Add sphinx documentation

In support of building the docs without the sphinx Makefile this also adds as
tox.ini that can be used to build the docs via:

tox -e docs

A few updates to setup.cfg are needed as well to acount for deleting old

Change-Id: Ifa852f9684998ee695188d3e72df7cdc3c5e063e
This commit is contained in:
James Slagle 2015-02-25 12:49:26 -05:00
parent 25a6972fd5
commit ed5257972a
14 changed files with 586 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Baremetal Environment Setup
instack-undercloud can be deployed in an all baremetal environment. One
baremetal node will be used as the undercloud, and other available baremetal
nodes will be used for the Overcloud deployment.
Minimum System Requirements
In order to produce a usable OpenStack install this setup requires five
baremetal machines: one machine for the undercloud, and one machine for each
Overcloud node.
.. image:: images/InstackSetup.png
The setup requires baremetal machines with the following minimum specifications:
* multi-core CPU
* 4GB memory
* 60GB free disk space
The undercloud machine needs to run RHEL 7.1 x86_64, which is discussed more below.
Preparing the Baremetal Environment
The overcloud nodes will be deployed from the undercloud machine and therefore the machines need to have have their network settings modified to allow for the overcloud nodes to be PXE boot'ed using the undercloud machine. As such, the setup requires that:
* All overcloud machines in the setup must support IPMI
* A management provisioning network is setup for all of the overcloud machines.
One NIC from every machine needs to be in the same broadcast domain of the
provisioning network. In the tested environment, this required setting up a new
VLAN on the switch. Note that you should use the same NIC on each of the
overcloud machines ( for example: use the second NIC on each overcloud
machine). This is because during installation we will need to refer to that NIC
using a single name across all overcloud machines e.g. em2
* The provisioning network NIC should not be the same NIC that you are using
for remote connectivity to the undercloud machine. During the undercloud
installation, a openvswitch bridge will be created for Neutron and the
provisioning NIC will be bridged to the openvswitch bridge. As such,
connectivity would be lost if the provisioning NIC was also used for remote
connectivity to the undercloud machine.
* The overcloud machines can PXE boot off the NIC that is on the private VLAN.
In the tested environment, this required disabling network booting in the BIOS
for all NICs other than the one we wanted to boot and then ensuring that the
chosen NIC is at the top of the boot order (ahead of the local hard disk drive
and CD/DVD drives).
* For each overcloud machine you have: the MAC address of the NIC that will PXE
boot on the provisioning network the IPMI information for the machine (i.e. IP
address of the IPMI NIC, IPMI username and password)
Refer to the following diagram for more information
.. image:: images/TripleO_Network_Diagram_.jpg
Setting Up The Undercloud Machine
#. Select a machine within the baremetal environment on which to install the
#. Install RHEL 7.1 x86_64 on this machine.
#. If needed, create a non-root user with sudo access to use for installing the
sudo useradd stack
sudo passwd stack # specify a password
echo "stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/stack
sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/stack
#. Download and execute the instack-undercloud setup script::
curl | bash -x
#. Copy the sample instack answers file to the home directory::
cp instack-undercloud/instack.answers.sample ~/instack.answers
#. Edit the ``instack.answers`` file appropriately.
#. Create a json file describing your baremetal nodes.

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Building Images
Images must be built prior to doing a deployment. A discovery ramdisk,
deployment ramdisk, and openstack-full image can all be built using
It's recommended to build images on the installed undercloud directly since all
the dependencies are already present.
The following steps can be used to build images. They should be run as the same
non-root user that was used to install the undercloud.
#. Source rhel7rc to set appropriate environment variables::
source instack-undercloud/rhel7rc
#. Download the rhel7 cloud image or copy it from another host to the
curl -O
#. Build the 3 image types::
instack-undercloud/scripts/instack-build-images deploy-ramdisk
instack-undercloud/scripts/instack-build-images discovery-ramdisk
instack-undercloud/scripts/instack-build-images openstack-full
#. Load the images into Glance::

doc/source/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Deploying the Overcloud
All the commands on this page require that the appropriate stackrc file has
been sourced into the environment::
source stackrc
Registering Nodes
Register nodes for your deployment with Ironic::
instack-undercloud/scripts/instack-ironic-deployment --nodes-json instackenv.json --register-nodes
Disovering Nodes
Discover hardware attributes of nodes and match them to a deployment profile::
instack-undercloud/scripts/instack-ironic-deployment --discover-nodes
Check what profiles were matched for the discovered nodes::
instack-undercloud/scripts/instack-ironic-deployment --show-profile
Deploying Nodes
Create the necessary flavors::
instack-undercloud/scripts/instack-ironic-deployment --setup-flavors
Deploy the the *openstack-full* image to 3 nodes::
COMPUTE_COUNT=3 CONTROL_COUNT=0 instack-undercloud/scripts/instack-ironic-deployment --deploy-nodes

