Introduce etcd for service coordination

The spec introduces etcd and tooz for the inspector service
coordination, which is a prerequisite for service split.

Group management will be used to calculate which ironic-inspector
conductor service the rpc request will be sent to, distributed
locking support will help to avoid racing under concurrent environment.

Change-Id: If2c228c4d2ebaf93d79c4cbf2cc39146f8f74086
Story: 2001842
Task: 30376
This commit is contained in:
Kaifeng Wang 2019-04-08 16:16:32 +08:00
parent 110ec01268
commit 2951d4866b

specs/etcd-coordination.rst Normal file
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Incorporate ETCD as service coordination
This spec is part of the ironic-inspector HA work. To further split the
inspector service, this spec proposes to introduce etcd as the base service
for the coordination between ironic-inspector API and conductor services.
Problem description
Based on the previous work, the single process ironic-inspector is logically
splitted into two services both running under ``oslo.service``, namely
``ironic_inspector`` and ``ironic-inspector-conductor``.
Currently the functional test uses fake messaging driver which only works
within a single process, To split two services into two processes, we need to
address it before we can split two services into respective executables.
we can either add rabbitmq support for functional test environment or
introduce another messaging mechanism like ``json-rpc``. Since etcd is already
an OpenStack base service, the community has a preference on the later one.
Even when services are splitted, we are facing the challenge of service
coordination, for multiple inspector conductor services, we need a way to
prevent racing of concurrent operation on the same node, or choosing which
inspector conductor should the request be delivered to.
Proposed change
As etcd is already a base service for the OpenStack platform, the spec
proposes to add ``python-etcd3`` and ``tooz`` as project requirements for the
service coordination. ``tooz`` provides several feature encapsulations like
group management, locking, etc. Group management is only implemented for ETCD
API v3, thus ``python-etcd3`` is required.
All proposed work is implemented via ``tooz`` interfaces. Each service will
create a coordinator and keep heartbeating, the example workflow for
ironic-inspector API service is listed below:
#. Create a coordinator with hostname
#. Create a predefined group, bypass if the group already exists. By default,
the group name is ``ironic-inspector-service-group``.
#. Upon each API request, the API service will query members from the group,
randomly pick one conductor and deliver the request to it through rpc
The example workflow for ironic-inspector conductor service is listed below:
#. Create a coordinator with hostname
#. Join the predefined group as a member, the group name is
``ironic-inspector-service-group`` by default. If the group does not exist,
it will be created.
#. Leave group when service is shutdown.
The spec will add two console scripts to support executing API and conductor
services separately, namely ``ironic-inspector-api`` and
To keep backwards compatibility, ``ironic-inspector`` continues to serve the
single process mode, and sticks to use the fake messaging driver. It will be
removed when gets obsolete.
Adds a configuration option ``[DEFAULT]rpc_transport`` to specify the rpc
backend, values can be ``fake`` (the default) or ``oslo``. This option will be
used to determine current execution mode for three console scripts mentioned
above. ``ironic-inspector`` only runs when the rpc transport is ``fake``, while
``ironic-inspector-api`` and ``ironic-inspector-conductor`` only run when it's
not ``fake``. We expect to add ``json-rpc`` in the future.
There is no distributed locking support for ironic-inspector, this spec will
introduce an abstract lock layer, and implement locking support based on tooz.
After the spec is implemented, there will be two kind of locks: internal and
etcd. The using of different locking types is decided internally and not
exposed to end users at the moment. ironic-inspector running as a single
process will adopt semaphore based internal locking, otherwise etcd locking
will be used.
Though it's totally workable to utilize database as the the coordination
source just like ironic, it would be much lighter if implemented with tooz.
tooz also supports multiple backends, which brings more possibilities in
Data model impact
HTTP API impact
Client (CLI) impact
Ironic python agent impact
Ironic impact
Performance and scalability impact
There should be no obvious performance and scalability impact before services
are actually splitted.
Security impact
Deployer impact
A new configuration section ``etcd`` with options below will be added to
support etcd operation:
* ``host`` and ``port``: specify the etcd service endpoint.
* ``ca_cert``, ``cert_key`` and ``cert_cert``: specify SSL related
* ``timeout``: connection timeout per request.
* ``user`` and ``password``: the username and password if etcd authentication
is required.
* ``group_path``: the name of service group used to coordinate inspector
services, it can be a key path, a key prefix or both. By default, the value
will be ``/openstack/ironic-inspector/service-group``.
* ``lock_prefix``: a string prefix for a lock name, for example, locking a node
``fake-node-uuid`` with prefix ``ironic-inspector`` will have a lock name of
``ironic-inspector.fake-node-uuid`` passed to tooz.
The configuration option ``[DEFAULT]rpc_transport`` defaults to ``fake`` which
has no impact on the single process ``ironic-inspector``.
New options introduced in this spec only needs to be configured when ironic
inspector service is running distributedly.
Developer impact
Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility
After this spec is implemented, etcd v3 will be a mandatory requirement for
inspector service working properly.
Primary assignee:
kaifeng -
Other contributors:
Work Items
Implement proposed work.
``python-etcd3`` and ``tooz`` are required library support.
There should be a etcd v3 service running in the same cloud.
Will be covered by unittest and bifrost.