Switch to IPA as a primary ramdisk
* Stop requiring memory_mb, local_gb, cpu, cpu_arch, ipmi_address, interfaces; take them from inventory instead * Issue a warning when inventory is not supplied * Raise an error when root device hints are requested but inventory is not supplied * Logging improvement around network interfaces handling Closes-Bug: #1528831 Change-Id: Iaa1c34092463ff216379e30bcef55235517f6c92
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ components. There is a plugin for installing **ironic-inspector** on DevStack.
Example local.conf
Using simple ramdisk
Using IPA
@ -90,6 +90,60 @@ Using simple ramdisk
disable_service heat h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw h-eng
disable_service cinder c-sch c-api c-vol
enable_plugin ironic https://github.com/openstack/ironic
enable_plugin ironic-inspector https://github.com/openstack/ironic-inspector
* Set IRONIC_INSPECTOR_BUILD_RAMDISK to True if you want to build ramdisk.
Default value is False and ramdisk will be downloaded instead of building.
* 1024 MiB of RAM is a minimum required for the default build of IPA based on
CoreOS. If you plan to use another operating system and build IPA with
diskimage-builder 2048 MiB is recommended.
* Network configuration is pretty sensitive, better not to touch it
without deep understanding.
* This configuration disables Heat and Cinder, adjust it if you need these
Using simple ramdisk
.. note::
This ramdisk is deprecated and should not be used.
enable_service ironic ir-api ir-cond
disable_service n-net n-novnc
enable_service neutron q-svc q-agt q-dhcp q-l3 q-meta
enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account
disable_service heat h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw h-eng
disable_service cinder c-sch c-api c-vol
enable_plugin ironic https://github.com/openstack/ironic
enable_plugin ironic-inspector https://github.com/openstack/ironic-inspector
@ -115,58 +169,10 @@ Notes
* You need at least 1G of RAM for VMs, default value of 512 MB won't work
* Network configuration is pretty sensitive, better not to touch it
without deep understanding
* This configuration disables Heat and Cinder, adjust it if you need these
* Before restarting stack.sh::
rm -rf /opt/stack/ironic-inspector
Using IPA
enable_service ironic ir-api ir-cond
disable_service n-net n-novnc
enable_service neutron q-svc q-agt q-dhcp q-l3 q-meta
enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account
disable_service heat h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw h-eng
disable_service cinder c-sch c-api c-vol
enable_plugin ironic-inspector https://github.com/openstack/ironic-inspector
* Set IRONIC_INSPECTOR_BUILD_RAMDISK to True if you want to build ramdisk.
Default value is False and ramdisk will be download instead of building.
* 1024 MiB of RAM is a minimum required for the default build of IPA based on
CoreOS. If you plan to use another operating system and build IPA with
diskimage-builder 2048 MiB is recommended.
@ -139,40 +139,56 @@ Ramdisk Callback
discovered data. Should not be used for anything other than implementing
the ramdisk. Request body: JSON dictionary with at least these keys:
* ``cpus`` number of CPU
* ``cpu_arch`` architecture of the CPU
* ``memory_mb`` RAM in MiB
* ``local_gb`` hard drive size in GiB
* ``interfaces`` dictionary filled with data from all NIC's, keys being
interface names, values being dictionaries with keys:
* ``inventory`` full hardware inventory from the ironic-python-agent with at
least the following keys:
* ``mac`` MAC address
* ``ip`` IP address
* ``memory`` memory information containing at least key ``physical_mb`` -
physical memory size as reported by dmidecode,
* ``ipmi_address`` IP address of BMC, may be missing on VM
* ``boot_interface`` optional MAC address of the NIC that the machine
PXE booted from either in standard format ``11:22:33:44:55:66`` or
in *PXELinux* ``BOOTIF`` format ``01-11-22-33-44-55-66``.
* ``cpu`` CPU infromation containing at least keys ``count`` (CPU count) and
``architecture`` (CPU architecture, e.g. ``x86_64``),
Optionally the following keys might be provided:
* ``bmc_address`` IP address of the node's BMC,
* ``inventory`` full hardware inventory from the ironic-python-agent (will be
required in the future). Required for root device hints support.
