang perlu dilakukan dengan rilis OpenStack. Setiap rilis OpenStack "
"memiliki siklus sekitar 6 bulan dan jadwal yang sesuai tersedia di https://"
"releases.openstack.org/ (mis., https://releases.openstack.org/ocata/schedule."
"html menjelaskan jadwal rilis Ocata)."
msgid "This script requires Zanata admin privilege."
msgstr "Script ini membutuhkan privilege admin Zanata."
msgid ""
"This section tries to share best practices on how team coordinators manages "
"their language team. Feel free to add useful information!"
msgstr ""
"Bagian ini mencoba berbagi praktik terbaik tentang bagaimana koordinator tim "
"mengelola tim bahasa mereka. Jangan ragu untuk menambahkan informasi yang "
msgid "This should be done after a stable version on Zanata is created."
msgstr "Ini harus dilakukan setelah versi stabil pada Zanata dibuat."
msgid "This usually happens within a week after the release."
msgstr "Hal ini biasanya terjadi dalam waktu seminggu setelah rilis."
msgid "Titles"
msgstr "Judul"
msgid ""
"To add a link to a generated document, you need to update the file ``www/"
"<lang>/index.html`` in the ``master`` branch of the ``openstack-manuals`` "
"repository. Note that the web pages are published from ``master`` branch, "
"which contains the pages for all releases, such as Liberty. Therefore, you "
"don't need to update the file ``www/<lang>/index.html`` in the stable branch."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menambahkan link ke dokumen yang dihasilkan, Anda perlu memperbarui "
"file `` www / <lang> / index.html`` di cabang ``master`` dari repository `` "
"openstack-manuals``. Perhatikan bahwa halaman web diterbitkan dari cabang `` "
"master``, yang berisi halaman untuk semua rilis, seperti Liberty. Oleh "
"karena itu, Anda tidak perlu mengupdate file `` www / <lang> / index.html`` "
"di cabang yang stabil."
msgid ""
"To build a translated document, you need to update the file ``doc-tools-"
"check-languages.conf`` in each repository, and add an entry to ``BOOKS`` "
"like ``[\"ja\"]=\"install-guide\"``. Also, to build as a draft, you need to "
"add an entry to ``DRAFTS``."
msgstr ""
"Untuk membangun sebuah dokumen terjemahan, Anda perlu memperbarui file ``doc-"
"tools-check-languages.conf`` di setiap repositori, dan menambahkan sebuah "
"entri ke ``BOOKS`` seperti ``[\"ja\"] = \"install -guide \"` `. Selain itu, "
"untuk membangun sebagai draft, Anda perlu menambahkan entri ke ``DRAFTS``."
msgid ""
"To communicate with the translation platform, you need to prepare a project "
"configuration file named ``zanata.xml`` in the top directory of a project "
"you are interested in. OpenStack projects does not contain ``zanata.xml`` in "
"their git repositories, so you need to create it manually."
msgstr ""
"Untuk berkomunikasi dengan platform terjemahan, Anda perlu menyiapkan file "
"konfigurasi proyek yang bernama ``zanata.xml`` di direktori atas proyek yang "
"Anda minati. Proyek OpenStack tidak mengandung ``zanata.xml`` di git "
"repositori mereka, jadi anda perlu membuatnya secara manual."
msgid ""
"To display translated messages in python server projects, you need to "
"compile message catalogs and also need to configure your server services "
"following instructions described at `oslo.i18n documentation <https://docs."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menampilkan pesan yang diterjemahkan dalam proyek server python, Anda "
"perlu mengkompilasi katalog pesan dan juga perlu mengkonfigurasi layanan "
"server Anda mengikuti petunjuk yang dijelaskan di `oslo.i18n documentation "
msgid ""
"To download translations from Zanata, run the following command after going "
"into a project directory. You are usually interested in only a few of "
"languages, so ``--locales`` option would be useful. For more options, see "
"the output of ``zanata pull --help``."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mendownload terjemahan dari Zanata, jalankan perintah berikut setelah "
"masuk ke direktori proyek. Anda biasanya hanya tertarik pada beberapa bahasa "
"saja, jadi opsi ``--locales`` akan berguna. Untuk pilihan lebih, lihat "
"output dari ``zanata pull --help``."
msgid ""
"To help with translation, :doc:`become an official translator "
"<official_translator>` and join your language team. Then go to `translation "
"website <https://translate.openstack.org/>`_ to start translation. You can "
"find prioritized translation jobs as I18n team at the top of the page."
