Building the instack-virt-setup Docker image -------------------------------------------- There is no reason to build the Docker image yourself if you pulled it following the commands above. These steps are here just to document the build process. Building the docker image is a multi-step process. There is a Dockerfile to assist with building the initial image. 1. Run through instack-virt-setup on the build host, start the instack vm, install the undercloud, load the images into glance. shutdown the instack vm. 1. After the instack vm is started, ssh to the vm and create the answers file and deploy-virt-overcloudrc underneath /home/stack. Be sure to populate $MACS in deploy-virt-overcloudrc with the actual values of the baremetal vm nodes as created from instack-virt-setup. 1. Poweroff the instack vm. 1. Run the rest of the commands here as root 1. Clone this git repository, switch to the docker branch, and cd to the docker build directory. git clone cd instack-undercloud git checkout docker cd docker/instack-virt 1. Copy needed files from the build host into the build directory. cp /var/lib/libvirt/images/instack.qcow2 . cp /etc/libvirt/qemu/baremetal_0.xml . cp /etc/libvirt/qemu/baremetal_1.xml . cp /etc/libvirt/qemu/baremetal_2.xml . cp /etc/libvirt/qemu/baremetal_3.xml . cp /etc/libvirt/qemu/instack.xml . cp /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml . cp /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/brbm.xml . cp /home/stack/.ssh/id_rsa_virt_power* . 1. Update the vm xml definitions to remove the selinux relabel command sed -i '/selinux/d' instack.xml baremetal_*.xml 1. View instack.xml and get the mac address of the default network interface. 1. Edit default.xml and add the following line in the `` stanza. Replace the value for mac with the mac address you got in the previous step. 1. Sparsify instack.qcow2 virt-sparsify instack.qcow2 mv instack.qcow2 1. Pull the Fedora base image and then build the docker image docker pull fedora docker build -t instack-virt . 1. Optionally tag and push the image.