#!/bin/bash if [ $EUID -eq 0 ]; then echo "This script cannot be run as root." exit 1 fi set -ex export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI="qemu:///system" if [ ! -d "/usr/share/instack-undercloud" ]; then DEVTEST_VARIABLES=/usr/libexec/openstack-tripleo/devtest_variables.sh export ANSWERSFILE=$(dirname $0)/../instack.answers.sample export ELEMENTS_PATH="$(realpath $(dirname $0)/../elements):/usr/share/tripleo-image-elements:/usr/share/diskimage-builder/elements" else DEVTEST_VARIABLES=/usr/libexec/openstack-tripleo/devtest_variables.sh export ANSWERSFILE=/usr/share/instack-undercloud/instack.answers.sample export ELEMENTS_PATH="/usr/share/instack-undercloud:/usr/share/tripleo-image-elements:/usr/share/diskimage-builder/elements" fi if $(grep -Eqs 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux' /etc/redhat-release); then export NODE_DIST=${NODE_DIST:-rhel7} export REG_METHOD=${REG_METHOD:-disable} export REG_HALT_UNREGISTER=${REG_HALT_UNREGISTER:-1} elif $(grep -Eqs 'CentOS' /etc/redhat-release); then export NODE_DIST=${NODE_DIST:-centos7} elif $(grep -Eqs 'Fedora' /etc/redhat-release); then export NODE_DIST=${NODE_DIST:-fedora} else echo "Could not detect distritubion from /etc/redhat-release!" exit 1 fi source $DEVTEST_VARIABLES tripleo install-dependencies # libvirtd group LIBVIRTD_GROUP='libvirtd' getent group $LIBVIRTD_GROUP || sudo groupadd $LIBVIRTD_GROUP if ! grep LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI ~/.bashrc; then echo 'export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI="qemu:///system"' >> ~/.bashrc; fi if ! id | grep -qw $LIBVIRTD_GROUP; then echo "adding $USER to group $LIBVIRTD_GROUP" sudo usermod -a -G $LIBVIRTD_GROUP $USER fi if [ "$TRIPLEO_OS_FAMILY" = "redhat" ]; then libvirtd_file=/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf if ! sudo grep -q "^unix_sock_group" $libvirtd_file; then sudo sed -i "s/^#unix_sock_group.*/unix_sock_group = \"$LIBVIRTD_GROUP\"/g" $libvirtd_file sudo sed -i 's/^#auth_unix_rw.*/auth_unix_rw = "none"/g' $libvirtd_file sudo sed -i 's/^#unix_sock_rw_perms.*/unix_sock_rw_perms = "0770"/g' $libvirtd_file sudo service libvirtd restart fi fi export UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME=${UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME:-"instack"} # Set REG_MACHINE_NAME to match UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME if it isn't already defined. # This will be the name used to register the system to satllite/portal. If # registration is not in use, this doesn't hurt anything. export REG_MACHINE_NAME=${REG_MACHINE_NAME:-"$UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME"} if sudo virsh list --all --name | grep -q "^$UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME$"; then set +x echo "*** Error ***" echo "Found existing libvirt domain '$UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME'." echo "This script will not work if the domain already exists." echo "Undefine the domain and re-run instack-virt-setup." exit 1 fi # We use $NODE_COUNT here instead of the $NODE_CNT from devtest_variables.sh so # that it can still be overrideable *after* sourcing devtest_variables.sh export NODE_COUNT=${NODE_COUNT:-2} export NODE_CNT=$NODE_COUNT export NODE_ARCH=x86_64 export NODE_MEM=${NODE_MEM:-4096} export NODE_CPU=${NODE_CPU:-1} # Check if virbr0 is already defined, and if it is, check if the libvirt # default net is inactive. If it is inactive, we need to delete the existing # virbr0. # This is a case that shouldn't be encountered, but several people have run # into it, so we have this workaround. if ip link show | grep ' virbr0:'; then default_net=$(sudo virsh net-list --all --persistent | grep default | awk 'BEGIN{OFS=":";} {print $2,$3}') state=${default_net%%:*} autostart=${default_net##*:} if [ "$state" = "inactive" ]; then # We're in a bad state, somehow virbr0 exists but the default net is # not active. # Delete virbr0 sudo ip link set dev virbr0 down sudo brctl delbr virbr0 fi fi export TE_DATAFILE=instackenv.json sudo -H -E tripleo devtest_testenv.sh $TE_DATAFILE sudo mv /root/.ssh/id_rsa_virt_power $HOME/.ssh/ sudo mv /root/.ssh/id_rsa_virt_power.pub $HOME/.ssh/ sudo chown -R $USER: ~/.ssh sudo virsh undefine --remove-all-storage seed # Save number of overcloud VMs to make the following for loop flexible VM_LAST_NUMBER=$((NODE_COUNT-1)) # Attach disks for os-disk-config testing for i in $(seq 0 VM_LAST_NUMBER); do qcow_file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/baremetal_extra_${i}.qcow2 sudo rm -f $qcow_file sudo qemu-img create $qcow_file 10G sudo virsh attach-disk baremetal_$i $qcow_file vda --type disk --persistent done export UNDERCLOUD_OS=${UNDERCLOUD_OS:-"fedora-20"} export UNDERCLOUD_INSTALL=${UNDERCLOUD_INSTALL:-1} if [ "$UNDERCLOUD_INSTALL" = "1" ]; then cp $ANSWERSFILE /tmp/instack.answers disk-image-create \ --image-size 30 \ -a amd64 \ $NODE_DIST instack-vm \ -o $UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME sudo cp $UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME.qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/$UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME.qcow2 else sudo qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/$UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME.qcow2 30G fi export UNDERCLOUD_NODE_ARCH=x86_64 export UNDERCLOUD_NODE_MEM=${UNDERCLOUD_NODE_MEM:-$NODE_MEM} export UNDERCLOUD_NODE_CPU=${UNDERCLOUD_NODE_CPU:-$NODE_CPU} sudo tripleo configure-vm \ --name $UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME \ --image /var/lib/libvirt/images/$UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME.qcow2 \ --seed \ --libvirt-nic-driver virtio \ --arch $UNDERCLOUD_NODE_ARCH \ --memory $((1024 * $UNDERCLOUD_NODE_MEM)) \ --cpus $UNDERCLOUD_NODE_CPU sudo virsh start $UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME timeout_seconds=180 elapsed_seconds=0 while true; do IP=$(cat /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.leases | grep $(tripleo get-vm-mac $UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME) | awk '{print $3;}') if [ -n "$IP" ]; then set +x echo "$UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME vm IP address is $IP" echo "You can connect by running:" echo "ssh root@$IP" echo "And then su to the stack user:" echo "su - stack" break fi sleep 3 (( elapsed_seconds += 3 )) if [ $elapsed_seconds -ge $timeout_seconds ]; then set +x echo "$UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME never got an IP address from the libvirt default network." fi done