* ``interfaces`` list of dictionaries with the following keys:
* ``name`` interface name,
* ``ipv4_address`` IPv4 address of the interface,
* ``mac_address`` MAC (physical) address of the interface.
* ``root_disk`` default deployment root disk as calculated by the
ironic-python-agent algorithm. Will be required in the future.
ironic-python-agent algorithm.
* ``boot_interface`` MAC address of the NIC that the machine PXE booted from
either in standard format ``11:22:33:44:55:66`` or in *PXELinux* ``BOOTIF``
format ``01-11-22-33-44-55-66``. Strictly speaking, this key is optional,
but some features will now work as expected, if it is not provided.
Optionally the following keys might be provided:
* ``error`` error happened during ramdisk run, interpreted by
``ramdisk_error`` plugin.
* ``logs`` base64-encoded logs from the ramdisk.
The following keys are supported for backward compatibility with the old
bash-based ramdisk, when ``inventory`` is not provided:
* ``cpus`` number of CPU
* ``cpu_arch`` architecture of the CPU
* ``memory_mb`` RAM in MiB
* ``local_gb`` hard drive size in GiB
* ``ipmi_address`` IP address of BMC, may be missing on VM
* ``block_devices`` block devices information for the ``raid_device`` plugin,
dictionary with one key: ``serials`` list of serial numbers of block devices.
This is deprecated and only supported for backward compatibility. Full
``inventory`` should be provided instead.
.. note::
This list highly depends on enabled plugins, provided above are
expected keys for the default set of plugins. See :ref:`plugins`
@ -142,9 +142,74 @@ Here is *inspector.conf* you may end up with::
.. note::
Set ``debug = true`` if you want to see complete logs.
Using IPA
ironic-python-agent_ is a ramdisk developed for Ironic. During the Liberty
cycle support for **ironic-inspector** was added. This is the default ramdisk
starting with the Mitaka release.
.. note::
You need at least 1.5 GiB of RAM on the machines to use this ramdisk,
2 GiB is recommended.
To build an ironic-python-agent ramdisk, do the following:
* Get the new enough version of diskimage-builder_::
sudo pip install -U "diskimage-builder>=1.1.2"
* Build the ramdisk::
disk-image-create ironic-agent fedora -o ironic-agent
.. note::
Replace "fedora" with your distribution of choice.
* Copy resulting files ``ironic-agent.vmlinuz`` and ``ironic-agent.initramfs``
to the TFTP root directory.
Alternatively, you can download a `prebuilt IPA image
<http://tarballs.openstack.org/ironic-python-agent/coreos/files/>`_ or use
the `CoreOS-based IPA builder
Next, set up ``$TFTPROOT/pxelinux.cfg/default`` as follows::
default introspect
label introspect
kernel ironic-agent.vmlinuz
append initrd=ironic-agent.initramfs ipa-inspection-callback-url=http://{IP}:5050/v1/continue systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes
ipappend 3
Replace ``{IP}`` with IP of the machine (do not use loopback interface, it
will be accessed by ramdisk on a booting machine).
.. note::
While ``systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes`` is not actually
required, it will substantially simplify debugging if something goes wrong.
This ramdisk is pluggable: you can insert introspection plugins called
*collectors* into it. For example, to enable a very handy ``logs`` collector
(sending ramdisk logs to **ironic-inspector**), modify the ``append`` line in
append initrd=ironic-agent.initramfs ipa-inspection-callback-url=http://{IP}:5050/v1/continue ipa-inspection-collectors=default,logs systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes
.. note::
You probably want to always keep ``default`` collector, as it provides the
basic information required for introspection.
.. _diskimage-builder: https://github.com/openstack/diskimage-builder
.. _ironic-python-agent: https://github.com/openstack/ironic-python-agent
Using simple ramdisk
This ramdisk is deprecated, its use is not recommended.