msgstr ""
"Untuk membantu terjemahan, :doc:`become an official translator "
"<official_translator>` dan bergabunglah dengan tim bahasa Anda. Lalu pergi "
"ke `translation website <https://translate.openstack.org/>`_ untuk memulai "
"terjemahan. Anda dapat menemukan pekerjaan terjemahan yang diprioritaskan "
"sebagai tim I18n di bagian atas halaman."
msgid ""
"To not have too much churn and last minute string fixes lead to files get "
"removed, there is also a lower threshold for releases of **66 percent** of "
"messages translated as policy - which is only manually enforced."
msgstr ""
"Untuk tidak memiliki terlalu banyak churn dan perbaikan string menit "
"terakhir menyebabkan file dapat dihapus, ada juga ambang yang lebih rendah "
"untuk rilis ** 66 persen ** pesan yang diterjemahkan sebagai kebijakan - "
"yang hanya diterapkan secara manual."
msgid "To report translation errors, see :doc:`bug_report`."
msgstr "Untuk melaporkan kesalahan terjemahan, lihat :doc:`bug_report`."
msgid "To run the script:"
msgstr "Untuk menjalankan skrip:"
msgid "To sync the translator list, run the following command:"
msgstr "Untuk menyinkronkan daftar penerjemah, jalankan perintah berikut:"
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Alat (tool)"
msgid "Translate **master** version on Zanata."
msgstr "Translate **master** version on Zanata."
msgid ""
"Translated documents are available at the OpenStack Documentation site. It "
"is updated daily. Most contents are linked from either of:"
msgstr ""
"Dokumen yang diterjemahkan tersedia di situs Dokumentasi OpenStack. Ini "
"diperbarui setiap hari. Sebagian besar konten dihubungkan dari salah satu "
msgid ""
"Translated strings are automatically synced between translation server and "
"Openstack infrastructure. The procedure is robust, but sometimes something "
"can go wrong. For this reason there is a section :ref:`monitoring-"
"translation-job-status` in the infrastructure chapter."
msgstr ""
"String yang diterjemahkan disinkronkan secara otomatis antara server "
"terjemahan dan infrastruktur Openstack. Prosedurnya kuat, tapi terkadang ada "
"yang salah. Untuk alasan ini ada bagian :ref: `monitoring-translation-job-"
"status` di bab infrastruktur."
msgid ""
"Translating: manage the translation in Zanata, including the translation "
"memory and glossary management"
msgstr ""
"Translating: mengelola terjemahan di Zanata, termasuk memori terjemahan dan "
"glosarium manajemen"
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Terjemahan"
msgid "Translation Job Control"
msgstr "Kontrol PekerjaanPenerjemahan"
msgid "Translation Statistics"
msgstr "Statistik Penerjemahan"
msgid "Translation activities with plans from language teams"
msgstr "Kegiatan penerjemahan dengan rencana dari tim bahasa"
msgid "Translation bugs"
msgstr "Bug terjemahan"
msgid ""
"Translation bugs are tracked on `Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/"
"openstack-i18n>`__. Often only the language teams are able to handle "
"translation bugs, e.g. wrong translation words or senses. PTL fits thereon "
"or designates bug triage liaison."
msgstr ""
"Bug terjemahan dilacak di `Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-"
"i18n>` __. Seringkali hanya tim bahasa yang dapat menangani bug terjemahan, "
"misal. kata atau rasa (sense) terjemahan salah. PTL membetulkan di atas atau "
"menunjuk penghubung bug triage."
msgid "Translation bugs in all languages can be reported here."
msgstr "Bug terjemahan dalam semua bahasa dapat dilaporkan di sini."
msgid "Translation check site"
msgstr "Situs pemeriksaan penerjemahan"
msgid "Translation infrastructure"
msgstr "Infrastruktur terjemahan"
msgid ""
"Translation is another kind of important contribution to OpenStack "
"community. If you want to become a official translator, you need to finish "
"following steps:"
msgstr ""
"Terjemahan merupakan jenis kontribusi penting lainnya bagi komunitas "
"OpenStack. Jika Anda ingin menjadi penerjemah resmi, Anda harus "
"menyelesaikan langkah-langkah berikut:"
msgid "Translation jobs"
msgstr "Pekerjaan penerjemahan"
msgid "Translation tips"
msgstr "Tip terjemahan"
msgid "Translation tools"
msgstr "Alat terjemahan"
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Terjemahan"
msgid ""
"Translations are being imported into a project repository daily, so in most "
"cases you do not need to pull translations from Zanata manually. What you "
"need is to pull the latest horizon code."
