Accessing the GUI ================= Part of the Undercloud installation is also Tuskar-UI which you can use to drive the deployment. It runs on the instack virtual machine on ``http://localhost/dashboard`` Example of how to access Tuskar-UI: ----------------------------------- Considering that Tuskar-UI runs in a instack VM and virt host is a remote host machine, to access the UI in the browser, follow these steps: #. On host machine create ssh tunnel from instack vm to virt host:: ssh -g -N -L 8080: root@ #. On instack VM edit ``/etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings`` and add virt host ``hostname`` to ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` array #. Restart Apache:: systemctl restart httpd #. Allow port ``8080`` on host machine:: sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT #. Navigate to ``http://:8080/dashboard`` in the browser When logging into the dashboard the default user and password are found in the ``/root/stackrc`` file on the instack virtual machine, ``OS_USERNAME`` and ``OS_PASSWORD``.