* Build and put into your TFTP the kernel and ramdisk created using the
diskimage-builder_ `ironic-discoverd-ramdisk element`_::
@ -166,57 +231,7 @@ Using simple ramdisk
Replace ``{IP}`` with IP of the machine (do not use loopback interface, it
will be accessed by ramdisk on a booting machine).
.. note::
There are some prebuilt images which use obsolete ``ironic_callback_url``
instead of ``discoverd_callback_url``. Modify ``pxelinux.cfg/default``
accordingly if you have one of these.
Using IPA
ironic-python-agent_ is a new ramdisk developed for Ironic. During the Liberty
cycle support for **ironic-inspector** was added. This is experimental
for now, but we plan on making IPA the default ramdisk in Mitaka cycle.
.. note::
You need at least 1.5 GiB of RAM on the machines to use this ramdisk.
To build an ironic-python-agent ramdisk, do the following:
* Get the latest diskimage-builder_::
sudo pip install -U "diskimage-builder>=1.1.2"
* Build the ramdisk::
disk-image-create ironic-agent fedora -o ironic-agent
.. note::
Replace "fedora" with your distribution of choice.
* Copy resulting files ``ironic-agent.vmlinuz`` and ``ironic-agent.initramfs``
to the TFTP root directory.
Next, set up ``$TFTPROOT/pxelinux.cfg/default`` as follows::
default introspect
label introspect
kernel ironic-agent.vmlinuz
append initrd=ironic-agent.initramfs ipa-inspection-callback-url=http://{IP}:5050/v1/continue systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes
ipappend 3
Replace ``{IP}`` with IP of the machine (do not use loopback interface, it
will be accessed by ramdisk on a booting machine).
.. note::
While ``systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes`` is not actually
required, it will substantially simplify debugging if something goes wrong.
.. _diskimage-builder: https://github.com/openstack/diskimage-builder
.. _ironic-discoverd-ramdisk element: https://github.com/openstack/diskimage-builder/tree/master/elements/ironic-discoverd-ramdisk
.. _ironic-python-agent: https://github.com/openstack/ironic-python-agent
Managing the **ironic-inspector** database
@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ import datetime
import os
import sys
import netaddr
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import units
import six
from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _, _LC, _LI, _LW
from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _, _LC, _LE, _LI, _LW
from ironic_inspector import conf
from ironic_inspector.plugins import base
from ironic_inspector import utils
@ -30,8 +32,6 @@ CONF = cfg.CONF
LOG = utils.getProcessingLogger('ironic_inspector.plugins.standard')
KNOWN_ROOT_DEVICE_HINTS = ('model', 'vendor', 'serial', 'wwn', 'hctl',
class RootDiskSelectionHook(base.ProcessingHook):
@ -52,11 +52,10 @@ class RootDiskSelectionHook(base.ProcessingHook):
inventory = introspection_data.get('inventory')
if not inventory:
LOG.error(_LW('Root device selection require ironic-python-agent '
raise utils.Error(
_('Root device selection requires ironic-python-agent '
'as an inspection ramdisk'),
node_info=node_info, data=introspection_data)
# TODO(dtantsur): make it a real error in Mitaka cycle
disks = inventory.get('disks', [])
if not disks:
@ -96,17 +95,53 @@ class SchedulerHook(base.ProcessingHook):
def before_update(self, introspection_data, node_info, **kwargs):
"""Update node with scheduler properties."""