msgstr ""
"Terjemahan sedang diimpor ke repositori proyek setiap hari, jadi dalam "
"kebanyakan kasus Anda tidak perlu menarik terjemahan dari Zanata secara "
"manual. Yang Anda butuhkan adalah menarik kode horizon terbaru."
msgid ""
"Translators translate repositories using the `translation server <http://"
"translate.openstack.org>`_ which runs the Zanata software."
msgstr ""
"Penerjemah menerjemahkan repositori menggunakan `translation server <http://"
"translate.openstack.org>`_ yang menjalankan perangkat lunak Zanata."
msgid ""
"Translators who translate and review 300 and more words combinedly in the "
"last six months until the deadline of extra ATCs nomination are nominated as "
"ATCs, and the ATC status of translators is valid for one year. Translation "
"count and review count can be added up. The detail period is determined by "
"the PTL in each cycle. For Newton cycle, the six month period was from "
"2016-02-01 to 2016-07-31, and this ATC status will expire on July 2017 if "
"there will be no additional translation contributions."
msgstr ""
"Penerjemah yang menerjemahkan dan meninjau 300 kata dan lebih banyak lagi "
"dalam enam bulan terakhir sampai batas waktu nominasi ekstra ATC "
"dinominasikan sebagai ATC, dan status penerjemah ATC berlaku selama satu "
"tahun. Jumlah terjemahan dan jumlah peninjauan dapat ditambahkan. Periode "
"detail ditentukan oleh PTL pada setiap siklus. Untuk siklus Newton, periode "
"enam bulan adalah dari 2016-02-01 sampai 2016-07-31, dan status ATC ini akan "
"berakhir pada Juli 2017 jika tidak akan ada kontribusi terjemahan tambahan."
msgid "Uploading"
msgstr "Uploading"
msgid "Uploading: Upload the translation resources to Zanata"
msgstr "Uploading: Upload sumber terjemahan ke Zanata"
msgid "User configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi pengguna"
msgid "Using docs.openstack.org"
msgstr "Menggunakan docs.openstack.org"
msgid "Using translations"
msgstr "Menggunakan terjemahan"
msgid "Usual agenda"
msgstr "Agenda biasa"
msgid ""
"Visit `Stackalytics <http://stackalytics.com/>`__ and choose "
"``Translations`` as ``Metric`` dropdown menu at the upper-right."
msgstr ""
"Kunjungi `Stackalytics <http://stackalytics.com/>` __ dan pilih "
"``Translations`` sebagai menu tarik turun `Metric`` di kanan atas."
msgid ""
"We can translate the application developer documentations, such as API "
"Guide, as ``api-site`` resources in Zanata."
msgstr ""
"Kami dapat menerjemahkan dokumentasi pengembang aplikasi, seperti Panduan "
"API, sebagai sumber `api-site`` di Zanata."
msgid ""
"We use :ref:`Zanata CLI <zanata-cli>` to download the translated PO files "
"from the translation platform."
msgstr ""
"Kami menggunakan :ref: `Zanata CLI <zanata-cli>` untuk mendownload file PO "
"yang diterjemahkan dari platform terjemahan."
msgid ""
"We use :ref:`Zanata CLI <zanata-cli>` to upload the POT file to the "
"translate platform."
msgstr ""
"Kami menggunakan :ref: `Zanata CLI <zanata-cli>` untuk mengupload file POT "
"ke platform translate."
msgid ""
"We use sphinx-build to translate RST files to POT files. Because we want to "
"have a single POT file per document, we use msgcat to merge those POTs after "
msgstr ""
"Kami menggunakan sphinx-build untuk menerjemahkan file RST ke file POT. "
"Karena kami ingin memiliki file POT tunggal per dokumen, kami menggunakan "
"msgcat untuk menggabungkan POT tersebut setelah sphinx-build."
msgid "What is wrong? What should be improved?"
msgstr "Apa yang salah? Apa yang harus diperbaiki?"
msgid ""
"When a filename is ``workflows.py`` or ``forms.py``, it means it is used in "
"a form for creating or editing something."
msgstr ""
"Bila nama file adalah ``workflows.py`` atau ``forms.py``, itu berarti "
"digunakan dalam bentuk untuk membuat atau mengedit sesuatu."
