Install pymemcache explicitly

The pymemcache package is needed by ironic-inspector-api process
when running in non-standalone mode.
Since devstack doesn't install test-requirements anymore, we need
to force installation in the devstack plugin before the inspector
processes start.

Change-Id: Iff0de5eb99db4a3dcb0d5ff09b908484f9532492
This commit is contained in:
Riccardo Pittau 2020-03-31 14:29:53 +02:00
parent 4eefb42550
commit c28a4d0285

View File

@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ function install_inspector {
if [[ "$IRONIC_INSPECTOR_STANDALONE" == "False" ]]; then
# NOTE(rpittau) since devstack doesn't install test-requirements
# anymore we need to install dependencies for drivers before
# starting inspector services
pip_install_gr pymemcache