inventory = introspection_data.get('inventory')
errors = []
root_disk = introspection_data.get('root_disk')
if root_disk:
introspection_data['local_gb'] = root_disk['size'] // units.Gi
if CONF.processing.disk_partitioning_spacing:
introspection_data['local_gb'] -= 1
elif inventory:
errors.append(_('root disk is not supplied by the ramdisk and '
'root_disk_selection hook is not enabled'))
missing = [key for key in self.KEYS if not introspection_data.get(key)]
if inventory:
introspection_data['cpus'] = int(inventory['cpu']['count'])
introspection_data['cpu_arch'] = six.text_type(
except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError):
errors.append(_('malformed or missing CPU information: %s') %
introspection_data['memory_mb'] = int(
except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError):
errors.append(_('malformed or missing memory information: %s; '
'introspection requires physical memory size '
'from dmidecode') %
LOG.warning(_LW('No inventory provided: using old bash ramdisk '
'is deprecated, please switch to '
node_info=node_info, data=introspection_data)
missing = [key for key in self.KEYS
if not introspection_data.get(key)]
if missing:
raise utils.Error(
_('The following required parameters are missing: %s') %
missing, node_info=node_info, data=introspection_data)
node_info=node_info, data=introspection_data)
if errors:
raise utils.Error(_('The following problems encountered: %s') %
'; '.join(errors),
node_info=node_info, data=introspection_data)
LOG.info(_LI('Discovered data: CPUs: %(cpus)s %(cpu_arch)s, '
'memory %(memory_mb)s MiB, disk %(local_gb)s GiB'),
@ -138,53 +173,118 @@ class ValidateInterfacesHook(base.ProcessingHook):
'actual': CONF.processing.keep_ports})
def _get_interfaces(self, inventory, data=None):
"""Convert inventory to a dict with interfaces.
:return: dict interface name -> dict with keys 'mac' and 'ip'
result = {}
for iface in inventory.get('interfaces', ()):
name = iface.get('name')
mac = iface.get('mac_address')
ip = iface.get('ipv4_address')
if not name:
LOG.error(_LE('Malformed interface record: %s'),
iface, data=data)
LOG.debug('Found interface %(name)s with MAC "%(mac)s" and '
'IP address "%(ip)s"',
{'name': name, 'mac': mac, 'ip': ip}, data=data)
result[name] = {'ip': ip, 'mac': mac}
return result
def _validate_interfaces(self, interfaces, pxe_mac, data=None):
"""Validate interfaces on correctness and suitability.
:return: dict interface name -> dict with keys 'mac' and 'ip'
if not interfaces:
raise utils.Error(_('No interfaces supplied by the ramdisk'),
result = {}
for name, iface in interfaces.items():
mac = iface.get('mac')
ip = iface.get('ip')
if not mac:
LOG.debug('Skipping interface %s without link information',
name, data=data)
if not utils.is_valid_mac(mac):
LOG.warning(_LW('MAC %(mac)s for interface %(name)s is not '
'valid, skipping'),
{'mac': mac, 'name': name},
mac = mac.lower()
if name == 'lo' or (ip and netaddr.IPAddress(ip).is_loopback()):
LOG.debug('Skipping local interface %s', name, data=data)
if (CONF.processing.add_ports == 'pxe' and pxe_mac
and mac != pxe_mac):
LOG.debug('Skipping interface %s as it was not PXE booting',
name, data=data)
elif CONF.processing.add_ports != 'all' and not ip:
LOG.debug('Skipping interface %s as it did not have '
'an IP address assigned during the ramdisk run',
name, data=data)
result[name] = {'ip': ip, 'mac': mac.lower()}
return result
def before_processing(self, introspection_data, **kwargs):
"""Validate information about network interfaces."""