msgid ""
"When a new member request is received, a coordinator approves (or rarely "
"rejects) the request. At the moment, Zanata provides no way to communicate "
"with language team members, so it is better to inform the new member of ways "
"usually used in the language team."
msgstr ""
"Saat permintaan anggota baru diterima, koordinator menyetujui (atau jarang "
"menolak) permintaan tersebut. Saat ini, Zanata tidak menyediakan cara untuk "
"berkomunikasi dengan anggota tim bahasa, jadi lebih baik memberi tahu "
"anggota baru cara yang biasa digunakan dalam tim bahasa."
msgid ""
"When a translation period towards a new OpenStack release approaches, it is "
"recommended to coordinate and prioritize translation efforts."
msgstr ""
"Ketika periode terjemahan menuju pendekatan rilis OpenStack yang baru, "
"disarankan untuk mengkoordinasikan dan memprioritaskan upaya penerjemahan."
msgid ""
"When proposing extra ATCs at that time, some translators were not included "
"in `translation_team.yaml <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/"
"id=73a36041dbdc45212051c60cbeef3f7783200fd2>`__ file. It seems that 1) new "
"translators were joined and the statistics was calculated but the file was "
"already created, or 2) there might be some lack of communication with "
"language coordinators, since I18n encouraged each language coordinator to "
"update this file."
msgstr ""
"Ketika mengajukan ATC ekstra pada saat itu, beberapa penerjemah tidak "
"disertakan file `translation_team.yaml <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/"
"id=73a36041dbdc45212051c60cbeef3f7783200fd2>`__ . Tampaknya 1) penerjemah "
"baru bergabung dan statistiknya dihitung namun berkasnya sudah dibuat, atau "
"2) mungkin ada sedikit ketidakmampuan berkomunikasi dengan koordinator "
"bahasa, karena saya mendorong setiap koordinator bahasa untuk memperbarui "
"file ini."
msgid ""
"When you add a new entry to the glossary, it is highly recommended to add "
"the entry to the master glossary ``glossary/locale/glossary.pot``. By doing "
"this, all language teams can share the glossary."
msgstr ""
"Bila Anda menambahkan entri baru ke glossary, sangat disarankan untuk "
"menambahkan entri ke glossary master ``glossary/locale/glossary.pot``. "
"Dengan melakukan ini, semua tim bahasa bisa berbagi glosarium."
msgid ""
"When you are using OpenStack (including the dashboard, API or CLI) or are "
"reading translated documentations, if you find something wrong, something "
"you cannot understand, something you cannot agree, or something to be "
"improved, please consider reporting it."
msgstr ""
"Bila Anda menggunakan OpenStack (termasuk dasbor, API atau CLI) atau membaca "
"dokumentasi terjemahan, jika Anda menemukan sesuatu yang salah, sesuatu yang "
"tidak dapat Anda pahami, sesuatu yang tidak dapat Anda setujui, atau sesuatu "
"yang perlu ditingkatkan, pertimbangkan untuk melaporkannya."
msgid ""
"When you want to update a glossary of your language, edit a corresponding "
"glossary file using your favorite editor and propose a change to the Gerrit "
"review system."
msgstr ""
"Bila Anda ingin memperbarui glosarium bahasa Anda, edit file glosarium yang "
"sesuai menggunakan editor favorit Anda dan ajukan perubahan pada sistem "
"ulasan Gerrit."
msgid ""
"When your request is approved, add an item in \"Local Translation Teams\" in "
"the wiki page, create a wiki page under page `I18nTeam <https://wiki."
"openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team>`_ (for example, I18nTeam/team/zh_cn) to "
"introduce your team, with the following information at least: the contact "
"information, the web page, and the work items."
msgstr ""
"Bila permintaan Anda disetujui, tambahkan item dalam \"Local Translation "
"Teams\" di halaman wiki, buat halaman wiki di bawah halaman `I18nTeam "
"<https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team>` _ (misalnya , I18nTeam/team/"
"zh_cn) untuk mengenalkan tim Anda, dengan informasi berikut setidaknya: "
"informasi kontak, halaman web, dan item pekerjaan."
msgid "When your request is approved, you will get an email notification."
msgstr ""
"Bila permintaan Anda disetujui, Anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi email."
msgid "Where a string is used in Dashboard UI?"
msgstr "Dimana string digunakan di UI Dasbor?"
msgid "Where a string is used in source code?"
msgstr "Dimana string digunakan dalam kode sumber?"
msgid "Where can I report a bug?"
