.. _delete_nodes: Deleting Overcloud Nodes ======================== You can delete specific nodes from an overcloud with command:: openstack overcloud node delete --stack $STACK --plan $PLAN_UUID This command updates number of nodes in tuskar plan and then updates heat stack with updated numbers and list of resource IDs (which represent nodes) to be deleted. .. note:: Before deleting a compute node please make sure that the node is quiesced, see :ref:`quiesce_compute`. .. note:: A list of nova instance IDs can be listed with command:: nova list Deleting nodes without using Tuskar ----------------------------------- If the overcloud was deployed from heat templates directly then use ``--templates`` parameter when deleting nodes:: openstack overcloud node delete --stack $STACK --templates [templates dir] If you passed any extra environment files when you created the overcloud (for instance, in order to configure :doc:`network isolation <../advanced_deployment/network_isolation>`), you must pass them again here using the ``-e`` or ``--environment-file`` option to avoid making undesired changes to the overcloud.