if not introspection_data.get('interfaces'):
raise utils.Error(_('No interfaces supplied by the ramdisk'),
inventory = introspection_data.get('inventory', {})
valid_interfaces = {
n: iface for n, iface in introspection_data['interfaces'].items()
if utils.is_valid_mac(iface.get('mac'))
bmc_address = utils.get_ipmi_address_from_data(introspection_data)
if bmc_address:
introspection_data['ipmi_address'] = bmc_address
LOG.debug('No BMC address provided in introspection data, '
'assuming virtual environment', data=introspection_data)
if inventory:
all_interfaces = self._get_interfaces(inventory,
LOG.warning(_LW('No inventory provided: using old bash ramdisk '
'is deprecated, please switch to '
all_interfaces = introspection_data.get('interfaces')
pxe_mac = utils.get_pxe_mac(introspection_data)
if CONF.processing.add_ports == 'pxe' and not pxe_mac:
if not pxe_mac and CONF.processing.add_ports == 'pxe':
LOG.warning(_LW('No boot interface provided in the introspection '
'data, will add all ports with IP addresses'),
'data, will add all ports with IP addresses'))
interfaces = self._validate_interfaces(all_interfaces, pxe_mac,
if not interfaces:
raise utils.Error(_('No suitable interfaces found in %s') %
all_interfaces, data=introspection_data)
LOG.info(_LI('Using network interface(s): %s'),
', '.join('%s %s' % (name, items)
for (name, items) in interfaces.items()),
if CONF.processing.add_ports == 'pxe' and pxe_mac:
valid_interfaces = {
n: iface for n, iface in valid_interfaces.items()
if iface['mac'].lower() == pxe_mac
elif CONF.processing.add_ports != 'all':
valid_interfaces = {
n: iface for n, iface in valid_interfaces.items()
if iface.get('ip')
if not valid_interfaces:
raise utils.Error(_('No valid interfaces found in %s') %
elif valid_interfaces != introspection_data['interfaces']:
invalid = {n: iface
for n, iface in introspection_data['interfaces'].items()
if n not in valid_interfaces}
'The following interfaces were invalid or not eligible in '
'introspection data and were excluded: %s'), invalid,
LOG.info(_LI('Eligible interfaces are %s'), valid_interfaces,
introspection_data['all_interfaces'] = introspection_data['interfaces']
introspection_data['interfaces'] = valid_interfaces
valid_macs = [iface['mac'] for iface in valid_interfaces.values()]
introspection_data['all_interfaces'] = all_interfaces
introspection_data['interfaces'] = interfaces
valid_macs = [iface['mac'] for iface in interfaces.values()]
introspection_data['macs'] = valid_macs
def before_update(self, introspection_data, node_info, **kwargs):
@ -69,24 +69,29 @@ class Base(base.NodeTest):
# https://github.com/openstack/ironic-inspector/blob/master/HTTP-API.rst # noqa
self.data = {
'cpus': 4,
'cpu_arch': 'x86_64',
'memory_mb': 12288,
'local_gb': 464,
'interfaces': {
'eth1': {'mac': self.macs[0], 'ip': ''},
'eth2': {'mac': '12:12:21:12:21:12'},
'eth3': {'mac': self.macs[1], 'ip': ''},
'boot_interface': '01-' + self.macs[0].replace(':', '-'),
'ipmi_address': self.bmc_address,
'inventory': {
'interfaces': [
{'name': 'eth1', 'mac_address': self.macs[0],
'ipv4_address': ''},
{'name': 'eth2', 'mac_address': '12:12:21:12:21:12'},
{'name': 'eth3', 'mac_address': self.macs[1],
'ipv4_address': ''},
'disks': [
{'name': '/dev/sda', 'model': 'Big Data Disk',
'size': 1000 * units.Gi},
{'name': '/dev/sdb', 'model': 'Small OS Disk',
'size': 20 * units.Gi},
'cpu': {
'count': 4,
'architecture': 'x86_64'
'memory': {
'physical_mb': 12288
'bmc_address': self.bmc_address
'root_disk': {'name': '/dev/sda', 'model': 'Big Data Disk',
'size': 1000 * units.Gi},
@ -35,13 +35,21 @@ class TestSchedulerHook(test_base.NodeTest):