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
.. instack-undercloud documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Wed Feb 25 10:56:57 2015.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to instack-undercloud's documentation!
.. toctree::
Introduction <intro>
Setup <setup>
Installing the Undercloud <install-undercloud>
Building Images <build-images>
Deploying the Overcloud <deploy-overcloud>
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Installing the Undercloud
Make sure you are logged in as a non-root user (such as the stack user) on the
node on which you want to install the undercloud.
If you used the virt setup this node will be a VM called *instack* and you can
use the stack user.
For a baremetal setup this will be the host you selected for the Undercloud
while preparing the environment.
#. Download and execute the instack-undercloud setup script::
curl | bash -x
#. Source rhel7rc to set appropriate environment variables::
source instack-undercloud/rhel7rc
#. Run script to install the undercloud::
Once the install script has run to completion, you should take note of the
files ``/root/stackrc`` and ``/root/tripleo-undercloud-passwords``. Both these
files will be needed to interact with the installed undercloud. Copy them to
the home directory for easier use later.::
sudo cp /root/tripleo-undercloud-passwords .
sudo cp /root/stackrc .

doc/source/intro.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
instack-undercloud is a scripted installer and other tooling for OpenStack
based on `TripleO`_.
.. _Tripleo:

doc/source/setup.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.. toctree::
Virtual Environment Setup <virt-setup>
Baremetal Environment Setup <baremetal-setup>

doc/source/virt-setup.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Virtual Environment Setup
instack-undercloud can be deployed in a virtual environment using virtual
machines instead of actual baremetal. One baremetal machine is still needed to
act as the host for the virtual machines.
instack-undercloud contains the necessary tooling to create and configure the
Minimum System Requirements
This setup creates 5 virtual machines consisting of 4GB of memory and 40GB of
disk space on each. The virtual machine disk files are thinly provisioned and
will not take up the full 40GB initially.
The minimum system requirements for the virtual host machine are:
* A baremetal machine with virtualization hardware extenstions enabled.
Nested KVM is **not** supported.
* At least (1) quad core CPU
* 12GB free memory
* 120GB disk space [#]_
If you want to increase the scaling of one or more overcloud nodes, you will
need to ensure you have enough memory and disk space.
Preparing the Host Machine
#. Make sure sshd service is installed and running.
#. The user performing all of the installation steps on the virt host needs to
have sudo enabled. You can use an existing user or use the following commands
to create a new user called stack with password-less sudo enabled. Do not run
the rest of the steps in this guide as root.
* Example commands to create a user::
sudo useradd stack
sudo passwd stack # specify a password
echo "stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/stack
sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/stack
#. Make sure you are logged in as the non-root user you intend to use.
#. Add export of LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI to your bashrc file::
echo 'export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI="qemu:///system"' >> ~/.bashrc
#. Download and execute the instack-undercloud setup script::
curl | bash -x
#. Run scripts to install required dependencies::
source /usr/libexec/openstack-tripleo/
tripleo install-dependencies
tripleo set-usergroup-membership
# The previous command has added the user to the libvirtd group, so we need to login to the new group
newgrp libvirtd
#. Download the RHEL 7.1 cloud image or copy it over from a different
curl -O
#. Source rhel7rc to set appropriate environment variables::
source instack-undercloud/rhel7rc
export DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF=/etc/yum.repos.d/rhos-release-6-rhel-7.1.repo
export NODE_DIST=rhel7
#. Run the script to setup your virtual environment::
When the script has completed successfully it will output the IP address of the
instack vm that has now been installed with a base OS.
Running virsh list --all will show you now have one virtual machine called
*instack* and 4 called *baremetal[0-3]*.
You can ssh to the instack vm as the root user::
ssh root@<instack-vm-ip>
The vm contains a ``stack`` user to be used for installing the undercloud. You
can ``su - stack`` to switch to the stack user account.
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#] Note that some default partitioning scheme will most likely not provide
enough space to the partition containing the default path for libvirt image
storage (/var/lib/libvirt/images). The easiest fix is to customize the
partition layout at the time of install to provide at least 200 GB of space for
that path.

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test-requirements.txt Normal file
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tox.ini Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
minversion = 1.6
skipsdist = True
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install {opts} {packages}
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
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commands = python build_sphinx
deps = bashate
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