msgstr "Dimana saya bisa melaporkan bug?"
msgid "Where you find a bug you are reporting?"
msgstr "Di mana Anda menemukan bug yang Anda laporkan?"
msgid "Who can help you?"
msgstr "Siapa yang bisa membantu Anda?"
msgid ""
"Write an email to \"openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org\" to introduce "
"yourself and the language team you want to create, together with your ID on "
msgstr ""
"Tulislah email ke \"openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org\" untuk "
"memperkenalkan diri dan tim bahasa yang ingin Anda buat, bersama dengan ID "
"Anda di Zanata."
msgid ""
"You are encouraged to register with your business email, which will help "
"your company to get the credit. If you don't want to, use your personal "
"email will be OK too."
msgstr ""
"Anda dianjurkan untuk mendaftar dengan email bisnis Anda, yang akan membantu "
"perusahaan Anda untuk mendapatkan kredit. Jika Anda tidak mau, gunakan email "
"pribadi Anda juga akan baik-baik saja."
msgid ""
"You can check a generated document for a specified branch on http://docs."
"openstack.org/<branch>/<language>/<document>. For example, the link of "
"Ubuntu Installation Guide for Liberty is http://docs.openstack.org/liberty/"
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat memeriksa dokumen yang dihasilkan untuk cabang tertentu di http://"
"docs.openstack.org/ <branch> / <language> / <document>. Misalnya, link "
"Panduan Instalasi Ubuntu untuk Liberty adalah http://docs.openstack.org/"
msgid ""
"You can check on `Gerrit <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:zanata/"
"translations+(status:open+OR+status:merged)>`__. if the translated strings "
"are imported by the project teams. Core reviewers in each repository are "
"strong encouraged to approve translation sync patches but do not be sad if "
"the translations are not accepted. Zanata Sync jobs are repeated every day "
"until they are merged."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat memeriksa `Gerrit <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:zanata/"
"translations+ (status:open+OR+status:merged)>`__. Jika string yang "
"diterjemahkan diimpor oleh tim proyek. Inti pemeriksa di setiap repositori "
"sangat dianjurkan untuk menyetujui terjemahan sync patch tapi jangan sedih "
"jika terjemahannya tidak diterima. Pekerjaan Zanata Sync diulang setiap hari "
"sampai mereka digabungkan."
msgid ""
"You can estimate where a string is used from a location in a source code. "
"(See the previous entry on how to find a location.)"
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat memperkirakan di mana string digunakan dari lokasi dalam kode "
"sumber. (Lihat entri sebelumnya tentang cara menemukan lokasi.)"
msgid ""
"You can extract the messages in code to PO template (POT) with pybabel, "
"where **PROJECT** is a project name like ``nova`` and **VERSION** is a "
"version number. Note that you can omit ``--project`` and ``--version`` "
"options if you just use them locally as they are just used in the POT file "
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengekstrak pesan dalam kode ke template PO (POT) dengan pybabel, "
"di mana **PROJECT ** adalah nama proyek seperti ``nova`` dan ** VERSION ** "
"adalah nomor versi. Perhatikan bahwa Anda dapat menghilangkan opsi ``--"
"project`` dan ``--version`` jika Anda menggunakannya secara lokal karena "
"hanya digunakan di header file POT."
msgid "You can find the location in a source code by checking the POT file."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menemukan lokasi dalam kode sumber dengan memeriksa file POT."
msgid ""
"You can refer to `previous meeting logs with their notes <http://eavesdrop."
msgstr ""
"Anda bisa lihat `previous meeting logs with their notes <http://eavesdrop."
msgid "You can report a bug in your language (or English)."
msgstr "Anda dapat melaporkan bug dalam bahasa Anda (atau bahasa Inggris)."
msgid ""
"You must determine whether bugs are **translation bugs** or **bugs in a "
"source project**. Typical i18n bugs in the source project include:"
msgstr ""
"Anda harus menentukan apakah bug adalah **translation bugs** atau **bugs in "
"a source project**. Bug khas i18n dalam proyek sumber meliputi:"
msgid ""
"You need to create a configuration file in ``$HOME/.config/zanata.ini`` that "
"contains user-specific configuration. For information on how to create a "
"configuration file, see `Zanata CLI configuration <http://docs.zanata.org/en/"
msgstr ""
"Anda perlu membuat file konfigurasi di ``$HOME/.config/zanata.ini`` yang "
"berisi konfigurasi khusus pengguna. Untuk informasi tentang cara membuat "
"file konfigurasi, lihat konfigurasi `Zanata CLI <http://docs.zanata.org/en/"
"release/client/configuration/#user-configuration>` __."