super(TestSchedulerHook, self).setUp()
self.hook = std_plugins.SchedulerHook()
self.data = {
'inventory': {
'cpu': {'count': 2, 'architecture': 'x86_64'},
'memory': {'physical_mb': 1024},
'root_disk': {
'name': '/dev/sda',
'size': 21 * units.Gi
self.old_data = {
'local_gb': 20,
'memory_mb': 1024,
'cpus': 2,
'cpu_arch': 'x86_64'
self.node_patches = []
self.ports_patches = {}
self.node_info = node_cache.NodeInfo(uuid=self.uuid, started_at=0,
@ -50,14 +58,19 @@ class TestSchedulerHook(test_base.NodeTest):
ext = base.processing_hooks_manager()['scheduler']
self.assertIsInstance(ext.obj, std_plugins.SchedulerHook)
def test_missing(self):
for key in self.data:
new_data = self.data.copy()
def test_compat_missing(self):
for key in self.old_data:
new_data = self.old_data.copy()
del new_data[key]
self.assertRaisesRegexp(utils.Error, key,
self.hook.before_update, new_data,
def test_no_root_disk(self):
self.assertRaisesRegexp(utils.Error, 'root disk is not supplied',
{'inventory': {'disks': []}}, self.node_info)
@mock.patch.object(node_cache.NodeInfo, 'patch')
def test_ok(self, mock_patch):
patch = [
@ -70,6 +83,18 @@ class TestSchedulerHook(test_base.NodeTest):
self.hook.before_update(self.data, self.node_info)
self.assertCalledWithPatch(patch, mock_patch)
@mock.patch.object(node_cache.NodeInfo, 'patch')
def test_compat_ok(self, mock_patch):
patch = [
{'path': '/properties/cpus', 'value': '2', 'op': 'add'},
{'path': '/properties/cpu_arch', 'value': 'x86_64', 'op': 'add'},
{'path': '/properties/memory_mb', 'value': '1024', 'op': 'add'},
{'path': '/properties/local_gb', 'value': '20', 'op': 'add'}
self.hook.before_update(self.old_data, self.node_info)
self.assertCalledWithPatch(patch, mock_patch)
@mock.patch.object(node_cache.NodeInfo, 'patch')
def test_no_overwrite(self, mock_patch):
CONF.set_override('overwrite_existing', False, 'processing')
@ -86,8 +111,9 @@ class TestSchedulerHook(test_base.NodeTest):
self.assertCalledWithPatch(patch, mock_patch)
@mock.patch.object(node_cache.NodeInfo, 'patch')
def test_root_disk(self, mock_patch):
self.data['root_disk'] = {'name': '/dev/sda', 'size': 42 * units.Gi}
def test_compat_root_disk(self, mock_patch):
self.old_data['root_disk'] = {'name': '/dev/sda',
'size': 42 * units.Gi}
patch = [
{'path': '/properties/cpus', 'value': '2', 'op': 'add'},
{'path': '/properties/cpu_arch', 'value': 'x86_64', 'op': 'add'},
@ -95,7 +121,7 @@ class TestSchedulerHook(test_base.NodeTest):
{'path': '/properties/local_gb', 'value': '41', 'op': 'add'}
self.hook.before_update(self.data, self.node_info)
self.hook.before_update(self.old_data, self.node_info)
self.assertCalledWithPatch(patch, mock_patch)
@mock.patch.object(node_cache.NodeInfo, 'patch')
@ -118,6 +144,19 @@ class TestValidateInterfacesHook(test_base.NodeTest):
super(TestValidateInterfacesHook, self).setUp()
self.hook = std_plugins.ValidateInterfacesHook()
self.data = {
'inventory': {
'interfaces': [
{'name': 'em1', 'mac_address': '11:11:11:11:11:11',
'ipv4_address': ''},
{'name': 'em2', 'mac_address': '22:22:22:22:22:22',
'ipv4_address': ''},
{'name': 'em3', 'mac_address': '33:33:33:33:33:33',
'ipv4_address': None},
'boot_interface': '01-22-22-22-22-22-22'
self.old_data = {
'interfaces': {
'em1': {'mac': '11:11:11:11:11:11', 'ip': ''},
'em2': {'mac': '22:22:22:22:22:22', 'ip': ''},
@ -125,8 +164,9 @@ class TestValidateInterfacesHook(test_base.NodeTest):
'boot_interface': '01-22-22-22-22-22-22',
self.orig_interfaces = self.data['interfaces'].copy()
self.pxe_interface = self.data['interfaces']['em2']
self.orig_interfaces = self.old_data['interfaces'].copy()
self.orig_interfaces['em3']['ip'] = None
self.pxe_interface = self.old_data['interfaces']['em2']
self.active_interfaces = {
'em1': {'mac': '11:11:11:11:11:11', 'ip': ''},
'em2': {'mac': '22:22:22:22:22:22', 'ip': ''},
@ -157,6 +197,12 @@ class TestValidateInterfacesHook(test_base.NodeTest):
def test_no_interfaces(self):
self.assertRaisesRegexp(utils.Error, 'No interfaces',
self.hook.before_processing, {})
self.assertRaisesRegexp(utils.Error, 'No interfaces',
self.hook.before_processing, {'inventory': {}})
self.assertRaisesRegexp(utils.Error, 'No interfaces',
self.hook.before_processing, {'inventory': {
'interfaces': []
def test_only_pxe(self):
@ -175,7 +221,7 @@ class TestValidateInterfacesHook(test_base.NodeTest):
def test_only_pxe_not_found(self):
self.data['boot_interface'] = 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff'
self.assertRaisesRegexp(utils.Error, 'No valid interfaces',
self.assertRaisesRegexp(utils.Error, 'No suitable interfaces',
self.hook.before_processing, self.data)
def test_only_pxe_no_boot_interface(self):
@ -208,6 +254,43 @@ class TestValidateInterfacesHook(test_base.NodeTest):
self.assertEqual(self.orig_interfaces, self.data['all_interfaces'])
def test_malformed_interfaces(self):
self.data = {
'inventory': {
'interfaces': [
# no name
{'mac_address': '11:11:11:11:11:11',
'ipv4_address': ''},
# empty
self.assertRaisesRegexp(utils.Error, 'No interfaces supplied',
self.hook.before_processing, self.data)
def test_skipped_interfaces(self):
CONF.set_override('add_ports', 'all', 'processing')
self.data = {
'inventory': {
'interfaces': [
# local interface (by name)
{'name': 'lo', 'mac_address': '11:11:11:11:11:11',
'ipv4_address': ''},
# local interface (by IP address)
{'name': 'em1', 'mac_address': '22:22:22:22:22:22',
'ipv4_address': ''},
# no MAC provided
{'name': 'em3', 'ipv4_address': ''},
# malformed MAC provided
{'name': 'em4', 'mac_address': 'foobar',
'ipv4_address': ''},
self.assertRaisesRegexp(utils.Error, 'No suitable interfaces found',
self.hook.before_processing, self.data)
@mock.patch.object(node_cache.NodeInfo, 'delete_port', autospec=True)
def test_keep_all(self, mock_delete_port):
self.hook.before_update(self.data, self.node_info)
@ -262,16 +345,17 @@ class TestRootDiskSelection(test_base.NodeTest):
self.assertNotIn('local_gb', self.data)
self.assertNotIn('root_disk', self.data)
@mock.patch.object(std_plugins.LOG, 'error')
def test_no_inventory(self, mock_log):
def test_no_inventory(self):
self.node.properties['root_device'] = {'model': 'foo'}
del self.data['inventory']
self.hook.before_update(self.data, self.node_info, None, None)
'requires ironic-python-agent',
self.data, self.node_info, None, None)
self.assertNotIn('local_gb', self.data)
self.assertNotIn('root_disk', self.data)
def test_no_disks(self):
self.node.properties['root_device'] = {'size': 10}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
prelude: >
Starting with this release, ironic-python-agent becomes the default
introspection ramdisk, with the old bash-based ramdisk being deprecated.
- Inspector no longer requires old-style "local_gb", "memory_mb", "cpus"
and "cpu_arch" fields from the introspection ramdisk. They are still
supported, though, for compatibility with the old ramdisk.
- The root_disk_selection processing hook will now error out if root device
hints are specified on ironic node, but ironic-python-agent is not used
as an introspection ramdisk.
- Using old bash-based ramdisk is deprecated, please switch to
ironic-python-agent as soon as possible.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user