msgid "Zanata"
msgstr "Zanata"
msgid "Zanata CLI"
msgstr "Zanata CLI"
msgid ""
"Zanata provides suggestions for translation based on a glossary of your "
"language. The glossary is maintained in the i18n repository."
msgstr ""
"Zanata memberikan saran untuk terjemahan berdasarkan glosarium bahasa Anda. "
"Glosarium dipelihara dalam repositori i18n."
msgid "Zanata provides ways to know your activity on Zanata."
msgstr "Zanata menyediakan cara untuk mengetahui aktivitas Anda di Zanata."
msgid "Zbyněk Schwarz (id: tsbook) - Czech"
msgstr "Zbyněk Schwarz (id: tsbook) - Czech"
msgid "[I18n PTL] Call for translation"
msgstr "[I18n PTL] Call for translation"
msgid ""
"[I18n PTL] Coordinate release and translation import schedule of individual "
"projects with PTL or I18n liaison."
msgstr ""
"[I18n PTL] Koordinasi pelepasan dan penjabaran jadwal impor proyek "
"individual dengan penghubung PTL atau I18n."
msgid ""
"[Infra] Setup translation jobs such as ``translation-jobs-newton`` to import "
"translations for stable branches."
msgstr ""
"[Infra] Menetapkan pekerjaan terjemahan seperti ``translation-jobs-newton`` "
"untuk mengimpor terjemahan untuk cabang yang stabil."
msgid "[Project] Official release!"
msgstr "[Project] Official release!"
msgid ""
"[Project] RC2 or RC3 release will be shipped with latest translations. Final "
"RC release will happen one week before the official release week."
msgstr ""
"[Proyek] Rilis RC2 atau RC3 akan dikirimkan dengan terjemahan terbaru. Rilis "
"akhir RC akan terjadi satu minggu sebelum rilis resmi minggu ini."
msgid ""
"[Project] Release RC1 and create a stable branch. ``Hard StringFreeze`` is "
"in effect."
msgstr ""
"[Project] Release RC1 dan membuat cabang yang stabil. ``Hard StringFreeze`` "
"sedang berlaku."
msgid "[Project] Release milestone-3. ``Soft StringFreeze`` is in effect."
msgstr "[Project] Release milestone-3. ``Soft StringFreeze`` sedang berlaku."
msgid ""
"[Translator] It is suggested to complete translation work by Monday or "
"Tuesday of the Final RC week."
msgstr ""
"[Translator] Disarankan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan penerjemahan pada hari "
"Senin atau Selasa minggu RC Final."
msgid "[Translator] Start translations for the release."
msgstr "[Translator] Start translations for the release."
msgid ""
"[Translator] Translate **stable-XXXX** version instead of master version on "
msgstr ""
"[Translator] Translate versi **stable-XXXX** bukan versi master pada Zanata."
msgid "[Zanata admin] Create a stable version such as ``stable-newton``"
msgstr "[Zanata admin] Create versi stabil seperti ``stable-newton``"
msgid "[Zanata admin] Merge a stable version back into the master version."
msgstr ""
"[Zanata admin] Bergabunglah dengan versi stabil kembali ke versi master."
msgid ""
"[ianychoi] Although one year was already passed (as of now: Jan 15, 2017), I "
"really would like to say those translators also contributed translations "
"with I18n team members. For acknowledgement purpose, I write their Zanata "
"ID, name, and language team in here :"
msgstr ""
"[Ianychoi] Meskipun satu tahun telah berlalu (sampai sekarang: 15 Januari "
"2017), saya benar-benar ingin mengatakan bahwa penerjemah tersebut juga "
"memberikan kontribusi terjemahan dengan anggota tim I18n. Untuk tujuan "
"pengakuan, saya menulis nama Zanata ID, nama, dan bahasa mereka di sini:"
msgid ""
"[ianychoi] Note: only \"translated\" metric was considered to follow the "
"description in I18n contributor guide. After more detail investigation on "
"previous ATC criteria, review metrics were also considered. Fortunately, the "
"three translators (jftalta - 117 translated & 2897 reviews, myamamot - 725 "
"reviews, mucahit - 1241 reviews) are also regarded ATCs from Newton cycle :) "
"- I keep it as record for the next ATC list changes."
msgstr ""
"[Ianychoi] Catatan: hanya metrik \"translated\" yang dianggap mengikuti "
"deskripsi dalam panduan kontributor I18n. Setelah penyelidikan lebih rinci "
"mengenai kriteria ATC sebelumnya, metrik penilaian juga dipertimbangkan. "
"Untungnya, ketiga penerjemah (jftalta - 117 diterjemahkan & 2897 ulasan, "
"myamamot - 725 ulasan, mucahit - 1241 ulasan) juga dianggap ATC dari siklus "
"Newton :) - Saya menyimpannya sebagai catatan untuk perubahan daftar ATC "
msgid "`Bug lists <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-i18n>`_"
msgstr "`Daftar bug <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-i18n>`_"
msgid ""
"`Dashboard <https://translate.openstack.org/dashboard/>`__ page shows your "
"recent activity statistics this month and detail activity."
msgstr ""
"Halaman `Dashboard <https://translate.openstack.org/dashboard/>`__ "
"menunjukkan statistik aktivitas terkini bulan ini dan aktivitas detail."
msgid "`Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon>`_"
msgstr "`Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon>`_"
msgid ""
"`Horizon I18n bugs <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bugs?field."
msgstr ""
"`Horizon I18n bugs <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bugs?field."
msgid ""
"`Language translation team <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/"
"team>`_: you can ask in your language :-)"
msgstr ""
"`Language translation team <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/"
"team>`_: Anda bisa bertanya dalam bahasa Anda :-)"
msgid ""
"`Open reviews in openstack/i18n <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open"
msgstr ""
"`Buka ulasan di openstack/i18n <https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack Health <http://status.openstack.org/openstack-health/#/>`__ "
"dashboard provides us a convenient way to check the translation job status."
msgstr ""
"Dashboard `OpenStack Health <http://status.openstack.org/openstack-health/#/"
">` __ memberi kami cara mudah untuk memeriksa status pekerjaan terjemahan."
msgid "`OpenStack manuals <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals>`_"
msgstr "`OpenStack manuals <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals>`_"
msgid ""
"`Periodic jobs: Syncing into repos <http://status.openstack.org/openstack-"
msgstr ""
"`Periodic jobs: Syncing into repos <http://status.openstack.org/openstack-"
msgid ""
"`Post jobs - Syncing to Zanata <http://status.openstack.org/openstack-health/"
msgstr ""
"`Post jobs - Syncing to Zanata <http://status.openstack.org/openstack-health/"
msgid ""
"`Profile <https://translate.openstack.org/profile/>`__ page provides more "
"nice statistics view. It shows your statistics in this month and last month."
msgstr ""
"Halaman `Profile <https://translate.openstack.org/profile/>`__ menyediakan "
"tampilan statistik yang lebih bagus. Ini menunjukkan statistik Anda di bulan "
"ini dan bulan lalu."
msgid ""
"`Quick reStructuredText <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/"
msgstr ""
"`Quick reStructuredText <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/"
msgid ""
"`Sphinx documentation <http://sphinx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/rest.html>`__"
msgstr ""
"`Sphinx documentation <http://sphinx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/rest.html>`__"
msgid ""
"`Stackalytics <http://stackalytics.com/>`__ is a popular web site which "
"allows us to know various statistics related to OpenStack. It supports "
"translation statistics :)"
msgstr ""
"`Stackalytics <http://stackalytics.com/>`__ Adalah situs web populer yang "
"memungkinkan kita mengetahui berbagai statistik yang berkaitan dengan "
"OpenStack. Ini mendukung statistik terjemahan :)"
msgid "`Translation plan <https://translate.openstack.org/>`_"
msgstr "`Rencana penerjemahan <https://translate.openstack.org/>`_"
msgid ""
"`Translation statistics <http://stackalytics.com/?metric=translations>`_"
msgstr ""
"`Statistik penerjemahan <http://stackalytics.com/?metric=translations>`_"
msgid "``--help`` option shows the detail usage."
msgstr "Opsi ``--help`` menunjukkan penggunaan detail."
msgid "``<Zanata-project-name>`` is Zanata project name,"
msgstr "``<Zanata-project-name>`` adalah nama proyek Zanata,"
msgid ""
"``<Zanata-project-version>`` is Zanata project version such as ``master`` or "
msgstr ""
"``<Zanata-project-version>`` adalah versi proyek Zanata seperti ``master`` "
"atau ``stable-mitaka``,"
msgid ""
"``<path>`` is a path of a document such as ``nova/locale``, "
"``openstack_dashboard/locale`` or ``releasenotes/source/locale``,"
msgstr ""
"``<path>`` adalah jalur dokumen seperti ``nova/locale``, "
"``openstack_dashboard/locale`` atau ``releasenotes/source/locale``,"
msgid "``<resource>`` is a document name in Zanata."
msgstr "``<resource>`` adalah nama dokumen di Zanata."
msgid "``dashboards/admin/aggregates/views.py:104``"
msgstr "``dashboards/admin/aggregates/views.py:104``"
msgid "``dashboards/project/containers/templates/containers/_update.html:21``"
msgstr "``dashboards/project/containers/templates/containers/_update.html:21``"
msgid "``dashboards/project/loadbalancers/workflows.py:44``"
msgstr "``dashboards/project/loadbalancers/workflows.py:44``"
msgid ""
"`common_translation_update.sh <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/"
msgstr ""
"`common_translation_update.sh <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/"
msgid ""
"`create-zanata-xml.py <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-"
msgstr ""
"`create-zanata-xml.py <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-"
msgid ""
"`https://review.openstack.org/#/c/451625/ <https://review.openstack.org/#/"
msgstr ""
"`https://review.openstack.org/#/c/451625/ <https://review.openstack.org/#/"
msgid ""
"`https://review.openstack.org/#/c/483452/ <https://review.openstack.org/#/"
msgstr ""
"`https://review.openstack.org/#/c/483452/ <https://review.openstack.org/#/"
msgid ""
"`https://review.openstack.org/#/c/488226/ <https://review.openstack.org/#/"
msgstr ""
"`https://review.openstack.org/#/c/488226/ <https://review.openstack.org/#/"
msgid ""
"`openstack-i18n in Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-i18n>`_"
msgstr ""
"`openstack-i18n in Launchpad <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-i18n>`_"
msgid ""
"`releasenotes/pre.yaml <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/"
msgstr ""
"`releasenotes/pre.yaml <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/"
msgid ""
"`releasenotes/run.yaml <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/"
msgstr ""
"`releasenotes/run.yaml <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/"
msgid "add the source project to \"Also affects project\" of this bug."
msgstr "tambahkan proyek sumber untuk \"Also affects project\" dari bug ini."
msgid ""
"assign the bug to you or a member of your language team, and then mark it as "
"\"In Progress\""
msgstr ""
"tetapkan bug itu kepada Anda atau anggota tim bahasa Anda, lalu tandai "
"sebagai \"In Progress\""
msgid "bugs in a source project"
msgstr "bug dalam proyek sumber"
msgid "bugs in tool chains"
msgstr "bug di rantai alat"
msgid "confirm the bug"
msgstr "confirmasi bug"
msgid "confirm the bug or mark it as incomplete"
msgstr "Konfirmasikan bug atau tandai sebagai tidak lengkap"
msgid ""
"exported the translators contribution statistics from Transifex since "
"2014-11-01 to 2015-07-16"
msgstr ""
"Mengekspor statistik penerjemah dari Transifex sejak 2014-11-01 sampai "
msgid ""
"fix it by visiting a corresponding resource in Zanata and correcting "
msgstr ""
"Perbaiki dengan mengunjungi sumber yang sesuai di Zanata dan memperbaiki "
msgid ""
"http://docs.openstack.org/<lang> contains released documents. Follow \"More "
"Releases and Languages\" in http://docs.openstack.org/."
msgstr ""
"http://docs.openstack.org/<lang> berisi dokumen yang dilepaskan. Ikuti "
"\"More Releases and Languages\" in http://docs.openstack.org/."
msgid ""
"http://docs.openstack.org/draft/draft-index.html contains draft (unreleased) "
msgstr ""
"http://docs.openstack.org/draft/draft-index.html berisi dokumen draf (belum "
"pernah dirilis)."
msgid "http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-May/094215.html"
msgstr ""
msgid "prioritize the bug"
msgstr "memprioritaskan bug"
msgid "tag it with the project name, for example \"horizon\" or \"docs\"."
msgstr "Tandai dengan nama proyek, misalnya \"horizon\" atau \"docs\"."
msgid "tag the bug with a language name"
msgstr "Tag bug dengan nama bahasa"
msgid "translation bugs"
msgstr "bug terjemahan"
msgid "Łukasz Jernas (id: deejay1) - Polish (Poland)"
msgstr "Łukasz Jernas (id: deejay1) - Polish (Poland)"